“爱泼斯坦的影子:Ghislaine Maxwell”旨在成为“这个女人是谁的权威纪录片”
‘Epstein’s Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell’ Aims to Be the ‘Definitive Documentary on Who This Woman Is’
随着英国社交名流Ghislaine Maxwell目前正在等待2021年11月的审判,面临着从诱惑未成年人到有关儿童的性贩运的指控,“爱泼斯坦的影子:Ghislaine Maxwell”背后的制片人感觉到该纪录片的时机不可能更多。完美。这是因为他们没有着手捕捉她的法律斗争的确定故事,而是“成为这个女人是谁的确定纪录片”,执行制片人艾玛·库珀(Emma Cooper)在《系列纪录片》的《系列纪录》小组中解释说。 。逮捕。两者在彼此的轨道上数十年(尽管完全取决于您问的人多长时间),并且有时是浪漫的(再次取决于谁你问)。可以说没有这种关联,麦克斯韦可能没有成为头条新闻的最前沿。然而,执行制片人兼导演芭芭拉·希勒(Barbara Shearer)说,由于她的父亲,出版社的罗伯特·麦克斯韦(Robert Maxwell)的方式,行政制片人兼导演芭芭拉·希勒(Barbara Shearer)在生活中学到了“一个专制,有力,富有的人”。对观众来说,让观众了解为什么她选择杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)与他在一起近20年,”她解释说。“我们现在在这部纪录片系列中所做的事情是人们理解这个女人背后这个女人的好基础库珀补充说,他们将开始越来越多地看到越来越多的头条新闻。取而代之的是,他们依靠更多的“在她不同面孔中最了解她的人”,包括童年朋友和作家安娜·帕斯特纳克(Anna Pasternak),包括以及系列执行制片人兼新闻记者妮娜·伯利(Nina Burleigh),他撰写了有关爱泼斯坦和麦克斯韦的文章,供PMC伞下的综艺姐妹出版物滚石乐队。 。伯利说:“这是一种相当的经历。 “但是,我们认为,通过从她的童年到当天到当天的所有采访,她在纽约的时间,我们将能够真正围绕她的身份。”他的纪录片非正式地始于2016年,当时Shearer正在研究爱泼斯坦,并意识到麦克斯韦是一个有趣的角色。 “一个与他们两个在棕榈滩社交的女人来找我一个故事。我不认识他,也不是主流媒体。埃德(Ed.)当时她把这个项目推销了两个主要问题:第一个是她投球的人不知道这个家伙是谁,第二个是“一个杂乱无章的话题,有点令人反感”。一个网络家伙是,“芭芭拉,如果这是谋杀案,我会更好地绿灯,”他们的轨道,以及在爱泼斯坦和麦克斯韦都已经闪耀的更大的聚光灯,她于2020年1月将该项目带到了Blue Ant Media的Harkness和Laura Michalchyshyn,只是以调整后的角度。比那个家伙更有趣,因为他只是一个怪异的人 - 他几乎是陈词滥调 - 是这个女人。她很复杂。她的背景令人着迷。 …我仍然相信她是一个更复杂的角色,从纪录片的角度来看,更值得调查。” Shearer说。需要为“爱泼斯坦的影子”来完成Earch,尤其是在2000页的法庭文件中有关诽谤诉讼的诽谤诉讼,该诉讼于2019年8月落入公众视野中。伯利说。 “如果您仔细阅读它们,您将能够理解为什么Ghislaine Maxwell和她的律师不会希望这种材料公开,因为它充满了真正非常严重的证词和指控。”“爱泼斯坦的影子”由于1920年9月开始生产,该团队由于19日的流行而遥不可及。 (他们仅在几周前才第一次亲自见面。)当他们开始从事这件作品时,麦克斯韦的审判是在2020年春季进行的。但是,在5月,一位联邦法官推迟了它。在审判中,” Shearer说。 “这不会影响我们的故事。唯一在更具戏剧性的Fashio中影响了我们故事的唯一一件事n是[如果]如果她得到保释。”“如果她得到保释,”她继续说道,“我们必须真正考虑,'我们如何回去,打开第3集并在在那里谈论保释吗?'因为否则我们的节目将立即看起来过时。 Harkness说,该团队还必须“必须对出现的任何新信息都有真正的反应,因此,一旦在Twitter上掉落的物品,就会有一个大型的团队连锁店。”当然,它也具有许多敏感性。关键是要坚持讲述她的故事的事实。但是,“即使我们都遵守了代码,我认为与这样的女人,我们是女人,您会提出问题,您带来了同理心和好奇心,然后稍微指导您的眼睛可能会落在哪里,库珀说。“爱泼斯坦的影子”团队被妥协了60-70%哈克尼斯说,在镜头后面的女人说,这既是故意的又重要的,” Shearer说,他们的观点变得不可或缺三个小时的结束“因为没有受害者就不会犯罪。“最终的声音是给玛丽亚·法默(Maria Farmer)的,玛丽亚·法默(Maria Farmer)是第2和第3集中的主要固定装置,因为她太强大了,”她继续说道。“因此,我们确实对我们确实知道所有这些故事的幸存者的受害者表示赞赏。……这是一个故事的野兽,我认为更多的要出来。他们“都将在11月观看[IT]。”“爱泼斯坦的影子:Ghislaine Maxwell”现在在孔雀上播放。
With British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell currently awaiting a November 2021 trial, facing charges that range from enticement of minors to sex trafficking of children in connection, the producers behind "Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell" feel the timing of that docuseries' release could not be more perfect.
This is because they did not set out to capture the definitive story of her legal battles, but rather "to be the definitive documentary on who this woman is," executive producer Emma Cooper explained at the Seriesfest panel for the three-part docuseries.
The docuseries doesn't solely focus on Maxwell's relationship with the titular Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender who was arrested again (this time on charges of sex trafficking of minors) in 2019 and found dead in his jail cell just a month after that arrest. The two were in each other's orbit for decades (though exactly how long may depend on who you ask) and were at times linked romantically (again depending on who you ask). Arguably without this association, Maxwell may not have come to the forefront of headlines. However, navigating "a tyrannical, powerful, wealthy man" was something she learned earlier in life, executive producer and director Barbara Shearer said, due to the way her father, publishing's Robert Maxwell, conducted himself.
"We were trying to connect the dots to the audience, to make the audience to understand why she chose Jeffrey Epstein to stay with him for almost 20 years," she explained.
"What we do have now with this documentary series is a really good basis for people to understand this woman behind the headlines that they will begin to see more and more as it goes to trial," Cooper added.
Maxwell did not respond to the production team's request for an interview, which they say upfront in the docuseries. Instead, they rely on more "the people who knew her the best in her different faces," said Cooper, including childhood friend and writer Anna Pasternak, as well as series executive producer and journalist Nina Burleigh, who has written about Epstein and Maxwell for Variety's sister publication Rolling Stone under the PMC umbrella.
"We went in with a list of hundreds of names and started to approach them one by one. And it was quite an experience," said Burleigh of finding and vetting people to interview on camera.
Pretty much right away "we realized we likely would not get [Ghislaine] on camera," executive producer Jennifer Harkness said. "But we felt that through all of the interviews that we did spanning right back from her childhood all the way up to current day, her time in New York, that we'd be able to really round out who she was."
Work on the his docuseries unofficially began in 2016 when Shearer was researching Epstein and came to realize Maxwell was an interesting character. "A woman who socialized with the two of them in Palm Beach came to me with a story. I didn't know him, and neither did mainstream media," Shearer recalled.
She pitched the project at the time and heard two main concerns: the first was that those she pitched did not know who this guy was and the second was that it was "a tawdry subject, a little distasteful."
"One comment from a network guy [was], 'Barbara, if this was a murder, I'd have a better shot at greenlighting this," she said.
But she didn't give up, and with years of research and numerous connections to people in their orbit, as well as a bigger spotlight already shining on both Epstein and Maxwell, she brought the project to Blue Ant Media's Harkness and Laura Michalchyshyn in January 2020, just with an adjusted angle.
"I said, 'Never mind him: who's way more interesting than that guy because he's just a grifter -- he's almost cliche -- is this woman. She's complicated. Her background is fascinating. ... I still believe that she is a much more complex character, much more worthy of investigation into, from a documentary point of view," Shearer said.
Additional research needed to be done for "Epstein's Shadow," especially around the 2,000 page court document about a defamation suit against Maxwell that dropped into public view in August 2019.
"We could not have done this without the legal documents that had been slowly released," said Burleigh. "If you read them closely, you would be able to see why Ghislaine Maxwell and her lawyers would not have wanted this material to be public, because it was so filled with depositions and allegations that were really, really serious."
"Epstein's Shadow" began production in September 2020, with the team working remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (They only met each other in person for the first time a few weeks ago.) When they began working on the the piece, Maxwell's trial was set for spring 2020. However, in May a federal judge postponed it.
"Episode 3 ends right up at the trial," Shearer said. "It didn't affect our story. The only thing that would have affected our story in a much more dramatic fashion is [if] she'd gotten bail."
"If she'd gotten bail," she continued, "we would have had to really think about, 'How do we go back and open up Episode 3 and get some voices in there and talk about bail?' Because otherwise then our show would have looked outdated immediately."
Working on a project where there is an active case against the subject can be a bit of a moving target. The team also "had to be really reactive to any new information that was coming out, so as soon as an item dropped on Twitter, there was a big group chain going around," Harkness said. And certainly it comes with many sensitivities, as well. The key is sticking to what is known to be factual in telling her story. However, "even though we all do adhere to the code, I think that with a woman like this, and we are women, you come with questions and you come with an empathy and an inquisitiveness which then slightly directs where your eye might fall," Cooper said.
The "Epstein's Shadow" team was compromised of 60-70% women behind the camera, Harkness said, which was both "intentional" and important" in shaping the narrative of the three-parter.
Although "this is not a series necessarily about the survivors," Shearer said, their points of view became integral towards the end of the three hours "because there is no crime if there are no victims.
"The final voice was given to Maria Farmer, who was a predominant fixture in Episode 2 and 3 because she was just so strong," she continued. "So, we do have a nod to the fact that we do know there are victims in all of this, the survivors of all of this story. ... It's a beast of a story, and I think a lot more is going to come out."
Whether they will follow up with a second part to the series focusing on the trial still remains to be seen, though, as Harkness would only say they "will all be watching [it] in November."
"Epstein's Shadow: Ghislaine Maxwell" is streaming now on Peacock.