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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-新兴纪录片制作人在Ji.hlava电影节上介绍他们的项目/Emerging Documentary Producers Present Their Projects at Ji.hlava Film Festival

发表于 2022-7-5 03:55:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Emerging Documentary Producers Present Their Projects at Ji.hlava Film Festival

可以说,JI.Hlava国际纪录片电影节的亮点 - 当然是在行业人士中 - 是新兴的制作人的演讲,这是一瞥,因为非小说类电影领域的新狂欢者介绍了他们的作品和即将发布的项目。当时,由欧洲文档世界中经验丰富的领导者(通常是前新兴制片人本身)的奉献精神,该小组的成员通常会以令人印象深刻的高率在流派中取得成功。该活动看到了Fest行业Jarmila Outratova的负责人和Radim Prochazka的董事会成员,捷克视听制片人Assn。他本人是前新兴制片人,2018年的董事会成员,他的作品是挪威的Autun Amundsen outun Amundsen class,这是由18个兴起的生产商介绍。,他说:“我开始在印度尼西亚丛林深处的一个家庭15年开始我的职业生涯。它成为纪录片”纽约人,”后来卖给了Arte. Doc中的一个角色,然后与Amundsen分享了他将返回并成为印度尼西亚的主要人物,他说,这一预言成为现实,并成为“我走了,我走了,我走了随后在hotdocs。就像他班上的其他人一样,阿蒙森说,他的工作是关于“个人和身临其境的纪录片”。新兴制片人“是一项固有的整体行业计划”该组织“不仅包括实用的知识,而且还建立了参与者之间的人类和专业联系,并传达了电影业中自我保健和心理健康的重要性。”她补充说,在大流行之后,她补充说:“该程序比以往任何时候都重要。”在隔离的情况下,没有电影,节日或与商业伙伴建立联系的空间,她说:“我们都意识到我们彼此之间需要多少彼此在欧洲电影院的合作以及我们的福祉是成功的关键SS。” Amundsen也是Gonzodocs.com的在线战略顾问,重点关注“表演和参与性纪录片”,并为他的“纽托比亚”,“帮助,我已经开玩笑!”赢得了政府和非政府赠款。和“单击下面的链接”。该最新项目在开发中并计划在2023  -  2024年发行,深入探讨了在线赚钱的大师的模糊世界,以及那些冒着生命储蓄的人以“保证十倍的利润”。新兴的生产商莱昂纳多Barrile与Padova University的媒体业务一起学习哲学和文学,于2014年创立了Samarcanda电影,并负责在全球范围内发展业务合作伙伴关系。由Silvia Gottardi执导的项目“ Cicliste Per Caso  - 灰熊之旅”,于2020年和由Dario Acocella执导的“ Big North”(Big North),今年。作者Ximo Solano AND“纪录片,艺术/传记片,由Samarcanda电影,SocietatSardinaTonéfranché和Feltrinelli Real Cinema制作。HungarianBorbala Csukas,他在布达佩斯大学的Corvinus University of Budapest研究社会学,使她的工作之间的工作分裂独立制作公司,例如Elf Pictures和Proton Cinema。她正在制作三个专题文档,即Kata Olah和Noemy Schory的“征服时间”,Olah和Csukas的“ LostFiancé”,以及Olah.Since 2019的“狭窄的幸福之路”,Csukas一直是Verzio的行业协调员国际人权纪录片节和过去的作品包括由ZsuzsiKonrád执导的“ Hi Papa”,“ Youniverzum”,由Angyalosy Eszter,Barathy Gyorgy,Olah,Sandor Csukas,Dorka Gryllus和Simon Kornel,Simon Kornel,Mate Korosi,Mate Korosi,Mate Korosi,Mate Korosi,Mate Korosi, Olah和Sandor Csukas的“ Mignon”,以及Olah.French的制片人Victor Ede的“我的数字游牧民族””出版了艺术书籍,并从事各种纪录片工作,包括编辑,自2014年以来运行电影界,主要致力于非小说类和副作用。本杰明·盖米尼尔(BenjaminGéminel)和特里斯坦·泰尔(Tristan Thil),“红色区域”,由蒂尔(Thil)和“事物的秩序”执导,由拉玛娜·巴达斯库(Ramona Badescu)和法国 - 美国的杰夫·席尔瓦(Jeff Silva)执导。 Production.upcoming的作品包括Thil的“动画讨论”,Thomas Ellis的“ Cargo Kids”和Marie Mandy的“不听话女性”。罗马尼亚人Carla Fotea在加入Cristian Mungiu的Mobra电影和Ada Solomon的公司之前从事广告工作。她现在工作。 Her credits include “Ivana the Terrible,” by Ivana Mladenovic, “Monsters” by Marius Olteanu, and “Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn,” directed by Radu Jude.Projects in Development include “Horia” by AnaMaria Comanescu, “In the Name tudor Platon和“他的狗Am我?”罗伯特·拉卡托斯(Robert Lakatos.Charlotte Hailstone)是苏格兰制片人,他于2018年创立了Hailstone电影,其中包括Victor Kossakovsky的作品,包括Victor Kossakovsky,在威尼斯电影节上首映,由Viktor Kossakovsky首映。即将上映的作品包括詹姆斯·汤姆森(James Thomson)的“核心”和劳拉·沃达(Laura Wadha)的《生于大马士革》(Born In Damascus)。对香港及其超越的电影。他的电影包括吉米·亨德里克克斯(Jimmy Hendrickx)的《朋克白日梦》(Punk Daydream),即将上映的作品包括杰里米·凯沃恩(Jeremy Kewuan)和爱尔兰的亨德里克克斯(Hendrickx.evan Horan)的《奴隶岛》(Slave Island)。爱尔兰(Ireland)曾在“格蕾丝·琼斯(Grace Jones):Bloodlight和bami”,“特级普通”和“母亲带给她的儿子被枪杀”。他制作了Seamus Murphy的“一只叫Money的狗”,Ant Timpson的“来到Daddy”,即将到来的作品包括“寻找空间”,卡拉·福尔摩斯(Cara Holmes)和“繁殖”凯特·多兰(Kate Dolan)。即将到来的作品包括彼得·卡基雷克(Petr Kacirek)的“谁拥有城市”和罗宾·沃尔巴(Robin Vrba)的“金斯菲尔德(Kingsfield)的业余爱好者”。 Lesiņs的拉脱维亚狼和Lesiņs.S.S.JinJeon的《寂静的爆\u200b\u200b炸》(Silent Explosion”)生产了Changyong Moon和Jeon的“成为我成为我的身份”,以及Daehee Yoon Jeon的“ High Idea”,以及即将上映的作品,包括“在鸡蛋上银行”的作品。席恩(Jeon),看着妇女冻结卵在全国人口崩溃中延迟分娩。 glavonic和srdjan keca.k的《喇叭》和《空中声音高》德国的Arsten Krause在EinStückLand中生产并指示了“您和我”和“ Der Heinz,Der Heinz,DerGräbtEin Loch”,即将到来的作品包括Andre Siegers和Steffen Goldkamp.natalia libet的“沉浸式黑暗旅游”和“ der offumpismus”乌克兰的杜克尔·贝伦森(Dekel Berenson)和《塞斯特利亚》(Stop-Zemlia)的《乌克兰》(Anna)和“杀zemlia”,由Kateryna Gornostai制作了即将到来的工作,包括Zoya Laktionova的“灰烬设置”,由Mykola Zaseev.melissa lindgren撰写的Zoya Laktionova和“ Dawn Choir”。 Lia Hietala和Hannah Reinikainen和David Aronowitsch的“ Englly Amber”,以及即将上映的作品的“ Idomeni”,包括Goran Hugo Olsson和Roxy Farhat的“ The Society of the Spectacle”,以及Hietala和Reacikainen.Silvia Panakakia的“我们的爱”。曾制作了Andrea Sedlackova的“公平戏剧”和Robert Sedlacek的“ Jan Palach”,即将进行的作品,包括戴安娜·法比亚诺瓦(Diana Fabianova)的“忠实界限”,以及斯坦尼斯拉夫·帕尼基(Stanislav Parnicky)的《陌生人》(Sonemers in Strangers)。JarosławWszedybyl和Wszedybyl的“ The Dragon Spring”和“ The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The Dears Spring''的作品即将到来的作品,包括“玩时间玩耍”。罗马霍德尔(Roman Hodel)的“成为宇航员”。在这里可以找到所有新兴制作人2022的完整概况。

Arguably the highlight of the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival – certainly among the industry folk – is the Emerging Producers presentations, a glimpse of things to come as bizzers new to the nonfiction film field present their work and upcoming projects.

Selected for their initiative and dedication, then coached by more experienced leaders in the European doc world – often former Emerging Producers themselves – members of the group generally go on to successes in the genre at impressively high rates.

Held this year at Ji.hlava’s new Industry Hub venue, the event saw 18 producers on the rise introduced by fest head of industry Jarmila Outratova and Radim Prochazka, board member of the Czech Audiovisual Producers Assn., himself a former Emerging Producer, class of 2018.

First to present his work was Audun Amundsen of Norway, who said, “I started my career by following a family deep in the jungle of Indonesia for 15 years. It became the documentary ‘Newtopia,’ ” later sold to ARTE.

A character in the doc then shared a vision with Amundsen that he would return and be a major figure in Indonesia, a prophecy that became true, he said, and became “Help, I’ve Gone Viral!,” later premiered at HotDocs.

Like others in his class, Amundsen said for him his work is all about “personal and immersive documentaries.”

Emerging Producers “is an inherently holistic industry program,” says Irena Taskovski, head of studies for the organization, “that not only includes practical know-how, but also fosters human and professional connections between participants and conveys the importance of self-care and mental health in the film industry.”

In the aftermath of the pandemic, she adds, “this program is more important than ever.” Amid isolation, with no cinema, fests, or space to connect with business partners, she says, “we have all realized how much we need each other for successful collaboration in European cinema and how our wellbeing is key to success.”

Amundsen, also an online strategy consultant at Gonzodocs.com, focuses on “performative and participatory documentaries” and has won governmental and non­governmental grants for his “Newtopia,” “Help, I’ve Gone Viral!” and “Click the Link Below.”

This latest project, in development and planned for release in 2023–2024, delves into the murky world of money­making gurus online and those who risk their life savings for a “guaranteed tenfold profit.”

Emerging Producer Leonardo Barrile, who studied philosophy and literature with media business at Padova University, founded Samarcanda Film in 2014 and is responsible for developing business partnerships worldwide.

He produced “Kapp to Cape,” directed by Arash Ashtiani, and the 2015 Italy-U.K. project “Cicliste per Caso – Grizzly Tour,” directed by Silvia Gottardi, in 2020, and “Big North,” directed by Dario Acocella, this year.

Upcoming projects include “Daniel Pennac: Ho Visto Maradona,” an Italian/Spanish doc directed by Ximo Solano and “Documentary, Art/Biopic,” produced by Samarcanda Film, Societat Sardina Toné­Franché and Feltrinelli Real Cinema.

Hungarian Borbala Csukas, who studying sociology at Corvinus University of Budapest, has divided her work between the family­-run production company Makabor Studio and other independent production companies such as ELF Pictures and Proton Cinema. She is producing three feature docs, “Conquering Time” by Kata Olah and Noemy Schory, “Lost Fiancé” by Olah and Csukas, and “Narrow Path to Happiness,” by Olah.

Since 2019, Csukas has been the industry coordinator at the Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival and past work includes “Hi Papa,” directed by Zsuzsi Konrád, “Youniverzum,” by Angyalosy Eszter, Barathy Gyorgy, Olah, Sandor Csukas, Dorka Gryllus and Simon Kornel, “Divas,” by Mate Korosi, “Mignon,” by Olah and Sandor Csukas, and “My Digital Nomad,” by Olah.


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