“我们需要谈论科斯比”导演W. Kamau Bell Bracs,以备受耻辱的捍卫者的反击
‘We Need to Talk About Cosby’ Director W. Kamau Bell Braces for Blowback From Defenders of the Disgraced Star
W. Kamau Bell希望比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)回应贝尔(Bell)关于开拓性的四部分放映时间纪录片,但现在令人失望的艺人。但是贝尔对考斯比在1月22日圣丹斯电影节首映后如何选择发表评论感到惊讶。名单,” CNN系列“美国联合阴影”的脱口秀漫画和主持人贝尔说,他于2019年开始在纪录片上工作。谈论科斯比(Cosby),在1月30日在Showtime上首次亮相,在指控强奸,有60多名妇女的性侵犯和性殴打指控之后,检查了喜剧演员的生活,工作和遗产。通过对评论员的采访以及他自己的配音,贝尔试图理解科斯比的崛起和戏剧性的垮台。档案录像揭示了喜剧演员的一面,他的原则是FAMily Man公共人物角色;该系列还对科斯比的几位原告进行了采访。在2018年,科斯比因三项严重的in亵侵犯而被判有罪,并被判处三到十年的监禁。他的判刑两年多了,宾夕法尼亚州最高法院由于“正当程序违规”而推翻了科斯比的定罪。这位84岁的老人现在已经不在监狱里,否认了对他的所有指控。谈论科斯比。”回应指出,这位喜剧演员花了50多年的历史了,这使得有可能被包括在娱乐行业中。回应还引用了喜剧演员在美国的黑人面临的司法不公正现象。他和他的团队在整个指控和我同意的袭击指控的过程中说过的话。在电影和电视节目中出演了一家有关喜剧演员的纪录片,其中包括以他的名字命名的长期和艾美奖的系列赛,这是1984 - 92年NBC的最高热门歌曲。我知道,坐在架子上的某个地方至少有一部完成的纪录片,他们不知道该怎么办。”贝尔说。 “我也知道有一个(科斯比)坐着。有时我们会打电话给人们,他们会问我们是否是其他科斯比作品之一,我们会拒绝。我们总是想,“我们根本没有与他联系。”贝尔更担心深入研究流行文化族长和黑人社区的先驱。负面注意力和潜在VI贝尔说:“三颗粒,特别是来自其他黑人的人总是脑海中。“这是建立在种族主义的系统中。执法部门被指控,逮捕和定罪,因为根本没有理由谋杀黑人。最重要的是,我们有证据表明,如果一个黑人被定罪,他们会以这种犯罪的费用过多,而白人不会被指控。因此,我相信这个国家可能有白人至上主义者为比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)的失败感到高兴。这并没有改变我相信他强奸或殴打60多名妇女的事实。估计这两件事就是文档试图做的事情。”贝尔并不反对解决困难的主题。在“美国联合阴影”的第一集中,贝尔与肯塔基州和阿肯色州的Ku Klux Klan成员闲逛。但是导演说在对比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)进行分析时,更加困难。“唯一捍卫Ku Klux Klan的人是我不会与之闲逛的人,”贝尔说。 “但是,比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)捍卫者的许多人可能会在我的家庭聚会上。他们可能是我的粉丝,觉得我已经通过反向比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)拒绝了他们。 。“先生。科斯比知道起诉违规的现实;这些违规是对我们国家刑事司法系统完整性的威胁。这是专业纪录片的主题,”该声明写道。 “先生。科斯比强烈否认所有针对他提出的指控。让我们来谈谈比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)。他希望我们的国家成为宣称自己的现实:民主国家。”对贝尔来说,“感觉就像是一个非常锅炉的比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)的声明。感觉与我的感觉一致他以前说过,他的人民以前说了什么。他们总是试图将其从这些可信的指控转变为关于美国和种族主义的更大故事,以及他一直是冠军。在街上,比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)从未见过,也可能根本不在乎,所以他们个人来到我身边。”贝尔说。“谈论比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)并不是超级安全的,因为正如整个纪录片所证明的那样,比尔·科斯比(Bill Cosby)努力追随他不喜欢对待他的人,就像他想受到对待的方式一样。”
W. Kamau Bell expected Bill Cosby to respond to the four-part Showtime docuseries that Bell has produced about the pioneering but now disgraced entertainer. But Bell was surprised by how Cosby chose to comment following the Jan. 22 Sundance Film Festival premiere of “We Need to Talk About Cosby.”
“On the list of things I thought he would call me, ‘PR Hack’ did not make my list,” says Bell, a stand-up comic and host of the CNN series “The United Shades of America” who began working on the docuseries in 2019. “So, I guess I give him credit for originality.”
“We Need to Talk About Cosby,” which debuts on Showtime Jan. 30, examines the comedian’s life, work and legacy in the wake of accusations of rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault and sexual battery by more than 60 women. Through interviews with commentators and through his own voice-over, Bell attempts to make sense of Cosby’s rise and dramatic downfall. Archival footage reveals a side of the comedian at odds with his principled, family man public figure persona; the series also features interviews with several of Cosby’s accusers.
In 2018, Cosby was found guilty on three counts of aggravated indecent assault and was sentenced to three to 10 years in prison. A little over two years into his sentence, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned Cosby’s conviction due to a “due process violation.” The 84-year-old is now out of jail and denies all charges against him.
Ahead of the docuseries’ cable debut, a Cosby representative issued a media statement labeled “Official Response to PR Hack W. Kamau Bell’s Showtime Documentary, ‘We Need to Talk About Cosby.’”
The response pointed out that the comedian had spent more than 50 years standing with the excluded, making it possible for more to be included in the entertainment industries. The response also cites judicial injustices the comedian has faced as a Black man living in America.
Overall, Bell says, the statement “feels very standard to the kind of things he and his team have said throughout the process of these accusations and allegations of assault that I hundred percent agree with.”
Bell, who executive produced and directed all four episodes in the series, knew from the start that he was one of several filmmakers working on a docu about the comedian-actor, who starred in movies and TV shows, including the long-running and Emmy winning series bearing his name, which was a top-rated hit for NBC from 1984-92.
“On good authority, I know that there is at least one finished documentary somewhere sitting on a shelf that they don't know what to do with,” Bell says. “I also know there's one that (Cosby) sat for. Sometimes we would call people and they would ask if we were one of the other Cosby productions and we would say no. We were always like, ‘We're not connected to him at all.’”
Bell was more concerned about taking a deep dive into a pop culture patriarch and a pioneer for the Black community. Negative attention and potential vitriol, particularly from other Black people was always in the back of his mind.
“Every Black American has the right to be suspicious of law enforcement because of the history of this country,” Bell says. “It was a system built on racism. Law enforcement has been accused, arrested and convicted of murdering Black men for no good reason at all. On top of that, we have evidence that if a Black person is convicted of something they are overcharged for that crime in a way that white people would not be charged. So, I believe there are probably white supremacists in this country who are happy for Bill Cosby’s downfall. That doesn’t change the fact that I believe that he raped or assaulted over 60 women. Reckoning with those two things is what is what the doc is trying to do.”
Bell isn’t averse to tackling difficult subject matters. In the very first episode of “United Shades of America” Bell hung out with Ku Klux Klan members in Kentucky and Arkansas. But the director says that profiling Bill Cosby was more difficult.
“The only people who defend the Ku Klux Klan are people I wouldn’t be hanging out with anyway,” says Bell. “But a lot of people who are defenders of Bill Cosby might be at my family reunion. They might be a fan of mine who feels like I've turned my back on them by turning my back on Bill Cosby.”
The statement by Cosby’s representative suggests that a “professional documentary” would investigate prosecutorial violations such as those faced by the star.
“Mr. Cosby knows the realities of prosecutorial violations; and that those violations are threats to the integrity of our nation’s criminal justice systems. That is a subject matter for a professional documentary,” the statement reads. “Mr. Cosby vehemently denies all allegations waged against him. Let’s talk about Bill Cosby. He wants our nation to be what it proclaims itself to be: a democracy.”
To Bell, “it feels like a very boiler plate Bill Cosby statement. It felt in line with what I've heard him say before and what his people have said before. They always try to shift it from these credible accusations to this bigger story about America and racism and how he's always been a champion.”
While Bell is ready for the docuseries to debut on Showtime, he is concerned.
“I worry about the random person in the street who Bill Cosby never met before and probably doesn't care about at all, taking this so personally that they come at me,” Bell says. "It doesn't feel super-safe to talk about Bill Cosby because Bill Cosby, as the whole documentary proves, works hard to come after people who he doesn't feel like are treating him to the way he wants to be treated.”