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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“收获月亮”,“莱斯维亚,埃雷索斯的赫斯特里”在塞萨洛尼基纪录片节的行业奖上获得了最高奖项/‘Harvest Moon,’ ‘Lesvia, the Herstory of Eressos’ Take Top Prizes at Thessaloniki Documentary Festival’s Industry Awards

发表于 2022-7-5 01:44:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


‘Harvest Moon,’ ‘Lesvia, the Herstory of Eressos’ Take Top Prizes at Thessaloniki Documentary Festival’s Industry Awards

约旦导演拉玛·阿亚斯拉(Rama Ayasra)的“收获月亮”,这是一部纪录片,讲述了两名激进主义者的故事,该使命是将小麦及其遗产的种植带回其原始的约旦的原始遗产,并在塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)的投球论坛上获得了最高奖项。纪录片节的Agora Docs行业计划,该计划于3月16日结束。周三晚上的颁奖典礼使一场成功的会议接近了,有300多名行业专业人员在身体和在线上都参与其中。音乐节总监Elise Jalladeau说:“我认为这是该行业准备重返业务的最好证据。”萨利姆(新作品)和由阿斯马汉·布克拉特(Asmahan Bkerat)共同制作的,陪审团表示希望该奖项“可以帮助一个主意的种子成长为一部美丽而重要的纪录片。”“获胜的音调具有完整性,对其具有深厚的亲和力陪审团的声明说,角色和清楚地认识了电影的潜在社会影响。 “它还答应了一种电影语言,讲述可能看起来是一个小故事,但具有全球相关性。”进展过程中的最高奖项,2 | 35后期制作公司后期制作服务奖,去了导演制片人Tzeli Hadjidimitriou(Anemos Dimiourgias)的导演Tzeli Hadjidimitriou的“ Lesvia,Eressos的Herstory”,讲述了莱斯沃斯岛的故事,这是古希腊诗人萨波(Sappho)的出生地,它已成为一个经常是一个经常陈旧的聚会点来自世界各地的女同性恋社区。陪审团颁发了这部电影,“因为它在认可和保存LGBT历史上可以发挥的重要作用,以及它可以为世代相传的灵感而言。” “ Lesvia”还获得了Onassis Cinema Award,获得了5,000欧元(5,500美元)的现金奖励。情感上的Hadjidimitriou告诉人群,这部电影是她明星的项目10年前,在该岛的女同性恋社区的帮助下。她将自己描述为“双重女同性恋”  - 在莱斯沃斯岛上出生和长大的女同性恋 - 她补充说:“我从没想过,当我40年前第一次出版时,可以颁发这样的电影。我希望这仅仅是开始,我们不仅要在电影中观看[这个故事],而且我们的世界将变得更好,并且将更加包容多样性 - 各种多样性。”其他许多奖品都是授予为塞萨洛尼基纪录片节的投球论坛选出的14个项目中的一些项目。 Dimitris Gkotsis和制片人Mina Dreki(Marni Films),一部关于废弃的船只及其有毒货物的电影n Pan-European Doc组织被授予“浮动世界”,这部电影跟随一名跨性别日本男子检查他的内心恶魔,同时导航东京的Underbelly,导演Fernando Souza,制片人Mo Mo Scarpelli(Rake Films)和CO CO)和1970年代,导演史蒂夫·克里克里斯(Steve Krikris),制片人保罗·塔马托斯(Paul Typaldos)(Filmiki Productions)和联合制片人达夫尼·卡拉法蒂(Dafni Kalafati)。贝尔多克斯网络奖(Beldocs Networking Awred)为下一个国际纪录节Beldocs提供了住宿和认证,被授予“诉讼”,授予“谨慎,降落展览的风险!,”一家家庭的肖像背后努力翻新斯洛伐克国家美术馆,导演Jana Durajova和Lena Kusnierikova和制片人Zuzana Mi MiStrikova,Lubica Orechovska和Arkaitz Basterra(Pubres)。地中海电影学院DOC奖,该奖项提供了2,000欧元(2,200美元)的Doc Lab奖学金,以及MFI发生的希腊岛屿的住宿,并授予了“ Honeydew,Honeydew,Honeydew,Honeydew,honeydew, ”来自导演Marco Bergonzi和Michael Petrolini,制片人Simone Catania(Indyca)和联合制片人Costanza Julia Bani(Fellonica电影),该故事讲述了一个因其非法种植而闻名的加利福尼亚农场的故事,该农场因其非法种植而受到威胁,这是威胁性的。大麻。进度中的Agora文档从东南欧和地中海地区选择了10个项目,以与塞萨洛尼基纪录片节期间与行业专业人员,销售代理商,分销商,制片人和节日程序员一起参加封闭的会议。它还在周三晚上颁发了以下奖项。制片人马丁娜·斯特伦克(Martina Strunc)(丝绸电影)跟随捷克共和国的一名半罗马卡车司机,他努力说服该国的政客帮助移民危机的受害者。希腊电影中心奖3,000欧元(3,300美元)捐给了“”#metisofia”,导演Vania Turner和制片人Onassis Culture,Maria Sidiropoulou和Amanda Livanou,讲述了奥林匹克奖牌获得者Sofia Bekatorou的故事,当她在她的#METMETO运动中遭到#MeTo的#MeTo运动,因为她在她的#MeTo #MeTo运动中被她的教练重复被司法强奸而引发了她的#METOO运动。一个孩子。从最终的角度来看,尼安科·普莱诺奖(Neaniko Plano Award)以英语或法语授予获胜项目,去了“爱情室”,这是一部电影,探讨了北部马其顿最臭名昭著的监狱的亲密世界,来自导演 - 制片人Suzana Dinevski(Suzi Kju Production)和联合制片人Vladimir Stojcevski(奖电影和视频)。

Jordanian director Rama Ayasra’s “Harvest Moon,” a documentary that tells the story of two activists on a mission to bring back the cultivation of wheat and its lost heritage to its original homeland of Jordan, took the top prize in the Pitching Forum of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival’s Agora Docs industry program, which wrapped March 16.

The award ceremony Wednesday night brought a close to a successful session that saw more than 300 industry professionals taking part both physically and online. “I think it’s the best proof that the industry is ready to be back in business – if it ever stopped,” said the festival’s general director, Elise Jalladeau.

In its selection of “Harvest Moon” (pictured), which is produced by Mariam Salim (New Productions) and co-produced by Asmahan Bkerat, the jury offered its hope that the award “can help the seeds of an idea grow into a beautiful and important documentary."

“The winning pitch had integrity, a deep affinity to its characters and a clear awareness of the potential social impact of the film," read the jury's statement. "It also promised a cinematic language to tell what may appear a small story but is one with global relevance.”

The top prize in the Docs in Progress section, the 2|35 Post-Production Company Award in post-production services, went to “Lesvia, the Herstory of Eressos,” from director-producer Tzeli Hadjidimitriou (Anemos Dimiourgias), which tells the story of the island of Lesvos, the birthplace of the ancient Greek poet Sappho, that has become an often-contentious meeting point for the lesbian community from all over the world.

The jury awarded the film “for the important role it can play in the recognition and preservation of LGBT history, and the inspiration it can provide for generations to come.” “Lesvia” also took home the Onassis Cinema Award, which comes with a cash prize of €5,000 ($5,500).

An emotional Hadjidimitriou told the crowd that the film was a project that she started 10 years ago with the help of the island’s lesbian community. Describing herself as a “double lesbian” – a lesbian born and raised on the island of Lesvos – she added: “I never thought, when I first came out 40 years earlier, that a film like this could be awarded. I hope that this is just the beginning, that we won’t only watch [this story] in the movies, but our world will become better and will be more inclusive to diversity – all kinds of diversity.”

A host of other prizes were awarded to some of the 14 projects selected for the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival’s Pitching Forum.

The ERT – Thessaloniki Pitching Forum Award for a Greek project, which is accompanied by a cash prize of €2,000 ($2,200), went to “Sunken,” from director Dimitris Gkotsis and producer Mina Dreki (Marni Films), a film about the abandoned ships and their toxic cargo that have sunk off the coast of Greece.

The DAE - Documentary Association of Europe Award, which includes consultation and free membership in the pan-European doc organization, was given to “The Floating World,” a film that follows a transgender Japanese man examining his inner demons while navigating the underbelly of Tokyo, from director Fernando Souza, producer Mo Scarpelli (Rake Films) and co-producer Jorge Thielen Armand (La Faena Films).

The Aylon Productions Digital Services Award, which awards digitization by Aylon Productions to the winning project, went to “Super Paradise,” a nostalgic look back at the hedonistic Greek island paradise of Mykonos in the 1970s, from director Steve Krikris, producer Paul Typaldos (Filmiki Productions) and co-producer Dafni Kalafati.

The Beldocs Networking Award, which offers accommodation and accreditation for the next International Documentary Festival Beldocs, was awarded to “Caution, Risk of Falling Exhibits!,” a portrait of the family behind efforts to renovate the Slovak National Gallery, from directors Jana Durajova and Lena Kusnierikova and producers Zuzana Mistrikova, Lubica Orechovska and Arkaitz Basterra (PubRes).

The Mediterranean Film Institute Doc Award, which offers a Doc Lab scholarship of €2,000 ($2,200) as well as accommodation on the Greek islands where the MFI takes place, was granted to “Honeydew,” from directors Marco Bergonzi and Michael Petrolini, producer Simone Catania (Indyca) and co-producer Costanza Julia Bani (Fellonica Film), which tells the story of a California farm renowned for its illegal cultivation of marijuana that comes under threat with the decriminalization of cannabis.

The Agora Docs in Progress section selected 10 projects from Southeastern Europe and the Mediterranean region to participate in closed sessions with industry professionals, sales agents, distributors, producers and festival programmers during the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. It also handed out the following awards on Wednesday night.

The MuSou Company Award for music and sound services went to “Citizen Miko,” from director Robin Kvapil and producer Martina Strunc (Silk Films), which follows a half-Roma truck driver in the Czech Republic who fights to persuade his country’s politicians to help victims of the migrant crisis.

The Greek Film Center Award of €3,000 ($3,300) went to “#MetiSofia,” by director Vania Turner and producers Onassis Culture, Maria Sidiropoulou and Amanda Livanou, which tells the story of the Olympic medalist Sofia Bekatorou, who sparked Greece’s #MeToo Movement when she sought justice for being repeatedly raped by her coach when she was a child.

Finally, the Neaniko Plano Award, which awards subtitling in English or French to the winning project, went to “The Love Room,” a film that looks into the intimate world of conjugal visits at North Macedonia’s most notorious prison, from director-producer Suzana Dinevski (Suzi Kju Production) and co-producer Vladimir Stojcevski (Award Film and Video).


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“ Zorba”小说家Nikos Kazantzakis’“最后航行”到日本前往大屏幕/‘Zorba’ Novelist Nikos Kazantzakis’ ‘Last Voyage’ to Japan Travels to the Big Screen
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“另一半”导演乔戈斯·穆塔菲斯(Giorgos Moutafis)对乌克兰难民的困境:“什么都没有改变”/‘The Other Half’ Director Giorgos Moutafis on Plight of Ukraine’s Refugees: ‘Nothing Has Changed’

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