Circle Women Doc Accelerator揭幕了戛纳Docs展示的四部电影(独家)
Circle Women Doc Accelerator Unveils Four Films for Cannes Docs Showcase (EXCLUSIVE)
Circle Women Doc Accelerator是一项针对女性识别纪录片制片人的培训计划,已经选择了将作为戛纳电影市场戛纳Docs计划的一部分参加的四个项目。帕特里夏·德拉蒂(Patricia Drati)的“成为EMA”,由SidselLønvigSiersted制作,为丹麦出口良好的公司Pictures和Marcel Pazman拍摄的斯洛伐克电影(Circle 2020)的Marcel Pazman跟随一对夫妇,他们决定放弃现代城市生活,并在乡村深处开始生活。马洛卡。梦dream以求的一年,大流行,该男子失去了工作,家庭被迫重新评估自己的生活。由NoémiVeronikaSzakonyi和MátéArturVincze制作的“成功的人”(Nem Haltam Meg)由亚洲Dér制作,用于比赛框架制作(匈牙利),是通过Circle 2019开发的。在50岁那年,他将其作为与他长期以来抑制的生存问题的机会。儿子oF可怜的工厂工人,他学会了如何向前迈进并变得坚强,但现在也必须拥抱他的弱者。通过efthymia Zymvragaki,通过2020年开发的efthymia Zymvragaki的“悲伤和粗俗的孤独者”(Unulgar y Triste)探索了一个虐待人说话时会发生什么,将自己定位为批评暴力的批评。它由Angelo Orlando,PatriciaSánchezMora和Anna Bofarull为Gris Medio(西班牙)和Valentin Thurn制作。终生争取她子民的权利。当她最小的儿子意外去世时,Aaju踏上了高度个人的旅程,将她在加拿大和丹麦的殖民者带到正义上。它是通过2020 Circle开发的,由Emile HertlingPéronard制作,用于Ánorâk电影(格陵兰/丹麦)与Alethea Arnaquq-Baril和Stacey Aglok MacDonald共同制作,用于红骨髓媒体(加拿大努纳武特(Nunavut)和鲍勃·摩尔(Bob Moore)(加拿大)。他们可以在角色探索他们的激进生活选择的同时尝试使用电影语言。” “我很高兴看到看到圈子中开发的项目实际上是在制造的,成为了在主要节日中获奖电影,例如最近的NatašaUrban的“ Eclipse”,该电影赢得了DOX:DOX:DOX的DOX:DOX,我们的社区和我们的社区工作成长为拥抱更广泛的视野的参与者和电影。” Tutorov补充说。自2020年以来,当Circle与Cannes Docs建立合作伙伴关系时,每年有机会有机会在戛纳市场上展示其正在开发的纪录片项目。在过去的几年中,两个圆圈项目在行业活动中获得了奖项:Anna Neme的“野兽之美”S,由Circle 2018AlumnaágnesHorváth-Szabó和Circle 2020 Alumna Maja Prelog制作的“ Cent'Anni”,由RokBiček制作,分别赢得了2020年和2021年的IEFTA文档奖。 - 基于与创意欧洲合作的唤醒电影 - 媒体,塞尔维亚共和国的文化和信息部,重新行动,诺维·萨德市,黑山电影中心,哈维克克罗地亚视听中心,纪录片,纪录片欧洲协会(DAE)基金会,CED - 媒体办公室塞尔维亚,CED - 媒体办公室Montenegro,CED - 媒体办公室斯洛文尼亚,Motovila,Motovila,CED - 媒体办公室克罗地亚,欧洲女子视听网络(ewa)Thessaloniki纪录片电影节和Agora Docs。
The Circle Women Doc Accelerator, a training program for female-identifying documentary filmmakers, has selected the four projects that will take part in its showcase as part of the Cannes Docs program of the Cannes Film Market.
"Becoming Ema" by Patricia Drati and produced by Sidsel Lønvig Siersted for Danish outlet Good Company Pictures and Marcel Pazman for Frame Film in Slovakia (Circle 2020) follows a couple who decide to abandon modern city life and start a life deep in the countryside of Mallorca. One year into their dream, the pandemic hits, the man loses his job, and the family is forced to reevaluate their life.
"A Successful Man" (Nem haltam meg) by Asia Dér, produced by Noémi Veronika Szakonyi and Máté Artur Vincze for Match Frame Productions (Hungary), was developed through Circle 2019. When a life loving, successful gallery owner is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 50, he takes it as a chance to confront his long suppressed existential questions. A son of poor factory workers, he learned how to march forward and be strong, but now has to embrace his weak side too.
"A Sad and Vulgar Loner" (Un Vulgar y Triste) by Efthymia Zymvragaki, developed through Circle 2020, explores what happens when an abusive man speaks out, positioning himself as a critic of violence. It is produced by Angelo Orlando, Patricia Sánchez Mora and Anna Bofarull for Gris Medio (Spain) and Valentin Thurn for ThurnFilm GmbH (Germany).
Greenlandic-Danish project "Twice Colonized" by Lin Alluna follows renowned Inuit lawyer Aaju Peter, who has led a lifelong fight for the rights of her people. When her youngest son unexpectedly passes away, Aaju embarks on a highly personal journey to bring her colonizers in both Canada and Denmark to justice. It was developed through Circle 2020 and is produced by Emile Hertling Péronard for Ánorâk Film (Greenland/Denmark) in co-production with Alethea Arnaquq-Baril and Stacey Aglok MacDonald for Red Marrow Media (Nunavut, Canada) and Bob Moore for EyeSteelFilm (Canada).
"Our goal is to curate and empower new voices from all over the world and to develop their projects in a protected and inspiring environment. They can experiment with cinematic language while their characters explore their radical life choices," said Circle program director Biljana Tutorov.
“I'm happy and proud to see that projects developed in Circle are actually made, becoming award winning films in major festivals, like recently 'Eclipse' by Nataša Urban, which won the DOX:Award in CPH:DOX, and that our community work is growing up to embrace participants and films from even broader horizons,” Tutorov added.
Since 2020, when Circle started their partnership with Cannes Docs, four Circle alumnae are given the opportunity every year to present their documentary projects in development during the market in Cannes. In previous years, two Circle projects received awards at the industry event: "Beauty of the Beast" by Anna Nemes, produced by Circle 2018 alumna Ágnes Horváth-Szabó and "Cent'anni" by Circle 2020 alumna Maja Prelog, produced by Rok Biček, won the IEFTA Docs-in-Progress Award in 2020 and 2021 respectively.
The program is organized by Serbia-based Wake Up Films in partnership with Creative Europe - MEDIA, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, RE-ACT, City of Novi Sad, Film Centre of Montenegro, HAVC Croatian Audiovisual Centre, WEMW Co-Pro Forum, Documentary Association of Europe (DAE) Foundation, CED - MEDIA Office Serbia, CED - MEDIA Office Montenegro, CED - MEDIA Office Slovenia, Motovila, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA), Cineuropa, International Documentary Film Festival Beldocs, Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival and Agora Docs.