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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“ Allenv。Farrow”:HBO纪录片系列中的10个令人震惊的启示/‘Allen v. Farrow’: 10 Shocking Revelations From the HBO Documentary Series

发表于 2022-7-5 09:12:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“ Allenv。Farrow”:HBO纪录片系列中的10个令人震惊的启示

‘Allen v. Farrow’: 10 Shocking Revelations From the HBO Documentary Series

四部分HBO纪录片系列“ Allenv。Farrow”在1992年爆发的丑闻中提供了许多启示,当时伍迪·艾伦(Woody Allen)被指控性虐待他与演员米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)分享的7岁女儿。现年85岁的艾伦(Allen)一直否认所有关于性虐待和不适当行为的指控,涉及他的养女迪伦·法罗(Dylan Farrow),他现在现年35岁。尽管过去30年中丑闻已被详尽掩盖,但“艾伦诉·法罗”(Allenv。Farrow)电影制片人柯比·迪克(Kirby Dickers),艾米·齐金(Amy Ziering)和艾米·赫迪(Amy Herdy)说,他们可以使用自1990年代以来一直存储在律师办公室中的60盒案件文件。米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)和其他时代的其他家庭录像片段增加了细节,其中包括米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)拍摄的迪伦(Dylan)叙述她所谓的虐待的看不见的视频。艾伦(Allen)对事件的看法是通过他的2020年回忆录《无所事事》(Apropos of Nothing of of Noth)的录音叙述来展示的。他没有参加该系列。Nv。Farrow”在周日晚上9点首映。“我一直在试图保持纪录的最长时间,”迪伦在第1集的开幕式中说:“无论您认为您知道什么,这只是提示现年76岁的米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)将她与艾伦的关系描述为“我一生的遗憾”,并清楚地表明,她仍然对所谓的虐待感到责备。 “我的错。我把这个家伙带入了我们的家庭。”她说。这场爆炸性的战斗始于1992年8月5日,当时米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)震惊地听到迪伦(Dylan)的指称,她的父亲在法罗(Farrow)的康涅狄格州家中遭到了父亲的性侵犯。随后在康涅狄格州和纽约进行了调查。那年早些时候,法罗的家人因发现艾伦一直与她的养女Soon-yi Previn有染的发现感到震惊,后者当时是一名大学生。艾伦(Allen and Previn)现年50岁,于1997年结婚。随着儿童骚扰调查的展开,艾伦在纽约起诉法罗为了对迪伦(Dylan)和他与法罗(Farrow),罗南(Ronan)和摩西(Moses)分享的两个儿子的监护权。艾伦(Allen)失败了,法官在监护权案件中犯下了严厉的裁决,批评了电影制片人。法官写道:“但是,我不确定的是,与耶鲁·纽黑文团队相比,证据证明没有性虐待。”尼古拉斯·克里斯托夫(Nicholas Kristoff)的《纽约时报》(New York Times Blog)。《纪录片系列》毫无疑问,1992年的事件对迪伦(Dylan)和整个Farrow Family造成了毁灭性的灾难。根据周日晚上发表的声明,HBO与罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)的现有生产协议。这些纪录片人对事实没有兴趣。取而代之的是,他们与Farrows及其推动者一起度过了多年的秘密合作。伍迪和很快就接近了D不到两个月前,只给出了几天的“回应”。当然,他们拒绝这样做。“正如几十年来所知,这些指控是明显的错误。多个机构当时对他们进行了调查,发现,无论迪伦·法罗(Dylan Farrow)可能被认为是什么,绝对没有发生任何虐待。遗憾的是,播出这是HBO的网络并不奇怪,该网络与罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)有常规生产协议和业务关系。虽然这种伪劣的热门作品可能会引起人们的注意,但不会改变事实。艾伦(Allen)在艾伦(Allen)被公开指控遭受虐待之前的较早行为,他与迪伦(Dylan)的行为抬起眉毛甚至警钟。 Farrow的长期朋友凯西·帕斯卡(Casey Pascal)回想起有一天和她的孩子一起在公园和艾伦(Allen)出人意料地出现时的法罗(Farrow)。迪伦(Dylan)与她一起玩的一面很快。 “我记得我以为我从未见过任何人以前都像这样的孩子这样做,我真的希望这是一件好事,”帕斯卡尔说。在医生的早些时候,帕斯卡尔(Pascal)纪念艾伦(Allen)2岁时与迪伦(Dylan)的行为。她说:“我看到了伍迪为迪伦(Dylan)拥有的这种令人难以置信的强度。”罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)说,他记得迪伦(Dylan)开始表现出她害怕艾伦(Allen)的迹象。当艾伦回家并立即呼吁迪伦时,两人将参加比赛。罗南说:“她对这些东西感到恐惧。” “她当时会和我说话:‘我不想和爸爸在一起。我们可以继续玩吗?’” 2。艾伦(Allen)专注于艾伦(Allen)致力于迪伦(Dylan)的极端关注,成为家庭压力的根源。米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)回忆说:“随着时间的流逝,除了两个人,没有人。” “真是一条轨道。”艾伦(Allen)对迪伦(Dylan)的兴奋作品包括他购买一张飞机票,以运输迪伦(Dylan)在欧洲旅行中留在酒店中的泰迪熊3。艾伦所谓的库德德林迪兰·法罗(Dlingdylan Farrow)描述了与艾伦(Allen)独自度过时光的令人不安的记忆,两个“拥抱”躺在床上,他们俩都只穿着内裤。她回忆说:“他只会非常亲密地将自己的身体缠绕在我周围。”米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)声称,她有时会发现艾伦跪在迪伦(Dylan)面前,头上躺在腿上。 “我开始感觉更像警察。我要进来看到不应该发生的事情吗?”她说。 “我想相信这是(完成的)。” 4。心理学家的意见魔术师记得从一位著名的心理学家接到电话,他告诉她,她观察到艾伦在公开场合与迪伦进行了互动。心理学家想警告法罗(Farrow)有些“脱节”。 “然后闸门为我开放,”法罗说。之后,艾伦同意去看治疗师5。公关反攻5。迪伦(Dylan)的弟弟罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)现年33岁,炸毁了艾伦(Allen)的长期公关人员莱斯利·达特(Leslee Dart),继续推动耶鲁大学1993年的报告W Haven医院的儿童性虐待诊所得出结论认为Dylan从未受到性虐待。调查人员在耶鲁大学新避风港调查中使用的策略受到纪录片中虐待儿童专家的批评,是对7岁儿童的极具侵入性和令人不安的批评,其中包括在九个不同的场合接受了迪伦接受了采访。法罗(Farrow)在2014年公开发表讲话,艾伦(Allen)的团队举办了公关反击。到这个时候,罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)是NBC新闻和MSNBC的播出媒体人物,也是广播记者和主播。罗南·法罗(Ronan Farrow)说:“当时我正在媒体上,正在收到莱斯利·达特(Leslee Dart)和伍迪(Woody)强大的公关团队的电子邮件。” “这些电子邮件的主要新闻媒体中有数十名记者。她基本上将(1993年的报告)定位为:‘这是您可以攻击这个女人的信誉。这是一个验证者,您可以说她被洗脑了。’当您的工资单上有Leslee Dart时,那就是一个人可以说:“您最好打印本次,否则我将来要拒绝您的客户。''” Dart目前是42West母公司Dolphin Entertainment的战略顾问,他没有立即回应置评请求。 6。卡莉·西蒙(Carly Simon)的《观察》(Carly Simon)的终身朋友卡莉·西蒙(Carly Simon)在她观察到的Farrow和Allen关系的令人不安的方面加入了。这位音乐家说:“我几乎看不到他侵蚀她的自尊心,侵蚀了她的自我意识。” “他不喜欢米娅见她的朋友。他只是想隔离她。我不知道他身后是什么对她说残酷的话,无论他是否相信,还是只是一种策略,可以将她踢下来,以便她更遵守他的统治,但是她构成了他的行为原因。 ” 7。宝丽来照片是最令人寒冷的时刻之一,法row记得在艾伦的公寓里,发现了艾伦拍摄的X级宝丽来照片。她回忆起如此震惊,以至于LD没有呼吸。她说:“他们不会把它们放在花花公子里。” “他们是'骗子'的照片。真的,真的很粗糙的图片。”法罗说她记得自己无法呼吸。即便如此,Farrow说她很快就没有错,因为她还很年轻。当可以选择与Farrow和她的兄弟姐妹一起生活时,很快Yi与Allen.8一起搬进去。罗南(Ronan)改变了赫特朗南·法罗(Heartronan Farrow),他成为#MeToo运动的支柱,成为调查记者,他为《纽约客》(New Yorker)的工作帮助击倒了哈维·温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein),并将曾经有能力的哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的首领莱斯利·穆恩斯(Leslie Moonves)流放到流放中,他承认他试图停止迪伦(Dylan)撰写她的2014年论文。 “我说,‘这是不值得的。您将对您小时候发生的这一件事的一生和身份保持一生和身份。’”他说。 “我还没有彻底采访她或看事实。我只是想摆脱困境……我想要的就是要走。”他继续说:“她和我击倒了拖曳f我本质上告诉她闭嘴的地方。” Farrow首次要求迪伦(Dylan)告诉她阁楼发生了什么事。最后,迪伦(Dylan)的勇气帮助她的顽固的决心揭露了温斯坦(Weinstein),这是一部令人沮丧的电影大亨,她于2020年3月因强奸和性侵犯指控而被判处23年徒刑。9。电话录制纪录片系列有效地证明了艾伦和米娅·法罗(Allen and Mia Farrow)之间的动力动态,这是随着法律斗争的爆发,两者之间的紧张电话交谈。当她面对他的指控作为监护斗争的一部分时,她是一位不适的母亲,并且用药严重,艾伦冷冷地回答:“我要让他们坚持下去。”在某一时刻,Farrow确定她正在受到关注。 “这真的很可怕,”法罗说。10。面对检察官“艾伦诉·法罗”(Allenv。Farrow),提出了详细说明法律制度和社会服务基础设施的缺点签署以保护面对虐待指控和交战父母的恐怖的孩子。这也清楚地表明,艾伦在他的家乡中的财富和名望如何帮助导演从肮脏和令人不安的指控中隔离到一定程度上,从而通过后#metoo镜头观看,但在这个最激烈的家庭中最有希望的时刻之一是令人震惊的。萨加(Saga)在最后一部分中,包括康涅狄格州检察官迪伦(Dylan)和弗兰克·莫莫(Frank Maco)之间最近一次会议的录像在法庭上作证。在2020年秋天进行的一次流泪的谈话中,迪伦(Dylan)对梅戈(Maco)表示赞赏,因为她节省了她的“马戏团”(Micro)的审判(“我妈妈总是告诉我,我非常感谢您,”她说) ,但她也告诉他尖头,她希望她那时“在法庭上度过我的一天”。马科的脸记录了痛苦该案使他成年后听受害者的受害者聆听了他的受害者,使他造成了近30年的态度。在一个非凡的和解的时刻,他告诉她,他长期以来一直为这次最艰难的谈话做好准备。“我永远不想听到你责怪自己。我做出了决定。我想吗?当然,”他说。“就像我尝试过的一样多的性虐待案件,就像我尝试过的一样多的谋杀案,在我余下的时间里,我会发生什么情况?我在这项调查中的决定。”

The four-part HBO documentary series “Allen v. Farrow” provides a number of revelations in the much-covered scandal that erupted in 1992 when Woody Allen was accused of sexually abusing the 7-year-old daughter he shared with actor Mia Farrow.

Allen, 85, has consistently denied all allegations of sexual abuse and inappropriate conduct involving his adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow, who is now 35.

While the scandal has been exhaustively covered over the last 30 years, "Allen v. Farrow" filmmakers Kirby Dick, Amy Ziering and Amy Herdy say they gained access to 60 boxes of case files that had been stored in a lawyer’s office since the 1990s. Extensive home video footage by Mia Farrow and others from the era adds to the detail, including the unseen videos that Mia Farrow shot of Dylan recounting her alleged abuse. Allen's perspective on events is presented through his audiobook narration of his 2020 memoir "Apropos of Nothing." He did not participate in the series.

"Allen v. Farrow" premieres Sunday at 9 p.m.

"For the longest time I've been trying to set the record straight," Dylan says in the opening moments of Episode 1. "No matter what you think you know, it's just the tip of the iceberg."

Mia Farrow, 76, describes her relationship with Allen as "the great regret of my life" and makes it clear she still feels blame for the alleged abuse. "It's my fault. I brought this guy into our family," she says.

The explosive battle began on Aug. 5, 1992, when Mia Farrow was shocked to hear Dylan's allegation that she had been sexually assaulted by her father in the attic of Farrow’s Connecticut home. Investigations were subsequently launched in Connecticut and New York. Earlier that year, Farrow's family had been jolted by the discovery that Allen had been having an affair with her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, who was then a college freshman. Allen and Previn, 50, married in 1997.

As child molestation investigations unfolded, Allen sued Farrow in New York for custody of Dylan and the two sons he shared with Farrow, Ronan and Moses. Allen lost, with the judge in the custody case delivering a scathing ruling critical of the filmmaker. "I am less certain, however, than is the Yale-Newhaven team, that the evidence proves conclusively that there was no sexual abuse," the judge wrote.

In 2014, Dylan spoke publicly for the first time with an open letter she posted on Nicholas Kristoff’s New York Times blog.

The docu-series leaves no doubt that the 1992 incidents were utterly devastating for Dylan and the entire Farrow family.

In a statement, Allen and Soon-Yi Previn blasted the series as “a shoddy hit piece” and pointed to HBO’s existing production deal with Ronan Farrow, according to a statement issued Sunday night.

These documentarians had no interest in the truth. Instead, they spent years surreptitiously collaborating with the Farrows and their enablers to put together a hatchet job riddled with falsehoods. Woody and Soon-Yi were approached less than two months ago and given only a matter of days ‘to respond.’ Of course, they declined to do so.

“As has been known for decades, these allegations are categorically false. Multiple agencies investigated them at the time and found that, whatever Dylan Farrow may have been led to believe, absolutely no abuse had ever taken place. It is sadly unsurprising that the network to air this is HBO – which has a standing production deal and business relationship with Ronan Farrow. While this shoddy hit piece may gain attention, it does not change the facts.”

Here are 10 shocking moments from "Allen v. Farrow":
1. Allen's Earlier Behavior
Long before Allen was publicly accused of abuse, his behavior with Dylan raised eyebrows and even alarm bells. Farrow’s longtime friend Casey Pascal recalled being at park one day with her kids and as well as Farrow’s when Allen appeared unexpectedly. He was quickly by Dylan’s side playing with her. “I remember thinking I had never seen anybody act like this with a child before and I really hope that it’s a good thing that’s happening,” Pascal says. Earlier in the doc, Pascal remembers Allen’s behavior with Dylan when she was just 2 years old. “I saw this incredible intensity that Woody had for Dylan,” she says. Ronan Farrow says he remembers that Dylan started to show signs she was scared of Allen. The two would be playing when Allen would come home and immediately call for Dylan. “She was frightened of this stuff,” Ronan says. “She would talk to me at the time: ‘I don’t want to be with Daddy. Can we keep playing?'”
2. Allen's focus on Dylan
The extreme amount of attention that Allen devoted to Dylan became a source of stress for the family. "In time what it became was, there was nobody but the two of them," Mia Farrow recalls. "It was just so one-track." Allen's doting on Dylan included him once buying a plane ticket to transport a teddy bear that Dylan had left in a hotel on a European trip.
3. Allen's alleged cuddling
Dylan Farrow describes troubling memories of spending time alone with Allen, with the two "cuddling" in bed with both of them wearing only underpants. "He would just wrap his body around me very intimately," she recalls. Mia Farrow alleges that she sometimes would find Allen kneeling in front of Dylan with his head in her lap. "I started feeling more like the police man. Am I going to come in and see something that shouldn't be happening?" she said. "I wanted to believe that it was (done) in innocence."
4. A psychologist's opinion
Mia Farrow remembers getting a call from a noted psychologist who told her she observed Allen interacting in public with Dylan. The psychologist wanted to warn Farrow that something was "off." "Then the floodgates opened for me," Farrow said. After that, Allen agreed to see a therapist.
5. The PR counteroffensive
5. Dylan's younger brother Ronan Farrow, 33, blasts Allen’s longtime publicist Leslee Dart for continuing to push a 1993 report by the Yale-New Haven Hospital Child Sex Abuse Clinic that concluded that Dylan was never sexually abused. The tactics used by investigators in the Yale-New Haven inquiry are roundly criticized by child abuse experts in the documentary as extremely invasive and disturbing to a 7-year-old child, including the fact that Dylan was interviewed on nine separate occasions.

After Dylan Farrow spoke out publicly in 2014, Allen's team mounted a PR counteroffensive. By this time, Ronan Farrow was a budding media personality and on-air reporter and anchor for NBC News and MSNBC.  “I at the time was in the media and was getting the emails from Leslee Dart and Woody’s powerful PR team,” Ronan Farrow says. “There were dozens of reporters from major news outlets on those emails. She basically positioned (the 1993 report) as, ‘Here’s this way you can attack this woman’s credibility. Here’s a validator you can put on air to say that she’s brainwashed.’ When you have Leslee Dart on your payroll, that is someone who could say, ‘You better print this or I’m going to withhold my clients from you in the future.’" Dart, who at present is strategic advisor to 42West parent company Dolphin Entertainment, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
6. Carly Simon's observations
Farrow’s lifelong friend Carly Simon weighs in on a disturbing aspect of Farrow and Allen’s relationship that she observed. “I saw him little by little eroding her self-esteem, eroding her sense of self,” the musician says. “He didn’t like Mia to see her friends. He just wanted to isolate her. I don’t know what was behind him saying cruel things to her, whether or not he believed it or whether it was just a tactic to kick her down so that she’s be more under his rule, but she made up reasons for his behavior."
7. The Polaroid photos
In one of the most chilling moments, Farrow remembers being at Allen’s apartment and finding X-rated Polaroid photos of Soon-Yi that Allen had taken. She recalled being so stunned that she couldn't breathe. "They wouldn’t put them in Playboy," she says. “They were 'Hustler' pictures. Really, really raunchy pictures.” Farrow said she remembers she couldn't breathe. Even so, Farrow said she didn't fault Soon-Yi because she was so young. When given the option to keep living with Farrow and her siblings, Soon-Yi moved in with Allen.
8. Ronan's change of heart
Ronan Farrow, who became a pillar of the #MeToo movement as the investigative reporter whose work for the New Yorker helped take down Harvey Weinstein and drove the once-powerful CBS chief Leslie Moonves into exile, admits that he tried to stop Dylan from writing her 2014 essay. “I said, ‘This is not worth it. You are going to make your entire life and identity about this one thing that happened to you as a kid,'” he says. “I hadn’t yet thoroughly interviewed her or looked at the facts. I just wanted to run away from this…All I wanted was for it to go away.” He continues, “She and I had knockdown drag-out fights where I essentially told her to shut up.” Farrow had a change of heart after, for the first time, he asked Dylan to tell her what happened in the attic. In the end, Dylan's courage helped fuel her brother's dogged determination to expose Weinstein, the disgraced film mogul who was sentenced in March 2020 to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault charges.

9. The phone recordings
The docu-series effectively demonstrates the power dynamic between Allen and Mia Farrow through recordings of tense telephone conversations between the two as the legal battles raged. When she confronts him for charges as part of the custody fight that she was an unfit mother and heavily medicated, Allen coldly responds: "And I'm going to make them stick." At one point Farrow was certain she was being followed. "It was really scary," Farrow says.
10. Confronting the prosecutor
"Allen v. Farrow" makes a point of detailing the shortcomings of the legal system and the social services infrastructure designed to protect children who face the horror of abuse allegations and warring parents. It also makes clear how Allen's wealth and fame in his hometown helped quickly insulate the director from sordid and disturbing allegations to a degree that is startling when viewed through a post-#MeToo lens.

But one of the most hopeful moments in this most intense family saga is in the final installment that includes footage of a recent meeting between Dylan and Frank Maco, the prosecutor in Connecticut who made the fateful decision to not press charges against Allen, despite his feeling there was probable cause, to spare Dylan the pain of having to testify in court. In a tearful conversation captured in the fall of 2020, Dylan expresses her appreciation to Maco for sparing her "the circus" of a trial ("my mom always told me I had a lot to be very thankful to you for," she says), but she also tells him point-blank she wishes she'd "had my day in court" back then.

Maco's face registers the anguish that the case has caused him for nearly 30 years as he listens to his victim as an adult. In an extraordinary moment of reconciliation, he tells her he has long been ready for this most difficult conversation.

"I never want to hear that you blame yourself. I made the decision. Do I think about it? Of course," he says. "As many sexual abuse cases as I've tried, as many murder cases as I've tried, what's the case that’s going to be with me for the rest of my days? My decision in this investigation."


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“为了天堂的缘故”电影制片人剖析了调查数十年的家庭之谜/‘For Heaven’s Sake’ Filmmakers Dissect Investigating a Decades-Old Family Mystery
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“超级挑选:Tekashi 6ix9ine的制作”无法满足自己的野心:电视评论/‘Supervillain: The Making of Tekashi 6ix9ine’ Can’t Meet Its Own Ambition: TV Review

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