How Television Networks Are Celebrating Pride Month in 2021
Pride月份开始于今天开始,整个月都将电视工作室和网络(从NBCuniversal到这里电视)庆祝和放大LGBTQIA+ Voices and Stories。摩尔和当归罗斯。 NBC新闻将播出“ Transamerica”,这是一个特别的特殊之处,焦点跨性别者面临的法律障碍以及跨越的立法者努力分解他们。 MSNBC主持人Jonathan Capehart,Lindsey Reiser,Kendis Gibson和Yasmin Vossoughian将聚焦LGBTQ+故事,并前往受影响的社区。同时,孔雀,NBCuniversal的流媒体服务将以与骄傲有关的纪录片和报道为特色,包括“不再是死刑:40年后与艾滋病毒的生活发生了变化,”“ Stonewall 50:叛乱!”和“叛乱!石墙。”每日新闻节目“ Mehdi Hasan Show”和“ Zerlina”也将在孔雀新闻评论频道上展出“选择。”此外,这里的电视宣布了一系列的“骄傲月”节目,其中包含七个独家脚本和无脚本系列和电影。阅读以下骄傲月节目的完整列表。(随着网络宣布其他标题,更多的编程将添加到列表中。)“今天”(NBC News 6月1日) - 在“今日”上,Fryer将介绍今年的骄傲庆祝活动,并探索如何在整个LGBTQ+ bar上进行。国家正在重新开放。在整个月中,包括美国第一对同性恋夫妇,杰克·贝克(Jack Baker)和迈克尔·麦克唐纳(Michael McDonnell)在内的客人以及鲍恩·杨(Bowen Yang),Indya Moore和Angelica Ross都将谈论他们的经历。另外,“今日数字”还将聚焦LGBTQIA+开拓者,包括Melissa Etheridge,Wilson Cruz,Lance Bass,Lady Bunny,Hayley Kiyoko等。该节目的24小时流媒体频道“今天是今天,”还将播出30分钟的特色菜,其中包括重要的LGBTQIA+故事,包括顽强的独角兽牧场,这是一个安全的避风港科罗拉多州卡斯特县的跨性别人士。“与莱斯特·霍尔特(Lester Holt)的NBC夜间新闻”(6月1日,NBC新闻) - “ NBC夜间新闻”周日主持人凯特·斯诺(Kate Snow)将报道有跨性别儿童被迫搬迁到新城市的家庭,因为越来越多的州颁布了越来越多的州限制性法律。“与查克·托德(Chuck Todd)会面”(6月1日,NBC新闻) - “与查克·托德(Chuck Todd)见面”将探讨公共LGBTQIA+支持的演变,以及过去20年中的发展方式,这两者都在政治和流行文化。“小小的色彩”(6月1日,福克斯娱乐公司) - 福克斯发行了音乐录影带,标题为“ Little of Color”,以庆祝骄傲月。该视频以莱斯利·乔丹(Leslie Jordan),罗恩·鲁宾斯坦(Ronen Rubinstein),艾莎·辛德斯(Aisha Hinds),辛普森一家的帕蒂(Patty)和史密瑟斯(Smithers)等为特色,该视频突出了网络的LGBTQIA+才华横溢和最佳的酷儿电视时刻。视频中出现的歌曲来自Fox Entertainment Music团队制作的“ Fox Entertainment Music:第3卷”。“与Shepard Smith的新闻”(6月1日,CNBC) - “与Shep的新闻”Ard Smith”将提供包括“ Pride&The Pandemic:小型企业”和“地标性的同性恋婚礼”,以及一个关于骑自行车的人的故事,他踏上了一辆跨大陆自行车,为Trevor Project筹集资金,这是一个国家在他的两个亲密朋友夺走了自己的生命之后,帮助LGBTQ青年的自杀热线。“ CNBC MAKE”(6月1日,CNBC) - “ CNBC MAKE MATH IT IT”将介绍LGBTQIA+ LGBTQIA+与Sarah Kate Ellis,sarah Kate Ellis,The Politics+ Sair the Political+领导者格拉德(Glaad)首席执行官和孟菲斯活动家凯拉·戈尔(Kayla Gore),他为有色人种的跨性别女性建造了小房子,经历了住房歧视和无家可归。通过支持LGBTQ+拉丁裔社区的运动。该活动将于6月1日开始,并在整个月内奔跑,并在整个网络和电台上播出,其中包括激发社区成员制作差异的故事Erence并探索跨性别和西班牙裔经验的交汇处。“女子平坦的赛道德比锦标赛”(6月1日,哨声电视) - 哨声电视将通过每天下午3点播出2020年的新女子平面德比锦标赛来庆祝骄傲月份。妇女平坦的轨道德比协会(Derby Association YouTube上的纪录片“高级舞会”。这部14分钟的电影跟随洛杉矶LGBT中心高级舞会的酷儿老年人。演员是好莱坞中心三角形广场公寓的所有老年人居民,讲述了他们独特的故事,并在年度活动中舞动了一场风暴。在2017年和2019年活动的Burbank的Pickwick Gardens拍摄,“高级舞会”由Luisa Conlon执导,由Queer,由女性领导的制作公司Cousins制作。Ed乍一看:无与伦比的”(6月2日,终生) - 第1季的结局“一见钟情:无与伦比”,关系专家Calvin Roberson牧师Calvin Roberson和Viviana Coles Mentor Sam和Frank博士,两个寻求爱的单身男人。这一集将于6月2日晚上10点播出。 ET。“ The Cockettes”(6月4日,纪录片Plus) - 由David Weissman和Bill Weber执导,“ The Cockettes”跟随旧金山的一个性别弯曲表演小组在1970年代获得突出。认为我是吗?” (6月4日,纪录片Plus) - 由尼克·米德(Nick Mead)执导的纪录片,遵循传奇的布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)和E街乐队萨克斯演奏家克拉伦斯·克莱蒙斯(Clarence Clemons)的生活,详细介绍了他突然去世之前的精神旅行。 4,福克斯新闻) - 福克斯新闻(Fox News)将在“福克斯与朋友”早晨节目中的每个星期五的每个星期五介绍多样性和包容性的细分市场。通讯员Bryan Llenas以及Fox News高级副总裁MichaelTammero将与乡村音乐明星Ty Herndon,Craig Hella Johnson,Georgia State参议员Kim Jackson和Colorado Gov. Jared Polis进行访谈。星光熠熠的表演者和演示者阵容在今年的“不能取消自豪”救济福利特别节目中,于6月4日在Roku频道,Revry,Revry,YouTube,Tiktok,Tiktok,Prideradio.com,IheartMedia广播电台和Ihearthio App上流媒体。该活动由Elvis Duran和Bebe Rexha主持,还将举办Brandi Carlile,Dolly Parton,Elton John,Kylie Minogue,Leslie Odom Jr.,Karamo Brown,Karamo Brown和Queer Eye的Tan France,Yola,Yola,Olly Alexander,Olly Alexander,来自年与Pete&Pete,Pete,Pete和Pete和Pete和Pete and and and and and and and and and and and and and和a Chasten Buttigieg, Brothers Osborne, Busy Phillips, Demi Lovato, Gus Kenworthy, Hayley Kiyoko, Jasmine Mans, Jennifer Hudson, JoJo Siwa, Lil Nas X, Marshmello, MJ Rodriguez, Nina West, Pink, Ricky Martin, Regard, Troye Sivan and Tate麦克雷。该活动将充满SP纪念五年前在脉搏夜总会大屠杀中被杀害的人杀害的人们的表演,骄傲的庆祝活动和烛光时刻。“没有再见”(6月4日,在这里电视) - “没有再见”,于6月4日首映,是基于关于同性恋集中营俘虏的真实故事,他爱上了他的纳粹警卫。由比利·克利夫特(Billy Clift)撰写和执导的短片明星,92岁的大屠杀幸存者戴维·伦加(David Lenga)。“被困:亚历克斯·库珀的故事”(6月6日,终生) - 基于回忆录“拯救亚历克斯”,“被困:亚历克斯:库珀的故事”跟随15岁的Alex(Addison Holley),她在她虔诚的摩门教徒的父母身边后忍受了八个月的封面疗法的可怕惩罚。电影于6月6日上午10点播出,这部电影展示了亚历克斯的旅程,从逃脱并成为一名重要的激进主义者,努力结束残酷的练习。“我们的美国:我要成为谁”(6月7日,ABC) - 八 - 情节简短的纪录片系列,致力于放大美国T的声音Ransgender Communities于6月7日发布了前两集,重点关注Honey Mahogany和Kaylee Harris。讨论影响\u200b\u200b跨性别社区的问题。“ Maynard”(6月11日,纪录片Plus) - 来自艾美奖的导演山姆·波拉德(Sam Pollard),“梅纳德”(Sam Pollard),《梅纳德》(Maynard)遵循了1973年亚特兰大的第一位黑人市长梅纳德·杰克逊(Maynard Jackson Jr.)的故事。“无味”(6月) 11,纪录片Plus) - 喜剧演员Jeff Cerulli和Matt Ritter,“无味”探索了书籍系列“真正无味的笑话”以及推动了种族主义和性别界限的喜剧的演变。 “ Slay Model Search”(6月11日,在这里电视) - “ Slay Model Search”是第一次年度跨性别模型竞赛,将于6月11日首映。该系列由Cecilio Asuncion制作,将以20种来自整个跨性别模型为特色。与Slay Mod争夺合同的世界El Management是第一个也是唯一的跨性别模特代理机构。“以自豪庆祝的壮成长”(6月12日,ABC7/kabc-TV) - “以自豪庆祝的壮成长”将探索LGBTQ+社区在过去50年中如何发展,荣誉酷儿前线英雄并重新审视脉搏夜总会悲剧。 Raven-Symoné和ABC7“目击者新闻”主持人Ellen Leyva和Brandi Hitt与通讯员Karl Schmid和Eric Resendiz主持了一小时的特别节目。特别节目还表演了洛杉矶男同性恋合唱团的表演,后街男孩的AJ麦克莱恩(AJ McLean)和杰克·博雷利(Jake Borelli),比利·波特(Billy Porter),MJ Rodriguez,Adam Faison,Adam Faison和“ Love,Victor,Victor,Vanrsamerica”(6月)(6月)(6月)(6月) 17,NBC新闻) - 乔·弗莱尔(Joe Fryer)主持的“ Transamerica”将于6月17日晚上8点首映。该特别专辑将审查歧视跨性别美国人的州法律,并展示跨立法者在社区中发生变化的故事。由P. David Ebersole执导的“ Hit So Hard”讲述了Hole的鼓手Patty Schemel的故事,这是1990年代为数不多的女同性恋音乐家之一。这部纪录片于6月18日在北美获得,在她的名声和成瘾的斗争之后。“食品恋物癖:骄傲版”(6月18日,这里电视) - “食品恋物癖”的特别骄傲将于6月18日首映。情节将以名人厨师的苏珊·芬格(Susan Feniger)为特色,并专注于洛杉矶最好的一些女厨师和餐厅。“鲍比的祈祷”(6月20日,终生) - 2009年的电视电影,基于真实的故事,“祈祷bobby”玛丽·格里菲斯(Mary Griffith)(西格尼·韦弗(Sigourney Weaver))是一位深厚的宗教母亲和妻子,她的同性恋儿子鲍比(瑞安·凯利(Ryan Kelley))享有自己的生活。玛丽死后,玛丽借鉴了同性恋社区的力量和安慰,并成为同性恋权利的倡导者。 “为鲍比祈祷”将于6月20日上午10点在终生上播出。“杰克和Yaya”(6月22日世界频道) - “ Jack&Yaya”遵循新泽西州两个孩子的真实故事,他们成长为隔壁邻居,并在很小的时候就意识到每个人都是变性者。这部电影是世界频道纪录片系列“ America Reframe drameme”的一部分,将于6月22日首映,可在PBS应用程序上进行流媒体。这部纪录片由玛丽·休伊(Mary Hewey)和詹·巴格利(Jen Bagley)执导和制作,后者还担任摄影总监。“麦莉·赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)的礼物站在你身边”(孔雀,6月25日) - 孔雀将在纳什维尔的麦莉·赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)举行一个小时的音乐会活动。历史悠久的莱曼礼堂。这位多白金唱片艺术家和词曲作者将表演各种各样的热门歌曲,从“攀登”到“在美国的聚会”,并涵盖了诸如“ Dancing Queen”和“ True Colors”等心爱的经典。赛勒斯还将以“音乐”,“表达自己”和“像祈祷”为特色的麦当娜混合泳,本着骄傲月精神。该节目将以特殊嘉宾和LGBTQ+盟友为特色,包括奥斯本兄弟,密歇根州Ckey Guyton,Little Big Town,Maren Morris和Orville Peck。“我们在这里”(6月25日,纪录片Plus) - 由戴维·韦斯曼(David Weissman)和比尔·韦伯(Bill Weber)执导,“我们在这里”探讨了艾滋病流行病提出的深刻的个人和社区问题,以及更广泛的政治和社会影响。“ 2021年纽约Pride March”(6月27日,ABC7/WABC-TV) - 6月27日,ABC7将连续第五年播出NYC Pride March,以纪念LGBTQ+社区。大元帅威尔逊·克鲁兹(Wilson Cruz),塞琳·多罗肖(Ceyenne Doroshow),梅纳卡·古鲁斯瓦米(Menaka Guruswamy),阿伦达蒂·卡朱(Arundhati Katju),戴斯卡拉基斯(Demetre Daskalakis)博士和亚伦·菲利普(Aaron Philip)将于今年的庆祝活动。
Pride Month kicked off today, and all month long, television studios and networks — from NBCUniversal to Here TV — will celebrate and amplify LGBTQIA+ voices and stories.
Throughout the month, "Today" will cover Pride celebrations and feature guests including Bowen Yang, Indya Moore and Angelica Ross. NBC News will air "Transamerica," a special that spotlights the legal barriers transgender people face as well as the trans lawmakers working to break them down. MSNBC anchors Jonathan Capehart, Lindsey Reiser, Kendis Gibson and Yasmin Vossoughian will spotlight LGBTQ+ stories and travel to impacted communities. Meanwhile, Peacock, NBCUniversal's streaming service, will feature Pride-related documentaries and coverage, including "No Longer a Death Sentence: How Living with HIV Has Changed 40 Years Later," "Stonewall 50: The Rebellion!" and "Rebellion! Stonewall." Daily news shows "The Mehdi Hasan Show" and "Zerlina" will also feature segments on the Peacock news commentary channel "The Choice."
Also, Here TV has announced a slate of Pride Month programming, featuring seven exclusive scripted and unscripted series and films.
Read a full list of Pride Month programming below. (More programming will be added to the list as networks announce additional titles.)
"Today" (June 1, NBC News) — On "Today," Fryer will cover how Pride celebrations are taking place this year and explore how LGBTQ+ bars across the country are reopening. Throughout the month, guests including the first gay married couple in the US, Jack Baker and Michael McDonnell, along with Bowen Yang, Indya Moore and Angelica Ross will talk about their experiences. Plus, "Today Digital" will spotlight LGBTQIA+ trailblazers including Melissa Etheridge, Wilson Cruz, Lance Bass, Lady Bunny, Hayley Kiyoko and more. "Today All Day," the show's 24-hour streaming channel, will also air a 30-minute special featuring important LGBTQIA+ stories, including the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch, a safe haven for trans people in Custer County, Colo.
"NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt" (June 1, NBC News) — "NBC Nightly News" Sunday anchor Kate Snow will report on families with transgender children forced to relocate to new cities as more states enact restrictive laws.
"Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" (June 1, NBC News) — "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" will explore the evolution of public LGBTQIA+ support and how it has continued to change over the last 20 years, both in politics and pop culture.
"Little Bit of Color" (June 1, Fox Entertainment) — Fox released a music video, titled "Little Bit of Color," in celebration of Pride Month. Featuring Leslie Jordan, Ronen Rubinstein, Aisha Hinds, The Simpsons' Patty and Smithers and more, the video highlights the network's LGBTQIA+ talent and best queer TV moments. The song featured in the video is from "Fox Entertainment Music: Volume 3," produced by the Fox Entertainment music team.
"The News with Shepard Smith" (June 1, CNBC) — "The News with Shepard Smith" will feature reports including "Pride & The Pandemic: Small Business" and "Landmarking the First Gay Wedding," as well as a story about a cyclist who embarked on a transcontinental bike ride to raise money for The Trevor Project, a national suicide hotline that helps LGBTQ youth, after two of his close friends took their own lives.
"CNBC Make It" (June 1, CNBC) — "CNBC Make It" will profile LGBTQIA+ leaders in politics and air interviews with Sarah Kate Ellis, the CEO of GLAAD, and Kayla Gore, a Memphis activist who builds tiny homes for trans women of color experiencing housing discrimination and homelessness.
“Celebrando el Mes del Orgullo (Celebrating Pride Month)” (June 1, Telemundo) — Telemundo is celebrating Pride Month with a campaign to support the LGBTQ+ Latino community. Kicking off June 1 and running throughout the month with spots on-air across the network and stations, the campaign will feature stories of inspiring community members making a difference and explore the intersection of the transgender and Hispanic experience.
“Women’s Flat Track Derby Tournament” (June 1, Whistle TV) — Whistle TV will celebrate Pride Month by airing a new Women’s Flat Track Derby Tournament from 2020 every day at 3 p.m. The Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, which has one of the most inclusive gender statements in sport, is committed to diversity and building an equitable environment in women’s sports.
“Senior Prom” (June 2, PBS Voices) — PBS Voices has released the short documentary “Senior Prom” on YouTube. The 14-minute film follows queer senior citizens at the Los Angeles LGBT Center’s senior prom. The cast, all older adult residents at the Center’s Triangle Square apartments in Hollywood, tell their unique stories and dance up a storm at the annual event. Filmed at the Pickwick Gardens in Burbank at the 2017 and 2019 events, “Senior Prom” is directed by Luisa Conlon and produced by the queer, female-led production company Cousins.
“Married at First Sight: Unmatchables” (June 2, Lifetime) — In the Season 1 finale of “Married at First Sight: Unmatchables,” relationship experts Pastor Calvin Roberson and Dr. Viviana Coles mentor Sam and Frank, two single men looking for love. The episode airs on June 2 at 10 p.m. ET.
“The Cockettes” (June 4, Documentary Plus) — Directed by David Weissman and Bill Weber, “The Cockettes” follows a gender-bending performance group in San Francisco that gained prominence in the 1970s.
“Clarence Clemons: Who Do I Think I Am?” (June 4, Documentary Plus) — Directed by Nick Mead, the documentary follows the life of legendary Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band saxophonist Clarence Clemons, detailing his spiritual journey prior to his sudden passing.
"America Together: Celebrating Diversity" (June 4, Fox News) — Fox News will present segments on diversity and inclusion every Friday in June during the "Fox & Friends" morning show. Correspondent Bryan Llenas along with Fox News senior VP Michael Tammero will present interviews with such notables as country music star Ty Herndon, Craig Hella Johnson, Georgia State Senator Kim Jackson and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis.
“Can’t Cancel Pride” (June 4, iHeartMedia) — iHeartMedia and P&G have announced a star-studded lineup of performers and presenters at this year’s “Can’t Cancel Pride” relief benefit special, streaming on June 4 on the Roku Channel, Revry, YouTube, TikTok, PrideRadio.com, iHeartMedia radio stations and the iHeartRadio app. Hosted by Elvis Duran and Bebe Rexha, the event will also feature Brandi Carlile, Dolly Parton, Elton John, Kylie Minogue, Leslie Odom Jr., Karamo Brown and Tan France of Queer Eye, Yola, Olly Alexander from Years & Years, Pete and Chasten Buttigieg, Brothers Osborne, Busy Phillips, Demi Lovato, Gus Kenworthy, Hayley Kiyoko, Jasmine Mans, Jennifer Hudson, JoJo Siwa, Lil Nas X, Marshmello, MJ Rodriguez, Nina West, Pink, Ricky Martin, Regard, Troye Sivan and Tate McRae. The event will be filled with special performances, Pride celebrations and a candlelight moment in remembrance of the people killed five years ago in the Pulse Nightclub massacre.
"No Goodbyes" (June 4, Here TV) — "No Goodbyes," premiering on June 4, is based on the true story about a gay concentration camp captive who falls in love with his Nazi guard. Written and directed by Billy Clift, the short film stars 92-year-old Holocaust survivor David Lenga.
“Trapped: The Alex Cooper Story” (June 6, Lifetime) — Based on the memoir “Saving Alex,” “Trapped: The Alex Cooper Story” follows 15-year-old Alex (addison Holley), who, after coming out to her devout Mormon parents, endured horrible punishment in coversion therapy for eight months. Airing on June 6 at 10 a.m. ET, the film shows Alex’s journey, from escaping and becoming an important activist working to end the cruel practice.
“Our America: Who I’m Meant to Be” (June 7, ABC) — The eight-episode short documentary series dedicated to amplifying the voices of America’s transgender communities released its first two episodes, focused on Honey Mahogany and Kaylee Harris, on June 7. All episodes will be available across ABC’s connected TV apps on June 21. On June 23, a town hall hosted by Raquel Willis and Reggie Aqui will further discuss issues impacting the trans community.
“Maynard” (June 11, Documentary Plus) — From Emmy-winning director Sam Pollard, “Maynard” follows the story of Maynard Jackson Jr., Atlanta’s first Black mayor in 1973.
“Tasteless” (June 11, Documentary Plus) — From comedians Jeff Cerulli and Matt Ritter, “Tasteless” explores the book series “Truly Tasteless Jokes” and the evolution of comedy that pushed the boundaries of racism and gender.
"Slay Model Search" (June 11, Here TV) — "Slay Model Search," the first annual Trans-exclusive modeling competition, will premiere on June 11. The series, produced by Cecilio Asuncion, will feature 20 transgender models from across the world competing for a contract with Slay Model Management, the first and only exclusively transgender modeling agency.
“Thrive with Pride Celebration” (June 12, ABC7/KABC-TV) — “Thrive with Pride Celebration” will explore how the LGBTQ+ community has evolved over the last 50 years, honor queer frontline heroes and revisit the Pulse Nightclub tragedy. Raven-Symoné and ABC7 “Eyewitness News” anchors Ellen Leyva and Brandi Hitt host the one-hour special with correspondents Karl Schmid and Eric Resendiz. The special also features performances by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles and the Backstreet Boys’ AJ McLean and guest appearances from Jake Borelli, Billy Porter, Mj Rodriguez, Adam Faison and the cast of “Love, Victor.”
"Transamerica" (June 17, NBC News) — "Transamerica," hosted by Joe Fryer, will premiere on June 17 at 8 p.m. The special will examine state laws discriminating against transgender Americans and showcase stories of trans lawmakers creating change in their communities.
“Hit So Hard” (June 18, Documentary Plus) — Directed by P. David Ebersole, “Hit So Hard” tells the story of Hole’s drummer Patty Schemel, one of the few openly lesbian musicians in the 1990s. The documentary, available in North America on June 18, follows her struggles with fame and addiction.
"Food Fetish: Pride Edition" (June 18, Here TV) — A special Pride episode of "Food Fetish" will premiere on June 18. The episode will feature celebrity chef Susan Feniger and focus on some of the best female chefs and restauranteurs in Los Angeles.
“Prayers for Bobby” (June 20, Lifetime) — A 2009 television film based on a true story, “Prayers for Bobby” follows Mary Griffith (Sigourney Weaver), a profoundly religious mother and wife who questions her faith after her gay son Bobby (Ryan Kelley) takes his own life. After his death, Mary draws on strength and comfort from the gay community and becomes an advocate for gay rights. “Prayers for Bobby” airs on June 20 at 10 a.m. on Lifetime.
“Jack & Yaya” (World Channel, June 22) — “Jack & Yaya” follows the true story of two kids from New Jersey who grew up as next-door neighbors and realized at an early age that each was transgender. The film, airing as part of World Channel’s documentary series “America ReFramed,” will premiere on June 22 and be available for streaming on the PBS app. The documentary is directed and produced by Mary Hewey and Jen Bagley, who also serves as director of photography.
“Miley Cyrus Presents Stand by You” (Peacock, June 25) — Peacock will air an hourlong concert event from Miley Cyrus, filmed at Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium. The multi-platinum recording artist and songwriter will perform a variety of her hits, from “The Climb” to “Party in the U.S.A.,” and cover beloved classics such as “Dancing Queen” and “True Colors.” Cyrus will also perform a Madonna medley featuring “Music,” “Express Yourself” and “Like a Prayer,” all in the spirit of Pride Month. The show will feature special guests and LGBTQ+ allies including Brothers Osborne, Mickey Guyton, Little Big Town, Maren Morris and Orville Peck.
“We Were Here” (June 25, Documentary Plus) — Directed by David Weissman and Bill Weber, “We Were Here” explores the profound personal and community issues, as well as the broader political and social impact, raised by the AIDS epidemic.
“2021 NYC Pride March” (June 27, ABC7/WABC-TV) — On June 27, ABC7 will honor the LGBTQ+ community by airing the NYC Pride March for the fifth year in a row. Grand Marshals Wilson Cruz, Ceyenne Doroshow, Menaka Guruswamy, Arundhati Katju, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis and Aaron Philip are heading this year’s celebration.