Rufus Wainwright为“ Rebel Hearts”纪录片(独家)创作“ Somber Samber”闭幕歌曲
Rufus Wainwright on Creating a ‘Somber Samba’ Closing Song for ‘Rebel Hearts’ Documentary (EXCLUSIVE)
当鲁弗斯·温赖特(Rufus Wainwright)被要求为“叛逆之心”(Rebel Hearts)写一首闭幕主题曲时,这是一部纪录片,讲述了本周末开放的社会活动家修女的叛徒命令时,他不需要几乎任何其他歌手兼词者都会拥有的序言。这对他来说是个性化的,因为他已经对这个主题非常熟悉,这要归功于他的祖父的女友在1960年代与天主教会遇到麻烦的修女勋章的一部分,并听到了她的故事。几年。结果是“秘密姐妹”,这是一首引人入胜的歌曲,唤起了精神上的谜团和呼吁具体动作,并且出现在“叛军之心”配乐以及另一首原创歌曲Sharon Van Etten的开场“ Conjuntion”上。 Variety是Wainwright的歌曲(下图)的摘录,以及导演Pedros Kos的一些历史和现代镜头和动画,该电影于周五在剧院上映,并在D上开幕。Iscovery加两天后。一张由两首歌和Ariel Marx的乐谱演奏的配乐专辑也在周五到来。告诉多样。 “因此,这是个人的首映,”这部电影的音乐主管Tracy McKnight被“偶然发生的巧合,Rufus的祖父的女友的姐妹是这个社区的一部分,所以我不必宣传。他就像是“我在里面”,这首歌对他来说很自然,因为他已经与材料如此紧密相连。作为一名音乐主管,这是什么时候发生的?” Wainwright说,他认为他的继祖母“由60年代的那些修女抚养长大,去了那所学校,实际上是整个场景的一部分。实际上,她的两个姐妹成为完美的心脏修女,随后在迪斯科命令时被扔出教堂ntined。多年来,我听到了关于整个时代和整个情况的故事,所以我觉得自己必须做到。著名的马特·张伯伦(Matt Chamberlain)。他说,关于“秘密姐妹”,我认为这是对世界状态的冥想和一种反思,以及需要发生的事情,即更多的善良,更多的爱。但这也很积极;这不是停滞。这也有点游行,就像朝着光明的冥想游行一样。因此,这是反思和动作的结合 - 反射动作。他同意:“我认为这绝对是巴西人。” “这几乎就像桑巴舞。”那桑巴游行呢? “桑巴游行!”温柔的粉丝们会熟悉自觉的自我伤害。 “这已经成为我的签名。我的最新专辑“未关注规则,‘上面有很多类似的和声,”他说。 “我几年前开始做这件事,当时我第一次来洛杉矶制作我的第一张专辑,并开始依靠布莱恩·威尔逊人声堆叠的哲学,所以这是我很长一段时间的练习,现在人们可以虽然有一个主题是姐妹们自己为新歌做这首歌,但温赖特认为混响并不特别限于手头的特定主题。每个上学的日子,温赖特(Wainwright)都会通过洛杉矶的一片广泛的洛杉矶开车去上学,在那里,城市景观使他有时间停下来并详细反思最近的不适 - 即使他每天都在前任圣母无染色的心脏校园开车时,历史上也想回去。韦恩赖特说:“肯定有,尤其是在特朗普几年之后,这种需要变得更加友善,更加无私,更关心社区这是特朗普或大流行或气候变化,尤其是在洛杉矶的火灾中。因此,我们所有人都需要治愈。麦克奈特(McKnight)与罗伯特·汤普森(Robert Thompson)(也是共同运行的节点记录)一起,该标签释放了分数。她与Wainwright的联系可以追溯到很长一段路。 “他实际上是为我音乐监视的第一部电影之一,'指纹神话'的歌曲。还拥有她的节点标签 - “我遇到了Rufus,因为他们出版了他的歌剧。因此,一年半前,我在欧洲与他共度时光,我们彼此认识。” 2020年,在“叛逆之心”配乐汇聚在一起之前,Wainwright和Van Etten在圣丹斯电影节音乐之夜麦克奈特(McKnight)在过去的18年中一直在编程。她说:“赖特说:“我们知道,在电影的结尾我们想要一些东西,这些东西封装了这些妇女的勇气,可以捍卫教会的父权制及其令人难以置信的精神。他们选择了正确的道路,但这不是他们想要的道路。正如您在电影中看到的那样,他们想解决它,并面临这些艰难的选择。 Rufus的歌曲走上了精美的线条,庆祝他们的力量,但仍然处于一个黑暗的地方,您必须留下您所相信的东西,您注册并承诺的东西。“那些修女,它们真是太神奇了女士们。我去天主教学校,我没有这样的修女。我们的僵硬有点僵硬。”麦克奈特笑着说\u200b\u200b。 “因此,作为天主教学校系统的13年资深人士,拥有这种不同的经历真是太好了。”对于范·埃滕(Van Etten)开场的“连词”,“我们真的想要一个可以体现力量的女性声音并有这个推进要搬运第一个蒙太奇。沙龙看了这部电影,从字面上看,她在24小时内回到了我们,就像,“我在里面。可以做出一些贡献,这就是瞬间。我们与沙龙来回进行了很多对话,并确保这首歌是完美的,因为它正在拍摄电影。这是紧迫而强壮的,它创造了像这样的能量,您是否过着自己的生活?我认为这表明您将踏上非常坚强的女性的旅程。这部电影有很多针头掉落的时期,并提供了主题共鸣,从尼娜·西蒙妮(Nina Simone)到帕蒂·史密斯(Patti Smith)到急救箱。这些将包含在电影的Spotify播放列表中。配乐专辑本身将重点关注Ariel Marx的乐谱,以及Wainwright和Van Etten的歌曲。e,她还获得了他们的节点标签的重新奖励,那时该标签只发行了几张专辑,并且在配乐世界中将其变成了真正的力量。麦克奈特继续说:“我真的只是在策划,并制作这家美丽的精品店,我们每年大概要进行10到14次配乐。“我们有一支基金来帮助他们在需要帮助时获得融资的独立电影,” McKnight继续说道。 “在那个独立的电影界,我正在观看许多交易过程。因此,拥有标签并能够策划事物,并为作曲家提供支持并确保我们有社交媒体给专辑一个真正的机会和平台并制作作曲家摇滚明星,这真是太好了,您知道 - 给他们他们需要的晋升。我知道创建分数有多困难。当(电影)出去时,这首歌引起了很多关注,这很棒。因为它们是讲故事的非常重要的一部分,但得分同样重要,而且很重要艾莉很高兴能在我可能的情况下冠军作曲家。”
When Rufus Wainwright was asked to write a closing theme song for "Rebel Hearts," a documentary about a renegade order of socially activist nuns that opens this weekend, he didn't require the preamble that virtually any other singer-songwriter would have. It was intergenerationally personal for him, as he was already intimately familiar with the subject matter, thanks to his grandfather's girlfriend having been part of the order of nuns that got in trouble with the Catholic church in the 1960s, and having heard her story over the years.
The result is "Secret Sister," a compelling song that evokes both spiritual mysteries and calls to concrete action, and which appears on the "Rebel Hearts" soundtrack along with another original song, Sharon Van Etten's opening "Conjunction." Variety has the premiere of an excerpt from Wainwright's song (below), along with some of the historic and modern footage and animation from director Pedros Kos' film, which opens in theaters Friday and bows on Discovery Plus two days later. A soundtrack album featuring the two songs and Ariel Marx's score also arrives Friday.
Although Wainwright is well known for his songs for films over the years, "I'm not sure I've done an original song for a documentary, actually," he tells Variety. "So it’s a personal premiere, of sorts."
The film's music supervisor, Tracy McKnight, was stricken by "the coincidence happened that Rufus' grandfather's girlfriend’s sisters were part of this community, so I didn't have to pitch it. He was like, 'I'm in,' and the song came naturally to him because he was already so connected to the material. As a music supervisor, when does that happen?"
Wainwright says that the woman he considers his step-grandmother "was brought up by those nuns in the ‘60s and went to that school and was really a part of that whole scene. And in fact, two of her sisters became Immaculate Heart nuns, and subsequently were thrown out of the church when the order was discontinued. I had heard stories over the years about that whole era and that whole situation, so I felt like I had to do it."
He co-produced the track with frequent collaborator Blake Mills, who plays guitar on it, with percussion from the equally renowned Matt Chamberlain. Of "Secret Sister," he says, "I think on one hand, it's a meditation and a sort of reflection on the state of the world and what needs to happen, i.e., more kindness, more love. But it's also very proactive; it's not stagnant. It's also a bit of a march, like a meditative march toward the light. So it's a combination of reflection and action —reflective action."
And yet, as mantra-like as the song is, isn't there a bit of tropical flavor to the rhythm? "It’s definitely kind of Brazilian, I think," he agrees. "It's almost like a samba." A samba march, then? "A somber samba march!"
The luscious self-harmonies will be familiar to Wainwright fans. "That's become a bit of a signature of mine. My latest album, 'Unfollow the Rules,' has a lot of harmonies like that on it," he says. "And I started doing that years ago when I first came to Los Angeles to make my first album, and started to lean on the Brian Wilson philosophy of vocal stacking, so it's something I've practiced for a long time and that people can now somewhat depend on."
While there's a theme of sisters doing it for themselves to the new song, Wainwright doesn't see the reverberations as particularly limited to the specific subject matter at hand. Every school day, Wainwright drives his daughter to school through a broad swath of Los Angeles, where the cityscape gives him time to pause and reflect at length on the recent malaise — even as he drives by the former Immaculate Heart campus on a daily basis and thinks back historically, too. "There is certainly, and especially after the Trump years, this need to kind of be more kind and more altruistic and more caring of the community," Wainwright says, "because we've all been so battered, whether it's by Trump or the pandemic, or climate change, especially in L.A. with the fires. So we all need to heal. And that's what nuns are really for, in a lot of ways, to help the world heal."
McKnight, along with Robert Thompson, also co-runs Node Records, the label releasing the score. Her association with Wainwright goes back a long ways. "He actually did a song for one of the first films that I music-supervised, 'The Myth of Fingerprints,'" in 1997. She got to know him because "I've had a deal with Wise Music" — the publisher that also owns her Node label — "and I met Rufus because they publish his operas. And so a year and a half ago, I wound up spending time with him in Europe, and we just got to know each other." In 2020, prior to the "Rebel Hearts" soundtrack coming together, both Wainwright and Van Etten performed at the Sundance Film Festival music night McKnight's been programming for the last 18 years.
For the closing soundtrack slot that ended up going to Wainwright, she says, "We knew that we wanted something at the end of the film that would encapsulate the the courage of these women to stand up to the patriarchy of the church, and their incredible spirit. They chose the right path, but it wasn't the path they'd wanted. They wanted to resolve it, as you see in the film, and were faced with these hard choices. Rufus' song walks the fine line, celebrating their strength, but still being in a dark place where you have to leave something that you believed in, that you signed up for and that you committed to.
"Those nuns, they're just amazing ladies. I went to Catholic school, and I didn't have nuns like that, I'll just say. Ours were a little more rigid," McKnight laughs. "So it was nice to have this different experience, as a 13-year veteran of the Catholic school system."
For the opening number that ended up being Van Etten's opening "Conjunction," "We really wanted a female vocal that could embody strength and have this propulsion that was going to carry over that first montage. Sharon watched the film and literally she got back to us within 24 hours and was like, 'I'm in.' That's how you know you just have the right connection, when people are responding to art in a way that they feel like they can contribute something and it's that instantaneous. We had a lot of conversations with Sharon going back and forth and making sure the song was perfect, as it was teeing off the film. It urgent, and strong, and it creates that energy of like, are you living your life? I think it shows that you're about to embark on a journey of very strong women. Something unexpected."
The film has a lot of needle drops setting the period as well as offering thematic resonance, from Nina Simone to Patti Smith to First Aid Kit. Those will be included in a Spotify playlist for the film. The soundtrack album itself will focus on Ariel Marx's score, along with the Wainwright and Van Etten songs.
When McKnight joined the Wise Music publishing house, she got a big bonus in also being given the reins of their Node label, which at that point had released just a couple of albums, and has turned it into a real force in the soundtrack world. "I'm really just kind of curating, and making this beautiful boutique, where we're doing maybe 10 to 14 soundtracks a year.
"We have a fund to help independent films with financing when they need help," McKnight continues. "In that independent film world, I’m watching a lot of that deal-making process. So it's really nice to have a label and to be able to curate things, and also to give composers support and making sure that we have social media giving the albums a real chance and a platform and making composers rock stars, you know — giving them the promotion that they need. I know how hard it is to create a score. And when (a film) goes out, it's the songs get a lot of attention, and that's great. because they're a very important part of storytelling, but score is equally important, and it's really nice to be able to champion composers when I can."