匈牙利 - 罗马尼亚文档“我是谁的狗?”尝试了新的社交讽刺品种(独家)
Hungarian-Romanian Doc ‘Whose Dog Am I?’ Attempts New Breed of Social Satire (EXCLUSIVE)
这些公司本周在塞萨洛尼基纪录片节上宣布,这是匈牙利其他电影和罗马尼亚制作动力大片缩微电影制作的新讽刺作品的令人惊讶的复杂世界,成为了匈牙利其他电影和罗马尼亚制作动力大片的新讽刺的不太可能的繁殖地。是一篇关于政治的纪录片喜剧文章,在这个世界上,公民是狗,政客是他们的育种者,而国际最高的论坛是世界犬类组织。这是一部关于狗世界政治的大政治的电影。“我是谁的狗?”由罗伯特·拉卡托斯(Robert Lakatos)导演,由匈牙利的丽塔·巴洛(Rita Balogh)以及罗马尼亚的阿列克(Alecu)和阿达·所罗门(Ada Solomon)执导,其基于布加勒斯特的缩影制作了广受好评的电影获胜者“儿童姿势”。拉卡托斯告诉《综艺》,这部电影的启发是他的现实生活中的努力,为他的老化匈牙利SH培养了继任者埃弗德犬(Epherd Dog),这一过程受到统治狗繁殖世界的复杂规则和规定的挫败。“一步一步,我发现人类政治反映在狗繁殖的政治中,”董事说。 “人类社会的几乎所有问题,例如民族主义,种族主义,厌女症,剥削,移民问题,少数民族问题等,您也可以在狗社会和狗育种政治中找到,但以一种更残酷的方式。” Lakatos。是罗马尼亚公民,也是该国匈牙利少数民族的成员,是150万人口,他们既不选择同化也不移民,但要保留其独特的文化身份。 ?” “天生出生的匈牙利罗马尼亚人的共同制作,是必要的,在世界各地仍然如此的沙文主义心态。”“这部电影以有趣的,令人惊讶和自我的方式表明,我们如何预测我们的身份问题和我们的不安全感心爱的宠物,”他们说。 “当今的许多全世界冲突都受到这些对失去自己身份的恐惧并声称取回它的驱动的。这部电影展示了这种寻求纯洁的荒谬性,并设法使我们反映出我们是谁,在我们身上充满了笑声,作为不同的“品种”的混合。布达佩斯国际纪录片节的联合创始人。在与她的罗马尼亚联合制片人的合作中,她说:“即使是像我们这样的精致和困难的话题,共同努力也是如此。”她说:“仅态度就意味着挑衅,因为许多人在意识形态上倾向于被如此忘记,以至于他们也忘记了另一边的人。让许多人看到更大的图景?讲一个关于狗,机智的令人心动的故事H负载幽默似乎是正确的方法。我认为我们迫切需要可访问且令人愉悦的纪录片,也需要关于严肃的话题。他说“我是谁?”,他说,他正在寻找一种独特而独特的方法来解决当今的政治问题,同时又踏上了破坏性冲突,这些冲突已成为全球当前话语的主要部分。“我更喜欢为了避免打架,”他说。 “因此,我认为通过这种具有讽刺意味的方式谈论他们,通过狗政治的隐喻,可能是指出一些问题的正确方法,而不会伤害任何人。”“我们认为罗伯特的特殊幽默,他的特殊方式并以异想天开的幻想风格重新制定严重的问题,将导致讽刺的宝石可以“炸药”目前的孤立主义者,民族主义的话语来自双方。”他所罗门。
The surprisingly complex world of puppy politics becomes the unlikely breeding ground for a new satire produced by Hungary’s Other Films and Romanian production powerhouse microFILM, the companies announced this week during the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
“Whose Dog Am I?” is a docu-comedy essay about politics in a world where citizens are dogs, politicians are their breeders, and the highest international forum is the World Canine Organization. It’s a film about Big Politics through the politics of the dog world.
“Whose Dog Am I?” is directed by Robert Lakatos and produced by Hungary’s Rita Balogh, and Romania’s Alecu and Ada Solomon, whose Bucharest-based microFILM has produced critically acclaimed films including Radu Jude’s Berlin Golden Bear winner “Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn” and Calin Peter Netzer’s Golden Bear winner “Child’s Pose.”
Lakatos told Variety the film was inspired by his real-life efforts to breed a successor to his aging Hungarian shepherd dog, a process that was thwarted by the complex rules and regulations that govern the world of dog-breeding.
“Step by step I found out that human politics are reflected in dog-breeding politics,” said the director. “Nearly all the problems of human society, like nationalism, racism, misogyny, exploitation, migration problems, problems of minorities, etc., you can find in dog society and dog breeding politics as well, but in a more brutal way.”
Lakatos is a Romanian citizen who is also a member of that country’s ethnic Hungarian minority, a population of 1.5 million who chose neither to assimilate nor emigrate but preserve their unique cultural identity.
That fact, said Alecu and Ada Solomon, makes “Whose Dog Am I?” “a natural born Hungarian-Romanian coproduction and a necessary one, in these parts of the world still so petrified in a chauvinistic mentality.”
“The film shows—in a funny, surprising and self-ironical way—how we project our identity problems and insecurities on our beloved pets,” they said. “Much of today’s worldwide conflicts are driven by these fears of losing one’s own identity and claims to retrieve it. The film shows the absurdity of this quest for purity and manages to make us reflect—while laughing full-heartedly—on who we are, as a mixture of different ‘breeds.’”
Balogh is the founder of Budapest-based Other Films and a co-founder of the Budapest International Documentary Festival. Of the collaboration with her Romanian co-producers, she said that “it is fruitful to work together, even on such delicate and difficult topics as ours.”
“I believe in building bridges and looking at things from various perspectives—even if nowadays this attitude alone means provocation, as many tend to be so wrapped up in ideologies that they forget there are people on the other side, too,” she said.
“How do we talk about these issues at a time when it is getting harder and harder for many to see the bigger picture? Telling a heartwarming story about dogs, with loads of humor, seemed to be just the right way. I think we desperately need accessible and enjoyable documentaries, also about serious topics.”
Lakatos' previous films have screened at festivals including Karlovy Vary, IDFA, DOK Leipzig, and Visions du Reel. With "Whose Dog Am I?", he said he was searching for a unique and distinctive way to address the political issues of the day while side-stepping the destructive conflicts that have become a dominant part of the current discourse worldwide.
"I prefer to avoid fights," he said. "So I thought that speaking about them in this ironic and comic way, through the metaphor of dog politics, might be the right way of pointing out some problems, without harming anyone."
“We thought Robert’s special humor, his particular way of enacting and reenacting serious issues in a whimsical, fantasy style, will result in a satirical gem that can 'dynamite' the current isolationist, nationalist discourse coming from both sides,” added the Solomons.