Reservoir Docs Acquires World Rights to Timely Doc About Online Harassment, ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ (EXCLUSIVE)
罗马尼亚导演阿迪纳·萨迪安努(AdinaSădeanu)获得了纪录片“被遗忘的权利”,该纪录片本周在塞萨洛尼基纪录片节的联合制作论坛上获得了纪录片。该公司除了罗马尼亚,摩尔多瓦和贝内卢克斯外,还确保了全球销售权。通过调查和观察,“被遗忘的权利”的结合讲述了三名妇女受到长达数年的在线攻击,骚扰和死亡威胁,死亡威胁,死亡威胁,死亡威胁,遭受重伤的故事。每个人都以自己的方式回应攻击。PIC是由Axis媒体生产生产的,与Squarefish(比利时)和HBO Europe共同生产。它目前正在生产中,并计划于2022年夏季交付。“我从虚拟世界以我们尚未完全理解的方式影响我们的生活的想法开始了这部电影,”Sădeanu说。“一个主要的影响是通过网络暴力和私人生活侵犯。超越了个人的个人故事受害者,这部电影揭示了应该保护我们的人的精神障碍。在这些新现象的根源上,我发现了很多仇恨和巨大的问责制。我问自己:我们是否知道所有这些对我们生活产生的后果?为自己的社区中的平等权利而战,以巨大的代价。 PIC在塞萨洛尼基文档市场上可用。“水库文档非常自豪地代表两张关于为自己的简单呼吸和生存权而战的妇女的非常相关的纪录片:``英勇的妇女''在整个政治和司法体系似乎不在乎时,在超正统社区以及“被遗忘的权利”以及如何提出指控。”在Reservoir Docs.sso的收购公司在塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)的板岩上也是“怪胎的代码”,导演萨洛姆·查斯诺夫(Salome Chasnoff)在电影中对残疾人物的使用的激进重塑,“坐下来:哈里·贝拉富特·哈里·贝拉富特·托恩·贝拉富特·托恩·贝拉富托主持了今晚节目”,”导演约鲁巴·里奇(Yoruba Richen)对电视历史上的开创性时刻进行了考察,当时这位传奇的非裔美国人演员在美国的种族紧张局势处于沸点时,主持了标志性的深夜电视节目。
Reservoir Docs has acquired the documentary “The Right to Be Forgotten,” by Romanian director Adina Sădeanu, which is being pitched this week during the Co-Production Forum of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Variety has learned. The company has secured worldwide sales rights apart from Romania, Moldova and Benelux.
Through a mix of investigation and observation, “The Right to Be Forgotten” tells the story of three women deeply wounded by years-long online attacks, harassment and death threats, who each respond to the attacks in their own way. Pic is produced by Axis Media Production, in co-production with Squarefish (Belgium) and HBO Europe. It’s currently in production and slated to be delivered in summer 2022.
“I started this film from the idea that the virtual world impacts our lives in ways that we don’t yet fully understand,” said Sădeanu. “One major influence comes through cyber violence and private life violations. Going beyond the personal stories of the victims, this film unveils the mental barriers of those who are supposed to protect us. At the roots of these new phenomena, I discovered a lot of hate and a huge lack of accountability. And I asked myself: are we aware of the consequences that all these have on our lives?”
Reservoir Docs is also repping “Women of Valor,” from director Anna Somershaf, a film which follows an Ultra-Orthodox Israeli woman running for parliament and fighting for equal rights in her community, at a tremendous cost to herself. Pic is available in the Thessaloniki Doc Market.
“Reservoir Docs is very proud to represent two very relevant documentaries about women who fight for their right to simply breathe and exist: ‘Women of Valor,’ by Anna Somershaf, about the right to be elected among the Ultra-Orthodox community, and ‘The Right to Be Forgotten,’ about harassment and how to press charges when the whole political and judicial system doesn’t seem to care,” said Anaïs Clanet, partner and head of sales and acquisitions at Reservoir Docs.
Also on the company’s slate in Thessaloniki are “Code of the Freaks,” director Salome Chasnoff’s radical reframing of the use of disabled characters in film, and “The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte Hosts the Tonight Show,” director Yoruba Richen’s examination of a seminal moment in TV history, when the legendary African-American actor hosted the iconic late-night TV program at a time when racial tensions in America were at a boiling point.