“滑板梦”将聚焦美国奥运会滑板教练米米·诺普(Mimi Knoop)
‘Skate Dreams’ Will Spotlight U.S. Olympic Skateboarding Coach Mimi Knoop
杰西卡·爱德华兹(Jessica Edwards)正在导演并制作“滑板梦”,这是一部关于女性滑板运动员的纪录片,因为他们在东京进行了首次奥运会竞赛。女性滑板的兴起从其起源到其作为奥运会运动的国际首次亮相。它将介绍来自世界各地的六名女性滑冰运动员,包括美国女子奥运会滑板教练米米·诺普(Mimi Knoop),她的使命是将这项运动变成一个更具包容性和多样化的全球社区。曾担任该项目的执行制片人。“我们已经努力了很长时间,以创造机会,而在没有必要的情况下没有任何事先存在的机会。”“随着滑板运动在全球舞台上首次亮相,我很高兴参加一部讲述导致我们这一刻的不为人知的故事。”P的眼睛,观众将视为一项局外人运动,曾经只有在废弃的游泳池中练习,而空置的地块成为美国增长最快的运动。电影中也出现了美国女性妮可·豪斯(Nicole Hause),诺拉·瓦斯科内塞洛斯(Nora Vasconcellos)和杰西卡·贝利(Jessyka Bailey),柬埔寨的chansangva(锡)库夫(Tin)kouv和加纳的桑迪·阿里博(Sandy Alibo)。爱德华兹(Edwards)说,”爱德华兹(Edwards)说,”爱德华兹(Edwards)说:“以自己的条件定义社区,不仅为个人独立,而且是一种互相举起的方式,都着迷和启发。”爱德华兹(Edwards主食。 “随着滑板的全球关注,我想强调到达这里所需的斗争和旅程。”艾琳·欧文斯(Erin Owens)与执行制片人Hustwit,Bowie和Jeff Barnett-Zunino,Molly Gochman和Michael Armilio一起制作。 “滑板梦”与修剪制作结合。
Jessica Edwards is directing and producing "Skate Dreams," an upcoming documentary about female skateboarders, as the first Olympic competition for them is underway in Tokyo.
Produced by Film First, the Brooklyn-based shingle Edwards founded in 2010, the documentary will chronicle the rise of female skateboarding from its origins to its international debut as an Olympic sport. It will profile six female skaters from around the world, including U.S. Women's Olympic Skateboarding coach Mimi Knoop, who are on a mission to transform the sport into a more inclusive and diverse global community.
Gary Hustwit, director-producer of "Helvetica," is serving as executive producer on the project.
"We’ve been working for a long time to create opportunities where none existed prior out of sheer necessity," Knoop said. "As skateboarding makes its debut on the global stage, I’m excited to participate in a film that tells the untold story that led us to this moment."
Through Knoop's eyes, viewers will watch as an outsider sport once only practiced in abandoned swimming pools and vacant lots becomes the fastest growing sport in America. American women Nicole Hause, Nora Vasconcellos and Jessyka Bailey, Cambodia's Chansangva (Tin) Kouv and Ghana's Sandy Alibo are also featured in the film.
"Since my 9-year-old daughter decided she wanted to pick up a skateboard, I’ve been fascinated and inspired by groups of skaters defining their communities on their own terms and using the sport not just for personal independence but as a way to lift each other up," said Edwards, who previously directed "Mavis!," the latter about singer Mavis Staples. "As skateboarding gains global attention on sport’s biggest stage, I want to highlight the struggle and journey that it took to get here."
Erin Owens produces alongside executive producers Hustwit, Bowie and Jeff Barnett-Zunino, Molly Gochman and Michael Armilio. "Skate Dreams" is produced in association with Topiary Productions.