斯坦利·尼尔森(Stanley Nelson)直接纪录片《障碍物》高尔夫球手查理·西福德(Charlie Sifford)(独家)
Stanley Nelson to Direct Documentary on Barrier-Breaking Golfer Charlie Sifford (EXCLUSIVE)
斯坦利·尼尔森(Stanley Nelson)已准备指导一部有关查理·西福德(Charlie Sifford)生活的长篇纪录片,查理·西福德(Charlie Sifford)是第一位在PGA巡回赛上扮演的黑色高尔夫球手。在美国的锦标赛终止“仅白人”会员条款,这一成就使他能够在39岁时参加比赛。洛杉矶于1969年开业。通过这些成就,他赢得了超过120万美元的奖金,并成为了那十年中PGA的60名奖金之一。在西福德(Sifford)的许多荣誉中,他曾是六届UGA国家黑人公开冠军,并且是他获得了圣安德鲁斯大学的荣誉博士学位。他还获得了总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的总统自由勋章。西福德(Sifford)于2015年去世,享年92岁。正在与Keith Brown,Tirrell D. Whittle,Russ Crockett和Darryl Porter制作纪录片。Nelson最近的作品包括“ Attica”,这是一部非小说类电影,该电影研究了美国历史上最大的监狱起义。它定于今年9月的多伦多国际电影节上举行全球首映。电影制片人的荣誉包括艾美奖获奖的“自由车手”,“自由夏天”,“黑人出版社:无剑的士兵”和“两美元和梦想”。2000年,纳尔逊和他的妻子玛西娅·史密斯(Marcia A. Smith)成立了Firelight Media是一家非营利性制作公司,致力于使用历史电影来推动当代社会正义事业。组织还致力于指导新一代的年轻电影制片人致力于推进代表性不足的故事。 Firelight于2016年获得了麦克阿瑟创意和有效机构奖。纳尔逊由WME和Frankfurt Kurnit Klein&Selz代表。查理·西福德(Charlie Sifford)庄园由菲尔·桑德豪斯(Phil Sandhaus)共同代表WME Legends和JLMP。
Stanley Nelson has been set to direct a feature-length documentary on the life of Charlie Sifford, the first Black golfer to play on the PGA Tour.
Sifford, who has been called the Jackie Robinson of golf, was instrumental in getting the biggest professional golf tournament in the U.S. to terminate the "Caucasian-only" membership clause, an achievement that allowed him to play at the age of 39.
He became a full member of the PGA Tour and notched several victories, including the Greater Hartford Open in 1967 and the Los Angeles Open in 1969. Through those achievements, he won more than $1.2 million and became one of the PGA's top 60 money-winners of that decade.
Among Sifford's many accolades, he was a six-time UGA National Negro Open champion, and he received an honorary doctorate from University of St. Andrews. He was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama. Sifford died in 2015 at the age of 92.
In addition to directing, Nelson is producing the documentary with Keith Brown, Tirrell D. Whittley, Russ Crockett and Darryl Porter.
Nelson’s recent work includes "Attica," a non-fiction film that examines the largest prison uprising in U.S. history. It is set to have its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival this September. The filmmaker's credits include the Emmy-winning "Freedom Riders," "Freedom Summer," "The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords" and "Two Dollars and a Dream."
In 2000, Nelson and his wife, Marcia A. Smith, founded Firelight Media, a non-profit production company dedicated to using historical film to advance contemporary social justice causes. The org also focuses on mentoring a new generation of diverse young filmmakers committed to advancing underrepresented stories. Firelight received a MacArthur Award for creative and effective institutions in 2016.
Nelson is represented by WME and Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz. The Charlie Sifford Estate is co-represented by Phil Sandhaus/WME Legends and JLMP.