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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-参与者兼“不便的真相”制作人黛安·韦尔曼(Diane Weyermann)死于66岁/Diane Weyermann, Participant Executive and ‘Inconvenient Truth’ Producer, Dies at 66

发表于 2022-7-5 04:24:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

参与者兼“不便的真相”制作人黛安·韦尔曼(Diane Weyermann)死于66岁

Diane Weyermann, Participant Executive and ‘Inconvenient Truth’ Producer, Dies at 66

参与者的首席内容官,圣丹斯研究所纪录片电影计划的前主任黛安·韦耶曼(Diane Weyermann)周四在纽约癌症去世。她今年66岁。在过去的三十年中,韦尔曼在支持纪录片社区并在参与者和圣丹斯研究所任职期间塑造非小说类景观方面发挥了开创性的作用。奥斯卡赢得纪录片,包括戴维斯·古根海姆(Davis Guggenheim)的“不便真相”(2006年),劳拉·波特拉斯(Laura Poitras)的“公民派”(2014年)和“美国工厂”(2019年)(2019年),由史蒂芬·博格(Steven Bognar)和朱莉娅·雷希尔特(Julia Reichert)执导,是韦耶尔曼(Weyermann)的许多项目之一。 Weyermann于2005年加入参与者 - 杰夫·斯科尔(Jeff Skoll)成立了具有社会意识的生产公司一年。在12年的时间里,她负责制作公司的纪录片故事和电视台。 2017年,韦尔曼(Weyermann)晋升为总统,并于2019年被任命为洛杉矶媒体公司(L.A. Media House)的首席内容官,她负责PArowipant的纪录片,故事片和电视台。在参与者的任期中,Weyermann负责制作Docus,其中包括Ted Braun的“ Darfur Now”(2007年),罗伯特·肯纳(Robert Kenner)的“ Food,Inc。” (2008年),埃罗尔·莫里斯(Errol Morris)的“标准操作程序”(2008年),约书亚·奥本海默(Joshua Oppenheimer)的《沉默外观》(The The Look of Silence)(2014),摩根·内维尔(Morgan Neville)的《陌生人:奇怪的音乐:溜溜球和丝绸之路》(The Silk Road Ensemble)(2015年)和马克·西尔弗(Marc Silver)的“ 3 1/2分钟”(2015年)。在2月,韦尔曼(Weyermann)在与霓虹灯合作的北美发行乔纳斯·波斯·拉斯穆森(Jonas Poher Rasmussen)的纪录片《逃亡》中发挥了关键作用。 3月,参与者再次与霓虹灯以及马修·海尼曼(Matthew Heineman)的Covid Doc“ The Wave”合作。2018年,参与者发布了其首个纪录片电视连续剧,Steve James的“ America to Me”  -  Starz Project,该项目是Weyermann Executive Projection生产。詹姆斯在他的2021年国家地理四部分系列“城市如此真实。”由于她在“城市如此真实”和HBO的大卫·伯恩(David Byrne)的“美国乌托邦”(American Utopia)的努力中,韦尔曼(Weyermann)今年获得了两项黄金时段的艾美奖提名。 (Weyermann还在2010年获得了Emmy Nom,以制作BET的“压力锅”。韦尔曼的参与项目总体上获得了10项奥斯卡金像奖提名和4项胜利。八项艾美奖提名和三场胜利;三项BAFTA提名和一次胜利;以及五项精神奖提名和三项胜利。韦尔曼(Weyermann)于2005年加入参与者,担任圣丹斯学院纪录片电影节目的主任。在担任乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)公开协会学院(纽约艺术与文化计划)的董事七年后,她于2001年加入了圣丹斯研究所(Sundance Institute)。除了在索罗斯基金会网络中与当代艺术中心和文化计划的合作外,韦尔曼还推出了Multi-Mi1996年,LLION DOLLAR SOROS纪录片基金。全球基金是为仅针对人权的纪录片创建的。当韦尔曼(Weyermann)加入圣丹斯研究所(Sundance Institute)开展国际活动时,索罗斯基金会(Soros Fund)搬到了圣丹斯研究所(Sundance Institute),在那里成为圣丹斯纪录片基金会。在圣丹斯(Sundance)启动纪录片计划外,韦尔曼(Weyermann)负责启动该研究所的乐器纪录片实验室实验室实验室用于编辑和讲故事,以及纪录片作曲家的实验室。韦尔曼(Weyermann)任职期间,圣丹斯研究所(Sundance Institute)纪录片计划。Weyermann是2012年至2018年电影艺术与科学学院纪录片分会执行委员会的成员。她曾获得外语电影奖和国际奖故事片奖的执行委员会2016  -  2020年,并从2018  -  2020年共同主持了委员会。她还是电视艺术与科学学院的成员,欧洲电影学院。Weyermann出生并在圣路易斯长大。她曾在乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University),圣路易斯大学(St. Louis University)的法学院上学,并开始了她的法律援助职业。她在法律职业生涯的早期意识到,倡导那些数百万公民缺乏声音的人,这部电影可以提供一个庞大的平台来讲述故事,这些故事将提升问题,并被忽视,忽视或误解的人。然后,她继续在芝加哥哥伦比亚学院的电影学校获得MFA。韦伊尔曼(Weyermann)的姐姐安德里亚(Andrea),姐夫蒂姆(Tim)和三个侄子幸存下来。

Diane Weyermann, chief content officer at Participant and former director of the Sundance Institute’s Documentary Film Program died Thursday of cancer in New York. She was 66.

For the last three decades, Weyermann played a seminal role in supporting the documentary community and shaping the nonfiction landscape during stints at Participant and the Sundance Institute. Oscar winning docus including Davis Guggenheim’s “An Inconvenient Truth” (2006), Laura Poitras’ “Citizenfour” (2014) and “American Factory” (2019), directed by Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert, are among the many projects that Weyermann helped shepherd.

Weyermann joined Participant in 2005 – one year after Jeff Skoll founded the socially conscious production company. For 12 years, she was responsible for the production company’s documentary feature film and television slate. In 2017, Weyermann was promoted to president, and in 2019 named chief content officer of the L.A.-based media house, where she was responsible for Participant’s documentary, feature film and television slate.

During her tenure at Participant, Weyermann oversaw production of docus, which included Ted Braun’s “Darfur Now” (2007), Robert Kenner’s “Food, Inc.” (2008), Errol Morris’ “Standard Operating Procedure” (2008), Joshua Oppenheimer's “The Look of Silence” (2014), Morgan Neville’s “The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble” (2015) and Marc Silver’s “3 1/2 Minutes” (2015).

In February, Weyermann played a key role in Participant partnering with Neon on the North American distribution of Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s documentary, “Flee.” In March, Participant again partnered with Neon as well as National Geographic on Matthew Heineman's COVID doc "The First Wave."

In 2018, Participant released its first documentary TV series, Steve James’ “America to Me” – a Starz project that Weyermann executive produced. James re-teamed with Participant on his 2021 National Geographic four-part series “City So Real.” For her efforts on “City So Real” and HBO’s David Byrne’s “American Utopia,” Weyermann received two Primetime Emmy nominations this year. (Weyermann also received an Emmy nom in 2010 for executive producing BET’s “Pressure Cooker.”)

During Weyermann’s time at Participant, the company produced more than 100 feature and documentary films. Collectively, Weyermann’s Participant projects have earned 10 Academy Award nominations and four wins; eight Emmy nominations and three wins; three BAFTA nominations and one win; and five Spirit Award nominations and three wins.

Prior to joining Participant in 2005, Weyermann served as the director of the Sundance Institute’s Documentary Film Program. She joined the Sundance Institute in 2001 after serving as director of George Soros' Open Society Institute -- New York’s arts and culture program -- for seven years. In addition to her work with contemporary art centers and culture programs in the Soros Foundation network, Weyermann launched the multi-million dollar Soros Documentary Fund in 1996. The global fund was created for documentaries focused solely on human rights. When Weyermann joined the Sundance Institute to run international activities, the Soros Fund was moved to the Sundance Institute, where it became the Sundance Documentary Fund.

In addition to starting the Documentary Film Program at Sundance, Weyermann was responsible for launching the institute’s instrumental documentary labs for editing and storytelling, as well as the documentary composer's lab.

Films ranging from Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman’s Oscar winning doc “Born Into Brothels” to Eugene Jarecki’s Emmy winning doc “Why We Fight” were among the 339 films that were supported by the Sundance Institute Documentary Program during Weyermann’s tenure.

Weyermann was a member of the Documentary Branch Executive Committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences from 2012-2018. She served on the Foreign Language Film Award and International Feature Film Award Executive Committees from 2016-2020 and co-chaired the committees from 2018-2020. She was also a member of the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the European Film Academy.

Weyermann was born and grew up in St. Louis. She attended college at George Washington University, law school at St. Louis University and started her career in legal aid. She realized early in her law career advocating for those with few resources that millions of citizens lacked voice and that film could provide a huge platform to tell stories that would elevate issues and people that were unknown, ignored, or misunderstood. She then went on to receive her MFA at the film school at Columbia College in Chicago.

Weyermann is survived by her sister Andrea, her brother-in-law Tim and three nephews.


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Ji.Hlava电影节提升了Slate,流线节目25周年纪念版/Ji.hlava Film Festival Boosts Slate, Streamlines Sections for 25th Anniversary Edition
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney/George Clooney’s Smokehouse Pictures Joins ‘How to Build a Truth Engine’ Doc (EXCLUSIVE)

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