迪拜销售代理Cercamon推出纪录片标签,宣布EFM Slate(独家)
Dubai Sales Agent Cercamon Launches Documentary Label, Announces EFM Slate (EXCLUSIVE)
总部位于迪拜的销售代理Cercamon正在推出专门的纪录片功能标签,并将在今年的欧洲电影市场上推出其首次冠军头衔,其中包括康斯坦丁·沃尔夫(Constants Wulff)的伯林纳尔论坛(Berlinale Forum)选择“为维也纳劳动商会的许多人。每年在所有市场上处理8至10张纪录片,前Doc&Film International和Mediawan Rights Exec Suzanne Nodale被利用以监督Slate的所有收购和销售。 - 以“海上大火”为主导的格雷戈里·门罗(Gregory Monro)的国际艾美奖获奖者“库布里克(Kubrick by Kubrick)”和“班克斯(Banksy)最想要的”,这是导演奥雷利亚·鲁维尔(Aurelia Rouvier)和西莫斯·哈利(Seamus Haley)的翠贝卡电影节选拔。该公司首席执行官塞巴斯蒂安·切斯诺(Sebastien Chesneau)说。 “自从她第一次进入该行业并跟随他以来,我就认识她R职业。她的经验结合了Cercamon的现有资产,使我们能够多样化的活动,同时忠于提出新的声音和引人入胜的故事。劳动”(如图),该电影将由康斯坦丁·沃尔夫(Constantin Wulff)指导,由Navigator Film制作,该电影将在奥地利的劳动商会内部(也称为AK),该国是该国官方法律代表,该电影将在伯利纳尔的论坛上首映。对于员工和在工作场所中为其权利而战的人的每日联系点。在为该机构百年周年纪念日准备的准备工作中,“为许多人”提供了一幅肖像,说明了由于经济迅速变化而导致的富裕过去和不确定未来的地方。电影,cercamon有D在即将到来的独立Arthouse功能方面,这是一项非常出色的工作,苏珊(Suzanne)在纪录片销售方面具有令人印象深刻的背景。” “在为柏林代理的密集准备期间,我们非常感谢他们的投入,以定位和推销这项纯粹的直接电影风格的作品。”“我有机会在弗雷德里克·怀斯曼(Frederick Wiseman)的电影中工作 - 直接电影大师 - 在过去,因此确实回应了康斯坦丁电影的美学。” Nodale补充说。 “通过将观众浸入AK中,我们发现了世界上绝对独特的机构,这是任何工人要求其权利的地方。在经济不确定性以及全球工作场所和劳工权利面临的转变时,这部电影使我们能够质疑如何面对这些挑战,而不会忽视任何工作中最重要的部分:执行这项工作的人们。” Cercamon的EFM Slate上的标题包括尼娜·古斯瓦(Nina Guseva)的IDFA前线首映“案件”。这部电影由立体定向制作并在俄罗斯镜头制作,跟随人权律师玛丽亚·埃斯蒙特(Maria Eismont)为捍卫康斯坦丁·科托夫(Konstantin Kotov)的辩护,这是一名激进主义者,他是一名被谴责为四年监禁的活动家,并在国际大赦国际的政治犯宣布为政治犯。Cercamon正在准备这部电影的电视剪辑,并正在努力进一步的节日曝光。板岩还在法国 - 伯基纳法索(France-Burkina Faso)联合制作《如果你是男人》(Simon Panay),目前正在后期制作中。这部电影跟随奥皮奥(Opio),他是一个13岁的男孩,他在布基纳法索(Burkina Faso)的金矿中工作,以支付他的学校学费。出生于法国的Panay在西非生活了几年,并且已经导演了与采矿业有关的几条纪录片短裤,包括“没有人死在这里”。这部电影在贝宁的一个非法矿山中拍摄,在71个国家 /地区放映,并获得了133个节日奖。
Dubai-based sales agent Cercamon is launching a dedicated documentary feature label and will unveil its first slate of titles at this year’s European Film Market, including Constantin Wulff’s Berlinale Forum selection “For the Many – The Vienna Chamber of Labor.”
The company plans to handle 8 to 10 documentaries per year across all markets, with former Doc & Film International and Mediawan Rights exec Suzanne Nodale tapped to oversee all acquisitions and sales of the slate.
A specialist in documentary sales, Nodale has worked on titles such as Gianfranco Rosi’s Oscar-nominated “Fire at Sea,” Gregory Monro’s International Emmy Award winner “Kubrick by Kubrick” and “Banksy Most Wanted,” a Tribeca Film Festival selection from directors Aurelia Rouvier and Seamus Haley.
“I am thrilled to have Suzanne joining the team to expand the reach of Cercamon,” said the company’s CEO, Sebastien Chesneau. “I have known her since she first stepped into the industry and followed her career. Her experience combined with Cercamon’s existing assets allow us to diversify our activity while remaining true to our dedication to bringing new voices and compelling stories forward.”
Cercamon also revealed its slate for the upcoming EFM in February, including “For the Many – The Vienna Chamber of Labor” (pictured), which will have its world premiere in the Berlinale’s Forum strand.
Directed by Constantin Wulff and produced by Navigator Film, the film is set inside Austria’s Chambers of Labor (also known as AK), the country’s official legal representative for employees and the daily point of contact for people who are fighting for their rights within the workplace. Unspooling amid preparations for the institution’s centennial anniversary, “For the Many” offers a portrait of a place caught between a rich past and an uncertain future due to a rapidly changing economy.
“We knew through Austrian colleagues, especially Anne Laurent-Delage from Austrian Films, that Cercamon has done a very good job on upcoming independent arthouse features, and Suzanne has an impressive background in documentary sales,” said Wulff and Navigator Film CEO and producer Johannes Rosenberger. “During the intensive preparations for the Berlinale, we very much appreciated their input in order to position and market this purist, direct cinema-style work.”
“I had the chance to work on Frederick Wiseman’s films — the master of direct cinema — in the past and therefore really responded to the aesthetic of Constantin’s film,” added Nodale. “By immersing the viewer within the AK, we discover an institution absolutely unique in the world, a place for any worker to ask for their rights. At a time of economic uncertainty and the shift facing the workplace and labor rights worldwide, the film allows us to question what can be done to face these challenges without losing sight of the most important part of any job: the people performing it.”
Other titles on Cercamon’s EFM slate include IDFA Frontlight premiere “The Case,” by Nina Guseva. Produced by Stereotactic and lensed in Russia, the film follows human rights lawyer Maria Eismont as she works on the defense of Konstantin Kotov, an activist condemned to four years in jail and declared at the time a political prisoner by Amnesty International. Cercamon is preparing a TV cut of the film and is working toward further festival exposure.
Also on the slate is France-Burkina Faso co-production “If You Are a Man” by Simon Panay, which is currently in post-production. The film follows Opio, a 13-year-old boy who works in a gold mine in Burkina Faso in order to pay his school tuition. The French-born Panay has been living in West Africa for several years and has already directed several documentary shorts related to the mining industry, including “Nobody Dies Here.” Shot in an illegal mine in Benin, the film has screened in 71 countries and won 133 festival awards.