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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“城市和城市”讲述了第二次世界大战期间塞萨洛尼基的犹太人的不为人知的故事/‘The City and the City’ Tells Untold Stories of Thessaloniki’s Jews During WWII

发表于 2022-7-5 02:04:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


‘The City and the City’ Tells Untold Stories of Thessaloniki’s Jews During WWII

在柏林电影节竞争激烈的竞争中鞠躬的“城市和城市”中,将于3月15日在塞萨洛尼基纪录片电影节上进行特别放映,Syllas Tzoumerkas和Christos Passalis train train tain第二次世界大战期间,对塞萨洛尼基的犹太人人口进行的暴行。这部电影在六个零散的章节中进行了繁殖,讲述了塞萨洛尼基的犹太人社区的故事,从20世纪上半叶到今天,当代生活反映了一个城市,反映了这座城市,这是一个剧烈且无关紧要的城市其多元文化特征几乎一夜之间。二人离开塞萨洛尼基的著名人士说,他们想专注于Tzoumerkas在各自的成长中所描述的“盲点”,在各自的培养中,苦难和近乎an灭该城市的犹太社区几乎没有提及。 “这既是我们的归乡,又是一种发掘的行为,我他说:“在这座城市中抚养死者的感觉。在1400年代,Sephardic犹太人被从西班牙开除,定居在塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki),当时是奥斯曼帝国的一部分,帮助塑造了几个世纪以来其文化和经济生活。到20世纪初,犹太人大约是该市人口的一半。但是,第二次世界大战,数以万计的犹太人从塞萨洛尼基被驱逐到集中营。据一些估计,多达97%的犹太人人口被杀。不仅暴行,而且希腊合作者所扮演的角色都是痛苦的事实,董事说,希腊当局和整个社会都没有完全承认。这是“城市和城市”在过去和现在之间流动的原因。“我们认为在视觉和哲学上,这将是一个有趣的想法纳粹纳粹士兵穿过当代塞萨洛尼基。我们希望历史成为电影的力量而不是背景。”帕萨利斯说。 “首先,这些历史层都存在于整个城市。而且,由于尚未承认这一悲惨事件,因此仍然有需要承认的记忆。他们在日常生活中还活着。”“我们想要的是在当代与历史之间建立这种对话,” Tzoumerkas补充说。 “我们正在谈论的历史一部分尚未找到正义。”纪录片和小说的元素“城市与城市”也是去年夏天塞萨洛尼基希腊国家歌剧院替代舞台上安装的装置的重点。这部电影由Syndicado Film Sales出售,是希腊国家歌剧和自制电影制作,与Thessaloniki International Film Festival合作,其艺术总监Orestis andReadakis策划了该装置。Tzoumerkas和Passalis已经合作了十多年,因为后者(Blitz Theatre Group的资深屏幕和舞台演员和联合创始人)出现在Tzoumerkas的处女作《国土》中,该公司在威尼斯评论家本周首映,2010年。他还出演了导演的“萨尔加索海的奇迹”,该导演于2019年在柏林鞠躬。Tzoumerkas将这部电影视为探索一个黑暗情节的一种方式,该剧集在很大程度上是从大屠杀的集体记忆中删除的。他说:“这是一部希腊电影,是一部希腊电影,但我认为这在更全球的意义上也很重要。”“这是我们对当年发生的事情的意识。”

In “The City and the City,” which bowed in the Berlin Film Festival’s competitive Encounters strand and will have a special screening on March 15 at the Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival, Syllas Tzoumerkas and Christos Passalis train their lens on the largely untold story of the atrocities committed against Thessaloniki’s Jewish population during World War II.

Unspooling in six fragmented chapters, the film tells the story of Thessaloniki’s Jewish community from the first half of the 20th century until the present day, where contemporary life reflects a city that violently and irrevocably lost its multicultural character, almost overnight.

Natives who both left Thessaloniki in their twenties, the directors said they wanted to focus on what Tzoumerkas described as a “blind spot” in their respective upbringings, in which the suffering and near annihilation of the city’s Jewish community went virtually unmentioned. “It’s both a homecoming for us, and also it’s an act of exhuming, in the sense of bringing up the dead in the city,” he said.

Sitting at an ancient crossroads of East and West, Greece’s second city has for centuries been a cultural melting pot. In the 1400s, Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain settled in Thessaloniki, then part of the Ottoman Empire, helping to shape its cultural and economic life for centuries to come. By the turn of the 20th century, Jews comprised roughly half the city’s population.

During World War II, however, tens of thousands of Jews were deported from Thessaloniki to concentration camps; by some estimates, up to 97% of the city’s Jewish population was killed. Not only the atrocities but the role played by Greek collaborators are bitter facts that the directors say neither Greek authorities nor society at large have ever fully acknowledged.

It is a reason why “The City and the City” moves fluidly between the past and present. “We thought that it would be an interesting idea, visually and philosophically, to have Nazi soldiers walking through contemporary Thessaloniki. We wanted history to be in the film as a force rather than a background,” said Passalis. “These layers of history, first of all, are present all over the city. And also, because this tragic event has not been acknowledged, there are still memories that need to be acknowledged. They are alive in everyday life.”

“What we wanted was to create this dialogue between the contemporary and the historical,” added Tzoumerkas. “We’re talking about a part of history that hasn’t found justice.”

Incorporating elements of both documentary and fiction, “The City and the City” was also the focus of an installation mounted at Thessaloniki’s Greek National Opera Alternative Stage last summer. The film, which is being sold by Syndicado Film Sales, is a Greek National Opera and Homemade Films production, in collaboration with the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, whose artistic director, Orestis Andreadakis, curated the installation.

Tzoumerkas and Passalis have been collaborating for more than a decade, since the latter — a veteran screen and stage actor and co-founder of the Blitz Theater Group — appeared in Tzoumerkas’ debut, “Homeland,” which premiered in Venice Critics’ Week in 2010. He also starred in the director's “The Miracle of the Sargasso Sea,” which bowed in 2019 in Berlin.

Tzoumerkas sees the film as a way to explore a dark episode that has largely been erased from the collective memory of the Holocaust. “This is a film that is in Greek, and it’s a Greek film, but I think that also it’s very important in a more global sense,” he said. “That this is in our consciousness of what happened in those years.”


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“安迪·沃霍尔日记”导演安德鲁·罗西(Andrew Rossi)与瑞安·墨菲(Ryan Murphy)合作,AI叙事和人性化艺术家/‘The Andy Warhol Diaries’ Director Andrew Rossi on Teaming Up With Ryan Murphy, AI Narration and Humanizing the Artist
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-法国战争记者卢普局在俄罗斯的“残酷”乌克兰入侵中:“这是每个城市的整体混乱”/French War Reporter Loup Bureau on Russia’s ‘Brutal’ Ukraine Invasion: ‘It Was Total Chaos in Every City’

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