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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-巴尔干,地中海电影制片人在Thessaloniki Doc Fest的焦点/Balkan, Mediterranean Filmmakers in Focus at Thessaloniki Doc Fest’s Pitching Forum

发表于 2022-7-5 08:11:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

巴尔干,地中海电影制片人在Thessaloniki Doc Fest的焦点

Balkan, Mediterranean Filmmakers in Focus at Thessaloniki Doc Fest’s Pitching Forum

经过一年的飞行,视频电话会议以及无数其他解决方法,以通过冠状病毒大流行帮助全球电影业,塞萨洛尼基纪录片节的组织者准备为第23版推出红地毯。欧洲和全球大部分地区最近几周,今年的混合动力版将包括大约100名行业客人参加该音乐节的行业部门Agora的活动,该活动将于6月25日从网上和现场举办活动,从6月25日开始在塞萨洛尼基举办活动。 7月4日。组织者充分利用了最近的经验。去年,随着大流行开始在欧洲蔓延,节日被迫匆匆旋转到在线版本,在节日的第22版被推迟后几天,年度Agora Doc市场的投球论坛被推广。 “一切都在三天内进行了协调,”阿格拉头伊安娜·萨里(Yianna Sarri)说。 “今年,我们有更多时间预先节日及其11月的姐妹活动中使用的许多传统场所,例如标志性的仓库综合体对Salonika湾的推力,已被带有更好的气流的开放空间所取代,可以容纳人群,同时仍然坚持社交 - 距离和其他健康方案。然而,对于许多无法参加的行业客人来说,现场举行的行业活动将同时进行。“从这个意义上说,这就像组织两个节日。”萨里(Sarri)说,行业亮点将是Agora Lab Lab Workshop,其中著名的纪录片专家为希腊电影制片人提供了指导,他们的电影正在制作后期制作阶段,并见面会面。未来,介绍了来自更广泛地理区域的新兴纪录片制片人的部分,今年将在塞尔维亚引起人们的关注。Agora Doc市场将在其ACC的数字图书馆中包括400多个完整的纪录片备用的客人,尽管一系列的演讲和大师班将探讨影响纪录片行业和全球范围内的纪录行业的问题。和正在进行的Agora文档正在进行后期制作的最后阶段。本年级项目将参加推销论坛,另外10个正在进行的文档,希望在行业专业人士中找到合适的合作伙伴被邀请参加塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)的现场活动,或者在网上遵循音调。不仅要性别平等 - 所有这些部分的两个项目都将妇女置于董事或制片人身份,而且还包含更广泛的重新者萨里说:“我们真的在努力代表尽可能多的社区。 “我们真的试图帮助国家目前处于不良状态的国家。”今年包括Cherine Karam的“ Depot-Vente”等电影,该电影是在战争中的贝鲁特中设置的,并遵循了一家老式商店的努力。主人要修补疲倦的灵魂和抛弃的衣服;阿内利斯·萨兰(Anelise Salan)的“禁忌”,其中一名罗马尼亚妇女起诉该州嫁给女友的权利,使她作为同性恋者的生活变得复杂。赫萨姆·埃斯拉米(Hesam Eslami)的“梦想工厂”(Dream Factory)在伊朗北部一个贫穷的小城市中解散,在那里,居民被一个狂热的梦想所拥有的,以找到被认为被埋葬在地上的古老的萨萨尼德宝藏。 Agora项目在其DE的后期返回塞萨洛尼基来自希腊的安吉洛斯·拉利斯(Angelos Rallis)的“强大的阿夫林”(如图)的速度,该速度参加了去年的推销论坛,并将在今年作为正在进行的文档部分的一部分返回。 ,“ 她说。在一个不足的地区,许多电影经常在开发阶段停滞不前,Sarri还强调了Agora在看到项目到完成时的良好往绩。 “我们感到非常自豪,因为我们选择的大多数电影正在制作中。”在今年的塞萨洛尼基纪录片节正式选择中,这十部电影首映,并由Agora Docs展示并支持。最近要通过途中获得更广泛成功的电影包括土耳其导演塔里克·阿克塔斯(TarikAktaş)的洛克萨诺奖得主“死马星云”,葡萄牙电影制片人菲利帕·塞萨尔(FilipaCésar在戛纳的一定看法中伊恩(Ion)和阿尔及利亚(Algeria)是奥斯卡最佳国际电影的提交。尽管今年的选择包括代表欧洲,非洲,非洲,北美和亚洲21个国家 /地区的电影制片人,但萨里说,尽管如此,Agora仍然致力于其根源。“我们始终专注于这一特定部分她说:“世界 - 巴尔干和地中海国家 - 我们每年都尽可能多地拥有新的新移民和董事。” “这是Agora的最重要角色:试图找到我们地区的人才并将其带到世界其他地区。”如下:塞萨洛尼基宣传论坛cadillac Dreams(法国佐治亚州)董事:Elene:Elene:Elene。 Mikaberidzeproducer:Elene Margvelashvili(降落伞电影)联合制片人:Baptiste Brunner(YN Productions)Logline:对居住在分裂土地上的年轻人的希望和梦想的亲密探索。跟随她的两个年轻堂兄和他们的朋友的日常生活,导演重新发现了她的家庭住所,目标是编织痛苦的历史,脆弱的礼物之间的联系,但最重要的是这些孩子想象的美丽。结合土地(加拿大,约旦)董事:Asmahan bkeratproducer:Sahar Yousefi(Nava Projects)(Nava Projects)共同制作人:Bassam Alasad(Tabi360)(Tabi360)日志:在斗争中,在城市化的压力下努力维持其传统生活的斗争中,对一个游牧贝都因人家庭的生活进行了亲密的了解。他们作为一个家庭的唯一愿望就是在一起,与他们的忠实的偏心宠物绵羊Badrya一起坚定地站在他们的身边。Depot-Vente(苏格兰瑞典)董事:Cherine Karamproducers:Ashley Smith,Clara Harris,Mario Adamson(Sisyfos Film Production)Logline Logline Logline Logline:在纳瓦尔AKL创立的老式商店仓库中,在一家疤痕和倒塌的贝鲁特倒塌的贝鲁特中,是一个避风港。在她的媚俗机库中,非典型的母亲和企业主在绝望中拥抱青年,并修补疲倦的灵魂和丢弃的衣服。FiveFootball Dreams(Jordan)(Doc系列)董事:Bassel Ghandour,Yassmina KarajAhproducer:Hashem Sabbagh(足球梦)日志线:巴西足球学院在一个难民营中搜寻了五个少年难民,并提供了逃离临时房屋的逃脱,并在巴西(Romania)(罗马尼亚)导演制造商:逃脱了新的租赁。Anelise Salan(L Studio)日志线:一名罗马尼亚妇女起诉该州能够嫁给女友,这一事实使她第一次成为同性恋者的生活变得复杂。(Filmografik Productions)日志线:希腊和法国两个小型“高卢斯”村庄的无畏居民抵制贪婪的征服者,以保留他们的美妙春季水。拉萨(N.Sh。Arena)联合制片人:阿尔弗雷多·费德里克洛奇林(Alfredo Federicologline):难民孩子在难民营中爱上电影院的故事。瓦莱里·蒙马丁(ValérieMontmartin)(小故事)日志线:俄罗斯毒药正在贯穿国际外交的脉络。《爱情爱情》(法国)董事:亚历克西斯·泰兰特·帕特罗(Alexis Taillantproducer):纳迪格·拉贝(NadègeBabé)(Wendigo Films)日志线:弗朗西斯(Francis),米奇琳(Micheline),伊夫(Micheline),伊夫(Micheline),伊夫(Micheline),伊维斯(Micheline),伊夫·莫里斯(Micheline),玛丽丝(Maurice and Maurice and Maurice),老年同性恋者,老年人,争取冒险和爱的权利,并试图为他们在社会中的欲望创造一个地方。高级革命的小帮派梦想,旧的。和谐实践的大规模起义(匈牙利)导演:安娜·基斯普尔(Anna Kisproducer):莉莉·霍瓦特(Lili Horvat),dóracsernátony(Poste restante)日志线:在我们的成年故事中,我们关注Domi,Domi,Domi,Domi,Domi,一个20岁的杰出大提琴人才。在努力进入世界成名之门的同时,他必须面对自己的完美之旅可能会使他的最重要友谊处于危险之中。第二代(西班牙,希腊)导演生产者:罗德里戈·埃尔南德斯(Rodrigo Hernandez))联合制片人:凯伦·奎因(Kellen Quinn)(美国),poh si teng(美国咨询生产商)日志:米里亚姆(Miriam)和格洛里亚(Gloria)的故事,是15岁的西非女孩出生在希腊的故事,她们有机会带领篮球队进入国家冠军,这一成就将从根本上改变他们的生活。:Eirini Vourloumisproducers:Leonidas Liambeys(Long Run Productions),Eirini Vourloumislogline:雅典的视觉驱动纪录片肖像,通过三名出租车司机的生活讲述。他们将我们带入音乐和个人旅程,穿越仍然在经济危机的影响以及前所未有的全球大流行期间苦苦挣扎的城市。阿迪纳·萨迪(AdinaSădeanun)(Axis Media Production)联合制作人:Iva Tkalec,ValGrégoire(Squarefish)日志线:这部电影探索了三个女性的正义和遗忘之旅 -  Alexa,Mara和Alina,Whose Life由于多年的地狱而变成地狱,因为多年 - 长期在线攻击。等待对于校车(瑞典)董事:汉娜·海尔伯恩(Hanna Heilbornproducers):埃林·卡姆特(Elin Kamlert),托比亚斯·詹森(Tobias Janson)(执行制片人)(故事AB)日志线:关于米兰郊区的罗马家庭的纪录片,以及母亲努力享有拥有的权利她的孩子在Progressavaton(法国)董事:Irini Karayannopoulouco导演:Sandrine Cheyrolproducer:Mathilde Delaunay(Barberousse Films)logline logline:妇女自11世纪自11世纪的北部自动社区以来。地球上最大的区域仅保留给男人。在整个阿凡顿,各个年龄段和背景的妇女都讨论了一个她们无法获得的地方,并质疑导致其排斥的严格法律。在最终图片(埃及)董事制作人之前:Aya Tallah Yusufloglogline:Samar和Sanaa的故事;两个朋友在遭受酸性攻击后慢慢重建他们的生活,这使他们毁容并部分失明ife.bottlemen(塞尔维亚,斯洛文尼亚)董事:NemanjaVojinovićproducer:MarijaStojnić,NemanjaVojinović(rt dobre nade)联合制作者:VivaVidenović(VivaVidenović):videnović(urgh!古代文明文明的遗址 - 新石器时代欧洲的摇篮 - 是巴尔干地区最大的垃圾填埋场。这座有毒的土地是不可阻碍的火灾,是一组名为瓶装瓶的塑料瓶收集器的工作场所。通过其成员的亲密肖像,我们遵循这个不太可能的社区的最后几天,在他们的工作变得过时之前。 )(Maria&Mayer)日志:Jenin在第二次袭击(Intifada)中见证了2002年的屠杀。詹宁难民营感受到了最大的影响,只有一平方公里,只有17,000人容纳17,000人。 Th屠杀造成的悲伤和永久性压迫诞生了鼓舞人心的项目,这是一种抵抗。六个现实生活中的故事揭示了那些相信自己可以和平有所作为的人的生活,无论是通过艺术,言论还是强大的行动。德拉姆工厂(法国伊朗)董事:Hesam Eslamiproducer:Etienne de Ricaud(Caracteres Productions),Hesam,HesamEslami(Aras Films)日志线:在伊朗北部的一个小城市(Pol Sefid)中,所有居民都被一个狂热的梦所拥有 - 找到据信被埋葬在地面上的古代Sassanid宝藏。每个人都在照顾这个超现实的缩影中的每个人,那里的任何人都是嫌疑人。法官和警察努力逮捕非法挖掘者,这个禁忌的梦想就越强壮。Laya Prod)日志线:Larache,北摩洛哥。是这里让·吉纳特(Jean Genet)度过了最后几年。他在这里被埋葬了。如今,这位诗人对这座城市的居民而言是传奇的。很少有人认识他或读他的书。但是每个人都有话要说。简单,看不见的人。它们类似于他的书中的角色,现在正在观看他的坟墓。MightyAfrin(德国希腊,德国希腊)导演:Angelos Rallisproducers:Maria del Mar Rodriguez Yebra,Angelos Rallis(Ar Angelos Productions)(AR Productions)联合制片人:Birgit Kemner(Manny Filmss(Manny Filmss))),ERT,ZDF/Artelogline:沿着强大的Brahmaputra河,一个名叫Afrin的12岁孤儿女孩被她的虐待姑姑视为负担。年复一年,阿夫林(Afrin)的房屋因严重的洪水和暴风雨而破坏,由于气候变化,这变得越来越极端。受到洪水和强迫婚姻的威胁,阿夫林决定重新获得对自己的生活的控制,并踏上一个史诗般的,成年的奥德赛,找到她的父亲。2020年纳罗的幸福之路(美国匈牙利)董事:KataOláhproducer:BorbálaCsukás(MakaborStudióKft)共同制作人:Marc Smolowitz(第13代)日志线:Gergo和Lenard:一对居住在偏远的Roma社区中的夫妇,被认为是一种不可原谅的罪过,梦想是如此荒谬,似乎几乎是不可能的:根据他们的生活和真爱制作音乐电影。搬到首都并面对自由主义的思维方式使他们的梦想更加挑战。表演希腊有史以来第一次同性恋和女同性恋婚姻。尽管存在现有的反对派,尤其是公开表示对希腊总检察长的警告,但他还是这样做了。因此,同年6月,一对女同性恋和同性恋夫妇是希腊有史以来第一位庆祝他们的民事联盟的一对。电影遵循当时临时拍摄的这两个民事婚姻的故事,以及同年的同性恋骄傲,新闻发布会和其他有关同一主题的示威游行。:Aleksandra Kostina,Lukian Halkin(Bosonfilm)日志线:乌克兰有900个废弃城镇,我们要么忘记或从未听说过。但是人们仍然住在那里。“剩菜”体现了乌克兰人的奇妙活力,他们可以梦想在彻底的毁灭之中,梦想更美好的未来。而且,更重要的是,他们用自我巡回和脸上的微笑以自己的双手体现了未来。不沮丧,但并非没有后悔。

After a year of grounded flights, video conference calls, and countless other workarounds to help the global film industry through the coronavirus pandemic, the organizers of the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival are ready to roll out the red carpet for the 23rd edition.

With travel restrictions in Europe and across much of the globe easing in recent weeks, this year’s hybrid edition will include roughly 100 industry guests taking part in the activities of the Agora, the festival’s industry arm, which will host events both online and onsite in Thessaloniki from June 25-July 4.

The organizers have made the most of recent experience. Last year, as the pandemic began spreading across Europe, the festival was forced to hastily pivot to an online edition, livestreaming the pitching forum of the annual Agora Doc Market just days after the festival’s 22nd edition was postponed. “Everything was coordinated in three days,” says Agora head Yianna Sarri. “This year, we had much more time to prepare.”

Many of the traditional venues used by the festival and its sister event in November, such as the iconic warehouse complex thrust against the Gulf of Salonika, have been replaced by open spaces with better airflow that can accommodate crowds while still adhering to social-distancing and other health protocols. Industry events taking place onsite will nevertheless be simultaneously livestreamed for the many industry guests unable to attend. “In that sense, it’s like organizing two festivals in one,” says Sarri.

Among the industry highlights will be the Agora Lab workshop, in which renowned documentary specialists offer guidance to Greek filmmakers whose films are in the post-production stage, and Meet the Future, a section that presents up-and-coming documentary filmmakers from the wider geographical region, which this year will shine the spotlight on Serbia. The Agora Doc Market will include more than 400 completed documentaries in its digital library for accredited guests, while a series of talks and masterclasses will look at issues affecting the documentary industry both regionally and worldwide.

But the anchor of Agora is the Thessaloniki Pitching Forum, a co-production and co-financing platform for documentaries in the development stage, and Agora Docs in Progress, which presents films in the final stages of post-production.

This year 14 projects will take part in the pitching forum, and an additional 10 in Docs in Progress, hoping to find the right partners from among the industry professionals invited to either take part in onsite activities in Thessaloniki, or to follow the pitches online.

For a festival hosted by a city that has historically sat at the crossroads of East and West, Thessaloniki’s pitching forum has long prided itself on diversity, with a commitment not only to gender parity—all but two projects across the two sections have women attached as directors or producers—but to an inclusiveness that embraces the wider region.

“We are really trying to represent as many communities as we can,” says Sarri, noting that great care is also taken to support filmmakers in countries and communities faced with social upheaval or unrest. “We really try to help countries that at this moment are in a bad situation.”

This year that includes films like Cherine Karam’s “Depot-Vente,” which is set in a war-scarred Beirut, and follows the efforts of a vintage shop owner to mend both tired souls and cast-off clothes; Anelise Salan’s “Forbidden,” in which a Romanian woman sues the state for the right to marry her girlfriend, complicating her life as a gay person for the first time; and Hesam Eslami’s “Dream Factory,” which unspools in a small, poor city in northern Iran, where the inhabitants are possessed by a feverish dream to find the ancient Sassanid treasures that are believed to be buried in the ground.

Sarri takes special pride in Agora projects that return to Thessaloniki in later stages of their development, such as “Mighty Afrin” (pictured), from Greece's Angelos Rallis, which took part in last year’s pitching forum and will return this year as part of the Docs in Progress section.

“We’re very happy when this continuation takes place,” she says. In an underfinanced region where many films often stall in the development stage, Sarri also stresses the Agora’s strong track record when it comes to seeing projects through to completion. “We’re very proud, because the majority of the films that we select are being made.”

Ten of the films premiering in the official selection of this year’s Thessaloniki Documentary Festival have been presented at and supported by Agora Docs. Recent films to pass through en route to wider success include Turkish director Tarik Aktaş’ Locarno prize winner “Dead Horse Nebula,” Portuguese filmmaker Filipa César’s Berlin premiere “Spell Reel,” and director Mounia Meddour’s Algerian civil war drama “Papicha,” which premiered in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section and was Algeria’s Oscar submission for best international film.

Though this year's selection includes filmmakers representing 21 countries across Europe, Africa, North America and Asia, Sarri says the Agora is nevertheless committed to its roots.

“We always focus on this specific part of the world—the Balkans and the Mediterranean countries—and we try to have as many newcomers and directors as possible every year,” she says. “This is the most important role of the Agora: to try to find the talent in our region and bring it to the rest of the world.”

The full list of projects follows:

Thessaloniki Pitching Forum

Cadillac Dreams (Georgia, France)
Director: Elene Mikaberidze
Producer: Elene Margvelashvili (Parachute Films)
Co-producer: Baptiste Brunner (YN Productions)
Logline: An intimate exploration of the hopes and dreams of young people living on divided land. Following the daily life of her two young cousins and their friends, the director re-discovers her family home and aims to weave the link between a bitter history, a fragile present, but above all the future that these children imagine as beautiful.

Concrete Land (Canada, Jordan)
Director: Asmahan Bkerat
Producer: Sahar Yousefi (Nava Projects)
Co-producer: Bassam Alasad (Tabi360)
Logline: An intimate look at the life of a nomadic Bedouin family in its struggle to hold on to its traditional life under the pressures of urbanization. Their only wish as a family is to stay together, with their loyal eccentric pet sheep Badrya firmly by their side.

Depot-Vente (Sweden, Scotland)
Director: Cherine Karam
Producers: Ashley Smith, Clara Harris, Mario Adamson (Sisyfos Film Production)
Logline: In a scarred and collapsing Beirut, Depot-Vente, the vintage shop founded by Nawal Akl, is a safe haven. In her kitsch hangar, the atypical mother and business owner embraces youth in despair and mends both tired souls and discarded clothes.

Five Football Dreams (Jordan) (Doc Series)
Directors: Bassel Ghandour, Yassmina Karajah
Producer: Hashem Sabbagh (Football Dreams Holding)
Logline: Five teenage refugees are scouted at a refugee camp by a Brazilian football academy and offered an escape from their makeshift homes and a new lease on life in Brazil.

Forbidden (Romania)
Director-Producer: Anelise Salan (The L Studio)
Logline: A Romanian woman sues the State to be able to marry her girlfriend, a fact that complicates her life as a gay person for the first time.

Free Waters (Greece)
Director: Emilia Milou
Producer: Angelos Tsaousis (Filmografik Productions)
Logline: The dauntless residents of two small “Gaulish” villages in Greece and France resist the greedy conquerors in order to preserve their wonderful spring water.

Home Is Where the Films Are (Kosovo, Italy)
Director: More Raça
Producer: Sunaj Raça (N.SH. Arena)
Co-producer: Alfredo Federico
Logline: The story of refugee kids falling in love with cinema in a refugee camp.

Poison Diplomacy (France)
Director: Jennifer Deschamps
Producer: Valérie Montmartin (Little Big Story)
Logline: Russian poison is running through the veins of international diplomacy.

Post Love (France)
Director: Alexis Taillant
Producer: Nadège Labé (Wendigo Films)
Logline: Francis, Micheline, Yves and Maurice, elderly homosexuals, are fighting for the right to risk sex and love and try to create a place for their desires in society. The little gang dreams of a senior revolution, a mass uprising of the old.

Practices in Harmony (Hungary)
Director: Anna Kis
Producer: Lili Horvat, Dóra Csernátony (Poste Restante)
Logline: In our coming-of-age story we follow Domi, a 20-year-old outstanding cello talent. While striving to enter the gate of world fame, he has to face the pain that his journey towards perfection might put his all-important friendships at risk.

Second Generation (Spain, Greece)
Directors-Producers: Rodrigo Hernandez, Elpida Nikou (Muzungu Producciones)
Co-producers: Kellen Quinn (U.S.), Poh Si Teng (consulting producer, U.S.)
Logline: The story of Miriam and Gloria, 15-year-old West African girls born in Greece, who have the chance to lead their basketball team to the national championship, an achievement that would fundamentally change their lives.

Secrets of the Owl (Greece)
Director: Eirini Vourloumis
Producers: Leonidas Liambeys (Long Run Productions), Eirini Vourloumis
Logline: A visually driven documentary portrait of Athens, told through the lives of three taxi drivers. They transport us on a musical and personal journey through a city still struggling with the repercussions of the economic crisis and in the midst of an unprecedented global pandemic.

The Right to Be Forgotten (Romania, Belgium)
Director: Adina Sădeanu
Producers: Αna Maria Pirvan, Adina Sădeanun (Axis Media Production)
Co-producers: Iva Tkalec, Val Grégoire (Squarefish)
Logline: The film explores the journey to justice and obliviousness of three women—Alexa, Mara and Alina—whose life was turned into hell due to years-long online attacks.

Waiting for the School Bus (Sweden)
Director: Hanna Heilborn
Producers: Elin Kamlert, Tobias Janson (executive producer) (Story AB)
Logline: A documentary about a Roma family living in the suburbs of Milan, and about a mother’s struggle to have the rights of her children met.

Agora Docs in Progress

Avaton (France)
Director: Irini Karayannopoulou
Co-director: Sandrine Cheyrol
Producer: Mathilde Delaunay (Barberousse Films)
Logline: Women have been denied entrance in Athos since the 11th century A.D. The autonomous monastic community of Northern Greece is the largest area on earth where access is reserved to men alone. Throughout Avaton, women of all ages and backgrounds discuss a place they have no access to and question the strict law that leads to their exclusion.

Before the Final Picture (Egypt)
Director-Producer: Aya Tallah Yusuf
Logline: The story of Samar and Sanaa; two friends slowly rebuilding their lives after suffering acid attacks, that left them disfigured and partially blind for life.

Bottlemen (Serbia, Slovenia)
Director: Nemanja Vojinović
Producer: Marija Stojnić, Nemanja Vojinović (RT DOBRE NADE)
Co-producers: Viva Videnović (URGH!, Set Sail Films)
Logline: Fifteen kilometers south of Belgrade, Serbia, on an archaeological site of the ancient Vinča civilization - a cradle of Neolithic Europe – lies the biggest landfill of the Balkans. Unsettled by an inextinguishable fire, this toxic land is the workplace of a group of plastic bottle collectors, called bottlemen. Through intimate portraits of its members, we follow the last days of this unlikely community before their jobs become obsolete.
Presented as a project in development at Docs in Thessaloniki 2018

Bukra (Portugal)
Director: Diana Antunes
Producer: Maria João Mayer, Marina Reino (associate producer) (Maria & Mayer)
Logline: Jenin witnessed a massacre in 2002 during the Second Attack (Intifada). The highest impact was felt at the Jenin refugee camp, housing 17,000 people in just one square kilometer. The grief and permanent oppression caused by the massacre gave birth to inspiring projects, as a form of resistance. Six real-life stories reveal the lives of those who believe they can peacefully make a difference, whether through art, speech, or strong actions.

Dream Factory (Iran, France)
Director: Hesam Eslami
Producer: Etienne de Ricaud (Caracteres Productions), Hesam Eslami (Aras Films)
Logline: In a small and poor city in northern Iran (Pol Sefid), all the inhabitants are possessed by a feverish dream—to find the ancient Sassanid treasures that are believed to be buried in the ground. Everyone is watching after everyone in this surreal microcosm, where anybody is a suspect. The more the judges and police struggle to apprehend the illegal diggers, the stronger this forbidden dream grows.

Jean Genet Our Father of the Flowers (Morocco, France)
Director: Dalila Ennadre
Producer: Lamia Chraibi (La Prod)
Co-producer: Lilya Ennadre (Laya Prod)
Logline: Larache, north Morocco. It is here that Jean Genet spent his last years. It is here that he is buried. Nowadays, the poet is legendary for the city’s inhabitants. Few knew him or read his books. But everyone has something to say about him. Simple, invisible people. They resemble the characters in his books and are now watching over his grave.

Mighty Afrin (Greece, France, Germany)
Director: Angelos Rallis
Producers: Maria del Mar Rodriguez Yebra, Angelos Rallis (AR Productions)
Co-Producer: Birgit Kemner (Manny Films), ERT, ZDF/ARTE
Logline: Along the mighty Brahmaputra river, a 12-year-old orphan girl named Afrin is treated as a burden by her abusive aunt. Year after year, Afrin’s home is ravaged by severe flooding and storms, which are becoming more extreme due to climate change. Threatened by the floods and a forced marriage, Afrin decides to regain control of her life and embarks on an epic, coming-of-age odyssey to find her father.
Presented as a project in development at Thessaloniki Pitching Forum 2020

Narrow Path to Happiness (Hungary, U.S.)
Director: Kata Oláh
Producer: Borbála Csukás (MAKABOR STUDIÓ Kft)
Co-producer: Marc Smolowitz (13th Gen)
Logline: Gergo and Lenard, a couple living in a remote Roma community, where being gay is considered an unforgivable sin, have a dream so absurd that it seems almost impossible: making a musical film based on their lives and true love. Moving to the capital and facing the liberal ways of thinking makes their journey towards their dream even more challenging.

Tilos Weddings (Greece)
Director-Producer: Panayotis Evangelidis
Logline: In 2008, the mayor of the small island of Tilos in the Aegean Sea agreed to perform the first gay and lesbian civil marriages ever done in Greece. And he did so despite the existing opposition and, in particular, the publicly expressed warning against it from Greece’s Attorney General. So, in June of the same year a lesbian and a gay couple were the first ever in Greece to celebrate their civil union. The film follows the story of these two civil marriages from material that was shot ad hoc at the time and also at the gay Pride of the same year, press conferences and other demonstrations concerning the same subject.

Ukraine Behind the Scenes (Ukraine)
Director: Vladyslav Vasylchenko
Producer: Aleksandra Kostina, Lukian Halkin (Bosonfilm)
Logline: There are 900 abandoned towns in Ukraine, which we have either forgotten or never heard of. But people are still living there. “Leftovers” embody the fantastic vitality of Ukrainians, who can dream of a better future even amidst a complete ruin. And, more importantly, they embody the future with their own hands with self-irony and a smile on their faces. Not depressed, but not without regret.


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“沃尔夫冈”评论:沃尔夫冈·帕克(Wolfgang Puck)的咸纪录片肖像,定义的名人厨师/‘Wolfgang’ Review: A Savory Documentary Portrait of Wolfgang Puck, the Defining Celebrity Chef
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-经过“发烧”计划之后,塞萨洛尼基纪录片节准备主持实体版/After ‘Feverish’ Planning, Thessaloniki Documentary Festival Prepares to Host Physical Edition

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