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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-在Netflix上看到“老虎国王”之后,要看什么/What to Watch After You’ve Seen ‘Tiger King’ on Netflix

发表于 2022-7-5 09:33:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


What to Watch After You’ve Seen ‘Tiger King’ on Netflix

全世界的大部分地区都立即着迷于Netflix的新系列“老虎国王”,讲述了大猫繁殖的险恶而丰富多彩的世界。像乔·异国情调(Joe Exotic)和科克·安特尔(Doc Antle)这样的现实生活中的人物属于“你不能做这些东西”的个性类别,如果它们实际上不存在,那将是令人难以置信的。在美国各地的人们和世界上大部分地区都呆在自我方面,“老虎国王”提供了令人着迷的讲故事和令人难忘的主题的完美注意力。观看这些比生活大的人物的乐趣是谁能想像谁可以玩耍他们在不可避免的叙事适应中。 (对于“老虎国王”,我们建议丹尼·麦克布赖德(Danny McBride)为乔·异国情调(Joe Exotic ”和“野生野生国家”。但是别忘了超越Netflix  -  HBO拥有数十年的往绩记录制作高质量的纪录片,以及在Hulu和CNN上可以找到更多的纪录片。在这里,有10个纪录片系列和长篇纪录片,涉及令人难忘的角色和故事,这些人物和故事确实比小说更陌生。就在2019年圣诞节之前,Netflix的观众有一个令人毛骨悚然的礼物:这部三集有限系列的副标题为“狩猎互联网杀手”,涉及一群业余互联网侦探,他们开始调查一个张贴动物虐待视频的男人,但去了杀死一个男人。不必太担心标题 - 虐待动物在很大程度上是在屏幕之外的,这一系列与认识那些沉迷于发现有关案件的真相的人要多于痛苦,而不是伤害猫。“ Fyre”全面的Fyre音乐节成为计划中的音乐节在2017年爆发后立即识别的灾难的同义词,像Blink 182和Lil Yachty这样的主要行为都在退出。发起人比利·麦克法(Billy McFa)Rland和说唱歌手JA Rule陷入了困境,昂贵的活动被影响者大肆宣传,但仅提供救灾帐篷和糊状奶酪三明治,由Chris Smith,这是Netflix纪录片的指导 - 不应与之混淆 - Hulu也引人入胜的“ Fyre欺诈”  - 提供了一群Hucksters和Prospoters,他们不会让他们完全缺乏经验,以支付为一个周末音乐收取数千美元的费用。杰出的角色之一是活动制作人安迪·金(Andy King),他因同意提供口交而闻名,如果有必要将节日的伊维安·水(Evian Water)从海关中拿出来。“麦克姆斯”(McMillions)的HBO HBO的六集系列赛中的六集系列探索麦当劳的垄断游戏。 2000年代初期。当佛罗里达州联邦调查局特工获得一项提示时,比赛的运行\u200b\u200b方式不太正确时,他的调查使他成为了一群丰富多彩的怪异者,包括两个杰里斯和一群可疑的“赢家”。那里'这里没有谋杀或虐待 - 只是一个很长的骗局,揭示了关于贪婪和暴民的大量爆发。“三个相同的陌生人”“三个相同的陌生人”围绕着来自纽约的收养三胞胎,他们在1980年代初在朋友们时团聚认为它们是相同的。不用破坏导致他们的收养和彼此发现之后发生的事情,很难说更多的话,但是纪录片 - 可在Hulu上观看 - 是由三人的个性所激发的狂野之旅。屡获殊荣的文档是被改编成一部故事片,但目前尚不清楚它是否会抛弃一个人,因为这三个三胞胎还是与三个可以通过商标的卷发发型互相相似的年轻人(太糟糕的是安迪·桑伯格(Andy Samberg)可能已经老化了一部分!)。“药剂师”在他22岁的儿子出错时被枪杀后,路易斯安那州药剂师丹·施耐德(Dan Schneider)决定调查为什么这么多年轻人来o他的药房配鸦片处方。他不仅最终解决了儿子的谋杀案,警察似乎对追求不感兴趣,而且还聘请了一家医生经营一家药丸磨坊,并誓言让她失业。这部四部分系列可在Netflix上找到。“ Shirkers”如果谋杀和性侵犯现在似乎有点沉重,请查看“ Shirkers”,这是新加坡一名19岁妇女的奇怪而迷人的故事,她梦想着制造故事片。桑迪·坦(Sandi Tan)喜欢吉姆·贾穆斯(Jim Jarmusch),帕蒂·史密斯(Patti Smith)和法国新浪潮(French New Wave),她写了一个剧本,并说服了她的朋友们在新加坡街头拍摄的糖果色的神秘电影。直接,但是当他在所有镜头上逃跑时,她在独立电影上留下自己的印记的梦想都破灭了。多年后,她追回了发生的事情以及一个陷入困境的老人最终劫持了她的未来。“让凶手”“制造凶手”是网络之一Flix的第一部纪录片系列引起了轰动,而不是关于怪异的角色,而是更直接的法律调查。但是,史蒂文·艾弗里(Steven Avery)的案子因1985年在威斯康星州谋杀一名年轻妇女而被定罪,他对司法系统的刻画以及侦探和法院的先入为主的观念。对艾弗里侄子布伦丹·达西(Brendan Dassey)的可疑逮捕的调查尤其令人不安。第二个赛季深入研究了两人被判入狱后发生的众多呼吁。“狼群”“狼pack”是最终的自我夸张电影,本身就是一个令人着迷的故事。一个有七个孩子的纽约家庭几乎永远不会让孩子离开家,所以男孩们根据成千上万的DVD和VHS录像带创造了自己的世界,他们会一遍又一遍地观看,包括“水库狗”和“黑暗骑士”。由他们的母亲并由精神病父亲控制,他们制作服装并拍摄翻拍他们的一些最喜欢的电影,可以在小公寓里度过一段时间。尽管他们的处境提出了不可否认的虐待儿童问题,并且像该列表中的许多作品一样,围绕着纪录片道德的线条,但结局相对令人振奋。它可用于iTunes,Amazon Prime和更多服务。“守护者”七集Netflix系列是一个关于调查1970年26岁的修女和天主教高中老师的谋杀案的强烈犯罪故事。巴尔的摩。两名以前的学生和其他敬业的业余侦探揭开了凯茜·塞斯尼克姐妹发生的一切,多年来在高中发现了一个虐待的网络。“野生野生国家” Netflix的2018年纪录片系列sismation讲述了Bhagwan Shree的故事拉杰尼什(Rajneesh)和他聚集在俄勒冈牧场上的追随者。穿着红色和橙色的衣服,练习印度神秘主义的不确定的融合,邪教及其具有魅力的领导人,例如马纳德·阿南德(Ma Anand Sheela)在1980年代溅出之前,逐渐陌生,更危险。普里扬卡·乔普拉(Priyanka Chopra)将在一部电影中扮演Sheela,讲述她的生活,由巴里·莱文森(Barry Levinson)执导亚马逊。

Much of the world became immediately obsessed with Netflix’s new series “Tiger King,” about the sinister but colorful world of big cat breeding. Real-life characters like Joe Exotic and Doc Antle fall into the “you can’t make this stuff” up category of personalities that would be unbelievable if they didn’t actually exist.

With people around the U.S. and much of the world staying home in self-quarantine, “Tiger King” provided the perfect distraction of engrossing storytelling and unforgettable subjects.

Part of the fun of watching these larger-than-life figures is imagining who could play them in the inevitable narrative adaptation. (For “Tiger King,” we suggest Danny McBride for Joe Exotic, Julianne Moore as Carol and Tim Robbins as Bhagavan Doc Antle.)

In the past few years, Netflix has pioneered the concept of the entertaining docu-series with “Making a Murderer” and “Wild Wild Country.” But don’t forget to look beyond Netflix — HBO has a decades-long track record of making top quality documentaries, and more can be found on Hulu and CNN.

Here are 10 docu-series and feature-length documentaries about unforgettable characters and stories that are truly stranger than fiction.
"Don't F**k With Cats"

Just before Christmas in 2019, Netflix audiences got a creepy present: This three-episode limited series subtitled “Hunting an Internet Killer” about a group of amateur internet sleuths who start out to investigate a man who posts gross videos of animal abuse, but goes on to kill a man. Don’t worry too much about the title — the animal abuse is kept largely off-screen, and the series is as much about getting to know the people who become obsessed with discovering the truth about the case than with, you know, hurting cats.

The totally-botched Fyre Festival became the instantly recognizable synonym for a disaster after the planned music festival imploded in 2017, with major acts like Blink 182 and Lil Yachty all pulling out. Promoter Billy McFarland and rapper Ja Rule got in way, way over their heads with the pricey event that was hyped by influencers, but only offered disaster relief tents and pasty cheese sandwiches to guests.

Directed by Chris Smith, this Netflix documentary — not to be confused with Hulu’s also fascinating “Fyre Fraud” — offers up a cast of hucksters and promoters who weren’t going to let their total lack of experience stand in the way of charging thousands of dollars for a weekend of music. One of the standout characters is event producer Andy King, who became famous for agreeing to offer oral sex if it was necessary to get the festival’s shipment of Evian water out of customs.

HBO’s six-episode series delves into the McDonald’s Monopoly game of the early 2000s. When a Florida FBI agent gets a tip that there’s something not quite right about the way the game is run, his investigation leads him to a colorful group of grifters including the two Jerrys and a group of dubious “winners.” There’s no murder or abuse here — just a long con that reveals a lot about greed and the mob as it unravels.
"Three Identical Strangers"

“Three Identical Strangers” revolves around adopted triplets from New York who were reunited in the early 1980s when friends recognized them as being identical. It’s hard to say much more without spoiling what led to their adoptions and what happened after they found each other, but the documentary -- available to watch on Hulu -- is a wild ride that’s livened up by the trio’s personalities.

The award-winning doc is being adapted into a feature film, but it’s unclear whether it will cast one person as all three triplets or go with three young men who can be made to resemble each other through their trademark curly hairstyles (too bad Andy Samberg might have aged out of this part!).
"The Pharmacist"

After his 22-year old son was shot when a crack deal went wrong, Louisiana pharmacist Dan Schneider decided to investigate why so many young people were coming to his pharmacy with prescriptions for opiates. Not only does he end up solving his son’s murder, which the police seemed uninterested in pursuing, he takes on a doctor running a pill mill and vows to put her out of business. The four-part series is available on Netflix.

If murder and sexual assault seem a little too heavy right now, check out “Shirkers,” the strange and charming story of a 19-year old woman in Singapore who dreams of making a feature film. Sandi Tan loves Jim Jarmusch, Patti Smith and the French New Wave, and she writes a script and convinces her friends to help out with her first feature film effort, a candy-colored mystery shot on the streets of Singapore.

Her film teacher offers to direct, but her dreams of making her mark on indie film are dashed when he runs off with all the footage. Years later, she retraces what happened and how a troubled older man ended up hijacking her future.
"Making a Murderer"

“Making a Murderer” was one of Netflix’s first documentary series to make a splash, and it’s less about kooky characters and more of a straight-forward legal investigation. But the case of Steven Avery, who was convicted of murdering a young woman in Wisconsin in 1985, is riveting in its portrayal of the justice system and the preconceived notions of the detectives and courts. The investigation of the questionable arrest of Avery’s nephew Brendan Dassey is particularly troubling. A second season delved into the numerous appeals that took place after the two were jailed.
"The Wolfpack"

"The Wolfpack" is the ultimate self-quarantine movie and a fascinating story in its own right. A New York family with seven children almost never lets the kids leave the house, so the boys create their own world based on thousands of DVDs and VHS tapes they would watch over and over including "Reservoir Dogs" and "The Dark Knight."

Homeschooled by their mother and controlled by a mentally ill father, they create costumes and shoot remakes of some of their favorites films to pass the time in the small apartment. Though their situation raises undeniable questions of child abuse and, like many of the works on this list, skirts the line of documentary ethics, the ending is relatively uplifting. It's available for rental in iTunes, Amazon Prime and more services.
"The Keepers"

The seven-episode Netflix series is an intense true-crime tale about the investigation into the murder of a 26-year old nun and Catholic high school teacher in 1970 Baltimore. Two former students and other dedicated amateur detective unpack what happened to Sister Cathy Cesnick, uncovering a web of abuse at the high school over the course of many years.
"Wild Wild Country"

Netflix’s 2018 docu-series sensation told the story of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and the followers he gathered on an Oregon ranch. Wearing red and orange garments and practicing an indefinable blend of Indian mysticism, the cult and its charismatic leaders like Ma Anand Sheela got progressively stranger and more dangerous before sputtering out in the 1980s. Priyanka Chopra is set to play Sheela in a movie about her life to be directed by Barry Levinson for Amazon.


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-听:Laverne Cox如何继续帮助更多的跨性别者在好莱坞取得成功/Listen: How Laverne Cox Continues Helping More Trans People Succeed in Hollywood
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