India Oxenberg Opens Up About NXIVM Experience in ‘Seduced’ Docuseries for Starz
七年来,印度奥克森伯格(Oxenberg)一直是在所谓的自授权组NXIVM的水盆中慢慢沸腾的青蛙。在大约三年的时间里,她一直是董事Karim Amer和Jehan Noujaim的每个人讲述的故事,她的母亲凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格(Catherine Oxenberg)。现在,她已经恢复了生命,并在“诱惑:内在邪教”中恢复了她的叙述,这是一家新的四部分纪录片,于10月18日在Starz上首映。“我觉得这是我的机会回到我自己的手中说:“嘿,这里有一个人!印度奥克斯(Oxenberg)告诉《综艺》,不仅是品牌的性奴隶,性奴隶,邪教的女孩 - 一个人。印度奥克森伯格的故事尚未被判刑一段时间。但是实际上,两年对于一个有很多康复工作的年轻女子而言,他们的离合器几乎没有时间。我只需要慰藉 - 我需要真正努力弄清楚发生了什么事,很长一段时间以来第一次照顾好自己。老朋友不仅在组织内部的行为,而且还与她觉得自己出卖的人进行调和 - “清理烂摊子”,她现在就陷入了困境。NXIVM的成功计划(ESP)。印度当时年仅19岁,正在寻找目的,意义和一种获得在最近确定大学不适合她的梦想中所需的某些技能的方法。根据朋友凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格·特鲁斯的推荐泰德(Ted),他们在不知不觉中踏上了最终改变生活的事件。最终,凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格(Catherine Oxenberg组织中的教练;搬到纽约州奥尔巴尼;停止与家人进行沟通,并最终进入了性虐待和身体品牌的组织的一个子组(DOS)。印度奥克森伯格(Oxenberg)在最初获得NXIVM的最初经验七年后,终于出来了 - 在很大程度上要感谢母亲的媒体巡演,阐明了该组织的邪恶性 - 两年后,她准备好解释她发生了什么事印度奥克森伯格(Oxenberg)通过“引人入胜的”以及即将出版的书。加入DOS之后在NXIVM中采用了其成员之间的“主要奴隶”关系,印度Oxenberg主要充当Mack的奴隶。这首先是为了以令人尴尬的或以其他方式揭示该小组的秘密,以令人尴尬或可恶的信息形式提供“抵押品”。一旦“进入”,它承担了向麦克报告她一生中某些关键要素,为麦克执行“作业”的责任,并要求她允许她执行其他日常功能,例如饮食。 (DOS中的一个主要目标是通过500卡路里的饮食生活,正如“引人入胜的”探索中,这意味着奴隶必须全天为他们的大师提供他们的食物的照片,并要求整天的卡路里津贴。)最终,成为一部分DOS还出现在与Raniere一起被强迫进行性行为,并向他发送了亲密的照片,并被贴上了符号,该符号纳入了Raniere的首字母缩写,并招募了自己的奴隶。 NXIVM以多级标记开始Eting计划,以及该结构也内置在其子群中。我已经将其中的大部分与人调和,但不是每个人。这是一个治愈过程,我想成为一个解决这个问题的人。有时我认为他们只是想被听到,他们希望我承认自己的所作所为,他们也知道我处于极为妥协的位置。她解释说,我被基思(Keith)和艾莉森(Allison)告知我要做这些事情,”这些时刻中有些是在相机上,因为“引人入胜的”导演塞西莉亚·佩克(Cecilia Peck)结合了其他前成员的访谈和档案镜头,以及其他关键的访谈推出NXIVM的球员 - 包括Barry Meier,他打破了有关《纽约时报》品牌的故事;Janja Lalich博士和Rick Alan Ross等邪教专家;奥克森伯格家族的族长,南斯拉夫公主伊丽莎白。不过,这个故事确实是奥克斯伯格斯(Oxenbergs),该系列的结构遵循印度奥克森伯格(Oxenberg)的经验:它首先要慢慢向观众介绍NXIVM,Raniere和Mack,并引导观众通过用于从中获得信任和合规性的过程。成员。“我想确保传达的是,这不是一夜之间发生的事情:这是多年来发生的灌输和修饰的漫长过程,”印度奥克森伯格说。 “因此,我不希望纪录片直接跳入某物,让观众想到,‘F the Frage the Chick是什么问题?她为什么要这样做?'我希望这表明这是系统性的。”“引人入胜的”揭露了一些不道德的实践NXIVM,包括神经语言编程(NLP)和线路弯曲,可用于改变一个人的。思维。因此,对于许多参加了许多课程的人来说,听到雷尼尔甚至联合创始人南希·萨尔茨曼(Nancy Salzman)的厌恶陈述的原因嘴巴可能不会引起停顿。“灌输是一种缓慢的滴水,”凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格(Catherine Oxenberg)说。 “初始课程之一,我给你一个例子,是关于诚实的,所以他们会说:'什么时候说实话或拒绝真相的价值是什么?'他们以您是否是第二次世界大战期间,将犹太人藏在地下室,纳粹来到您家门口说:“您藏有任何人吗?”您说不,您是否通过扣留真相来做正确的事?这是一个合理的论点 - 但是多年弯曲的最终结果是,您认为基思·拉尼耶(Keith Raniere)是最高价值,因此您将如何保护真理和保护领导者?他们最初采取的某些东西在您的理智价值结构中有意义,他们将您拉到一个如此疯狂的信念泡沫中。”凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格(Catherine Oxenberg在她最初的课程“探索意义”期间的突破(em)并在自己的家中举办“有问题的” Jness研讨会(母亲也参加了)。“我是一个热心的女权主义者;我对那个周末有暴力反应。”她指出,关于那次会议上赋予女性权力的评论实际上听起来像是“ 1950年代的Stepford妻子”的心态。从本质上讲,她很喜欢其他班级,以为“也许这也许是这样他们只是尝试过的某种类型的畸变。治疗许可的角度,研究表明,它们的影响很小。因此,从某种意义上说,这有点像一个瘾君子修复:您有高峰经历,感觉很好,您会变得很高 - 匆忙 - 您感到很棒,您想回去更多。它有结果吗,这些经历有腿吗?我在retrosp中的答案她说:“如果您想要帮助,请与获得许可和证书的人获得帮助,”她继续说道。 “这个国家的自助行业为110亿美元 - 完全不受监管。您最终会遇到人们在汗水小屋中死亡的情况。它完全不负责任地运行。人的思想比我知道的要脆弱。您认为您的个性是在石头上设定的,但是以这些团体的设计方式,他们进入那里,它们是良好的机器,它们可以揭示您,并以自己的形象重新设计您,您甚至都不知道它。有趣的是,在与NXIVM相遇不同的三代Oxenberg妇女中,有趣的是,这是最年轻的人,他们没有质疑该组织的权威。在NXIVM中,如果有人向声明提出挑战,则将其称为“反抗”,或者以其他方式感到自己是“问题”的人 - 该集体思维是“正确”的路。尽管伊丽莎白公主和凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格都来自思想流派,“你不回头”,但印度是奥克斯森伯格最关心的是她将“在淘汰赛上”,并在内部公开羞辱社区 - 如此之多,以至于她现在说过,她忽略了她为继续努力的道路而忽略的肠道。她的看法与我的看法相匹配 - 如果基思个人对我说的是粗俗甚至是粗略的话,我会想,'不是真实的。'我不想看到那样,”她说。 “他们给我们的基本信息之一就是倾向于恐惧 - 即使您不想这样做,也要为您的意识形态做事。我投资的越多,就越多于我自己的信念,我做得很好。这真的很难质疑,”她继续说道。 “我认为这是为什么很多人不离开这类群体 - 因为他们质疑自己的选择要在那里以及这意味着什么。我什至看到现在忠诚的人,我想知道他们是否在挣扎着同样的事情,我想像说,‘没关系,放手,你不是傻瓜;你被愚弄了。’这是一个巨大的区别,我认为人们看不到。他们屠杀了所有这些女权主义术语,他们屠杀了所有的自助。不过,当时,印度奥克斯说,这是一种失去的感觉的结合,真正相信她会获得“实用的MBA,这就是这样,这就是这样它被卖给了我。”成长”使她想相信NXIVM的使命,后来又是DOS。ERG暗示了她在组织中后期发生的虐待,因此将在纪录片的后一集中进行探索 - 但她并没有这样说。她在第一集中谈到与兰尼尔的关系时说:“这也是我的个人经历:我没有看到发生的事情是性虐待或强奸。我离开NXIVM,与联邦调查局(FBI)合作六个月后,我花了六个月的时间 - 我周围的六个人,询问我几天 - 承认我受到了性虐待。她现在透露,我无法从喉咙里拿出来。拍摄纪录片的过程是“宣泄的”,尤其是在她回到银湾时,nxivm臭名昭著的“先锋周”的景象,在此期间她说,NXIVM中心的成员参加了营地风格的比赛,并向Raniere致敬,为Raniere致敬 - 她说,但这同样“筋疲力尽”。尽管她已经度过了许多经验在疗法中,写作时,在与母亲的讨论中,被“诱惑”的人被接连几个小时,这是她第一次与家人之外的任何人谈论这些事情。除了自己的采访外,她还在包括祖母在内的其他一些人的现场。这是因为她还是该项目的执行制片人,这一角色在与该项目的舒适层面上有助于她,并使她能够发表自己的创造性和个人想要的东西。她说,这也有所帮助,佩克和执行制片人Inbal B. Lessner之前曾制作过有关女性问题的纪录片(“勇敢的世界”,“闭嘴和唱歌”)。相信这些女性会以敏感和关心处理她的故事但是,鉴于她的信任是如何被麦克扭曲的 - 她敬佩并打电话给朋友多年,但她的信任多年,但在那个时候滥用她的大多数(如果不是全部),反省在她的决定不仅保留她的所有短信,而且还要保留屏幕屏幕屏幕上的消息并将照片保存在她的相机卷中,印度奥克斯说:“我曾经告诉自己,他们是要提醒我做这件事。” Mack问她在消息中执行。但是,现在她忍不住想知道“我的潜意识中有多少人感到被困,感到恐惧,并且知道我没有什么时候发生了什么。”“事实是,当我在那里时,我有幻想他们被捕,”她分享道。 “而且我很快就会把它们赶走,因为我不想那样思考。这很难意识到。奥克斯贝格(Oxenbergs)永远无法使他们失去的时间,但是过去两年来,我俩都说,这是一场康复的旅程,也是个性化的旅程,这让我感到难过。 。尽管印度奥克森伯格最初对母亲讲故事的故事很生气,但她现在感到“非常感激我什至无法解释”。“如果我妈妈她承认,没有点燃[nxivm]的爆炸,我想我还会去过那里。”她承认。 “她和我的过程只是我们分享了,以了解为什么我们选择我们选择的东西,并且我们彼此之间彼此之间有很大的尊重,以至于我们了解了为什么我们做了我们所做的事情。”到达这个地方的过程并不容易,并不容易尽管。凯瑟琳·奥克斯(Catherine Oxenberg)最初在2017年5月与印度奥克斯(Oxenberg)面对面之后,直到次年2月,他们才再次见面,“直到2018年6月或7月,我才真正将她送回,”凯瑟琳·奥克森伯格(Catherine Oxenberg)说。即使那样,“这是非常暂定的。她令人难以置信的不信任,她仍然对他们所植入的东西的心态非常重要 - 那是我是一个恶棍,试图摧毁她的生命。他们在许多层面上对她做了这样的数字,以至于花了很长时间,但是每一步,我都做好了准备。我审查了所有的邪教编织者,以便当她准备好时,有合适的人站在她身边。”他们仍然看不到一切。例如,凯瑟琳·奥克斯伯格(Catherine Oxenberg)说,“印度比我友好得多”,她认为他故意将印度奥克斯·奥克斯(Oxenberg)视为DOS的有用招聘工具,因为“艾莉森(Allison)并不那么讨人喜欢,印度是如此。”尽管她承认麦克也被兰尼尔(Raniere)剥削和虐待,“很多人也是如此,他们最终并没有做艾莉森(Allison)所做的事情。是的,这个女人的生活被毁了,我为此感到难过,但是她必须对自己的罪行负责。她说:“我确实认为她被基思打破并特别破坏了。” “我认为她需要帮助 - 很多支持和真正的心理帮助,而不仅仅是在与朋友交谈时试图诊断自己。但是当涉及到监狱时,我来回走了。所以我不知道这是她康复的正确地方。。我必须接受自己的理智,我是他的受害者,并且我知道我在那里时在那里做出了不良的选择。文化 - 我们受到人们对自己和彼此的看法的轰炸,我们只是随便地喜欢和关注,而无需思考我们在跟随谁以及我们在支持谁。那是我必须转移很多事情的事情之一 - 不要盲目信任人。保持警惕,进行研究,调查事情。我希望我能做到的。”“引人入胜:内部的NXIVM邪教”在晚上9点播出周日。从10月18日开始在Starz。观看下面的预告片。
For seven years, India Oxenberg was the frog slowly boiling in the pot of water that was so-called self-empowerment group NXIVM. For about three years she was a supporting character in stories told by everyone from directors Karim Amer and Jehan Noujaim to her own mother, Catherine Oxenberg. Now, she has reclaimed her life and is reclaiming her narrative along with it in "Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult," a new four-part docuseries premiering Oct. 18 on Starz.
"I felt like it was my chance to take the story back into my own hands and say, 'Hey, there's a person here! Not just branded, sex slave, cult girl -- a human being,'" India Oxenberg tells Variety.
For many who have been following the NXIVM saga, including Clare Bronfman's recent sentencing and the fact that group founder Keith Raniere and his right-hand woman who was one of the heads of DOS, Allison Mack, have yet to be sentenced, India Oxenberg's story has been the missing piece for awhile. But in actuality, two years of being out of their clutches is barely a blip of time for a young woman who had a lot of healing to do.
"I had a lot of people asking me to do media and I felt totally overwhelmed and bombarded. I just needed to have solace -- I needed to really just hunker down and figure out what had happened, and take care of myself for the first time in a long time," she says.
Taking care of herself has meant therapy, reconnecting with family and old friends and reconciling her actions within the organization not only with herself but also with those she feels she betrayed -- "cleaning up the mess" she got herself in, as she puts it now.
In 2011, both Oxenberg women attended an introductory executive success program (ESP) from NXIVM. India was 19 years old at the time and was looking for purpose, meaning and a way to acquire certain skills needed to succeeding in her dreams after recently determining college was not right for her. On the recommendation of a friend Catherine Oxenberg trusted, they unknowingly embarked on what would end up becoming a life-changing event.
Eventually Catherine Oxenberg came to the conclusion that NXIVM was not for her, but India Oxenberg was indoctrinated so deeply that she gave up her interest in the culinary arts to become a coach in the organization; moved to Albany, N.Y.; stopped communicating with her family, and ended up in a sub-group (DOS) of the organization that came with sexual abuse and physical branding. Seven years after her initial experience with NXIVM, India Oxenberg finally got out -- thanks in no small part to her mother's media tour that shined a light on the nefariousness of the organization -- and two years after that she is ready to explain what happened in her own words, through "Seduced," as well as a forthcoming book.
Although she is not facing criminal charges, India Oxenberg admits she does feel guilt and shame about the part she played in bringing other young women into the group. After joining DOS, the sub-group within NXIVM that adopted the "master-slave" relationship between its members, India Oxenberg primarily acted as Mack's slave. This first came with providing "collateral" to Mack in the form of embarrassing or otherwise damning information that would be made public if she ever revealed the secrets of the group. Once "in," it came with the responsibility of reporting certain key elements of her life to Mack, performing "assignments" for Mack, and asking her for permission to perform other daily functions, such as eating. (A primary goal within DOS was to live by a 500-calorie diet, and as "Seduced" explores, this meant slaves had to take photos of their food and request calorie allowance from their masters throughout the day.) Eventually, being a part of DOS also came with being coerced into sex acts with Raniere, as well as sending him intimate photos, being branded with a symbol that incorporated Raniere's initials, and recruiting slaves of her own. NXIVM began as a multi-level marketing scheme, and that structure was built into its sub-groups, as well.
"I betrayed people that I cared about, and I feel horrible and still struggle with that today. I have reconciled a majority of it with people, but not everybody. That's a process of healing, and I want to be a person who fixes that. Sometimes I think they just want to be heard and they want me to acknowledge what I did, and they also understand that I was in a horribly compromised position; I was being told to do these things by Keith and Allison," she explains.
Some of these moments are on-camera, as "Seduced" director Cecilia Peck incorporates interviews and archival footage of other former members, as well as interviews from other key players in bringing down NXIVM -- including Barry Meier, who broke the story about the branding in the New York Times; cult experts such as Dr. Janja Lalich and Rick Alan Ross; and the matriarch of the Oxenberg family, Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.
Since the center of the story truly is the Oxenbergs, though, the structure of the series follows India Oxenberg's experience: It starts out by slowly introducing the audience to NXIVM, Raniere and Mack, and walks the audience through the processes used to gain trust and compliance from members.
"What I wanted to make sure was conveyed was that this isn't something that happens overnight: This is a long process of indoctrination and grooming that happened for years," India Oxenberg says. "So I didn't want the documentary to jump right into something and have the viewers be like, 'What the f--- is wrong with this chick? Why would she do that?' I wanted this to show that this was systematic."
"Seduced" exposes some of the unethical practices NXIVM employed, including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and line-bending that can be used to change a person's thinking. That is why, for many who had taken numerous courses, hearing misogynistic statements come out of Raniere or even co-founder Nancy Salzman's mouth might not cause pause.
"Indoctrination is a slow drip," says Catherine Oxenberg. "One of the initial classes, I'll give you an example, is about honesty, so they'll say, 'When is the higher value to tell the truth or to withhold the truth?' They use the example of if you were hiding a Jew in your basement during World War II and Nazis came to your door and said, 'Are you harboring anybody?' and you said no, did you do the right thing by withholding the truth? That is a plausible argument -- but then the end result of years of line-bending is [that] you take it that Keith Raniere is the highest value, therefore what will you do to protect the truth and protect the leader? They take something initially that makes sense in your sane value structure and they pull you into a bubble of belief that is so crazy."
Catherine Oxenberg, too, opens up within "Seduced" about how far she got with NXIVM -- including having a real breakthrough during her initial course's "exploration of meaning" (EM) and hosting a "problematic" Jness workshop in her own home (one that her mother also attended).
"I am an ardent feminist; I had a violent reaction to that weekend," she says, noting that the commentary about women's empowerment at that meeting actually sounded like something out of the "1950s Stepford Wife" mentality.
Initially, she liked the other classes enough to think "maybe this is just some type of aberration they tried," but reflecting on the variety of practices after embarking on years of research into cult practices, she sees things differently.
"When you have these large group awareness trainings where you have these supposed breakthroughs, from a therapeutic license standpoint, research shows they have very little long-lasting impact. So in a way, it's kind of like a junkie fix: You have a peak experience, it feels good, you get a high -- a rush -- you feel fantastic, you want to go back for more. Does it have results, do these experiences have legs? My answer in retrospect is, very little," she says.
"If you want help, get help with somebody who is licensed and credentialed," she continues. "The self-help industry in this country is $11 billion -- completely unregulated. You end up with situations of people dying in sweat lodges. It is completely irresponsibly run. The human mind is way more fragile than I knew. You think you have a personality set in stone, but with the way these groups are designed, they get in there, they are well-oiled machines, and they unravel you and redesign you in their own image, and you are not even aware of it. So no one is touching my mind that doesn't have a license ever again."
Interestingly, out of the three generations of Oxenberg women who had varying levels of encounters with NXIVM, it was the youngest one who didn't question the organization's authority. In NXIVM, if someone challenged a statement, they were called "defiant" or otherwise made to feel like they were the one with the "issue" -- that groupthink was the "right" way to go. Although both Princess Elizabeth and Catherine Oxenberg both came from the schools of thought that "you don't push back," it was India Oxenberg who became the most concerned with the idea that she would be "on the outs" and publicly shamed within the community -- so much so that she says now that there were gut feelings she ignored in order to continue down NXIVM's path.
"There were definitely things that I didn't want to hear, and I just blocked them out -- 'It doesn't match how I look at this' -- and if it was something gross or even crude that Keith would say to me personally, I would be like, 'Not real.' I didn't want to see it as that," she says.
"One of the underlying messages they gave us was to lean into the fear -- to do the thing for your ideology even if you don't want to do it. The more I was invested, it was more about the belief of myself, that I was doing something good. And that's really hard to question," she continues. "And I think that's why a lot of people don't leave these types of groups -- because they're questioning their own choice to be there and what that means. I even see people who are loyal now, and I wonder if they're struggling with the same thing, and I want to be like, 'It's OK, let it go, you're not a fool; you were fooled.' That's a huge distinction that I don't think people see. They butchered all of these feminist terms, they butchered all of the self-help. It was just a big old bait-and-switch with one lame-ass con man."
At the time, though, India Oxenberg says it was a combination of feeling lost, truly believing she would be getting "a practical MBA -- that's how it was sold to me," and looking up to Mack who "was charismatic and very engaging and gave me attention when I felt needy for it, and gave me a promise that she was going to be there for me and guide me and help me grow" that made her want to believe in the mission of NXIVM, and later DOS.
In the premiere episode of "Seduced" India Oxenberg alludes to the abuse that came later in her time within the organization and will therefore be explored in the latter episodes of the docuseries -- but she doesn't verbalize it as such. "Something sexual did happen," she says of her relationship with Raniere in that first episode.
"That was also my personal experience: I did not see what was happening to me as sexual abuse or rape at all. That took me six months after I left NXIVM, working with the FBI -- six people around me, questioning me for days on end -- to admit that I was sexually abused. I couldn't get it out of my throat," she reveals now.
The process of filming the the docuseries was "cathartic" -- especially in moments when she returned to Silver Bay, the sight of NXIVM's infamous "Vanguard Week," during which members from NXIVM's centers partook in camp-style games and performed a massive tribute to Raniere for his birthday -- she says, but it was equally "exhausting." Although she has worked through many of her experiences in therapy, while writing, and in discussions with her mother, being interviewed for hours on end for "Seduced" was the first time she spoke about these things with anyone outside of her family. In addition to her own interviews, she also was on-site for some of the others', including her grandmother's. This was because she was also an executive producer on the project, a role which made aided in her comfort level with the project and allowed her to vocalize what she wanted creatively, as well as personally. It also helped, she says, that Peck and executive producer Inbal B. Lessner had produced documentaries about women's issues before ("Miss Brave World," "Shut Up & Sing").
Trusting that these women would handle her story with sensitivity and care could not have come easily or immediately, though, given how her trust was warped by Mack -- a woman who she had admired and called a friend for years, but who was abusing her trust the majority, if not all, of that time.
Reflecting on her decision to not only keep all of her text messages but also screen-shot them and keep the photos in her camera roll, India Oxenberg says, "I used to tell myself that they were to remind me to do the thing" Mack was asking her to do within the message. However, now she can't help but wonder "how much of my subconscious was feeling trapped and was feeling afraid and was knowing what was going on when I didn't."
"The truth is, while I was in there I had fantasies of them getting arrested," she shares. "And I would quickly shush them away because I didn't want to think like that. That's hard to realize. It made me sad to see myself diminish my own instincts."
The Oxenbergs will never be able to get the time they lost together back, but the past two years, they both say, has been a journey of healing together, as well as individually. Although India Oxenberg was initially angry at her mother for telling her story to the press, she now feels "so grateful I can't even explain" it.
"If my mom hadn't ignited the explosion of [NXIVM], I think I would have still been in there," she admits. "Her and my process has just been us sharing to understand why we chose what we chose and we have so much respect for each other now that we understand why we did what we did."
The process to get to this place was not easy, though. After Catherine Oxenberg initially confronted India Oxenberg in May 2017, they didn't see each other again until February of the following year, and "I didn't really get her back until June or July of 2018," Catherine Oxenberg says. Even then, "it was incredibly tentative. She was incredibly mistrustful, she was still very much in the mindset of what they had implanted in her -- which was that I was a villain and had tried to destroy her life. They did such a number on her on so many levels that it took a long time, but at every step, I was prepared. I vetted all of the cult deprogrammers so that when she was ready there was the right person standing by for her."
They still don't see eye-to-eye on everything. For example, Catherine Oxenberg says "India is much kinder than me" towards Mack, who she believes purposely saw India Oxenberg as a helpful recruiting tool for DOS because "Allison is not that likable and India is." Although she acknowledges that Mack, too, was exploited and abused by Raniere, "so were a lot of people, and they didn't end up doing the things that Allison did. Yes, this woman's life is ruined and I feel sad about that, but she has to be held accountable for her crimes."
India Oxenberg focuses more on Mack as a victim of Raniere's. "I really do think that she's broken and specifically broken by Keith," she says. "I think she needs help -- a lot of support and real mental help, not just trying to diagnose yourself while you're talking to your friends. But when it comes to prison I've gone back and forth because I don't think that broken people benefit from prison: I think they get more bitter and more disturbed. So I don't know if that's the right place for her to recover, if she can."
As for herself, India Oxenberg says: "I don't consider myself a victim on the whole -- I just don't live like that. I have to accept I was a victim of his for my own sanity, and I understand that I made poor choices while I was there because of the circumstances that I was in. I just go back to the fact that we are living in an influencer culture -- we're bombarded by people's opinions of ourselves and each other, and we're just casually liking and following without thinking who we are following and who we are supporting. That's been one of the things that I had to shift a lot -- not to blindly trust people. Be vigilant, do your research, investigate things. I wish I would have done that."
"Seduced: Inside the NXIVM Cult" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. beginning Oct. 18 on Starz. Watch a trailer below.