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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-现在最好的纪录片/The Best Documentaries to Stream Right Now

发表于 2022-7-5 07:48:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The Best Documentaries to Stream Right Now

很久以前,纪录片可能因不提供动作冒险奥德赛或超级英雄盛会的固有的电影逃避现实而变得不好。但是,说实话,Capital-T的真相呈现出丰富的故事,即使我们最具创造力的编剧也无法想象,如今观众意识到他们可以找到一些最迷人的情节。以及Britney Spears,Kurt Cobain和Janis Joplin的复杂名人Live的Healthcare-Tech庞然大物Theranos,纪录片引导观众陷入了令人着迷的,事实驱动的娱乐的兔子洞。我们还将如何获得肯尼亚的马赛马拉国家保护区(“非洲猫”)或热闹的南非海带森林(“我的章鱼老师”)的盛大掠食者?终身学习者可能会吸引Ava Duvernay的“第13个”,它揭示了美国种族主义与其监狱制度之间的联系,或者“ Crip Camp”及其呈现美国残疾人权利革命。另一方面,音乐史的痴迷将喜欢通过观看“峡谷中的回声”或以“ Oasis:Supersonic”的Gallagher兄弟的伟大和敌意来反映60年代的月桂树峡谷音乐界。作为处理人类经验的复杂本质以及更大的社会经济模式的船只,我们的生活如何决定了我们的生活。尽管如此,观众还是可以在成年滑板电影“注意到差距”,甚至是弗雷德·罗杰斯(Fred Rogers)的友善之类的“你不是我的邻居?”,迪士尼Plus和Showtime,Variety为您提供了目前要观看的最佳纪录片。请参阅下面的完整列表。

Long ago, documentaries might have gotten a bad rap for not offering the inherent cinematic escapism of action-adventure odysseys or superhero extravaganzas. But, truth be told, the capital-T truth presents rich stories that even our most creative screenwriters could not imagine, and these days viewers realize they're where some of the most fascinating plots can be found.

From the fraudulent chaos of Fyre Festival and healthcare-tech behemoth Theranos to the complicated celebrity live of Britney Spears, Kurt Cobain and Janis Joplin, documentaries guide audiences down a rabbit hole of fascinating, fact-driven entertainment. How else would we ever have any sort of access to the grand predators of Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya ("African Cats") or a lively South African kelp forest ("My Octopus Teacher")?

Lifelong learners may gravitate to Ava DuVernay's "13th," which brings to light the connection between U.S. racism and its prison system, or "Crip Camp" and its presentation of the American disability rights revolution. On the other hand, music history obsessives will enjoy reflecting on the '60s Laurel Canyon music scene by watching "Echo in the Canyon" or reveling in the greatness and animosity of the Gallagher brothers with "Oasis: Supersonic."

These nonfiction tales also serve as vessels for processing the complicated nature of the human experience and how larger socio-economic patterns dictate our lives. Still, audiences can find understanding in the likes of coming-of-age skateboarding film "Minding the Gap" or even the kindness of Fred Rogers in "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"

Across Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus and Showtime, Variety has you covered in finding the best documentaries to watch right now. See the full list below.


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“火花兄弟”提出了一个问题:我们是否允许我们不喜欢火花?/‘The Sparks Brothers’ Raises the Question: Are We Allowed Not to Like Sparks?
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“ Mary J. Blige的“我的生活”评论:地标R&B专辑获得了纪录片的焦点/‘Mary J. Blige’s My Life’ Review: Landmark R&B Album Gets a Documentary Spotlight

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