CNN Films Plans Anthology of Short Documentaries
CNN电影正在研究较短的主题。CNN非小说类横幅计划揭幕四张新的短纪录片。其中两部将在7月31日(星期六)首次亮相,在8月7日(星期六)首次亮相。每个25分钟的标题都会检查一个独特的美国标题社区或亚文化,将由安德森·库珀(Anderson Cooper)引入。Senche Engine是一家少数族裔的工作室和制作公司,是CNN Films for Doc Shorts的创意合作伙伴。“这使我们可以在纪录片领域发挥更多作用,” CNN计划开发总监Alexandra Hannibal说这四部电影中的每一部都是执行制片人。“这些更像是我们认识到的不同社区和空间的快照,但没有机会真正深入研究。” 7月31日,晚上9点。CNN东部将显示“ 58小时:婴儿杰西卡的故事”和“超级评论者:评估,评论,重复。”前者检查了18个月大的杰西卡·麦克卢尔(Jessica McClure)营救的后果在德克萨斯州米德兰的后院比赛时,在媒体聚焦昏暗之后,看着社区和她的救援人员发生了什么。后者向观众介绍了一群“超级审稿人”,或者通过在各个网站上发布数百甚至数千个评论来开发新的在线社区的人们。MarkBone指导的“ 58小时”,Yu Gu和Arianna Lapenne指导“指导”“超级审稿人。” 8月7日晚上9点CNN东部将显示“掩体繁荣:安全得多,比后悔更好”,以及“水上的教训:有目的的潜水”。前者着眼于一个地下社区的“准备者”社区,或者在南达科他州乡村居住在网格附近的人们。后者研究了一群来自组织潜水的黑色深海潜水员,目的是恢复在奴隶贸易期间沉没的近500次沉船。Lapenne指挥“掩体繁荣”,而查尔斯·托德(Charles Todd)则指导“从水上的课程。电影研究“与CO的个人关系计划引擎执行制片人Bayan Joonam说:“有时是非常规的MMUNITY。观众将获得有关独特群体以及激励他们的各种细节。“ 58小时”的观众将听到一些帮助麦克卢尔以及当时在现场的记者的救援人员的消息。观看“超级审稿人”的人将与“不一定在传统的审查结构中听到他们的声音”的人面对面,但他补充说,他们发现了“目的感和价值感”在线社区。
CNN films is delving into shorter subjects.
The CNN non-fiction banner plans to unveil four new short documentaries., two of which will debut Saturday, July 31, and two on Saturday, August 7. Each 25-minute title examines a unique American community or sub-culture, and will be introduced by Anderson Cooper. Scheme Engine, a minority-owned studio and production company, is the creative partner for CNN Films for the doc shorts.
"This lets us play a bit more in the documentary space," said Alexandra Hannibal, director of program development for CNN and an executive producer on each of the four films. "These are more like snapshots into different communities and spaces that we are cognizant of but haven't had the opportunity to really dig deep into."
On July 31 at 9 p.m. eastern, CNN will show "58 Hours: The Baby Jessica Story" and "Super Reviewers: Rate, Review, Repeat." The former examines the aftermath of the rescue of 18-month-old Jessica McClure, who fell into a well while playing in a backyard in Midland, Texas, and looks at what happened to the community and her rescuers after the media spotlight dimmed. The latter introduces viewers to a group of "super reviewers," or people who have developed new online communities by posting hundreds, even thousands, of reviews on various web sites.
Mark Bone directed "58 Hours" and Yu Gu and Arianna LaPenne directed "Super Reviewers."
On August 7 at 9 p.m. eastern, CNN will show "The Bunker Boom: Better Safe Than Sorry," as well as "Lessons From The Water: Diving With a Purpose." The former looks at a subterranean community of "preppers," or people living off the grid, in rural South Dakota. The latter examines a group of Black deep-sea divers from the organization Diving With a Purpose, which works to restore nearly 500 shipwrecks that sank during the slave trade.
LaPenne directed "The Bunker Boom" while Charles Todd directed "Lessons From The Water."
The films examine "individual relationships with communities that are sometimes unconventional," said Bayan Joonam, an executive producer for Scheme Engine. Viewers will get all kind of details about unique groups and what motivates them. Viewers of "58 Hours" will get to hear from some of the rescuers who helped McClure as well as journalists who were on the scene at the time. People who watch "Super Reviewers" will come face to face with people who "were not necessarily feeling their voice was being heard within the traditional structure of reviewing," he added, but who found a "sense of purpose and sense of value within the online community."
CNN will make the shorts these shorts available through cable and satellite on demand services and CNNgo following their linear TV debuts, through September 8, 2021