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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-IDFA揭示了第一部电影:希托·史蒂尔(Hito Steyerl)的精选节目,选择Artavazd Pelechian Docs/IDFA Reveals First Films: Hito Steyerl’s Curated Program, Selection of Artavazd Pelechian Docs

发表于 2022-7-5 04:53:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

IDFA揭示了第一部电影:希托·史蒂尔(Hito Steyerl)的精选节目,选择Artavazd Pelechian Docs

IDFA Reveals First Films: Hito Steyerl’s Curated Program, Selection of Artavazd Pelechian Docs

国际纪录片电影节IDFA透露了第34届电影,该电影于11月17日至28日在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行。这些节目由该活动的嘉宾策划,德国电影制片人,媒体艺术家和作家希托·史蒂耶尔(Hito Steyerl),以及亚美尼亚的Artavazd Pelechian执导的四部电影,他们将获得IDFA的终身成就奖。两位舵手将亲自参加音乐节。根据她精心策划的14个冠军节目,Steyerl为她的电影和媒体艺术世界提供了一个窗口。Steyerl帮助我们理解自己的工作,呈现了持不同政见的电影制片人的阵容,他们每个人都以自己的方式塑造了政治纪录片电影的艺术。被选中的电影包括“革命的录像带”,Harun Farocki撰写的《邪教杰作》和安德烈·乌吉卡(Andrei Ujica),向斯蒂耶尔(Steyerl)的长期钦佩表示敬意S在维也纳。发掘了日本激进主义的隐藏故事,“ Yama:攻击攻击”图表了电影导演的连续暗杀,Mitsuo Sato和Kyoichi Yamaoka,他们记录了当地工人的条件。真理与虚构,如Rojava电影公社的“被摧毁的城市的故事”所看到的那样,它敏感地阐明了库尔德人的事业 - 在Steyerl的著作中回归的主题。在“ Kenedi回到家”中再次重新想象由南斯拉夫黑波浪偶像ŽelimirŽilnik以及彼得·沃特金斯(Peter Watkins)的史诗般的“ La Commune(Paris,1871年)”,在沃特金斯(Watkins)的监督下进行电影院发行。DissidentFilmmaking insement formistiend Filmmaking thressident Filmmaking ins tork Avenant-Garde Art ins Art-Garde gardant-Garde Art,例如Avant-Garde Artles,例如Avtant-Garde Gentles Art。芭芭拉·哈默(Barbara Hammer)的“硝酸盐吻”和玛莎·罗斯勒(Martha Rosler)的“厨房符号学”。 Steyerl还与Laura Poitras的Oscar-W一起展示了纪录片新闻的中流爱德华·斯诺登(Edward Snowden)局的电影“ Citizenfour”。IDFA还将在阿姆斯特丹历史悠久的Tuschinski 1电影院与Steyerl进行广泛的“电影制片人谈话”,以Time Out为世界上最美丽的电影院命名。在音乐节期间,Steyerl还将与她选择的几位电影制片人进行小组讨论。“自然”在佩勒基安的最后一部电影发行30年后,IDFA在IDFANEARLEALLEARLEAL中提供了欧洲IDFA的欧洲首演,他的64分钟巡回演出了“自然”。透明电影节在一份声明中说:“这部电影提供了“巨大的电影体验”,“面对大自然的泰坦尼克号荣耀,回到了佩勒希安对人类脆弱性的特色 - 这次是通过发现的镜头自然灾害的旋转组成。”这将是Pelechian参加的电影的首次放映,他的长期合作者兼“自然”制片人安德烈·乌吉卡Om Pelechian的职业。Auteur最早的电影之一“ We”纪念亚美尼亚人民及其动荡的历史,标志着电影制片人的标志性距离蒙太奇技术的诞生。该节日说,在“一年中的季节”中,导演“精心策划了人类生存的宏伟而苦乐参半的交响曲,以偏远的亚美尼亚山顶的一个孤立社区为中心。”最终,在“我们的世纪”中,贝雷希安(Pelechian)求助于美国和美国的20世纪太空竞赛,捕捉了“人类越过宇宙阈值的出色本质”。

International documentary film festival IDFA has revealed the first films selected for its 34th edition, which runs Nov. 17-28 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. These are the program curated by the event's guest of honor, the German filmmaker, media artist and writer Hito Steyerl, and a selection of four films directed by Armenia's Artavazd Pelechian, who will receive IDFA's Lifetime Achievement Award. Both helmers will attend the festival in person.

With her curated program of 14 titles, Steyerl offers a window into her world of film and media art. Helping us to understand her own body of work, Steyerl presents a lineup of dissident filmmakers who, each in their own way, have shaped the art of political documentary cinema.

Selected films include "Videograms of a Revolution," the cult masterpiece by Harun Farocki and Andrei Ujica, in a nod to Steyerl’s long-held admiration of Farocki, who she has written about, exhibited with, and studied under at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Unearthing hidden stories of Japanese activism, "Yama: Attack to Attack" charts the consecutive assassinations of the film’s directors, Mitsuo Sato and Kyoichi Yamaoka, as they document the conditions of local workers.

Germane to Steyerl’s own artistic methodology, several titles reimagine notions of truth and fiction, as seen in "Stories of Destroyed Cities" by the Rojava Film Commune, which sensitively illuminates the Kurdish cause — a returning subject in Steyerl’s writings.

Reality is again reimagined in "Kenedi Goes Back Home," one of two selected films by Yugoslav Black Wave icon Želimir Žilnik, as well as in Peter Watkins’ epic "La Commune (Paris, 1871)," remastered for cinema release under Watkins’ supervision.

Dissident filmmaking takes the form of avant-garde feminist art with titles such as Barbara Hammer’s "Nitrate Kisses" and Martha Rosler’s "Semiotics of the Kitchen."

Steyerl also presents a mainstay of documentary journalism with Laura Poitras’ Oscar-winning Edward Snowden film "Citizenfour."

IDFA will also present an extensive "Filmmaker Talk" with Steyerl in Amsterdam’s historic Tuschinski 1 cinema, named by Time Out as the most beautiful cinema in the world. During the festival, Steyerl will also moderate a panel discussion with several filmmakers from her selection.

Nearly 30 years after the release of Pelechian's last film, IDFA presents the European premiere of his 64-minute tour de force "Nature." The film offers a "monumental cinematic experience," the festival said in a statement, "returning to Pelechian’s characteristic fascination with human fragility in the face of nature's titanic glory — this time through a swirling composition of found footage natural disasters." This will be the first screening of the film that Pelechian has attended, with Andrei Ujica, his long-time collaborator and producer of "Nature," also in attendance.

IDFA will screen three films from Pelechian's career. One of the auteur’s earliest films, "We," honors the people of Armenia and their tumultuous history, marking the birth of the filmmaker’s signature distance montage technique. In "Seasons of the Year," the director "orchestrates a magnificent yet bittersweet symphony of human existence centering on an isolated community in the remote Armenian mountaintops," the festival said. Finally, in "Our Century," Pelechian turns to the 20th century space race of the U.S. and U.S.S.R., capturing "the terrific nature of humanity crossing a cosmic threshold."


上一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-XTR与Jesse Short Bull指挥/‘Lakota Nation vs. the United States’ Documentary Set By XTR With Jesse Short Bull Directing
下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-叙利亚董事戴安娜·埃尔·耶鲁迪(Diana El Jeiroudi)关于个人和实际考虑如何形成威尼斯的“沉默共和国”/Syrian Director Diana El Jeiroudi on How Personal and Practical Considerations Shaped Venice Doc ‘Republic of Silence’

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