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[新闻动态] 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“成为库斯托”评论:沉浸式的深入研究雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)的生活/‘Becoming Cousteau’ Review: An Immersive Deep Dive Into the Life of Jacques Cousteau, the Undersea Visionary

发表于 2022-7-5 04:16:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

“成为库斯托”评论:沉浸式的深入研究雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)的生活

‘Becoming Cousteau’ Review: An Immersive Deep Dive Into the Life of Jacques Cousteau, the Undersea Visionary

雅克·耶夫斯·库斯托(Jacques-Yves Cousteau)有一张似乎来自早期的面孔 - 在世界大战之前,甚至在20世纪之前。这是一张脸那么薄,锥形,却开放,脸色如此之多,如此法国。鹰般的鼻子。阿兹纳武尔的眼睛。宽阔的弹力极客笑似乎在整个世界上笑了。 (到60年代后期,他就是这样做的。)库斯托不仅会普及我们所知道的海底潜水。他创造了它。为了完成他的工作,他需要成为一名运动员,一名科学家,发明家,冒险家,电影制片人和海狗头目。不知何故,他是一个适合每个角色的人。站在他的美国制造的船上卡里普索(Calypso),穿着他的红色羊毛帽和泳衣,周围是一群虔诚的法国毛衣,他看上去太瘦了,不能成为一个笨蛋,太泥土了当摄像机滚动时,他自己离开了。他不仅仅是海洋奥秘的探险家E我们的大使在海中,这是让我们骑车的人。“成为库斯托”,丽兹·加布斯(Liz Garbus)的热情和运输纪录片,是其中一部电影,使生活变得如此美好,以至于您感到每天都会提高人们对每天的认识事物。您可能会认为您已经对这个主题了解很多。像一定年龄的许多人一样,我从小看着“雅克·库斯托的海底世界”,这是60年代电视纪录片系列,使库斯托成为家喻户晓的名字。但是,这部电影的标题暗示,在他知道自己的身上之前,他深入研究了库斯托。他出生于1910年,加入了法国海军,并被固定成为一名飞行员。这是命运的中风 - 一场车祸 - 导致他进入水面。他遭受了足够的骨骼伤害,以使成为军队飞行员的可能性,但两个同志表示,他们会通过海洋治疗来恢复他的康复。NDFrédéricDumas,想更深入。他在打开这部电影的报价中说:“潜水是您可以体验到的最棒的干扰。” (他的话是由演员文森特·卡塞尔(Vincent Cassel)读的。)“我很痛苦地从水里痛苦。好像您已经被介绍给天堂,然后被迫返回地球。”我们看到了30年代和40年代的库斯托(Cousteau)的大量镜头(他在第二次世界大战中都鸽子)以及一些粗略的黑白海底镜头。他和他的两个同志最初是作为荣耀的长矛捕捞者 - 他们在尖峰结束时不断从深处涌出,就像他们的目标一样。库斯托(Cousteau)发明了Aqualung的灵感,尽管Garbus在一系列历史图纸上向我们展示了莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)的非凡素描时,带着呼吸仪式在水下的梦想是几个世纪以来。库斯托不想用管子或管道做。他想摆脱表面。这是乌托邦的视野。 co乌斯塔(Usteau)和他的同志们进行了50米的潜水,直到与法国海军的潜水员莫里斯·法格斯(Maurice Fargues)成为第一个尝试潜水100米的人。他在这样做时死了。我们看到灾难的镜头令人不安。然而,库斯托(Cousteau)的工作人员开始游泳。科斯托(Cousteau)从小就一直在制作业余电影,他对电影制作的热情和对潜水的热情一样。他掌握了他们是一起去的。从一开始,他和他的同伴就记录了他们的冒险经历,当他们获得“沉默世界”的资金(库斯托使用假故事板赢得了支持者)时,它被计划作为主要作品。我们看到这部开创性的电影正在拍摄,水上灯和相机中有多个潜水员。它于1956年在戛纳首映,令人惊讶地赢得了Palme d'Or。Garbus向我们展示了毕加索来参加放映,他认为这部电影很棒 - 根据“成为库斯托”的说法,它向他介绍了Co深海的繁殖。 “沉默世界”继续赢得了奥斯卡最佳纪录片,这取得了巨大的成功。但是库斯托仍然需要资金来保持卡里普索的漂浮,这就是为什么他签署了为石油行业探索的合同的原因。 (阿布扎比将其石油财富归功于他。)这部电影对卡里普索(Calypso)的生活持牢固的态度,以及库斯托(Cousteau)的新兴名人,反映了其主题。库斯托的妻子,尖刺,烟熏的西蒙妮(来自海军上将线),也想在海上生活,从本质上讲,就像船上的一个女人一样。他们将两个儿子送到寄宿学校,库斯托承认他是一个坏丈夫和父亲。这部电影并没有涉及他的不忠,而是要求我们在两行之间阅读。我认为淡化八卦角度是正确的,因为它允许“成为库斯托”变成探险家消费性质的肖像。正如库斯托(Cousteau)所说,“我们必须去看自己。”Ocumentaries,太长了。丽兹·加布斯(Liz Garbus)是一位出色的纪录片,但她精通的一部分是,她制作了每部电影 - 档案片段,采访 - 讲话;这就是为什么她不必超负荷。在“发生了什么事,西蒙妮小姐?”卷土重来,令人难以置信的音乐表演,并将其全部融合到90分钟以上。 “成为库斯托”的长度为93分钟,但它使我们在每时每刻与雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)一起生活,陶醉于他对水下经历的沉迷,当他得知他所爱的海洋腐烂和衰败时,他分享了他的深刻痛苦甚至可能死了。这部电影的最后三分之一致力于占领库斯托一生的环境激情。正如他所看到的,这不仅仅是一个问题拯救海洋”  - 他看到的珊瑚礁瓦解,大陆架的地板在他探索的30年中变成了自身的燃烧的阴影。正如库斯托(Cousteau)在许多其他人之前抓住的海洋已经表明地球已经失去平衡,表明它的变暖是(并且是)慢动作灾难。我们在1992年在里约热内卢举行的气候峰会上看到库斯托,在那里他是一个不是国家元首的主要存在,他几乎单身获得了数十个国家,同意将刹车置于南极洲的工业化。看到了许多环境纪录片,但是在“成为库斯托”中,雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)拯救海洋的使命是独特的。在50年代后期和60年代后期,当他的探索呼应了太空计划的崛起时,有很多流行的幻想,这两个领域(深海和外太空)都可以为人类提供替代的生活场所。这些想法掉了T时尚(它们从来都不是真正实用的),但是现在出色的是它们是基于反乌托邦的愿景的方式:人类需要逃脱地球的所作所为。“成为库斯托”辜负了其头衔;它向您展示了雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)成为艺人的演变者的演变。但是,这部电影最共鸣的是,它向您展示了他的变化 - 一个爱上了水下生活的人,却使他的心脏突破了海洋中心发生了什么。

Jacques-Yves Cousteau had one of those faces that seemed to come from an earlier time — before the world wars, maybe even before the 20th century. It was a face so thin and tapered yet open, so creased with character, so French. The hawkish Gallic nose. The Aznavour eyes. The big wide stretchy geek smile that seemed to grin back at the entire world. (By the late '60s, he was doing just that.) Cousteau didn’t just popularize undersea diving as we know it; he created it. To accomplish what he did, he needed to be an athlete, a scientist, an inventor, an adventurer, a filmmaker, and a sea-dog ringleader. Somehow he was a man who fit each of those roles. Standing aboard his American-made vessel, the Calypso, in his red wool cap and bathing suit, surrounded by a crew of devoted French roughnecks, he looked too skinny to be a mere jock, too earthy to be a professor, too worldly to hide himself away when the cameras were rolling. More than just an explorer of the ocean’s mysteries, he became our ambassador to the sea, the one who took us under for the ride.

You may go into it thinking you already know a lot about the subject. Like many people of a certain age, I grew up watching "The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau," the '60s TV documentary series that made Cousteau a household name. But the movie, as its title suggests, takes a deep dive into Cousteau way before he knew what he was onto. Born in 1910, he joined the French Navy and was fixated on becoming a pilot. It was a stroke of fate — a car accident — that led him to the water. He sustained enough skeletal injury to nix the possibility of becoming a military pilot, but two comrades said they would rehabilitate him with ocean therapy.

Snorkeling was big, but Cousteau, diving with Philippe Tailliez and Frédéric Dumas, wanted to go deeper. "Diving is the most fabulous distraction you can experience," he says in the quote that opens the film. (His words are read by the actor Vincent Cassel.) "I am miserable out of the water. It's as though you have been introduced to heaven, and then forced back to Earth." We see a good deal of footage of Cousteau from the '30s and '40s (he dove all through WWII), and some crude black-and-white undersea footage as well. He and his two comrades started out as glorified spear-fishers — they keep emerging from the depths with exotic fish at the end of their spikes, as if that was their goal. It was Cousteau’s inspiration to invent the aqualung, though as Garbus shows us in a series of historical drawings, going back to an extraordinary sketch by Leonardo da Vinci, the dream of going underwater with a breathing apparatus was centuries old. Cousteau didn’t want to do it with tubes or pipes. He wanted to be free of the surface.

It was a utopian vision. Cousteau and his comrades were taking dives of 50 meters, until Maurice Fargues, a diver with the French Navy, became the first man to attempt a dive of 100 meters. He died while doing it; we see disquieting footage of the calamity. Yet the Cousteau crew swam on.

Cousteau had been making amateur movies since he was a kid, and he was nearly as passionate about filmmaking as he was about diving. He grasped that they were made to go together. From the start, he and his companions recorded their adventures, and when they got the funding to make "The Silent World" (Cousteau won over his backers using fake storyboards), it was planned as a major production. We see this seminal film being shot, with multiple divers in the water holding lights and cameras. It premiered at Cannes in 1956, where, astoundingly, it won the Palme d’Or. Garbus shows us Picasso arriving for the screening, and he thought the film was amazing — according to "Becoming Cousteau," it introduced him to the colors of the deep sea. "The Silent World" went on to win the Oscar for best documentary, and it became a huge success. But Cousteau still needed funds to keep the Calypso afloat, which is why he signed contracts to do explorations for the oil industry. (Abu Dhabi owes its oil wealth to him.)

The film’s fixation on life aboard the Calypso, and Cousteau’s burgeoning celebrity, mirrors its subject. Cousteau’s wife, the spiky, chain-smoking Simone (who came from a line of admirals), also wanted to live at sea, and essentially did, as the one woman aboard the ship. They sent their two sons to boarding school, and Cousteau confesses that he was a bad husband and father. The film doesn’t dwell on his infidelities but asks us to read between the lines. I think it was right to downplay the gossip angle, because it allows "Becoming Cousteau" to turn into a portrait of the consuming nature of explorers. As Cousteau put it, "We must go and see for ourselves."

Too many movies these days, including documentaries, are too long. Liz Garbus is a great documentarian, but part of her mastery is that she makes every piece of film — the archival clips, the interviews — speak; that's why she doesn’t have to overload you. In “What Happened, Miss Simone?," Garbus told Nina Simone’s complicated story — the classical youth, the high-priestess-of-soul glory, the grinding tours and bad marriages, the unstable behavior, the fearless activism, the expatriate years, the comeback, the incredible musical performances that ran through it — and packed it all into a little over 90 minutes. "Becoming Cousteau" is 93 minutes long, but it lets us live, at every moment, alongside Jacques Cousteau, reveling in his addiction to the experience of being underwater, sharing his profound distress when he learns that the oceans he loves are decaying, and maybe even dying.

The last third of the film is devoted to the environmental passion that took over Cousteau’s life. As he saw it, this wasn’t just a matter of "saving the oceans" — the coral reefs he saw disintegrating, the floor of the continental shelf that became, over the 30 years of his explorations, a burnt-out shadow of itself. The oceans, as Cousteau grasped before so many others did, were already a sign that the planet was out of balance, that the warming of it was (and is) a slow-motion disaster. We see Cousteau at the 1992 climate summit in Rio, where he was the one major presence who was not a head of state, and where he all but singlehandedly got dozens of countries to agree to put the brakes on the industrialization of Antarctica.

I have seen many environmental documentaries, but in "Becoming Cousteau" there’s something uniquely moving about Jacques Cousteau’s mission to rescue the ocean. In the late '50s and '60s, when his explorations echoed the rise of the space program, there were popular fantasies that both spheres — the deep sea and outer space — could provide human beings with alternate places to live. Those ideas fell out of fashion (they were never really practical), but what’s remarkable now is how they were predicated on the dystopian vision: that the human race would need to escape what it was doing to earth. "Becoming Cousteau" lives up to its title; it shows you the evolution of Jacques Cousteau becoming an entertainer-adventurer. But what’s most resonant about the film is it then shows you what he became — a man who fell in love with life underwater, but allowed his heart to break seeing what had happened to the heart of the ocean.


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下一篇:纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-大卫·张(David Chang)和摩根·内维尔(Morgan Neville/David Chang and Morgan Neville Grapple With the Future of Food in Hulu’s ‘The Next Thing You Eat’

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