纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“为了天堂的缘故”电影制片人剖析了调查数十年的家庭之谜/‘For Heaven’s Sake’ Filmmakers Dissect Investigating a Decades-Old Family Mystery
‘For Heaven’s Sake’ Filmmakers Dissect Investigating a Decades-Old Family Mystery
剧透警报:如果您还没有看过“为了天堂的缘故”,请不要阅读,现在在派拉蒙加上流式传输。1934年底,哈罗德·天堂(Harold Heaven)从他在加拿大的偏远小屋中失踪。当时,他是一个人,甚至几代人都被描述为一个永久的单身汉和/或孤独者。失踪时,他穿着西装,拿着步枪走出小屋,但他的钥匙悬在敞开的前门中。自然,自从他的后代和他所居住的小镇的其余居民之后的87年中,人们提出了很多关于实际发生的事情的理论。警方的报告被自杀了,但是从醉酒的公路工人到与邻居的纠纷到外星人绑架的一切事物都被浮出水面,作为潜在的真理,所有这些理论都是天堂的曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾曾在他最好的朋友杰克逊·罗(Jackson Rowe)着手调查八部分的纪录片,“为了天堂的缘故。”(是的,甚至是外星人。)“挖掘一切的旅程带来了自己的后果,并带有自身的利益。对我来说,这是一个更好地了解我的家人,欢迎杰克逊来到我们家人的旅程,而且我不知道这么多的富裕历史。可能是从不同家庭成员身上发生的。家庭中“最喜欢的”的是,天堂与被雇用的公路工人发生冲突,这些公路工人在他僻静的小屋附近建造了一条高速公路,因此这成为了书本终结的米尔顿和Rowe系列的理论。不过,在两者之间,他们探索了天堂潜在谋杀的动机,包括这些人醉酒打扰了他,然后袭击了他 - 也许是因为天堂是同性恋,当时被认为是犯罪的。正如他们考虑的动机一样,这常常使他们对抗其他理论米尔登指出,其中一些“彼此建造”- 以及其他处置身体的方法,从将身体放在私人湖中到将他埋在新的高速公路或树林中,多年来,米尔登一家人亲切地称呼“颠簸”。电影制作二人组的方法是调查任何看起来像合理理论的事物,而不是打算揭穿它们 - 除了一个例外。揭穿是自杀理论。我们真的不认为它有腿,我们很容易出现,说:“这是错误的,我们将证明有犯规比赛,”但是,作为真正的犯罪迷[我们知道] Rowe.Mildon和Rowe具有喜剧背景,需要在我们继续前进之前对其进行适当的揭穿。 (在纪录片中,他们甚至展示了他们有趣或死亡的系列“奖杯丈夫”的一集,吹嘘它在拍摄时大约有5,000次观看。现在,它有更多仅在YouTube上的12,000次观点。)为了忠于自己,他们将幽默融合到“为了天堂的缘故”的语气中。这是一场悲剧,这很重要,人们的情绪和生活很重要。我们了解了所有这些,拍摄了这一切。” Rowe说。 “演出的小内核不同,我们是喜剧演员;我们是某些人的观众代理。而且我们觉得这样一个古老的案例更具娱乐性,我们无法采访那些当时在周围的人,以加入一些香料,所以这在这里和那里都很有趣。”米尔登补充说:“所有有趣的埃罗尔·莫里斯(Errol Morris)和那些纪录片人都无法做到。为了提供一个米尔顿说,他们想了解更多的人,他们的意图是不要“打击案件”。“像[苹果的脸]一样有趣,出于某种原因,我们就像,“这可能会引导到某个地方。”因为我们有关于传单的细节,我们希望这实际上会引起人们的记忆,而不是实际的图片。 Rowe指出:“非常重视。”再次,是的,甚至是外星人。“我个人喜欢外星理论,”米尔登分享。 “长大后,外星人理论是如此特别,在我们的家庭中充满了困境,以至于我真的很想深入研究它,因此我们当时探索了不明飞行物,这是一个非常有趣的理论。但是我们不得不问这个问题:“它是否带走了,这是否使听众对我们实际上要认真对待这一点失去信任?”最终,天堂被外星人绑架的可能性只收到了简短提及一集de,留下对心理学家和自称被绑架在切割室的地板上绑架的人的全面采访。Mildon远非唯一一位纪录片的人来研究自己家人中的一个寒冷案件(请参阅麦迪逊·汉堡在中间海滩上的“谋杀案”另一个例子),但是这个故事在他如何进入家庭和他们的土地上是什么独一无二的,他正在采访的人与关于天堂的篝火故事,而不是男人本人。米尔登承认,他和罗(Rowe)拿了很多“传闻和二手信息作为事实,并持续了。”他回忆说,他们“很兴奋”- 只是渴望试图解决一个谜。当他们在垃圾场听到一个男人告诉米尔顿的叔叔,他知道谁杀死了天堂,例如,他们看着谁会在垃圾场中在一天中的那个时候,跑了一个想法,那就是那里的人在那里工作。同样,当他们得知天堂的步枪被他失踪时,他们让叙述成为他被埋葬的它。“我们想在烤面包中看到玛丽母亲,”米尔顿说。 “我们非常想进行[真正的犯罪表演],但我们了解了他们如何制作自己的故事,我们陷入了同一个陷阱。但是我们喜欢的节目是我们最终变得清洁,揭示了很多这些节目不做的事情,这就是他们对所涉及的人的影响。 Rowe进行了调查并讲述他们的故事,即使它提出了关于天堂的心理健康或性行为的复杂问题,或者另一个天堂杀死了他的可能性。但是他的家人还委托电影制片人从字面上挖掘答案。在租用ROV设备并潜入湖中寻找天堂的身体时,无法撕毁高速公路,并在撞车之后,纪录片最终与男人挖掘出来。 T与我们一样多。他们就像,“我想你可以挖掘它”,罗恩笑着回忆道。但是,他补充说:“我认为我们欠观众”来“拔出大枪”。“这也是积极调查与对话的平衡2 1/2年的“为了天堂的缘故”,米尔登和罗仍然没有关于在九十年前那个命运之夜真正发生的事情的答案,更不用说为什么。 “这就是为什么我们来到这么热的原因,这就是为什么我们想去当地的酒吧与所有人交谈并建立广告牌 - 因为我们谈论案件的越多,有人越有可能将我们的热线称为我们的热线。”米尔顿说。热线现在可能已经禁用,但是随着纪录片在Paramount Plus上推出,一波互联网侦探可能想调查案例,米尔登和Rowe都欢迎。“直到今天,我仍然认为有人认为有人知道真相,”米尔顿说。
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched "For Heaven's Sake," streaming now on Paramount Plus.
Near the end of 1934, Harold Heaven went missing from his remote cabin in Canada. He was a man mostly everyone at the time -- and even a few generations later -- described as a perpetual bachelor and/or a loner. At the time of his disappearance, he was wearing a suit, carrying a rifle and walked out of his cabin but left his keys dangling in the open front door. Naturally, in the 87 years since, his descendants, and the rest of the inhabitants of the small town in which he had lived, have come up with quite a few theories about what really happened. The police report was stamped with suicide, but everything from drunken road workers to a dispute with a neighbor to alien abduction has been floated as potential truths at one time or another, and all of these theories are what Heaven's great-great nephew Mike Mildon and his best friend Jackson Rowe set out to investigate with their eight-part docuseries, "For Heaven's Sake."
(Yes, even the aliens.)
"The journey of digging into everything came with its own consequences and came with its own benefits. For me, it was very much a journey of getting to know my family better, welcoming Jackson to our family, and there's so much rich history that I had no idea about," Mildon tells Variety.
Growing up, Mildon heard many theories about what may have happened to Heaven from different family members. The one that was the "favorite" in the family was that Heaven clashed with road workers who were hired to build a highway near his secluded cabin, so this became the theory that book-ended Mildon and Rowe's series. In between, though, they explored varying motives for Heaven's potential murder, including that these men drunkenly disturbed and then attacked him -- perhaps because Heaven was gay, which was considered criminal at the time. As they considered motives, this often bumped them against other theories -- some of which "built on each other," Mildon points out -- as well as other methods of disposing of his body, from dropping his body in a private lake to burying him under the new highway or in the woods, under what the Mildon family has affectionately come to call "the bump" over the years.
The filmmaking duo's approach was to investigate anything that looked like a plausible theory, rather than set out to debunk them -- with one exception.
"The only thing we really wanted to debunk was the suicide theory. We really didn't think it had legs, and it would have been easy for us to show up and say, 'This is wrong, we're going to prove there was foul play,' but as true crime fans that it needs to be properly debunked before we can move on," Rowe says.
Mildon and Rowe have a background in comedy. (In the docuseries they even show off an episode of their Funny or Die series "Trophy Husbands," boasting that it had about 5,000 views at the time of filming. Now, though, it has more than 12,000 views on YouTube alone.) In order to stay true to themselves, they blended their humor into the tone of "For Heaven's Sake."
"True crime really does deserve to be treated with a level of respect, and that does suck a lot of the fun out of it because it's a tragedy and it's important and people's emotions and lives are important. We learned about all of that, filming this," Rowe says. "The little kernel of the show that's different we're comedians; we're an audience surrogate for some people. And we felt it was more entertaining with such an old case, where we can't interview people who were around back then, little bit of spice to it, so that was poking fun here and there."
"It was all the fun Errol Morris and those documentarians couldn't have," adds Mildon.
But while they recreated the road workers' drunken walk to Heaven's cabin to see if they'd lose their buzz by the end of it, and cut faces into apples in order to provide a rendering of a person about whom they were trying to learn more, their intention was to never "punch down on the case," Mildon says.
"As funny as was, for some reason in the back of our minds, we were like, 'This could lead somewhere.' Because we had details on the flyer and we were hoping that would actually spark more of a memory than the actual picture," he continues.
Every theory they put in the show were ones they "believed in" and "took very seriously," Rowe notes. Again, yes, even the aliens.
"I personally loved the alien theory," Mildon shares. "Growing up, the alien theory was so special and so well-ingrained in our family that I really wanted to dive deep into it, so we explored UFOs at the time and it was a very fun theory. But we had to ask that question, 'Does it take away and does it make the audience lose trust in us that we're actually trying to take this seriously?'"
In the end, the possibility Heaven was abducted by aliens only received a brief mention in an episode, leaving full interviews with psychics and people who claimed to have been abducted themselves on the cutting room floor.
Mildon is far from the only documentarian to look into a cold case in his own family (see Madison Hamburg's "Murder on Middle Beach" as another example), but this story is unique in how even though he had access to the family and their land, the people he was interviewing grew up with campfire tales about Heaven, not the man himself. Mildon admits that he and Rowe took a lot of "hearsay and second-hand information as fact and ran with it." They were "excitable," he recalls -- just eager to try to solve a mystery.
When they heard a man at the dump told Mildon's uncle he knew who killed Heaven, for example, they looked at the likelihood of who would be at the dump at that time of day and ran with the idea that it was someone who worked there. Similarly, when they learned Heaven's rifle went missing with him, they let the the narrative become that he was buried with it.
"We wanted to see Mother Mary in the toast," says Mildon. "We so badly wanted to make but we learned how they want to craft their own story, and we fell into the same trap. But what we like about our show is we come clean at the end and reveal something a lot of these shows don't do, which is the impact they can have on the people involved."
Mildon's family had to put their trust in him and Rowe to do this investigation and tell their story, even when it brought up complicated questions about Heaven's mental health or sexuality, or the possibility that another Heaven killed him. But his family also entrusted the filmmakers to quite literally go digging for the answers. Unable to tear up the highway and after striking out when renting ROV equipment and diving into the lake to look for Heaven's body, the docuseries culminated with the men excavating the bump.
"When we showed them the GPR results the first time, it didn't blow our minds as much as it did ours. They were like, 'I guess you could dig it up,'" Rowe recalls with a laugh. But, he adds, "I think we owed it to the audience" to "pull out the big guns."
"It was also the balance of active investigation with conversation because we couldn't just information-overload the audience," adds Mildon.
After 2 1/2 years of working on "For Heaven's Sake," though, Mildon and Rowe still don't have the answer as to what really happened to Heaven on that fateful night almost nine decades ago, let alone why. "That's why we came in so hot and that's why we wanted to go to the local bars and talk to everybody and put up a billboard -- because the more we talked about the case, the more likely someone was going to call our hotline," Mildon says.
The hotline may be disabled now, but with the docuseries having launched on Paramount Plus, a whole wave of internet sleuths may want to look into the case, something with Mildon and Rowe both welcome.
"To this day I still think somebody knows the truth," Mildon says.