我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 08:39:08

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki/Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes Picks Six for Pix-in-Post Industry Showcase

Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes Picks Six for Pix-in-Post Industry Showcase

今年版的塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)已选择了四个希腊小说功能和两张纪录片,送给了戛纳电影市场的Pix-In-Post行业展示柜戛纳电影节。这些项目将于7月12日在帕莱斯·德斯节(Palais des Festivals)的一次演讲中向潜在的销售代理商,分销商和节日程序员介绍。该活动是塞萨洛尼基电影节,希腊电影中心和戛纳电影市场之间的合作。希腊是东南欧和巴尔干地区唯一参加的国家。这一年,该活动的组织者收到的申请比过去几年的申请更多,据塞萨洛尼基电影节的行业节目Agora的负责人Yianna Sarri表示。她说:“看来,即使在大流行期间,电影导演也找到了一种更具创造力的方法。”两年前,克里斯托斯·尼古(Christos Nikou)的“苹果”是第一个TI的我在塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki)去了戛纳电影节(Cannes),然后继续在威尼斯电影节上打开地平线侧边栏,并在候选名单上登陆了最好的国际故事片奥斯卡(Oscar)。是人才发现的空间。”萨里说。 “今年我们也感到非常自豪,其中一半的选择来自女董事。”“在草丛后面,阿西米娜·普罗德(Asimina Prou)的导演是一个中年渔夫和农民与妻子和女儿住在湖边的故事的故事。希腊村庄与北马其顿边界。他害怕因他过去犯下的欺诈行为而入狱,他开始在边境上交通移民,以偿还他偷走的钱。但是很快,他发现自己被当地黑手党和他的良心之间的致命游戏困住,而他的家人开始崩溃。这部电影是由Ioanna Bolomyti(Argonauts Productions),Markus Halberschmidt(小说公园),Vladimir Anastasov制作的和安吉拉·内斯托罗夫斯卡(Angela Nestorovska)(塞克托电影)。由玛丽亚·杜扎(Maria Douza)创作和执导,并根据一个真实的故事“与瓦尔米拉(Valmira)的冬天”(Winter with Valmira),是一个聋哑的少女,她在雅典(Athens)离开她的父亲岛(Athens)的专业学校,她突然被迫被迫在那里被强迫在听证会之中生活。在那里,她的互动不知不觉地引发了一系列长期的冲突和误解。PIC由Michael Sarantinos(希腊Steficon)和Ivan Tonev(保加利亚ARS Digitalv)制作。。“瓦尔米拉(Valmira)的耳聋既是我们听到的需要,也是我们选择不听的隐喻。我们渴望被听到,也拒绝聆听;我们对自我的自我关注。但这也反映了一个世界上犬儒主义的智慧和邪恶作为人性唯一的本质的世界。”,“我们的意图是制作一部电影,将展示我们所有人所携带的人性,我们有潜力选择善良而不是仇恨,理解不宽容,对自私的同情。我们想制作一部电影“将允许自己的演讲”的电影,就像托尼·莫里森(Toni Morrison)所说的那样:“不要否认邪恶的存在,而是对抗它。”“混蛋”是由尼古斯·帕斯特拉斯(Nikos Pastras)执导的,由帕斯特拉斯(Pastras)和尼古拉斯·阿拉瓦诺斯(Nicholas Alavanos)。跟随10名逃离令人窒息的社会规则的年轻人在一个大型的孤立房屋中建立自己的社区。但是平衡很快就会感到沮丧,人际关系将受到测试,迫使他们找到一种自由的方式。帕斯特拉斯说。 “角色依靠演员,并在电影的准备和实际拍摄中随着他们而演变。这个想法是制作一部与依赖各种权威形式形式的电影只有演奏,生活和自由的喜悦。对青年和革命的主观观察。个人,集体,性,英勇和幼稚。”他补充说:“这部电影的诞生及其实现在大流行中发生,而在艰难的封锁中不仅是偶然的,而且相反,它给了我们一种力量,动力和一种自由来自抵抗的渴望。”“ Dogwatch”是导演Gregoris Rentis的纪录片。它以私人雇用的雇佣军为中心,他们负责保护越过索马里海岸线高风险区域的船舶免受海盗袭击。严格准备面对敌人,每只手表都使他们更接近接触当天。不过,通常这一天永远不会过去。描述了这些雇佣军面临的存在挑战,渴望冒险的人被他们工作的平凡性质所抵消。他说:“海上的生活在精神上足够挑战,坚持不懈地抵抗通常是非敌人的日子几乎荒谬的日子。对我们的目标设定但迷失方向的西方社会的恐惧呼应了同样的恐惧。”他继续。 “'Dogwatch'招募了海上盗版的背景,在跑步机上画了一幅社会的肖像,从危机到战争再回来,无可救药地等待着破坏图案的东西。”“进入冰和火之地”(如图)(如图)由Dimitra Zirou导演,由Nikos Moustakas(不好的人群)制作。该纪录片的灵感来自居住在欧洲北极地区萨米地区的土著人民的当代生活。经过二十年的研究和拍摄欧洲北极及其土著居民,Zirou讲述了两个平行的故事。一个是遵循85岁的萨拉(Sara)的日常生活,萨拉(Sara)是剩下的少数传统Heale之一萨米口头传统的RS和守护者。其他以6岁的萨米男孩Mihka为中心,他与家人住在挪威北极苔原中部的一个遥远小镇。他们的故事逐渐与改变北极季节的变化以及从漫长的冬天的黑暗到夏天永无止境的光线的通道。在本文中,“前”是在柏林夜生活场景的背景下设定的。这部小说电影由乔治·马尔卡基斯(George Markakis)执导,由马尔卡基斯(Markakis)和克里斯·康塞尔森(Chris Cornelsen)制作,跟随戴安娜(Diana)和一群华丽的派对人群呆了一晚,崇高的混乱之夜,邀请观众看到不仅鲁ck的享乐主义。当它的角色分享有关生命的故事时,生活在社会边缘,更深层次的联系解散,引发了清晰,接受和毫无歉意的真理的灵魂态度。

Four Greek fiction features and two documentaries have been selected for this year’s edition of Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes, the Cannes Film Market’s pix-in-post industry showcase. The projects will be presented to potential sales agents, distributors and festival programmers during a presentation at the Palais des Festivals on July 12.

The event is a collaboration between the Thessaloniki Film Festival, the Greek Film Center, and the Cannes Film Market. Greece is the only country in Southeastern Europe and the Balkans to take part.

This year, the event’s organizers received even more applications than in years past, according to Yianna Sarri, head of the Thessaloniki Film Festival’s industry arm, Agora. “It seems that even during the pandemic, film directors found a way to be more creative,” she said.

Sarri noted that the annual event has become a prime launching pad for rising Greek talents. Two years ago, Christos Nikou's “Apples" was presented for the first time at Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes, before going on to open the Horizons sidebar at the Venice Film Festival and land on the shortlist for the best international feature film Oscar.

“The majority of films are from newcomers, and Thessaloniki has always been a space of talent discovery,” said Sarri. “We are also very proud this year that half of the selection comes from women directors.”

“Behind the Haystacks,” by director Asimina Proedrou, is the story of a middle-aged fisherman and farmer living with his wife and daughter in a lakeside Greek village on the border with North Macedonia. Afraid of going to jail for a fraud he committed in the past, he starts to traffic migrants across the border to repay the money he stole. But soon he finds himself trapped in a deadly game between the local mafia and his conscience, while his family starts falling apart.

The film is produced by Ioanna Bolomyti (Argonauts Productions), Markus Halberschmidt (Fiction Park), Vladimir Anastasov and Angela Nestorovska (Sektor Film).

Written and directed by Maria Douza and based on a true story, “Winter with Valmira” is the story of a deaf teenage girl who leaves her specialized school in Athens for her father’s island, where she’s abruptly forced to live among the hearing. There her interactions unwittingly trigger a series of long-simmering conflicts and misunderstandings. Pic is produced by Michael Sarantinos (Steficon, Greece) and Ivan Tonev (Ars Digital, Bulgaria).

“The film is a reflection on loneliness and isolation provoked by our inability, fear and resistance to reach out to other people,” Douza told Variety. “Valmira’s deafness serves as a metaphor both of our need to hear and our choice not to hear; our desire to be heard but also our refusal to listen; our egotistic preoccupation with the self. But it is also a reflection on the power of goodness in a world where cynicism passes for wisdom and evil as the only essence of human nature.”

She continued, “Our intention is to make a film that will show the humanity we all carry in ourselves, our potential to choose goodness over hatred, understanding over intolerance, empathy over selfishness. We want to make a film that ‘will allow goodness its own speech,’ as Toni Morrison would say,’ not to deny the existence of evil, but to counter it.”

“Bastards” is directed by Nikos Pastras and produced by Pastras and Nicholas Alavanos. It follows 10 youths who flee the rules of a suffocating society to create their own community in a large, isolated house. But the balance will soon be upset and relationships will be tested, forcing them to find a way to remain free.

“My desire to make ‘Bastards’ did not sprout from the story itself, but from the condition in which the story was created,” said Pastras. “The characters relied on the actors and evolved with them in both the preparation of the film and the actual shooting. The idea was to make a film that goes against all forms of authority relying only on the joy of playing, life and freedom. A subjective look at youth and revolution. Individual, collective, sexual, heroic and childish.”

He added, “The fact that the birth of this film and its realization took place in a pandemic and in a hard lockdown is not only not accidental, but on the contrary, it gave us a force, a momentum and a sort of freedom that came from the desire to resist.”

“Dogwatch” is a documentary from director Gregoris Rentis. It centers on privately hired mercenaries who are responsible for protecting vessels crossing the High Risk Area off the Somali coastline against pirate attacks. Rigorously preparing to face the enemy, each watch brings them closer to the day of contact. Often, though, that day never comes to pass.

The Greece-France co-production is produced by Rentis (BYRD), Vicky Miha (asterisk*), Clément Duboin and Florence Cohen (Good Fortune Films).

In a director’s statement, Rentis described the existential challenge facing these mercenaries, whose craving for adventure is offset by the mundane nature of their job. “Life at sea is mentally challenging enough, and standing guard against what often seems like a non-enemy makes the days passing almost absurd,” he said.

“The same fear of inaction echoes across our goal-setting yet disoriented Western societies,” he continued. “‘Dogwatch’ enlists the backdrop of maritime piracy to draw a portrait of society on a treadmill, circling from crisis to war and back, hopelessly waiting for something to break the pattern.”

“Into the Land of Ice and Fire” (pictured) is directed by Dimitra Zirou and produced by Nikos Moustakas (Bad Crowd). The documentary is inspired by the contemporary life of the indigenous people inhabiting the European Arctic region, the Sámi. After twenty years of researching and photographing the European Arctic and its indigenous inhabitants, Zirou tells two parallel stories.

One follows the everyday life of 85-year-old Sara, one of the few remaining traditional healers and keepers of Sámi oral tradition. The other centers on Mihka, a 6-year-old Sámi boy who lives with his family in a small, distant town in the middle of the Norwegian Arctic tundra. Their stories gradually unfold against the changing of the Arctic seasons and the passage from the long winter’s darkness to the never-setting light of the summer.

Finally, “EX” is set against the backdrop of Berlin’s nightlife scene. Directed by George Markakis and produced by Markakis and Chris Cornelsen, this fiction film follows Diana and a flurry of gorgeous party people for one night of sublime chaos that invites the audience to see more than reckless hedonism. As its characters share stories about lives lived at the fringes of society, a deeper connection unravels, sparking soul-baring moments of clarity, acceptance, and unapologetic truth.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-塞萨洛尼基(Thessaloniki/Thessaloniki Goes to Cannes Picks Six for Pix-in-Post Industry Showcase