纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-乌托邦宣布“仅对疯子”发行日期 - 简短电影新闻/Utopia Announces ‘For Madmen Only’ Release Date — Film News in Brief
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0508/1119z4hx0tdmedc.jpeg乌托邦宣布“仅对疯子”发行日期 - 简短电影新闻
Utopia Announces ‘For Madmen Only’ Release Date — Film News in Brief
“仅针对疯子”:乌托邦发行有关即兴创意大师Close的纪录片 - 独家发行宣布,将于7月27日在Altavod和Apple TV上发行专题纪录片“仅是疯子”。高盛(Goldman),这部电影将对来自他的“人类火炬”杂耍表演的名义喜剧性开拓者Del欣赏到令人愉悦而凄美的看法,再到他在第二城市的有影响力和有争议的崛起。Close曾指导过喜剧传奇人物,例如Bill Murray,John Candy和Tina Fey等。。结果是一张生动的,多层的人及其使命的照片,骑在天才和绝望,创造力和精神错乱的边缘。这部电影还将进行与Matt Walsh,James Urbaniak,Patton Oswalt,J James Urbaniak,James Wals,J James Urbaniak,J.Ason Sudeikis,Lauren Lapkus,Bob Odenkirk,Tim Meadows,Jason Mantzoukas,Ike Barinholtz,Adam McKay,Lennon Parham和Paul Scheer。他以创造性的风险而闻名。”罗斯说。 “作为一个以分解流派和实验形式的人而闻名的人(更不用说与真相快速散布的人一样 - 我们决定将相同的想法应用于我们的电影,并尝试用纪录片类型打破新的地面。这导致构建了一系列场景,想象着“荒原”的漫画自传背后的创作过程。”“对于疯子来说,只有一部奇异的电影反映了一个奇异的人 - 对所有人中较小的唱歌英雄之一的创造性和快乐的探索乌托邦内容负责人丹妮尔·迪格科莫(Danielle Digiacomo)说。 “我们在乌托邦迫不及待地想让观众陷入急需的逃避欢乐和天才。”美国原住民媒体联盟接受了应用程序第四届美国原住民故事片作家实验室实验室阳离子宣布,他们正在接受第四届美国原住民故事片作家实验室的申请。为期10周的节目将于8月下旬至11月初举行。将选出五名美国原住民作家参加该计划,该计划将包括与既定的编剧和同行讲习班的每日研讨会。预计每位选定的参与者将在10周结束时至少完成一个剧本,该剧本将在11月的第15届年度LA Skins Fest上展示。美国作家,并在行业与我们的社区之间进行了更深入的合作。”美国原住民ME战略总监Ian Skorodin说DIA联盟。 “看到新兴的土著作家以新鲜的视野和大胆的声音在我们期待今年举办一个新的团队时,总是令人兴奋。”这位美国原住民故事片作家实验室满足了娱乐行业日益增长的需求。根据2020年的作家协会包容性报告,美洲原住民仅占目前从事该行业的编剧中的0.8%。该计划希望为寻求闯入好莱坞的美国原住民作家提供新的机会。美国原住民故事片作家实验室的最后截止日期是7月16日。 Murder'phoebe Dynevor被担任索尼女性驱动的惊悚片《 I Heart Murder》的主角。道格·威克(Doug Wick)和露西·费舍尔(Lucy Fisher)的红旅行车娱乐活动将产生。Dynevor在Netflix的“ Bridgerton”中吸引了Daphne,他将在“ Color Room”中首次亮相。她最近与Mathew Goode的Sky Cinema Original一起拍摄了这部电影。Dynevor由联合代理商,Gersh Agency和Luber Roklin Entertainment拒绝。 Spicer由CAA和Jackoway Tyerman代表。奥唐奈(O'Donnell)被Verve,Circle of Confusion and Contorney Julian Zajfen拒绝。该新闻最初是由Deadline的报道。SonyPictures Classics收购了纪录片“我们是谁”,Sony Pictures Classics已获得了世界范围的权利,“我们是谁 - 我们是谁是我们是谁的编年史。美国种族主义。”来自董事艾米丽·昆斯特勒(Emily Kunstler)和莎拉·昆斯特勒(Sarah Kunstler)和作家杰弗里·鲁滨逊(Jeffery Robinson),纪录片交织,个人轶事,访谈和令人震惊的启示,以绘制美国的反黑人种族主义时间表,从奴隶制到后来的后种族乡村神话。 “我们是谁”首次在2021 SXSW电影节首映式上首映纪录片聚光灯观众奖。它将于2022年1月14日发布,然后在整个2月扩展。 The acquisition deal was negotiated by ICM Partners on behalf of the filmmakers.“We recently saw a large number of our elected officials vote to make Juneteenth a national holiday while also advocating for laws restricting what can be taught about the causes and aftermath of Juneteenth.关于反黑人种族主义扮演的角色和在我国所扮演的角色的鲜为人知的真相比以往任何时候都更加需要。 Robinson说,我们的“我们是谁”团队很高兴Sony Pictures Classics将帮助我们为我们的青年,领导者和更广泛的社区带来准确,可验证的信息。” &剧院委员会正在与钥匙环和后台合作,进行即将进行的虚拟讨论“铸造和酷儿的交集 - 不断扩大的声音”,这将c电视,戏剧,电影和商业的演员和彩排室的Elebrate Queerness。演员小组成员将包括Judy Bowman(她/她),Kim Montelibano Heil(她/她),Xavier Rubiano(He/He),Catherine Miller),Catherine Miller (他们/他们),特工朱迪·博尔斯(她/她),经理哈罗德·刘易斯(Harold Lewter)(他/他)和音乐总监安妮莎·玛丽(Anessa Marie)(她/她)。此次活动将进行钥匙圈成员和CSA的培训活动剧院委员会的成员由后台的克里斯汀·麦肯纳·蒂雷拉(Christine McKenna Tirella)进行了调整,现场活动将于6月28日下午4:30举行。 ET.Click在这里注册。GravitasVentures获得了北美的“ Good'Gravitas Ventures”的权利,已获得北美的“善”版本,该版本将在剧院和按需在9月3日的剧院发行,贾斯汀·埃瑟奇(Justin Ethered)饰演贾斯汀·埃瑟奇(Justin Ethered),饰演Payton,饰演Payton,饰演Payton,饰演Payton,饰演。他成为Gregory Devereaux(基思·戴维(Keith David))的看守人,他是一个面对最后几个月的有钱人。随着两人的亲密关系,格雷戈里过去的罪过CE Payton在他的梦想和一个可以浪费一切的怀孕之间做出决定。TribecaFestival在节日短片庆祝节日的20周年纪念日,Tribeca Festival和导演Lance Oppenheim合作制作了幕后短片,为了捕捉自19岁大流行热门以来的首次面对面的北美电影节。完全在iPhone上拍摄,“ 2021年翠贝卡节:20周年电影”是一封致纽约的情书,找到了罗伯特·德·尼罗的支持。 ,Fran Leibowitz,John Legend,Lin Manuel Miranda,Jon Chu,Stacey Abrams,Whoopi Goldberg,Darren Aronofsky,Steve Buscemi,Patti Smith和Delroy Lindo等。它包括开幕之夜,“高地”,亲密的绿色房间时刻和一对一的特写,与天赋和节日的朋友一起。扩展其数字覆盖范围,tribeca在家带来了在线展示功能,短裤和对话的额外观看次数。“玩具故事4”导演乔什·库利(Josh Cooley)正在撰写剧本。“暮光区”恐怖塔是许多迪士尼公园球迷最喜欢的刺激之旅,在迪士尼世界的好莱坞电影院,位于奥兰多,东京的迪斯尼西和巴黎的沃尔特·迪斯尼工作室公园。阿纳海姆(Anaheim)迪士尼加利福尼亚(Disney California Adventure)的地点在2017年被替换和翻新,以与Marvel Studios专题专题“ Guardians of the Galaxy”相关。Collider.Sam Abbas撰写的LGBTQ功能“ Alia's Berther'Sam Abbas”已发布了LGBTQ功能“ Alia的诞生”的预告片,该预告片将于今年12月在影院中专门在影院上映。这部电影将带有现场直播的回归,并进行了复苏。以及由Teksupport主办的纽约仓库中的Queer Superstar Nicole Moudaber的现场演员。 Minyan”)和Maya Kazan(“木板路帝国”)。阿巴斯是一位埃及裔美国人导演,最近从事“Erēmīta”工作,这是Covid-19期间制作的简短纪录片选集。他与塔蒂亚娜·熊(Tatiana Bears),妮可·汤森(Nicole Townsend)和尼尔·库玛(Neal Kumar)一起制作了这部电影。在正式的声明中,阿巴斯(Abbas)讨论了为什么他选择不在节日上推广他的电影。十二月去电影院。”阿巴斯说。 “我认为注意到和宣传这部电影没有电影节生活。虽然主要的人表现出兴趣,但它根本没有解决。电影制片人和节日的议程截然不同,当两者没有相遇时,分裂道路没有错。许多电影制片人认为电影节是成功的终极象征,事实并非如此。不管当今的声望如何,无论他们的声望如何;电影节是并且将永远是电影制片人向观众展示电影的一种方式。参加电影节可能是很多原因,但电影的真正成功是吸引大量观众。可以在戛纳电影节的正式选择中等待。导演将试图了解他的双胞胎兄弟的死亡,他的双胞胎兄弟在29岁时自杀。贝洛基奥(Bellocchio)调查了这个兄弟般的人物,从来没有停止过他的摄影作品。 “在他的每件作品中,几乎不由自主地或至少自然地自然地彻底改变了既定的秩序。”代表将军ThierryFrémaux补充说:“我们很荣幸能与他的导演朋友Bernardo Bertolucci,Manoel De Oliveira和AgnèsVarda区分开Marco Bellocchio。他是电影制片人,一名auteur和诗人。阵容船员在周末举办了他们的首次下线FYC对话。各个周末的高级工匠主持了他们的首次下线FYC对话。编辑爵士Tangcay主持了对话的功能G劳伦斯·戴维斯(G Lawrence Davis),发型部门负责人(“地下铁路”);罗伯特·乌尔里希(Robert Ulrich),演员总监(“男孩”);詹妮弗·穆勒(Jennifer Moeller),服装设计师(“狄金森”);詹妮弗·布莱恩(Jennifer Bryan),服装设计师(“天才:aretha”);Carlos Rafael Rivera,作曲家(“女王的Gambit”)和Gersha Phillips,服装设计师(“ Star Trek:Discovery”)。制片人和导演Ava Duvernay于2月推出了数据库,目的是提升女性,有色人种,其他人的人,以及其他人为不足的人,电影和电视专业人士。该数据库在450多个下线职位上有成千上万的合格机组人员。Array Crew合作伙伴包括亚马逊,苹果,迪斯尼,福克斯,狮门,NBC环球,Netflix,Sony,Viacomcbs和创始合作伙伴Warnermedia。观看以下完整的对话:
'For Madmen Only': Utopia To Release Documentary About Improv Guru Del Close — EXCLUSIVE
Utopia Distribution announced that the feature documentary "For Madmen Only" will be released on Altavod and Apple TV on July 27.
Co-written by director Heather Ross and Adam Samuel Goldman, the film will take a hilarious and poignant look at the titular comedy trailblazer Del Close from his “human torch” sideshow act to his influential and contentious rise at The Second City. Close has mentored comedy legends such as Bill Murray, John Candy and Tina Fey, among many others.
Inspired by his semi-autobiographical DC Comics anthology "Wasteland," the film delves into the inner workings of Close’s wacky mind through inspired reenactments and archival clips. The result is a lively, multi-layered picture of a man and his mission, riding on the edges of genius and despair, creativity and insanity.
The film will also feature interviews with Matt Walsh, James Urbaniak, Patton Oswalt, Jason Sudeikis, Lauren Lapkus, Bob Odenkirk, Tim Meadows, Jason Mantzoukas, Ike Barinholtz, Adam McKay, Lennon Parham and Paul Scheer.
"We knew that to make the definitive movie about this icon/unknown, we would need to take the same kind of creative risks that he was famous for," Ross said. "As someone known for breaking down genres and experimenting with form—not to mention playing fast and loose with the truth - we decided to apply the same ideas to our film and try to break new ground with the documentary genre. This resulted in constructing a set of scenes imagining the creative process behind 'Wasteland,' Del’s comic book autobiography.”
"For Madmen Only is a singular film reflecting a singular man — a creative and joyful exploration of one of the lesser sung heroes in all of comedy," said Danielle DiGiacomo, head of content for Utopia. "We at Utopia can't wait for viewers to be taken on a much-needed escape into hilarity and genius."
Native American Media Alliance Accepting Applications For 4th Annual Native American Feature Film Writers Lab
The Native American Media Alliance announced that they are accepting applications for the 4th annual Native American Feature Film Writers Lab.
The 10-week program will take place from late August through early November. Five Native American writers will be selected to participate in the program, which will consist of daily workshops with established screenwriters and peer workshopping sessions.
The purpose of the lab is to further develop the skills of each writer and prepare them for employment in the industry. Each selected participant is expected to complete at least one script by the end of the 10-week session, which will be showcased at the 15th Annual LA Skins Fest in November.
“Since its inception, this lab has developed incredible scripts, supported talented Native American writers and brought a deeper collaboration between the industry and our community,” said Ian Skorodin, director of strategy, Native American Media Alliance. “It’s always exciting to see emerging indigenous writers with fresh vision and a bold voice as we look forward to hosting a new group this year."
The Native American Feature Film Writers Lab addresses a growing need in the entertainment industry. According to a 2020 Writers Guild of America Inclusion Report, Native Americans only represent 0.8% of screenwriters currently working in the industry. This program hopes to offer a new opportunity for Native American writers seeking to break into Hollywood.
The final deadline for the Native American Feature Film Writers Lab is July 16. Applications are available here.
'Bridgerton' Star Phoebe Dynevor To Lead Sony's ‘I Heart Murder’
Phoebe Dynevor has been cast as the lead in Sony's female-driven thriller "I Heart Murder."
Details are being kept under wraps, but Matt Spicer is directing and co-writing the screenplay with Tom O’Donnell and Spicer. Doug Wick and Lucy Fisher’s Red Wagon Entertainment will produce.
After captivating audiences as Daphne in Netflix's "Bridgerton," Dynevor will make her big-screen debut in "The Colour Room." She recently completed shooting the film with Mathew Goode for Sky Cinema Original.
Dynevor is repped by United Agents, the Gersh Agency and Luber Roklin Entertainment. Spicer is represented by CAA and Jackoway Tyerman. O’Donnell is repped by Verve, Circle of Confusion and attorney Julian Zajfen.
This news was originally reported by Deadline.
Sony Pictures Classics Acquires Documentary "Who We Are"
Sony Pictures Classics has acquired worldwide rights to “Who We Are— A Chronicle of Racism in America.” From directors Emily Kunstler and Sarah Kunstler and writer Jeffery Robinson, the documentary interweaves lecture, personal anecdotes, interviews and shocking revelations to draw a stark timeline of anti-Black racism in the U.S., from slavery to the modern myth of a post-racial country. “Who We Are” first premiered at the 2021 SXSW Film Festival premiere where it won the Documentary Spotlight Audience Award. It will be released on Jan. 14, 2022 and then expand throughout February . The acquisition deal was negotiated by ICM Partners on behalf of the filmmakers.
“We recently saw a large number of our elected officials vote to make Juneteenth a national holiday while also advocating for laws restricting what can be taught about the causes and aftermath of Juneteenth. The unvarnished truth about the role anti-Black racism has played and is playing in our country is needed now more than ever. Our 'Who We Are' team is thrilled that Sony Pictures Classics will help us bring accurate, verifiable information to our youth, our leaders, and our broader community,” Robinson said.
Casting Society of America's Equity In Entertainment and Theater Committee
CSA's Equity in Entertainment & Theatre Committee is teaming up with Ring of Keys and Backstage for the upcoming virtual discussion "The Intersection of Casting and Queerness - Expanding Voices,” which will celebrate queerness in the casting and rehearsal rooms across television, theater, film and commercials.
The casting director panelists will include Judy Bowman (she/her), Kim Montelibano Heil (she/her), Xavier Rubiano (he/him), Catherine Miller (they/them), agent Judy Boals (she/her), manager Harold Lewter (he/him) and music director Anessa Marie (she/her).
This event will be followed by a training event for Ring of Keys members and CSA members from the theatre committee.
Moderated by Backstage’s Christine McKenna Tirella, the live event will take place on June 28 at 4:30 p.m. ET.
Click here to register.
Gravitas Ventures Acquires North American Rights To 'Good'
Gravitas Ventures has acquired the North American distribution rights to "Good," which will release in theaters and on-demand on Sep. 3
Director Justin Etheredge stars as Payton, who becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux (Keith David), a wealthy man facing his final months. As the pair become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.
Tribeca Festival to Release Behind the Festival Short Film
In celebration of the festival's 20-year anniversary, Tribeca Festival and director Lance Oppenheim teamed up to create a behind the scenes short film to capture the making of the first in-person North American film festival since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Shot completely on iPhone, "2021 Tribeca Festival: 20th Anniversary Film" is a love letter to New York that found support from Robert De Niro, Fran Leibowitz, John Legend, Lin Manuel Miranda, Jon Chu, Stacey Abrams, Whoopi Goldberg, Darren Aronofsky, Steve Buscemi, Patti Smith and Delroy Lindo, among others. It includes opening night of "In the Heights," intimate green room moments and one-on-one close ups with talent and friends of the festival.
Overall, Tribeca Festival hosted over 250 events with 100,000 attendees across 12 days. Extending its digital reach, Tribeca at Home brought in an additional 115,000 views for its online presentation of features, shorts and conversations.
Scarlett Johansson Producing Tower of Terror Adaptation for Disney
Scarlett Johansson is producing an adaptation of the Disney theme park attraction Tower of Terror, through her production company These Pictures, with Jonathan Lia. "Toy Story 4" director Josh Cooley is writing the screenplay.
Johansson, who will next headline the Marvel Studios feature "Black Widow" in July, has not yet committed to star in the production.
Originally branded with the classic sci-fi TV series "The Twilight Zone," the Tower of Terror is a favorite thrill ride for many Disney park fans, with locations at Disney World's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, DisneySea in Tokyo, and Walt Disney Studios Park in Paris. The location at Disney California Adventure in Anaheim was replaced and renovated in 2017 for a ride connected to the Marvel Studios feature "Guardians of the Galaxy."
The news was first reported by Collider.
Sam Abbas Releases Trailer For LGBTQ Feature 'Alia’s Birth'
Sam Abbas has released the trailer for the LGBTQ feature "Alia’s Birth," which will release exclusively in theaters this December.
The film will feature a live home-birth with a resuscitation as well as a live set by queer superstar Nicole Moudaber in a New York warehouse hosted by Teksupport.
The cast includes Poorna Jagannathan (“Never Have I Ever”), Nikohl Boosheri ("The Bold Type"), Samuel H. Levine (“Minyan”) and Maya Kazan (“Boardwalk Empire”).
Abbas is an Egyptian-American director who recently worked on "Erēmīta," an anthology of short documentaries produced during the COVID-19 pandemic. He produced the film with Tatiana Bears, Nicole Townsend and Neal Kumar.
In an official statement, Abbas discussed why he chose to not promote his film at a festival.
“I’m really excited to start working with a theatre booker and bring the film to cinemas in December," Abbas said. "I think it’s very important to note and promote that this film has not had a film festival life. While the major ones showed interest, it simply didn’t work out. Filmmakers and Festivals have very different agendas and when the two don’t meet, there's nothing wrong with splitting paths. Many filmmakers think film festivals are the ultimate token of success, this is not true. No matter how it’s spun nowadays, and regardless of their prestige; film festivals are and always will be a way for filmmakers to present their films to audiences. Having a film attend a festival can be great for many reasons but a film’s true success is having a large audience.”
Watch the trailer below:
Marco Bellocchio's 'Marx Can Wait' To Be Presented At Cannes Film Festival
Italian filmmaker Marco Bellocchio will present "Marx Can Wait" in the official selection at the Festival de Cannes.
The director will attempt to understand the death of his twin brother, who committed suicide at the age of 29. Blending excerpts from his films and conversations with people close to him, Bellocchio investigates this fraternal figure that never ceases to haunt his filmography.
“Marco has always questioned institutions, traditions, personal and collective history," Pierre Lescure, president of the Festival de Cannes, said. "In each of his works, almost involuntarily, or at least as naturally as possible, he revolutionizes the established order.” Thierry Frémaux, General Delegate, adds: “We are proud to distinguish Marco Bellocchio, one of the great masters of Italian cinema after 56 years of fascinating work, in succession to his director friends Bernardo Bertolucci, Manoel de Oliveira and Agnès Varda. He is a filmmaker, an auteur and a poet. Honoring him with the Honorary Palme d'or is self-evident for everyone that admires his work.”
ARRAY Crew Hosts First Below-the-Line FYC Conversation
ARRAY Crew hosted their first Below-the-Line FYC conversation over the weekend.
Variety senior artisans editor Jazz Tangcay moderated the conversation featuring Lawrence Davis, Hair Department Head ("Underground Railroad"); Robert Ulrich, Casting Director ("The Boys"); Jennifer Moeller, Costume Designer ("Dickinson"); Jennifer Bryan, Costume Designer ("Genius: Aretha"); Carlos Rafael Rivera, Composer ("The Queen’s Gambit") and Gersha Phillips, Costume Designer ("Star Trek: Discovery").
Producer and director Ava DuVernay launched the database in February with the goal of elevating women, people of color and other underrepresented film and television professionals. The database features thousands of qualified crew members across more than 450 below-the-line positions. ARRAY Crew partners include Amazon, Apple, Disney, FOX, Lionsgate, NBC Universal, Netflix, Sony, ViacomCBS and founding partner WarnerMedia.
Watch the full conversation below:
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