我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 08:02:20

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-戴维·克罗斯比(David Crosby)宣布罗伯特·泽米克斯(Robert Zemeckis)指导的克罗斯比(Crosby),Stills&Nash Doc被回去为“早产”/David Crosby’s Announcement of a Robert Zemeckis-Directed Crosby, Stills & Nash Doc Is Walked Back as ‘Premature’

戴维·克罗斯比(David Crosby)宣布罗伯特·泽米克斯(Robert Zemeckis)指导的克罗斯比(Crosby),Stills&Nash Doc被回去为“早产”
David Crosby’s Announcement of a Robert Zemeckis-Directed Crosby, Stills & Nash Doc Is Walked Back as ‘Premature’

周二,戴维·克罗斯比(David Crosby)宣布霍华德·斯特恩(Howard Stern)的听众,电影制片人罗伯特·泽米基斯(Robert Zemeckis)将导演Crosby,Stills&Nash的纪录片,从而可以使用“ 10,000小时”的现有镜头以及新的访谈。在星期三,这一宣布有点回走了一段时间,据说仍在讨论全面的CSN文档的诱人前景。你知道,对吗?”在主持人问了有关目前不合时宜的超级团体紧张关系的许多问题之后,克罗斯比在广泛的Siriusxm采访中问斯特恩。Crosby阐述了Doc将由Zemeckis执导,并由Nigel Sinclair和Tim Sexton制作。戴维·斯特恩(David),“大卫,如果没有你们三个人一起进入同一个房间,他们该怎么办?” - 刚刚建立的几乎不可能的。“他们必须这样做,”克罗斯比说:“ T这是10,000小时的镜头,伙计。不缺乏工作。我们会为此进行采访。我和导演的交谈非常好。 Zemeckis是一个非常非常非常聪明的人,他非常了解土地的情况和境地。我们将看到一切的表现。被要求进行确认时,Zemeckis在Rogers&Cowan PMK的长期代表说:“先生克罗斯比(Crosby)与斯特恩(Stern)先生就该项目的对话(尽管无疑是热情)还为时过早。克罗斯比(Crosby)自己的代表确认讨论是“早产”,并且该项目仍处于谈话阶段。 “有讨论,但是没有任何具体的。公开谈论它还为时过早。在同一采访中,NG很快与Stephen Stills和Graham Nash(以及Neil Young,如果成为CSNY纪录片)对制作的纪录片不会严重障碍。 Crosby,Stills和Nash All Sat参加采访 - 单独的采访 - 促进上个月发布的“ Deja Vu”盒装套装,其中包括在“ CBS Sunday Aunday Moyn”上进行的广受关注的细分市场,以及Cameron Crowe的。豪华软件包的广泛衬纸笔记。在电影中代表CSN和CSNY的悠久历史,这可能会导致某些人质疑是否需要一个其他项目,尽管肯定可以使最高的纪录片专注于乐队尚未制作。鉴于彼此之间经常狂欢的乐队成员的纠缠以及像乔尼·米切尔(Joni Mitchell)这样的切线人物,可以显然可以制作出关于制作“ deja vu”的故事片,更不用说整个Mercurial Histo三重奏/偶尔四重奏的ry。伊顿(Eaton)与克劳(Crowe)担任制片人和面试官。克罗斯比(Crosby),剧照和纳什(Nash)在过去三年内在两张月桂峡谷主题的纪录片中都在单独或集体上被强调,安德鲁·斯莱特(Andrew Slater)在2018年的戏剧“回声”和艾莉森·伊森·伊斯特·伊斯特伍德(Alison Eastwood)的Epix的Epix Tworter parter“ Lauren Canyon:Lauren Canyon:一个位置”时间”去年。化名,伯纳德·舍伊(Bernard Shakey),2008年,当时他短暂地重新加入了乐队的新专辑和巡回演出。过去几年的分歧。“如果你们中的一个人恩特,没有某种和解,”斯特恩说。“我认为这不在卡片中。我尚未从任何一个人那里感觉到过,”克罗斯比平坦地说 - 指纳什和扬,他与他的关系最紧张,也许是永久疏远的关系。 “说实话,我的头在今天。克罗斯比(Crosby乔尼·米切尔(Joni Mitchell Classic)。不对。我确实和斯蒂芬说话。尼尔(Neil)有合法的牛肉,因为我解雇了他的女友(达里尔·汉娜(Daryl Hannah))。我得到它。我为您道歉 - 您帮助我做到了,这真是您。”安置于与Young进行公开修改。“纳什似乎认为自朝鲜战争以来,我对所有错误负责,这很奇怪,但这没关系。让他开心的一切。“我有很多英雄崇拜,伙计。他是乐队中最好的人。他是最好的吉他手,最好的歌手,他写了所有的热门歌曲,在舞台上都令人惊叹……每次伙计们碰到吉他时,一切都立即摆动。…我没有牛肉,伙计。我希望他们一切都好。我希望他们快乐。我有点惊讶他们没有播放音乐,但是我不知道,无论他们在做什么,我都希望他们快乐。”不制作音乐,”克罗斯比说。

On Tuesday, David Crosby declared to Howard Stern's listeners that filmmaker Robert Zemeckis would be directing a documentary on Crosby, Stills & Nash, making possible use of "10,000 hours" of existing footage as well as fresh interviews. On Wednesday, that announcement got walked back a bit, with word that the tantalizing prospect of a full-on CSN doc is still only under discussion.

"They’re gonna do a huge documentary on CSN. You know about that, right?" Crosby asked Stern during their extensive SiriusXM interview, after the host had asked a number of questions about strained relations in the currently off-again supergroup. Crosby elaborated that the doc would be directed by Zemeckis and produced by Nigel Sinclair and Tim Sexton.

Asked Stern, "David, how can they do that without the three of you guys getting in the same room together?" — the near-impossibility of that having been just established.

"They’re gonna have to," said Crosby, who went on to explain: "There’s 10,000 hours of footage, man. No lack of stuff to work with. And we’ll do interviews for it. I had a really good talk with the director. Zemeckis is a very, very, very smart guy, and he understands the situation and the lay of the land quite well. And we’ll see how it all plays out."

But it won't play out for a while, if it does. Asked for confirmation, Zemeckis' longtime reps at Rogers & Cowan PMK said, "Mr. Crosby's conversation with Mr. Stern regarding the project — although undoubtedly enthusiastic — was premature. While there is interest from all parties, there is no official deal in place."

Crosby's own rep confirmed the discussion was "premature" and the project is still in the talking phase. "There have been discussions, but there's nothing concrete in place. It was a bit too early to speak about it publicly."

While Crosby may have been letting the cat out of the bag before there was a cat in the bag, he was right about at least one thing: The unlikelihood of his appearing in the same interview setting any time soon with Stephen Stills and Graham Nash (and Neil Young, should it become a CSNY documentary) wouldn't be any serious impediment to a documentary being produced. Crosby, Stills and Nash all sat for interviews — separate interviews — to promote last month's release of a "Deja Vu" boxed set, including a much talked about, well-received segment on "CBS Sunday Morning," as well as for Cameron Crowe's extensive liner notes for the deluxe package.

There's a long history of CSN and CSNY being represented on film, which may lead some to question whether an additional project is needed, although the case could definitely be made that a top-drawer documentary focused exclusively on the band remains yet to be made. Given the entanglements of the oft-contentious band members amongst themselves and with tangential personalities like Joni Mitchell, a feature film could clearly be made about just the making of "Deja Vu," let alone the entire mercurial history of the trio/occasional quartet.

Crosby was the subject of his own well-reviewed 2019 documentary, "Remember My Name," directed by A.J. Eaton with Crowe as a producer and interviewer. Crosby, Stills and Nash were also heavily highlighted individually or collectively in two Laurel Canyon-themed documentaries within the last three years, Andrew Slater's theatrical "Echo in the Canyon" in 2018 and Alison Eastwood's Epix two-parter "Lauren Canyon: A Place in Time" last year.

Earlier, the nearly three-hour "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young — Fifty by Four" focused on the band in 2014. Neil Young produced his own CSNY documentary, "CSNY/Deja Bu," under his filmic pseudonym, Bernard Shakey, in 2008, at a time when he had briefly rejoined the band for a new album and tour.

Stern questioned Crosby about the status of his relationships with the three others, which have not, for the most part, defrosted in the dissension of the last few years.

"It would be really sad if one of you went and there wasn’t some sort of reconciliation," Stern said.

"I don’t think it’s in the cards. I haven’t sensed it from either of those guys," Crosby flatly stated — referring to Nash and Young, with whom he's had the most strained and perhaps permanently estranged relations. "Truthfully, man, my head is in today. My head is in what I’m doing."

Crosby has a new album, "For Free," coming out July 23 with contributions from Donald Fagen Michael McDonald and Sarah Jarosz, who duets with Crosby on the title track, a cover of a Joni Mitchell classic.

Detailing where he's at with the three, Crosby told Stern, "Neil said — and it was kind of snotty —  he said, 'Well, we talk to each other, but none of us talk to him.' Which is not true. I do talk to Stephen. Neil’s got a legitimate beef because I dissed his girlfriend (Daryl Hannah). I get it. I apologized for it with you — you helped me do that, that was very kind of you," Crosby said, referring to an earlier Stern interview in which he tried to make public amends with Young. "Nash seems to think that I’m responsible for everything wrong since the Korean War, which is weird, but that’s OK. Whatever makes him happy.

"I’ve got a lot of hero worship for Stills, man. He was the best guy in the band. He is the best guitar player, the best singer, wrote all the hits and was stunning on stage… Every time the guy touches a guitar, everything swings right away. ... I have no beef with any of them, man. I hope they’re all OK. I want them to be happy. I am a little surprised that they’re not putting out music, but I dunno, whatever they’re doing, I hope they’re happy."

"All of that drama stuff, man, it’s a pain in the butt, and it doesn’t make music," Crosby said.


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