我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 06:55:21

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Ji.Hlava的新兴生产商为其纪录片项目提供电梯球场(独家)/Ji.hlava’s Emerging Producers Deliver Elevator Pitches for Their Documentary Projects (EXCLUSIVE)

Ji.hlava’s Emerging Producers Deliver Elevator Pitches for Their Documentary Projects (EXCLUSIVE)

ji.hlava intl。纪录片电影节向多样化的项目揭示了其2021年新兴制片人计划正在进行的项目。生产商被要求为其项目提供电梯宣传。自2010年以来,每一年,该音乐节选择了18个新兴的纪录片制片人(17部欧洲和一个代表非欧洲客人国家),然后提供有了教育,网络和促销支持。该计划有170多个校友,其中许多人继续在大型音乐节上赢得奖项。2022年的参与者将在MarchéduDie电影的Cannes Docs活动中宣布2022年的参与者7月12日。“反对潮汐”导演:Sarvnik Kaurgenre:创意纪录片:Quentin Laurent,Les Films de l'Oeil Sauvage(法国)和一个小小的Anarky(印度)简介:30岁的Rakesh,是30岁传统。他心爱的堂兄甘尼什(32岁)坚信技术Y并使用卫星地理位置将金枪鱼钓鱼。他们的友谊会生存吗,陷入过度开发的海洋,气候变化和健康危机的动荡之中?音调:在国际大型资金的支持下,这部电影的首映式讲述了一个紧迫而普遍的故事:孟买海湾的两名渔民,世界上受气候变化和水污染影响最大的地方之一。“另一个春天”导演:MladenKovačevićgerre:纪录片,医学惊悚片:IVAPLEMIćDivjak:Horopter Film Producoptis(Serbia),介绍:最伟大的简介之一:最伟大的简介之一我们的文明成就 -1972年在南斯拉夫流行病期间消除天花 - 是人类历史上最具启发性的章节之一。屡获殊荣的导演使用从未发行的Variola系列创建的档案纪录片,显示出流行病的流行在前线战斗机的第一手证词的背景下,欧洲边缘。“燃烧的世界大战”(工作标题)董事:David Schwartz,Andra Tararagenre:Hybrid(纪录片/动画/实验)制片人:Anda Ionescu,Tangaaj Production,Tangajj生产(罗马尼亚)摘要:1920年12月8日,罗马尼亚参议院爆炸了一枚炸弹。在前所未有的调查中,同类的第一次也是唯一的攻击。年轻的麦克斯·戈德斯坦(Max Goldstein)和另外两名无政府主义者被认为负责策划该法案。但是,谁是“海盗钩”人麦克斯(Max),为什么他从事爆炸性实验?Pitch:大胆而创新的形式和风格,这部电影深入研究了政治暴力的原因和形式,从社会政治 - 罗马尼亚在当代社会及其今天面临的问题的文化背景。它攻击了一个主题,因为各种形式的恐怖主义仍然是全球感兴趣的重点。“建筑欧洲”董事:ondexounjšálekgerre:observa:observa纪录片生产商:Xova电影(捷克共和国)的Mareknovák摘要:布鲁塞尔欧洲议会前的每个星期四,欧洲机构的年轻实习生和未来的雇员聚集在喝酒,网络,大厅并寻找新的联系,工作或合作伙伴或合作伙伴或合作伙伴或合作伙伴,在卢森堡的地方又名Plux。这本每周的仪式带有Aperol欢乐时光和响亮的音乐,已成为下一代欧洲白领精英的苗床。他们的背景是什么,他们的野心和梦想?宣传:“建立欧洲”是一部社会纪录片,重点是那些很快就会对欧洲生活做出重要决定的人。聪明,受过教育,大多是白人,通常是富有的年轻人 - 一个重要但很少有记录的社交阶层。“仓库Vente”导演:ChérineKaramgenre:Creative DocordenaryProducer:Mario Adamson,Sisyfos电影(瑞典),Ashley Smith,Clara Harris(Scotland)概要:在疤痕和崩溃的贝鲁特城市中,一个特立独行的母亲企业主正在持有堡垒。一家名为Depot Vente的老式商店,纳瓦尔AKL几年前成立,这要归功于她成为了需要逃生的绝望青年的庇护所,那里的避风港疲惫的灵魂和丢弃的衣服被修补了。经济动荡传来了这个令人心动的韧性和希望的故事,首次亮相的导演ChérineKaram描绘了仓库Vente的内心圈子的亲密肖像以及黎巴嫩青年在贝鲁特为未来而奋斗的斗争。伊万·佩里奇(IvanPerić),阿尔瓦罗(Alvaro)勃朗乐人:纪录片,戏剧性制造商:伊万·佩里奇(Ivan Periouch),梦想部(克罗地亚),亚历克斯·洛拉(Alex Lora),亚历克斯·洛拉(Alex Lora),少数电影(美国),法比奥·阿普里亚(Fabio Aprea),Paolo Luigi de cesare(意大利)(意大利):Marija摘要:Marija到纽约收集纽约的物品。她已故的曾姑姑Gea,一位专业摄影师,住在Westbeth艺术家社区。马里亚(Marija)带来了她的男朋友和助理电影制片人伊万(Ivan)。马里亚透露伊万(Ivan)在GEA的未知方面正在对Marija.pitch进行自己的发现:尽管设定在不同的时间段(在1950年代和今天),但两个故事都有相同的主题 - 爱,艺术和生活的目的。在过去的70年中,世界已经发生了很大的变化,但是我们仍在寻找有关生活相同的大问题的答案。“好生活”导演:Marta Dauliute,Viktorijašiaulytegenre:Indisive DicorderaryProducer:NiklasKullström,Hillestramstream Pictures(Finland),(芬兰) Marta Dauliute,Viktorijašiaulyte,Mdemc(瑞典),DagneVildžiunaite,片刻(立陶宛)简介:“ Good Life”是一项令人信服的研究,是对共同生活的初创企业的一项令人信服的研究,该研究可以帮助其租户在企业企业企业企业企业企业中运行一生。这部电影的敏锐机智凸显了当今的隐私权以及公司叙事如何成为我们最内在的自我的一部分。 wi他们的笔记本电脑打开。标题说:“他们生活在工作场所。” “美好的生活”提供了一家共同生活的初创企业的见解,该初创企业以新的规范出售企业家的生活方式。“客座工作者”导演:Matej Bobrikgenre:DocorionaryProducer:Agnieszka Skalska,Koi Studio,Koi Studio(波兰)介绍:Nikesh及其家人和他的家人和他的家人及其家人及其家人及其家人从尼泊尔到波兰寻找新家。在这里等待他们的世界与他们想象的不同。尼克什(Nikesh)正在欧洲建立自己的未来,而他的父亲则在他的妻子之间撕裂,他无法想象在波兰长大的妻子,而他的儿子再也无法想象在尼泊尔长大。作为他们应许的土地。波兰街道散布着亚洲的新移民,我们一无所知。这部电影探索了这一现象,并讲述了一个试图适应家庭的温柔故事。“ Inferno”导演:EgilHåskjoldlarsengenre:DocordaryProducer:Racha Helen Larsen,Yellow原木(挪威)概要:在斯瓦尔巴德群岛的荒凉北极景观中,情况正在快速变化。冰正在融化,北极熊正在饥饿,旅游业蓬勃发展,科学家正在钻探冰,但当地的煤炭矿工认为最糟糕的情况尚未到来。气候变化和人性的悖论。备受赞誉的摄影师“ Gunda”的北极瞬息万变的情况在视觉上令人惊叹。 A mesmerizing portrait of a vast icy landscape, untouched nature and a misplaced society.“Milonga of Angels”Director: Ildikó KosztolniGenre: Creative documentaryProducer: Ildikó Kosztolni, iamnewhere (Hungary)Synopsis:Lexa, a Jewish psychoanalyst and tango teacher relocates to Budapest from美国成立一个治疗小组。在Milonga班上,她遇到了K.,这是一位受到巨大创伤的舞者,正在寻找内心的和平。 Lexa通过跳舞为她提供帮助,但她的日子出现了,穿着男人。探戈在康复过程中是否占有一席之地?阿根廷裔酷儿探戈舞和心理分析家可以适应保守的东欧社区吗?她是否能够证明她的方法的有效性?“电影Kintsugi”导演:Eva Knopfgerre:Hybridproducer:Maximilian Haslberger,Amerikafilm(德国)概要:基于日本工艺Kintsugi的观念导演YasujirôOzu重新阅读并纳入“电影Kintsugi”,成为有关当今日本的反思的起点今天东京的一名年轻女子 -1920年代在东京的录像与2020年代的材料相撞。传统遇到现代主义。生活方式当代女人的le与过去的性别榜样形成鲜明对比。 A film about the essence of imperfection.“Necropolis”Director: Keren AlexanderGenre: Creative documentaryProducers: Kobi Mizrahi, KM Productions (Israel), Niklas Kullström, Hillstream Pictures (Finland)Synopsis:“Necropolis” follows the construction of massive underground burial tunnels at耶路撒冷最大的犹太公墓,“安息之山”。我们与其好奇的游客,巴勒斯坦的建筑商和超正统的远派医生一起徘徊在死者的下城区,反思生与死。世界。该地点提出了有关以色列社会各种紧张局势的疑问:进步与传统,创新与犹太人,艰苦的劳动与神圣的工作。所有各种反对派都在下面创造了耶路撒冷的人道和充满活力的拼贴。不可逆的fl《生命之猫》主任:iurie tocmas(摩尔多瓦)类型:创意纪录片生产者:ievaūbele,波罗的海巴尔干作品(拉脱维亚)简介:NISTRU是欧洲中心几乎被遗忘和被忽视的河流。生活在银行上的国家的未来取决于人们是否学会将河视为生命实体和独特的特征。在您不在的情况下,您童年时期发生了什么。“我们的方舟”导演:丹尼兹·托尔图姆(Deniz Tortum),凯瑟琳·汉密尔通(Kathryn Hamiltongenre):纪录片散文生产者:Firat Sezgin,时代学院(荷兰)简介:我们正在支持星球,创建了3D模型动物,雨林,城市和人。我们正在创建档案,仿佛可以通过一些数字诺亚的野兽和物体的方舟来消除生态崩溃。“我们的方舟”是一篇关于我们创建现实世界虚拟复制品的努力的电影文章。“我们的方舟”谈到了技术如何填补空白,并分散了我们在物理世界中的损失和缺席的注意力。 “我们的方舟”刚刚完成后期制作,现在正在寻找机构来展示这项工作 - 例如对气候危机和技术感兴趣的博物馆和画廊。“权力”导演:MátyásPriklergergenre:戏剧/政治惊悚片: :ZoraJaurová,MátyásPrikler,Mphilms(Slovakia)摘要:一名政治家涉及全球水危机。一个秘密特工试图修复自己的生活。致命的狩猎事故迫使他们俩都提出相同的旧问题:什么是真理,什么值得为更大的好处牺牲?您得到的是一部白雪皑皑的戏剧,该戏剧与政治惊悚片的流派一起,试图揭露当代社会中权力的道德困境。每个角色都试图找到有关实际发生的事情的真相。但是谁的故事是真的吗?“红色市长”董事:亚历山德罗·斯基帕根(Alessandro Scippagenre):纪录片(历史和人文科学)生产者:安东尼娜·迪诺塞拉(Antonella di Nocera),Parallelo 41 Produzioni(意大利)简介:1975年。在意大利南部最大的城市那不勒斯,“共产党”市长赢得了选举。这是一个梦想和一种政治风格的故事,能够建立与人们和情感的紧密联系。他的任期结束在1980年可怕的地震之后,那不勒斯的命运是由仍然影响社区的犯罪利益决定的。现在是时候探索如何与20世纪的幽灵一起吹走热情的欧洲风格的左派政治。这部电影电影采用图像,镜像反射和当前折射的片段,可以说明“罗宾银行”导演:安娜·吉拉尔特·格里斯加尔(Anna Giralt Grisgerre):纪录片生产者:jorge caballero,gusanofilms(sp sp)ain),冷漠(德国)摘要:想知道如何从39个不同银行中窃取半百万欧元以资助社会事业?“罗宾银行”讲述了那些设法这样做的人的故事,以及如何通过不服从来实现历史上的一些关键变化。冒着自身自由挑战该系统的人的风险,已经有所作为,并为全球转型和正义铺平了道路。我们生活在不确定和动荡的时代,我们需要的故事可以帮助我们相信另一个世界是可能的。“六个婚礼和家庭”导演:Samira El Mouzghibatigenre:DocordaryProducer:Michigan Lemaire,Michigan Films(比利时),Pivonka Production(法国Pivonka Production(法国))简介:“当我得知自己有一个女儿时,为什么我如此沮丧?”这部电影描绘了三代女性,从导演的母亲到女儿,包括她的五个姐妹,从摩洛哥步枪到布鲁塞尔,从强迫婚姻到离婚,从小叛乱,爱婚姻。当今欧洲成为双文化身份的年轻女子意味着什么?萨米拉(Samira)是一位天生的讲故事的人,他知道如何以幽默和温柔的方式融化家庭戏剧。

Ji.hlava Intl. Documentary Film Festival has revealed to Variety the projects that the participants of its 2021 Emerging Producers program are working on. The producers were asked to deliver an Elevator Pitch for their projects.

Every year since 2010, the festival has selected 18 up-and-coming producers of documentary films (17 European and one representing a non-European guest country), which are then provided with educational, networking and promotional support.

There are more than 170 alumni of the program, many of whom have gone on to win awards at major festivals.

The 2022 participants will be announced by Ji.hlava during a Cannes Docs event at Marché du Film on July 12.

“Against the Tide”
Director: Sarvnik Kaur
Genre: Creative Documentary
Producer: Quentin Laurent, Les Films de l’oeil sauvage (France) and A Little Anarky (India)

Rakesh, 30, is a guardian of Bombay's Koli fishing tradition. His beloved cousin Ganesh, 32, firmly believes in technology and uses satellite geo-positioning to fish for tuna. Will their friendship survive, caught in the turmoil of an over-exploited sea, climate change and the health crisis?

Supported by major international funds, this film debut tells an urgent and universal story: that of two fishermen in the Gulf of Bombay, one of the places in the world most affected by the consequences of climate change and water pollution.

“Another Spring”
Director: Mladen Kovačević
Genre: Documentary, medical thriller
Producer: Iva Plemić Divjak, Horopter Film Production (Serbia)

One of the greatest medical achievements of our civilization – the eradication of smallpox during the 1972 epidemic in Yugoslavia – is among the most inspiring chapters in human history.

Next year, the world will celebrate 45 years since the last registered case of smallpox. An archival documentary created by an award-winning director using footage from the never-released Variola Collection shows an epidemic on the fringes of Europe against the backdrop of a first-hand testimony of a front-line fighter.

“Blazing Interwar” (working title)
Director: David Schwartz, Andra Tarara
Genre: Hybrid (documentary/animation/experimental)
Producer: Anda Ionescu, Tangaj Production (Romania)

A bomb goes off in the Romanian Senate on Dec. 8, 1920. The first and only attack of its kind unravels in an unprecedented investigation. Young Max Goldstein and two other anarchists are deemed responsible for plotting the act. But who is Max, the “pirate hook” man, and why is he engaged in explosive experiments?

Bold and innovative in form and style, the film digs deep into the reasons and forms of political violence, from the socio-political-cultural context of the interwar period in Romania to contemporary society and the issues it is facing today. It attacks a topical subject, because various forms of terrorism remain the focus of global interest.

“Building Europe”
Director: Ondřej Šálek
Genre: Observation, documentary
Producer: Marek Novák, Xova Film (Czech Republic)

Every Thursday in front of the European Parliament in Brussels, young interns and future employees of European institutions gather to drink, network, lobby and look for new contacts, jobs or partners at Place du Luxembourg aka PLUX. This weekly ritual spiced with Aperol happy hours and loud music has become the seedbed of the next generation of Europe's white-collar elite. What are their backgrounds, their ambitions and dreams?

“Building Europe” is a social documentary focusing on those who will soon be making important decisions about life in Europe. Smart, educated, mostly white and often wealthy young adults – an important and yet rarely documented social strata.

“Depot Vente”
Director: Chérine Karam
Genre: Creative documentary
Producer: Mario Adamson, Sisyfos Film (Sweden), Ashley Smith, Clara Harris (Scotland)

In the scarred and crumbling city of Beirut, a maverick mother and business owner is holding the fort. A vintage shop called Depot Vente that Nawal Akl founded years ago has thanks to her become a shelter for desperate youth in need of an escape, a haven where tired souls and discarded clothes are mended.

From a region mostly associated with social, political and economic turmoil comes this heart-warming story of resilience and hope, in which debut director Chérine Karam paints an intimate portrait of the inner circle of Depot Vente and the struggle of the Lebanese youth for a future in Beirut.

“Discovering Gea”
Director: Ivan Perić, Alvaro Congosto
Genre: Documentary, Drama
Producers: Ivan Perić, Dream Division (Croatia), Alex Lora, Handful Films (U.S.), Fabio Aprea, Paolo Luigi De Cesare (Italy)

Marija goes to New York to collect the belongings of her late great-aunt Gea, a professional photographer who lived in the Westbeth Artists Community. Marija brings along her boyfriend and assistant filmmaker Ivan. While Marija reveals the unknown side of Gea, Ivan is making his own discoveries about Marija.

Although set in different time periods (in the 1950s and today), the two stories share the same themes – love, art and life’s purpose. The world has changed substantially in the last 70 years, but we are still searching for answers to the same big questions about life.

“Good Life”
Director: Marta Dauliute, Viktorija Šiaulyte
Genre: Inquisitive documentary
Producer: Niklas Kullström, Hillstream Pictures (Finland), Marta Dauliute, Viktorija Šiaulyte, MDEMC (Sweden), Dagne Vildžiunaite, Just a Moment (Lithuania)

“Good Life” is a compelling study of a co-living start-up that helps its tenants run their entire life as a business enterprise. With a sharp wit the film highlights today’s loss of privacy and how corporate narrative becomes a part of our innermost self.

A photo is featured on the cover of a Swedish national newspaper: showing a group of six people sitting together on a large sofa with their laptops open. The caption says: “They live at their workplace.” “Good Life” provides an insight into a co-living start-up that sells the entrepreneurial lifestyle as the new norm.

“Guest Worker”
Director: Matej Bobrik
Genre: Documentary
Producer: Agnieszka Skalska, Koi Studio (Poland)

Nikesh and his family have come from Nepal to Poland looking for a new home. The world that awaits them here is different from what they had imagined. Nikesh is building his future in Europe, while his father is torn between his wife who cannot imagine growing old in Poland, and his son who can no longer imagine growing up in Nepal.

This is a story of people who see Poland and Europe as their promised land. Polish streets are scattered with new immigrants from Asia, whom we know nothing about. The film explores this phenomenon and tells a tender story about a family trying to fit in.

Director: Egil Håskjold Larsen
Genre: Documentary
Producer: Racha Helen Larsen, Yellow Log (Norway)

In the desolate arctic landscape at the Svalbard archipelago, things are changing fast. The ice is melting, the polar bears are starving, tourism is booming and the scientists are drilling the ice for answers, but the local coal miners think the worst is yet to come.

“Inferno” offers a new perspective on the consequences of climate change and the paradox of human nature. A visually stunning account of the fast-changing situation in the Arctic by the acclaimed cinematographer of “Gunda.” A mesmerizing portrait of a vast icy landscape, untouched nature and a misplaced society.

“Milonga of Angels”
Director: Ildikó Kosztolni
Genre: Creative documentary
Producer: Ildikó Kosztolni, iamnewhere (Hungary)

Lexa, a Jewish psychoanalyst and tango teacher relocates to Budapest from the U.S. to start a therapy group. At a milonga class, she meets K., a heavily traumatized fellow dancer who is in search of inner peace. Lexa offers her help through dance, but one day she shows up dressed as a man.

Having tried everything else, can our society still be open to new ways of healing? Does tango have its place in the healing process? Can an Argentine-American queer tango champion and psychoanalyst fit in a conservative Eastern European Community? Will she be able to prove the effectiveness of her methods?

“Movie Kintsugi”
Director: Eva Knopf
Genre: Hybrid
Producer: Maximilian Haslberger, Amerikafilm (Germany)

Based on the idea of the Japanese craft Kintsugi, the preserved fragments of a silent film by director Yasujirô Ozu are re-read and incorporated in “Movie Kintsugi” to become the starting point of a reflection about today's Japan straddled between tradition, consumer culture and the aesthetics of imperfection.

Fragments of an Ozu film are linked with the story of a young woman in today’s Tokyo – footage from the 1920s in Tokyo collides with material from the 2020s. Tradition meets modernism. The lifestyle of a contemporary woman comes in contrast to gendered role models of the past. A film about the essence of imperfection.

Director: Keren Alexander
Genre: Creative documentary
Producers: Kobi Mizrahi, KM Productions (Israel), Niklas Kullström, Hillstream Pictures (Finland)

“Necropolis” follows the construction of massive underground burial tunnels at the biggest Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem, “The Mountain of Rest.” Along with its curious visitors, Palestinian builders and Ultra-Orthodox morticians, we wander around the lower city of the dead, reflecting on life and death.

The underground cemetery in Jerusalem is a complex national project and the first of its kind in the world. The location raises questions about the various tensions in Israeli society: progress versus tradition, innovation versus rabbinate, hard labor versus sacred work. All the various oppositions create a humane and vibrant collage of Jerusalem down under.

“Nistru. The Irreversible Flow of Life”
Director: Iurie Tocmas (Moldova)
Genre: Creative documentary
Producer: Ieva Ūbele, Baltic Balkan Productions (Latvia)

The Nistru is an almost forgotten and neglected river in the heart of Europe. The future of the nation living on its banks depends on whether the people learn to see the river as a living entity and a unique character.

A meditative journey along the river, driven by symbolism, allegory and insights that will make you think about what happens on the river of your childhood in your absence.

“Our Ark”
Director: Deniz Tortum, Kathryn Hamilton
Genre: Documentary essay
Producer: Firat Sezgin, Institute of Time (Netherlands)

We’re backing up the planet, creating 3D models of animals, rainforests, cities and people. We are creating archives as if an ecological collapse could be staved off through some digital Noah’s Ark of beasts and objects. “Our Ark” is a film essay about our efforts to create a virtual replica of the real world.

“Our Ark” talks about how technology fills the void and distracts us from loss and absence in the physical world. “Our Ark” has just completed post-production and is now looking for institutions to partner up for exhibiting the work – such as museums and galleries with an interest in climate crisis and technology.

Director: Mátyás Prikler
Genre: Drama/political thriller
Producer: Zora Jaurová, Mátyás Prikler, MPhilms (Slovakia)

A politician deals with the global water crisis. A secret agent is trying to fix his own life. A fatal hunting accident forces them both to ask the same old questions: What is truth and what is worth sacrificing for the greater good?

Have you ever seen a Central European political thriller? What you get is a snowy drama that plays with the genre of political thriller trying to expose the moral dilemmas of power in contemporary society. Each character is trying to find the truth about what really happened. But whose story is really true?

“The Red Mayor”
Director: Alessandro Scippa
Genre: Documentary (history and humanities)
Producer: Antonella Di Nocera, Parallelo 41 Produzioni (Italy)

1975. In Napoli, the largest city in southern Italy, a “communist” mayor wins the election. This is the story of a dream and a style of politics able to build a close link to the people and emotions. His term ends after the terrible earthquake of 1980, when the destiny of Napoli was to be decided by criminal interests that still affect the community.

The peculiar character of Neapolitan politics and the cultural values it represents have universal appeal. It’s time to explore how the passionate European-style leftist politics were blown away together with the ghosts of the 20th century. This cinematic film employs fragments of images, mirror reflections and present refractions that provide an account of that unique time.

“Robin Bank”
Director: Anna Giralt Gris
Genre: Documentary
Producer: Jorge Caballero, GusanoFilms (Spain), Indifilm (Germany)

Want to know how to steal half a million euros from 39 different banks to finance social causes? “Robin Bank” tells the story of those who managed to do so, and how.

Some of the crucial changes in history have been achieved through disobedience. People who risked their own freedom to challenge the system have made a difference and paved the way for global transformation and justice. We are living in uncertain and volatile times and we need stories that help us believe that another world is possible.

“Six Weddings and a Family”
Director: Samira El Mouzghibati
Genre: Documentary
Producer: Alice Lemaire, Michigan Films (Belgium), Pivonka Production (France)

"Why was I so devastated when I learnt I was having a daughter?” This film pictures three generations of women, from the director’s mother to her daughter, including her five sisters, drawing a line from Moroccan Rif to Brussels, from forced marriages to divorces, from small rebellions to love marriages.

Samira is an up-and-coming Belgian-Moroccan filmmaker who has made a deeply intimate film with great identifying power. What does it mean to be a young woman of bicultural identity in Europe today? Samira is a born storyteller who knows how to melt a family drama with a touch of humor and tenderness.

Download the Emerging Producers 2021 catalog here.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Ji.Hlava的新兴生产商为其纪录片项目提供电梯球场(独家)/Ji.hlava’s Emerging Producers Deliver Elevator Pitches for Their Documentary Projects (EXCLUSIVE)