纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Showtime纪录片颁发的杂种和滚石宣布编程/Variety and Rolling Stone Announce Programming for Inaugural Truth Seekers Summit Presented by Showtime Documentary Films
Variety and Rolling Stone Announce Programming for Inaugural Truth Seekers Summit Presented by Showtime Documentary Films
综艺和滚石乐队很高兴地宣布了8月26日由Showtime纪录片电影展示的首届“寻求真相”虚拟峰会的节目。主题演讲者将包括获得奥斯卡奖的电影制片人Errol Morris(“战争的雾”),以及来自“ Allenv。Farrow”,“ Billie Eilish”背后的纪录片人的小组,“ Billie Eilish:世界上有点模糊”,“犯罪现场:在犯罪现场:在塞西尔酒店(Cecil Hotel),“我会走在黑暗中”,“再次崛起:塔尔萨和红色夏天”等等。斯坦利·尼尔森(Stanley Nelson)将获得真相寻求者奖。纳尔逊(Nelson)是麦克阿瑟(MacAarthur)的“天才”研究员,皮博迪奖获得者和艾美奖获奖者,是该行业中装饰最多的纪录片电影制片人之一,其诱人的,研究驱动的叙事重新检查了美国历史的熟悉和被遗忘的肖像。他即将上映的电影《 Attica》(Attica)来自Showtime纪录片,将在1971年在纽约州阿提卡(Attica)的监狱叛乱之后,该叛乱仍然是该国最致命的监狱起义。 “ Attica” W今年秋天晚些时候在Showtime上首映。面板将包括“Verité的词汇:如何构建纪录片的语言”,其中包括电影制片人R.J.卡特勒(“比利·埃里什(Billie Eilish):世界上有点模糊,“ belushi”),萨莎·詹金斯(Sacha Jenkins)(“ Wu-Tang Clan:Mics and Men of Mics and Men”,“ Bitchin:Rick James的声音和愤怒”),Sam Pollard(“” MLK/FBI,“为什么我们讨厌”),Liz Garbus(“我会在黑暗中走了”,“发生了什么事,西蒙妮小姐?”)和黎明·波特(“再次崛起:塔尔萨和红色夏天”) 。 “作为变革的代理人的真正犯罪”小组将在幕后与作家,制片人和导演一起构想一个真正的犯罪项目,以及纪录片如何成为故事整体叙述的一部分。 Panelists include Joe Berlinger (“Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel”), Amy Ziering (“Allen v. Farrow”), Donald Albright (“Up and Vanished”) and Zachary Drucker (“The Lady and the Dale”) 。 “品种很高兴与Showtime纪录片FIL合作MS和Rolling Stone为就职典范寻求者首脑会议,焦点讲故事的人,他们的批判性工作研究了我们这个时代最紧迫的问题。 “ Rolling Stone很荣幸能与品种和Showtime纪录片一起站在一起,展示这次首次亮相的峰会,以表彰讲故事的力量和追求真理的力量,” Rolling Stone总裁兼首席运营官Gus Wenner说。 “随着非小说和纪录片内容的继续蓬勃发展,还有什么更好的时间来庆祝和探索最有力的讲故事的未来,” Showtime Networks Inc.非小说类计划的执行副总裁Vinnie Malhotra说:“ Sho纪录片与多样性和滚石乐队合作,不仅致力于与我们行业的真相寻求者并肩作战,还致力于为新的声音和观点创造途径。”其他主题演讲者和小组成员将被宣布。虚拟体验可以免费参加注册,但可用性是有限的。要确保您参加参加的位置,请在此处注册:http://variety.com/truthseekerscorrcorts与真相寻求者的峰会,品种和滚石乐队对应,将合作创建一个特殊的印刷问题,以扩展真相的人主题,包括原始故事 - 档案 - 展示了品牌对真理的长达数十年的奉献精神。特刊将于8月25日发送到多样性和滚石用户的精选列表。 Variety的新部分,可从导航栏和标题为“ Docs”的纪录片评论,有关经典纪录片的报道(从综艺档案中剔除)以及世界领先电影节的纪录片的报道。滚石的新SEC标题为“滚石报告”,包括新的滚石调查报告;原始摄影;来自亨特·汤普森(Hunter S.以及政治和文化事件的报道,随着它们的发展。
Variety and Rolling Stone are pleased to announce programming for the inaugural Truth Seekers virtual summit on Aug. 26, presented by Showtime Documentary Films. Keynote speakers will include Academy Award-winning filmmaker Errol Morris ("The Fog of War") with panels from the documentarians behind "Allen v. Farrow," "Billie Eilish: The World's a Little Blurry," "Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel," "I'll Be Gone in the Dark," "Rise Again: Tulsa and the Red Summer" and more.
Stanley Nelson will receive the Truth Seeker Award. A MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, Peabody Award recipient and Emmy Award winner, Nelson is one of the most decorated documentary filmmakers in the industry, whose riveting, research-driven narratives reexamine familiar and forgotten portraits of American history. His upcoming feature-length film "Attica," from Showtime Documentary Films, will follow the 1971 prison rebellion in Attica, N.Y., which remains the country’s deadliest prison uprising. "Attica" will premiere on Showtime later this fall.
Panels will include “The Vocabulary of Verité: How to Construct the Language of Documentaries'' featuring filmmakers R.J. Cutler ("Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry," "Belushi"), Sacha Jenkins ("Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men," "Bitchin: The Sound and Fury of Rick James"), Sam Pollard ("MLK/FBI," "Why We Hate"), Liz Garbus ("I’ll Be Gone in the Dark," "What Happened, Miss Simone?") and Dawn Porter ("Rise Again: Tulsa and the Red Summer").
The “True Crime as an Agent of Change” panel will go behind the scenes with writers, producers and directors as they conceive a true crime project and how the documentary becomes part of the overall narrative of the story. Panelists include Joe Berlinger ("Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel"), Amy Ziering ("Allen v. Farrow"), Donald Albright ("Up and Vanished") and Zachary Drucker ("The Lady and the Dale").
“Variety is thrilled to partner with Showtime Documentary Films and Rolling Stone for the inaugural Truth Seekers Summit, spotlighting storytellers whose critical work examines the most pressing issues of our time,” said Michelle Sobrino-Stearns, President and Group Publisher, Variety.
“Rolling Stone is proud to stand alongside Variety and Showtime Documentary Films to present this first-of-its-kind summit honoring the power of storytelling and the pursuit of truth,” said Gus Wenner, president and chief operating officer, Rolling Stone.
“As nonfiction and documentary content continues to boom, what better time to take a moment to both celebrate and explore the future of the most powerful form of storytelling,” said Vinnie Malhotra, executive vice president of nonfiction programming for Showtime Networks Inc. “In partnering with Variety and Rolling Stone on this summit, SHO Documentary Films remains committed to not only stand shoulder to shoulder with our industry’s truth seekers but to create a pathway for new voices and perspectives.”
Additional keynote speakers and panelists to be announced. The virtual experience is free to attend with registration but availability is limited. To secure your spot to attend, register here: http://variety.com/TruthSeekers
Corresponding with the Truth Seekers Summit, Variety and Rolling Stone will partner to create a special print issue that expands on the Truth Seekers theme with stories -- both original and archival -- that demonstrate the brands’ decades-long dedication to the truth. The special issue will be sent to a select list of Variety and Rolling Stone subscribers on Aug. 25.
On July 1, the iconic brands also created new website verticals devoted to documentary and investigative storytelling. Variety’s new section, accessible from the navigation bar and titled “Docs,” features documentary reviews, reporting about classic documentaries -- culled from the Variety archives -- and documentary coverage from the world’s leading film festivals.
Rolling Stone’s new section, titled “Rolling Stone Reports,” includes new Rolling Stone investigative reporting; original photography; classic Rolling Stone articles from greats like Hunter S. Thompson, Kurt Loder, Tom Wolfe, Matt Taibbi, and more; and coverage from political and cultural events, as they unfold.
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