纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“ Ailey”编舞,旨在夺回新纪录片中开拓性舞者的作品/‘Ailey’ Choreographer on Recapturing the Trailblazing Dancer’s Work in New Documentary
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0505/5806ae2lragjqvt.jpg“ Ailey”编舞,旨在夺回新纪录片中开拓性舞者的作品
‘Ailey’ Choreographer on Recapturing the Trailblazing Dancer’s Work in New Documentary
任何学习戏剧和舞蹈的人都会知道Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre及其创始人。Ailey不仅形成了舞蹈运动,而且他的公司在旅行世界时也成为黑人艺术家的开创性力量,介绍政治主题并帮助整合舞蹈世界。Street舞者转变的演员雷尼·哈里斯(Rennie Harris)曾听到这个名字,但是听到了这个名字,但是直到2000年代下半年,才对艾利运动感兴趣。“我是一个铁杆舞者。那时,我没有感觉到现代舞蹈。”解释他的舞蹈。那是哈里斯终于看到开拓性的“启示”,1960年代的作品使艾利在地图上,他受到了启发。后来,他被阿尔文·艾利(Alvin Ailey)公司聘用,以重新创建编舞的作品。在文档中,我们EE Harris讲习班“ Lazarus”,这是吉姆·克劳时代德克萨斯州种族不公正的作品。导演贾米拉·威格诺特(Jamila Wignot)混合了档案艾莉(Ailey)的录像带,并在哈里斯(Harris)将作品放在工作室中进行采访。通过与哈里斯(Harris)的重新创作一起观看档案片段,“阿尔文·艾利(Alvin Ailey)从非裔美国人的神文化和舞蹈转变为拥有这种人类元素的人,”哈里斯说。哈里斯说,这部纪录片还带来了革命性的想法。“阿尔文在舞蹈上有很多话要说。他们希望他出去抗议,但我认为人们本身并不是那家公司本身(Alvin Ailey舞蹈公司)是一次抗议。”
Anyone who has studied theater and dance will know the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and its founder. Not only did Ailey form a dance movement, but his company also became a pioneering force for Black artists as they traveled the world, introducing political themes and helping integrate the world of dance.
Street dancer-turned-choreographer Rennie Harris had heard the name but didn’t become interested in the Ailey movement until late in the 2000s. “I was a hardcore dancer. At that point, I wasn’t feeling modern dance,” Harris explains.
Now the two are linked through the doc “Ailey,” which will be released nationwide Aug. 6. The film highlights the legendary choreographer’s life and visionary work, with Harris interpreting his dances.
It was when Harris finally saw the trailblazing “Revelations,” the 1960s work that put Ailey on the map, that he became inspired. Later, he was hired by the Alvin Ailey company to re-create the choreographer’s works. In the doc, we see Harris workshopping “Lazarus,” a production about racial injustice in Jim Crow-era Texas. Director Jamila Wignot mixes archival Ailey footage and interviews as Harris puts his production together in the studio.
By watching the archival clips alongside Harris’ re-creation, “Alvin Ailey shifts from God of African American culture and dance to having this human element,” Harris says.
The documentary also brings to light the revolutionary idea at the time of “Black bodies doing ballet,” Harris says. “Alvin had a lot to say politically with dance. They wanted him to get out and protest, but I don’t think people got that the company itself — the Alvin Ailey dance company — was a protest.”