纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-PBS领导纪录片Emmy Tally感谢“ P.O.V.”,“ Frontline”(全获奖者列表)/PBS Leads Documentary Emmy Tally Thanks to ‘P.O.V.,’ ‘Frontline’ (Full Winners List)
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0504/43050edbz3ukik4.jpgPBS领导纪录片Emmy Tally感谢“ P.O.V.”,“ Frontline”(全获奖者列表)
PBS Leads Documentary Emmy Tally Thanks to ‘P.O.V.,’ ‘Frontline’ (Full Winners List)
PBS主导了今年新闻和纪录片Emmys的纪录片部分,总体上获得了十个奖项,其中包括“ POV”的三个,两个奖项,“独立镜头”的两个,而“前线”是公共广播公司长期运行的三个签名Series.netflix紧随其后的是四场胜利,然后以三场胜利。纪录片艾美奖是由美国国家电视艺术与科学学院授予的,这是两个个人仪式中的第二个;纪念电视新闻的类别于周二发行。 “今晚,我们庆祝了这些纪录片专业人士,他们在2020年空前的一年中提供了洞察力,清晰,事实和及时的电影制作,以理解我们生活的动荡时期,”纳塔斯总裁兼首席执行官亚当·夏普(Adam Sharp)说。奥齐(Ozy)首席执行官卡洛斯·沃森(Carlos Watson)最初签署了主持纪录片仪式,但本周早些时候在《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一篇文章记录了可疑的主张和实践后屈服在他的公司内部。取而代之的是,仪式的三位主持人分享了主持杜蒂尔的主持人:哥伦比亚新\u200b\u200b闻学院教授兼纪录片制片人June Cross;纪录片制片人C.J. Hunt(“中立地面”)和纪录片制片人(“慢忙”)和演员(“证明身体”)Sonja Sohn。 ,由于流媒体电视的出现,更多的人现在可以看到我们全国各地的这项惊人的工作,今晚我们庆祝这些勇敢的电影制片人,因为他们睁开了镜头和眼睛向我们周围的世界,并帮助我们更好地了解事件纳塔斯(Natas)主席特里·奥里利(Terry O'Reilly)说,第42届年度新闻和纪录片艾美奖奖荣誉奖荣誉编程内容,来自2020年首映的第42届年度新闻和纪录片荣誉奖荣誉节目内容,由来自2020年首映的内容,由950名同行专业人士判断。在电视和流媒体/数字媒体新闻和文档中尤其行业。以时事纪录片的“独立镜头”(PBS)的束缚,是野性政治和政府纪录片“沉默之王国”(Showtime)杰出的社会问题纪录片“ PBS”(PBS),救援列表列表,其调查纪录片“运动员A”( Netflix)杰出的历史纪录片“前线”(PBS)从前的伊拉克人艺术和文化纪录片“迈尔斯·戴维斯:酷炫的诞生”(PBS)杰出的科学和技术纪录片“外科医生的削减”(Netflix)杰出的自然纪录片“最后的冰”(国家地理)杰出的商业和经济纪录片“前线”(PBS)亚马逊帝国:Jeff Bezosout的崛起和统治媒体:纪录片“在月球灾难中”(Moondisaster.org/MIT Advanced Virtuality中心)出色写作:纪录片“ Sto塑料的RY”(发现频道)作家:Kyle Cadotte,Tony Hale,Megan Ponder,Deia Schlosberg,Brian Wilson,Stiv WilsonOut Distrance研究:纪录片“独立镜头”(PBS)感觉很好的操纵方向:纪录片“贸易”(showtime)(Showtime)(Showtime)(Showtime)(Showtime) Director: Matthew HeinemanOutstanding Cinematography: Documentary“The Trade” (Showtime)Directors of Photography: Jacopo Campaiola, Pablo Durana, Nicholas Kraus, Ross McDonnell, Max PreissOutstanding Editing: Documentary“Father Soldier Son” (Netflix)Editor: Amy FooteOutstanding Graphic Design and艺术指导:纪录片“外星世界”(Netflix)创意导演:Paul Simpson,Simon Wood图形制作人Sebastian读取音乐作品“ Prirates”(PBS)作曲家:Adam Lukas,Denise Santosout,尽管声音“ Miles Davis:PBS出生:PBS)(PBS )出色的照明方向和风景秀丽的设计“阿拉巴马蛇”(HBO纪录片/HBO)通过网络,show,program或seggentpbs分解10“ pov” 3“ frontline” 2“ inde吊坠镜头” 2“迈尔斯·戴维斯:凉爽的诞生” 2“灵长类动物” 1netflix 4“运动员A” 1“父亲士兵儿子” 1“外星人世界” 1“外科医生的削减” 1 showtime 3“ the Trade” 2“王国Silence” 1Discovery Channel 1HBO 1Moondisaster.org / MIT高级虚拟中心1个本地地理1,第42届年度新闻和纪录片Emmy Awards由Natas与Adam Sharp和Steve Ulrich,执行制片人一起制定。该仪式是由Viewfinder的David Parks执导和联合执行的,可在Watch.theemmys.tv和通过Emmys应用程序的网络上找到。
PBS dominated the documentary portion of this year's News and Documentary Emmys, landing ten awards overall — including three for "POV," two for "Independent Lens" and two for "Frontline," which are three of the public broadcaster's long-running, signature series.
Netflix followed with four wins, then Showtime with three. The documentary Emmys were awarded on Wednesday by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, the second of two individual ceremonies; categories honoring TV news were handed out on Tuesday.
“Tonight, we celebrate these documentary professionals who in the unprecedented year of 2020 delivered the insightful, clear, factual and timely filmmaking necessary to make sense of the tumultuous times that we live in,” said Adam Sharp, President & CEO, NATAS.
Ozy CEO Carlos Watson had originally signed on to host the documentary ceremony, but bowed out earlier this week following a New York Times article chronicling questionable claims and practices inside his company. Instead, the ceremony’s three presenters shared hosting dutires: Columbia Journalism School professor and documentary filmmaker June Cross; documentary filmmaker C.J. Hunt (“The Neutral Ground”) and documentary filmmaker (“The Slow Hustle”) and actor (“Body of Proof”) Sonja Sohn.
“In a year where we received more than 1,200 documentary entries, in an era where, thanks to the advent of streaming television, more people can now see this amazing work on demand across our nation, tonight we celebrate these brave filmmakers for opening their lens and our eyes to the world around us and helping us to better understand the events that affect our everyday lives in remarkable ways,” said Terry O’Reilly, Chairman, NATAS.
The 42nd Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards honors programming content from more than 2200 submissions that originally premiered in 2020, judged by a pool of 950 peer professionals from across the television and streaming/digital media news and documentary industry.
Outstanding Current Affairs Documentary
"Independent Lens" (PBS)
Belly of the Beast
Outstanding Politics and Government Documentary
"Kingdom of Silence" (Showtime)
Outstanding Social Issue Documentary
The Rescue List
Outstanding Investigative Documentary
"Athlete A" (Netflix)
Outstanding Historical Documentary
"Frontline" (PBS)
Once Upon A Time In Iraq
Outstanding Arts and Culture Documentary
"Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool" (PBS)
Outstanding Science and Technology Documentary
"The Surgeon's Cut" (Netflix)
Outstanding Nature Documentary
"The Last Ice" (National Geographic)
Outstanding Business and Economic Documentary
"Frontline" (PBS)
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos
Outstanding Short Documentary
"POV Shorts" (PBS)
The Love Bugs
Best Documentary
Outstanding Interactive Media: Documentary
"In Event of Moon Disaster" (moondisaster.org/MIT Centre for Advanced Virtuality)
Outstanding Writing: Documentary
"The Story of Plastic" (Discovery Channel)
Writers: Kyle Cadotte, Tony Hale, Megan Ponder, Deia Schlosberg, Brian Wilson, Stiv Wilson
Outstanding Research: Documentary
"Independent Lens" (PBS)
Feels Good Man
Outstanding Direction: Documentary
"The Trade" (Showtime)
Director: Matthew Heineman
Outstanding Cinematography: Documentary
"The Trade" (Showtime)
Directors of Photography: Jacopo Campaiola, Pablo Durana, Nicholas Kraus, Ross McDonnell, Max Preiss
Outstanding Editing: Documentary
"Father Soldier Son" (Netflix)
Editor: Amy Foote
Outstanding Graphic Design and Art Direction: Documentary
"Alien Worlds" (Netflix)
Creative Directors: Paul Simpson, Simon Wood Graphics Producer Sebastian Read
Outstanding Music Composition
"Primates" (PBS)
Composers: Adam Lukas, Denise Santos
Outstanding Sound
"Miles Davis: Birth of the Cool" (PBS)
Outstanding Lighting Direction and Scenic Design
"Alabama Snake" (HBO Documentary Films/HBO)
Breakdown by Network, Show, Program or Segment
PBS 10
"POV" 3
"Frontline" 2
"Independent Lens" 2
"Miles Davis: Birth Of The Cool" 2
"Primates" 1
Netflix 4
"Athlete A" 1
"Father Soldier Son" 1
"Alien Worlds" 1
"The Surgeon's Cut" 1
Showtime 3
"The Trade" 2
"Kingdom of Silence" 1
Discovery Channel 1
moondisaster.org / MIT Centre for Advanced Virtuality 1
National Geographic 1
The 42nd Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards were produced by NATAS with Adam Sharp and Steve Ulrich, Executive Producers. The ceremong was directed and co-executive produced by David Parks of Viewfinder, and is available on the web at Watch.TheEmmys.TV and via The Emmys app.
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