纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“逃离” Revs FYC广告系列作为伍德斯托克电影节上的交易热门纪录片商店/‘Flee’ Revs FYC Campaign as Hot Documentaries Shop for Deals at Woodstock Film Festival
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0504/4217np1fhmkbjzu.jpg“逃离” Revs FYC广告系列作为伍德斯托克电影节上的交易热门纪录片商店
‘Flee’ Revs FYC Campaign as Hot Documentaries Shop for Deals at Woodstock Film Festival
纽约州伍德斯托克市 - 独立电影发行商霓虹灯希望通过其动画纪录片“逃亡”的奖励计划来发表声明。除纪录片,动画和外语类别外,还将提交丹麦在阿富汗的家中的安全。 “逃亡”在一月份在圣丹斯(Sundance)首映后被霓虹灯和参与者捡起,在那里获得了大陪审团奖。“我认为现在是时候该非小说故事片成为最好的图片类别的一部分,”奎因说。星期六在第22届年度伍德斯托克电影节的采访中。 “逃跑”比以往任何时候都更加及时更有意义。这是一部在文化上引起共鸣的电影,但也是纯粹的电影。这也是个人的个人政治方式,我想尽我所能说服他人相信我S(一部电影)违反类别。”“ Flee”已被邀请参加包括Telluride,Torride,Toronto和New York在内的每个主要奖季电影节。除了成为戛纳2020年官方选拔外,这部电影还在包括伍德斯托克和卡姆登·英特尔等当地电影节上。电影节。 10月9日,“逃亡”将在汉普顿国际局(Hamptons INTL)放映。电影节。Quinn是伍德斯托克(Woodstock)在节日的闭幕仪式上获得开拓者奖的人,他证明了霓虹灯电影实际上可以违背类别。除了获得指挥,原始剧本和国际剧本的奖项之外,韩国作家导演冯霍(Bong Joon-ho)的2020年,霓虹灯的“寄生虫”成为赢得最佳影片的第一部外国电影。同样,那一年霓虹灯的马其顿纪录片“ Honeyland”在奥斯卡纪录片和外国电影类别中被提名。纽约哈德逊山谷的为期五天的节日(9月29日至10月3日),大约10在曼哈顿以北0英里处,还向获得奥斯卡奖的导演罗杰·罗斯·威廉姆斯(Rogs Ross Williams)致敬,后者获得了特立独行奖。“一个小牛是一个反对与制度和机构作战的谷物的人,这就是我的意思做的。这就是我与制作公司所做的工作,这给没有机会和资金的无人代表的电影制片人发出了声音。那里有才华横溢的Bipoc电影制片人。我是一位比波多特电影制片人,在赢得奥斯卡奖后没有机会,所以现在我已经建立了,我就可以为像我这样的其他电影制片人打开大门。他制作了标题为“游侠”,在伍德斯托克(Woodstock)进行了全球首映。这部电影讲述了故事F肯尼亚桑布鲁和马赛社区的12名妇女。威廉姆斯(Williams)带来了潜艇娱乐公司的乔什·布劳恩(Josh Braun),以帮助出售文档。布劳恩(Braun)在2019年圣丹斯(Sundance Premiere)之后负责向霓虹灯出售“霍尼兰德”他们各自的纪录片“霍顿·富特(Horton Foote):回家之路”和“这里。是。在过去的15年中,拉普(Rapp)一直在研究“霍顿·富特(Horton Foote)”,讲述了著名的作家和编剧“杀死一只模仿鸟”和“柔软的怜悯”。拉普(Rapp)是1983年的“怜悯”的剧本主管和编剧。 “这部电影是为了纪念霍顿,因为有很多人不知道他是谁,我相信他是20世纪最重要的作家之一。”Ungelson的“这里。是。更好”也是爱的劳动。扬尔森说,大约四名接受创伤后应激障碍的创伤心理治疗的退伍军人,扬尔森说,与电影的主要主题建立信任是制作这部电影的最大挑战。 Youngelson说:“处于最脆弱和最原始的状态,他们刚刚开始为PTSD治疗或出来另一侧。” “我们想确保他们对我们的团队,我们的过程以及我们将观众带入治疗过程的目标感到满意。”另一个寻找分销商的伍德斯托克纪录片是“ El Gran Fellove”。电影由马特·狄龙(Matt Dillon)执导,这部电影是关于古巴史上歌手和词曲作者弗朗西斯科·利夫(Francisco Fellove)的。 “ El Gran Fellove”去年在圣塞巴斯蒂安INTL上首映。电影节,也是上个月特鲁里德阵容的一部分。狄龙(Dillon)和“ El Gran Fellove”制片人乔纳森·格雷(Jonathan Gray)来到哈德逊山谷要放映文档并参加小组讨论。“发生销售时,这真是太好了,而且已经发生了很多年,但这并不是我们追求的目标,”伍德斯托克的执行董事兼联合创始人梅拉·布尔斯坦(Meira Blaustein)说。 “我们渴望高质量;发人深省的电影,我们渴望支持电影制片人。 Helmer在镇上有一个无题的简短文档,由创意联盟关于喜剧演员和胖幽默的融资。凯斯勒(Kessler)在伍德斯托克(Woodstock)期间放映了短片,以确定他是否应该将其变成一部长度的纪录片。除了“逃亡”,伍德斯托克2021确实采用了其他一些纪录片,吸引了奥斯卡嗡嗡声,包括托德·海恩斯(Todd Haynes Chai Vasarhelyi和Jimmy Chin的“ The Rescue”,Betsy West和Julie Cohen的“ Julia”。因为West和Cohen无法参加节日,“ Julia”制片人 - 萨拉·伯恩斯坦(Sara Bernstein)和贾斯汀·威尔克斯(Justin Wilkes of Imagine Entertainment)的娱乐 - 来到镇上代表著名厨师朱莉娅·克里斯(Julia Child)的纪录片。“伍德斯托克(Woodstock)是一个很棒的节日,因为与一些更大的节日不同,这里的观众只是喜欢电影的人,”威尔克斯说。,他距离纽约金斯敦的伍德斯托克(Woodstock)长大几分钟了,“伍德斯托克(Woodstock)的“朱莉娅”(Julia)的放映不是行业放映。只是当地人来看一部很棒的电影,我认为我们现在都渴望的是,因为我们都坐在家里过去两年。”(图:“逃亡”)
WOODSTOCK, N.Y. -- Indie film distributor Neon is hoping to make a statement with its awards consideration plan for the animated documentary "Flee."
Tom Quinn, co-founder of Neon, told Variety that Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s story of a gay refugee who fled to safety in Denmark from his home in Afghanistan as a child, will be submitted for Oscar best picture consideration in addition to the documentary, animation and foreign language categories. “Flee” was picked up by Neon and Participant after premiering in January at Sundance, where it won the Grand Jury Prize.
“I think it's high time that a non-fiction feature film be a part of the best picture category,” Quinn said Saturday during an interview at the 22nd annual Woodstock Film Festival. “Flee” is timely and unfortunately more relevant than ever. It's a film that resonates culturally, but it's also pure cinema. It's also personal in a way that makes it political and I want to do whatever I can to convince others to believe that this is (a film) that defies categories.”
"Flee" has been invited to every major award season film festival including Telluride, Toronto and New York. In addition to being a Cannes 2020 official selection, the film has also been a presence at local film festivals including Woodstock and Camden Intl. Film Festival. On Oct. 9. "Flee" will screen at The Hamptons Intl. Film Festival.
Quinn, who was the recipient of Woodstock’s Trailblazer award at the festival’s closing night ceremony, has proven that Neon films can in fact defy categories. In 2020 Neon’s “Parasite,” from South Korean writer-director Bong Joon-ho, became the first foreign film to win best picture, in addition to picking up awards for directing, original screenplay and international feature. Also that year Neon’s Macedonia docu “Honeyland” made history when it was nominated in both the Oscar documentary and foreign film categories.
The five-day festival (Sept. 29 - Oct. 3) in New York's Hudson Valley, about 100 miles north of Manhattan, also paid homage to Oscar-winning director Roger Ross Williams, who received the Maverick Award.
“A maverick is someone who goes against the grain who fights the system and the establishment and that’s very much what I’m about doing,” said Williams, who has been on the Board of Governors for the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences since 2016. “That's very much the work that I've done in the Academy. That's very much the work that I've done with my production company, which is giving voice to unrepresented filmmakers who haven't had the opportunities and funding. There’s incredibly talented BIPOC filmmakers out there. I’m a BIPOC filmmaker who didn't have opportunities after winning the Oscar, so now that I am establishment, I get to open doors for other filmmakers like myself.”
Prior to receiving his award, Williams was out and about promoting a film he produced titled "Ranger," which made its world premiere at Woodstock. The film tells the story of 12 women in Kenya’s Samburu and Maasai communities. Williams brought in Submarine Entertainment’s Josh Braun to help sell the doc. Braun, who is responsible for selling “Honeyland” to Neon after its 2019 Sundance premiere, was also shopping Hallee Adelman and Sean O’Grady’s docu “Our American Family" during the fest.
Anne Rapp and Jack Youngelson came to Woodstock looking to find a home for their respective docus “Horton Foote: The Road To Home” and “Here. Is. Better.”
Rapp has been working on “Horton Foote” – about the famed author and screenwriter of “To Kill A Mockingbird” and “Tender Mercies” -- for the last 15 years. A script supervisor and screenwriter, Rapp met Foote on the set of 1983's “Tender Mercies.”
“I didn’t make this film to start a career in documentary filmmaking,” said Rapp. “This film was made to honor Horton because there are a lot of people who don’t know who he was and I believe that he is one of the most important writers of the 20th century.”
Youngelson’s “Here. Is. Better” was also a labor of love. About four veterans undergoing trauma psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder, Youngelson said that developing trust with the film’s main subjects proved to be biggest challenge of making the film.
“During the development phase, we spoke with dozens of men and women veterans, many of whom were at their most vulnerable and raw, who were just beginning therapy for PTSD or coming out the other side,” Youngelson said. “We wanted to make sure they were comfortable with our team, our process and our goals of taking viewers inside the therapeutic process.”
Another Woodstock documentary looking for a distributor is “El Gran Fellove." Directed by Matt Dillon the film is about Cuban scat singer and songwriter Francisco Fellove. “El Gran Fellove" premiered last year at San Sebastian Intl. Film Festival and was also part of Telluride’s line-up last month. Dillon and “El Gran Fellove” producer Jonathan Gray came to the Hudson Valley to screen the doc and partake in a panel discussion.
“It’s wonderful when a sale happens and there have been plenty of years when it did happen but that’s not what we aspire for,” said Woodstock’s executive director and co-founder Meira Blaustein. “We aspire for high quality; thought-provoking films and we aspire to support the filmmakers.”
Stephen Kessler -- director of the 2011 docu “Paul Williams Is Still Alive" -- was one of those filmmakers. The helmer was in town with an untitled short doc financed by the Creative Coalition about comedians and fat humor. Kessler screened the short during Woodstock to determine whether or not he should turn it into a feature length documentary.
In addition to “Flee,” Woodstock 2021 did feature a few other docus garnering Oscar buzz including Todd Haynes’ “The Velvet Underground,” Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin’s “The Rescue” and Betsy West and Julie Cohen’s “Julia.”
Since West and Cohen couldn’t make it to the festival, “Julia” producers -- Sara Bernstein and Justin Wilkes of Imagine Entertainment -- came to town to represent the documentary about famed chef Julia Child.
“Woodstock is such a great festival because unlike some of the bigger festivals, the audiences here are just people who love movies,” said Wilkes, who grew up just minutes away from Woodstock in Kingston, N.Y. “The screening of “Julia” in Woodstock wasn't an industry screening. It was just local people coming to watch a great movie, which is something that I think we're all craving right now, since we've all been sitting at home for the last two years."
(Pictured: "Flee")
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