纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Matthew Heineman的Covid Doc“第一波”如何在“疲惫和恐怖”的作品中演变/How Matthew Heineman’s COVID Doc ‘First Wave’ Evolved During an ‘Exhausting and Terrifying’ Production
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0504/3844m1c15r5v3na.jpgMatthew Heineman的Covid Doc“第一波”如何在“疲惫和恐怖”的作品中演变
How Matthew Heineman’s COVID Doc ‘First Wave’ Evolved During an ‘Exhausting and Terrifying’ Production
2020年3月,纽约市因19日关闭而关闭后,马修·海尼曼(Matthew Heineman)拿起相机,并在皇后区的长岛犹太医疗中心与一群医护人员一起嵌入。在接下来的三个月中,董事和骨骼工作人员在战斗以使Covid患者活着,并在该国最艰难的医院之一的一家中抓住病毒时,抓获了医生,护士和医疗技术人员。海尼曼的努力是“第一波”- 这部纪录片将举行世界首映,并在第29届汉普顿INTL担任开幕式电影。10月7日的电影节。Besides记录了大流行对医院工作人员的毁灭性的身体和情感影响,这位由Alex Gibney制作的Verité电影主管由Leslie Norville和Jenna Millman制作,遵循在医院康复了几个月的Covid患者当他们的家人回到家中。海因曼并不陌生,将自己插入纳姆清晰,威胁生命的情况。在将奥斯卡提名的“卡特尔土地”(Cartel Land)(2016年)的同时,这位赫尔默(Helmer)在墨西哥街上拍摄了枪战。内部甲基实验室;和毒品卡特尔成员折磨人。对于“第一波”,他知道他将不得不再次冒险。“我不想通过Zoom或其他方式讲故事,” “我想在地面上。但是,与我过去拍摄的其他电影不同,这不是您可以回家并将自己分开的问题。我们的生活与我们记录的同一件事,这就是使它特别疲惫和恐怖的原因。虽然唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在“第一波”拍摄中担任总统,但在电影中没有发挥作用,而纽约前州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)则又发挥了作用。给医疗保健工作者,”海尼曼说。 “但是它演变成许多其他事情。这不仅仅是一部Covid电影。这确实是纽约D的肖像安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)是那个月不可或缺的一部分。观看一张关于病毒仍然非常活跃并且可以说是对观众看电影的逃脱的档案。节日艺术总监大卫·努金特(David Nugent)。 “这就像看着大量的人群取悦人吗?电影,例如“艺术家”或其他有趣的东西?不,但是没关系。有时我们需要具有挑战性的电影,这些电影以多种不同的方式具有挑战性,但也确实突出了人类精神的韧性,我认为这部电影确实如此。包括人类状况。 “这是一部关于家庭,爱,创伤,克服创伤的电影关于人类面对创伤的方式。我希望这部电影可以成为我们所有人的康复过程的一部分。”“第一波”是《国家地理》(National Geographing)有资格获得奥斯卡奖的五部电影之一。其他四个文档 - “成为库斯托”,“ Fauci”,“ The Rescue”和“ Torn”- 在9月的Telluride电影节上都在全球首演。 Wave”今年晚些时候,并不担心该文档没有参加四个主要的秋季电影节之一,这些电影节都是奥斯卡·巴尔韦斯(Oscar Bellwethers)。“大多数人认为(奥斯卡赢得冠军的文档)'cilesenfour'是不寻常的除了纽约电影节以外,没有在任何地方首映。”奎因说。 “我认为在延长的学院年中,有一种释放策略是有意义的。您以后在哪里首映并没有真正的关注,因此我认为您也可以吃蛋糕并吃掉它。纽约一世这是在电影周围建立这种连锁反应的非常关键和核心,但是在您到达那里之前,要进行超百老汇跑步真是太好了。”
In March 2020, just after New York City shut down due to COVID-19, Matthew Heineman picked up his camera and embedded with a group of healthcare workers at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. For the next three months, the director and a skeleton crew captured doctors, nurses, and medical technicians as they battled to keep COVID patients alive and the virus at bay at one of the country’s hardest-hit hospitals.
The result of Heineman’s efforts is “The First Wave” – a documentary that will have its world premiere and serve as the opening night film at the 29th Hamptons Intl. Film Festival on Oct. 7.
Besides documenting the devastating physical and emotional impact the pandemic had on hospital staff, the verité film executive produced by Alex Gibney and produced by Leslie Norville and Jenna Millman follows COVID patients who recovered at the hospital for months as well as their family members back home.
Heineman is no stranger to inserting himself into dangerous, life-threatening situations. While making his Oscar nominated docu “Cartel Land” (2016), the helmer filmed shootouts on the streets Mexico; inside meth labs; and drug cartel members torturing people. For “The First Wave,” he knew he would again have to risk his life.
“I didn't want to tell the story through Zoom or through other means,” he says. “I wanted to be on the ground. But unlike other films that I've made in the past, this was not an issue where you could come home and separate yourself from it. We were living the same thing that we were documenting and that’s what made it particularly exhausting and terrifying. You could never turn off.”
While Donald Trump, who was president during “The First Wave” shoot, does not play a part in the film, former governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, does.
“This film started out as a homage to health care workers,” says Heineman. “But it evolved into many, many other things. It’s more than a COVID film. It's really a portrait of New York during those four months, and whether we like it or not, Andrew Cuomo was an integral part of those months.”
While Cuomo’s daily COVID briefings are a thing of the past, the pandemic remains part of the worldwide landscape. Watching a docu about a virus that is still very much alive and well could arguably be challenging for audiences looking at movies for an escape.
“It's not the film that everyone is necessarily ready to see, but some people will be,” says Hamptons film fest artistic director David Nugent. “Is it like watching a big crowd pleaser? A movie, like “The Artist” or something that is just undeniably fun? No. But that’s okay. Sometimes we need challenging films that are challenging in a host of different ways but that also really highlight the resilience of the human spirit, which I think this film does.”
Heineman adds that “The First Wave” is a movie that touches on many themes including the human condition. “This is a film about family, love, trauma, overcoming trauma and about how human beings come together in the face of trauma. It’s my hope and my dream that the film can be a part of the healing process for all of us.”
“The First Wave” is among five films that National Geographic is qualifying for Oscar consideration. The other four docs -- “Becoming Cousteau,” “Fauci,” “The Rescue” and “Torn” – all had their world premieres in September at the Telluride Film Festival.
But Neon co-founder Tom Quinn, who will release “The First Wave” later this year, isn’t concerned that that the docu didn’t play at one of the four major fall film festivals, which are all Oscar bellwethers.
“Most people thought it was unusual that (Oscar winning doc) 'CitizenFour' didn’t premiere anywhere except the New York Film Festival,” observes Quinn. “There's a release strategy that I think in the elongated Academy year makes sense to premiere later. There’s no real focus about where you premiere later, so I think you can have your cake and eat it, too. New York is very key and central to building this sort of ripple effect around the film, but it's nice to have an Off Broadway run before you got there.”
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