纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-王室为MIPCOM提供丰富的文档项目材料/Royal Family Provides Rich Material for Doc Projects Coming to Mipcom
Royal Family Provides Rich Material for Doc Projects Coming to Mipcom
英国的皇室成员凭借着闪闪发光的生活方式和丑闻的爱情生活,一直是电视和故事片制片人的蜂蜜罐。温莎的一系列虚构记载。但是最近,皇家部落也引起了纪录片制作人的注意。“英国皇家队一直很受欢迎,”销售和共同制作总监,激情发行总监尼克·坦纳(Nick Tanner)说。 “尤其是因为女王的寿命令人印象深刻。但是,对年轻的皇室成员所做的事情也引起了极大的兴趣,尤其是哈利和梅根。他们的故事令人信服,因为尽管他们拥有财富和特权,但哈利和梅根还是真正的人,试图像我们一样理解现代世界。在MIPCOM,包括一个名为“ Har的情节”Ry&Meghan vs。君主制。”今年将推出市场的其他标题是Britbox的触地得分电影制作的“世纪的婚礼”,以纪念查尔斯王子和戴安娜·斯宾塞的婚姻40周年,以及“玛格丽特公主:玛格丽特:Mustique的女王”,由ITN制作。专注于伊丽莎白二世的享乐主义妹妹的作品。广播公司已经建立了围绕一系列皇家文档的峰顶,这是皇家皇家启示的峰值。“他们在锁定期间非常受欢迎,”此类文档的ITN Productions董事总经理Ian Rumsey说。 “因为我们仍然可以进行采访并远程剪裁电影,我们可以保证我们可以在大流行期间继续供应。此外,它们是可重复的,因此为金钱提供了巨大的价值。”在过去的18个月中,ITN Pro从“安妮公主:她一生的7爱”到“ Fergie&Andrew:The Fergie&Andrew:The Duke&Duchess of Disaster of Disastion”,象征在这些低预算中有70多个。两个月要完成 - 有些仅在三个星期内就被扭转了。 “安妮公主:她一生的7爱”和“哈利和梅根诉。据信,君主制要完成大约六到八个星期的时间。这些文档的骨干是ITN广泛的皇家档案馆,可以追溯到65岁,到王位时代和皇家僵硬的上唇。 Rumsey坚持认为,尽管这些文档中的许多文档都有丑闻的故事情节,例如查尔斯与卡米拉·帕克·鲍尔斯(Camilla Parker Bowles)或玛格丽特公主(Margaret)的传闻摇滚明星情人的奸淫关系,但它们避免了轰动。信息良好的受访者。”他解释说。 “必须以平衡且不擅长的方式告诉他们。我墨水这有助于他们的受欢迎程度,因为观众对观看他们不感到内gui。结束,但是当这样做时,很容易想象什么故事会让人们感兴趣。” Rumsey说。“查尔斯将是哪种类型的国王?我们将如何减少君主制?哈利会回到折叠吗?少年皇室成员将有什么角色?”
With their glittering lifestyles and scandalous love lives, Britain’s royals have always been a honey pot for TV and feature film producers.
Netflix’s “The Crown” and the upcoming feature film “Spencer,” starring Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana, are the latest in a long line of fictionalized accounts of the Windsors. But recently the royal tribe has drawn the attention of documentary makers, as well.
“The British royals have always been popular,” says Nick Tanner, director of sales and co-production, Passion Distribution. “Not least because of the queen’s impressive longevity. But there’s also great interest in what the young royals are doing — especially Harry and Meghan. Their story is compelling because despite their wealth and privileges, Harry and Meghan are real people trying to make sense of the modern world, as we all are.”
The four-part "Meet the Royals" is one of the titles Passion Distribution will feature at Mipcom and includes an episode titled “Harry & Meghan Vs. the Monarchy.” Additional titles coming to market this year are “The Wedding of the Century,” produced by Touchdown Films for BritBox, to mark the 40th anniversary of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer’s marriage, and “Princess Margaret: The Queen of Mustique,” made by ITN Productions focusing on Elizabeth II’s hedonistic younger sister.
In the U.K. the ViacomCBS-owned Channel 5 is responsible for taking such projects as “Harry and Meghan: Two Troubled Years” to a new level of profligacy. The broadcaster has built its peak, Saturday night schedule around a spate of royal docs that promise fresh royal revelations.
“They’ve been phenomenally popular during lockdown,” says Ian Rumsey, managing director, TV, ITN Productions, of such docs. “As we could still do the interviews and cut the films remotely, we could guarantee we could keep the supply going during the pandemic. Also, they are eminently repeatable so provide fantastic value for money.”
In the past 18 months, ITN Productions made more than 70 of these low-budget but compelling and popular docs, from “Princess Anne: The 7 Loves of Her Life” to “Fergie & Andrew: The Duke & Duchess of Disaster.”
Remarkably, at most they take a mere two months to complete — and some are turned around in only three weeks. “Princess Anne: The 7 Loves of Her Life” and “Harry and Meghan Vs. the Monarchy” are believed to have each taken around six to eight weeks to complete.
The backbone of these docs is ITN’s extensive royal archive that goes back 65 years to an age of kingship and royal stiff upper lips. Rumsey insists that while many of these docs feature scandalous storylines such as Charles’ adulterous relationship with Camilla Parker Bowles or Princess Margaret’s rumored rock star lover, they avoid sensationalism.
“When we make these documentaries, we want them to be credible programs featuring credible, well-informed interviewees,” he explains. “They have to be told in a way that is balanced and isn’t prurient. I think this helps their popularity because audiences don’t feel guilty about watching them.”
Like all the best soap operas, the stories continue to unspool — and certainly show no signs of slowing down any time soon.
“No one wants the queen’s reign to end but when it does it’s easy to imagine what stories will interest people,” Rumsey says. “What type of king will Charles be? How will we slim down the monarchy? Will Harry return to the fold? What roles will the more junior royals have?”