纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)宣布惊喜Netflix纪录片系列“ Voir”/David Fincher Announces Surprise Netflix Documentary Film Series ‘Voir’
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0504/31522py3yson3kg.jpg大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)宣布惊喜Netflix纪录片系列“ Voir”
David Fincher Announces Surprise Netflix Documentary Film Series ‘Voir’
大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)与Netflix在“ Voir”上合作,这是一篇新的纪录片系列视觉论文,庆祝电影院。从戴维·芬奇(David Fincher)……” a,“特殊的东西”不是“ Mindhunter”的第三季,也不是“ Mank”的续集,这是导演的奥斯卡奖提名的Netflix戏剧,内容涉及“ Citizen Kane”的编剧。芬彻(Fincher)是由“空人”导演戴维·普里尔(David Prior)制作“ voir”的执行者,他对即将到来的项目的披露很少。正在研究该项目的作家德鲁·麦克韦米(Drew McWeeny)写道,10到30分钟的一系列论文是关于“吸引我们或让我们感到不高兴的事情,或者与我们与电影的联系有关。”“ voir”将首映11月13日,在洛杉矶的AFI Fest在不确定的日期登陆Netflix之前。一系列视觉论文庆祝电影,从电影的现代大师之一的心中。 pic.twitter.com/gqhqlvbxzf- netflixfilm(@netflixfilm)2021年10月13日是“搏击俱乐部”,“ Zodiac”,“ Zodiac”,“社交网络”和Madonna的“ Vogue”音乐视频的屡获殊荣的电影制片人。他最近与Netflix签署了一项为期四年的电影协议,此前曾在“纸牌屋”和“ Mindhunter”上与彩带合作。正如先前宣布的那样,Fincher正在导演Netflix电影“ The Killer”,这是一部刺客戏剧,据说是Michael Fassbender的主角。一些高调的导演对Netflix及其非传统方法的直言不讳,但Fincher表示,他感谢他的自由,他赞赏自由。他被送给了他。“我从来没有比在Netflix的地方更快乐地工作,” Fincher在一个有关“ Mank”的封面故事中告诉Variety。 “电影有一个不必要的地方,这是一件好事Arily必须将它们推入氨纶夏季或苦难冬季。”
David Fincher is partnering with Netflix on "Voir," a new documentary series of visual essays celebrating cinema.
Netflix, or at least, the Twitter account dedicated to its movies, had film fans buzzing on Tuesday after tweeting: "Something special is coming tomorrow from David Fincher…"
Alas, that "something special" is not a third season of "Mindhunter" or a sequel to "Mank," the director's Oscar-nominated Netflix drama about the screenwriter of "Citizen Kane." Fincher, who is executive producing "Voir" with "The Empty Man" director David Prior, has disclosed very little about the upcoming project. Writer Drew McWeeny, who is working on the project, wrote that the series of 10 to 30-minute essays are about "something that intrigues us or upsets us or that has to do with our connection to the movies."
"Voir" will premiere on Nov. 13 at AFI Fest in Los Angeles before it lands on Netflix on an undetermined date.
Fincher is the award-winning filmmaker behind "Fight Club," "Zodiac," "The Social Network" and Madonna's "Vogue" music video. He recently signed a four-year film deal with Netflix, having previously worked with the streamer on "House of Cards" and "Mindhunter." As previously announced, Fincher is directing the Netflix movie "The Killer," an assassin drama that's said to star Michael Fassbender.
Some high-profile directors have been outspoken against Netflix and its nontraditional methods for theatrical distribution, but Fincher says he appreciates the freedom he's been given.
"I’ve never been happier working at a place than I am at Netflix,” Fincher told Variety in a cover story about "Mank." "It’s a nice thing that movies have a place to exist where you don’t necessarily have to shove them into spandex summer or affliction winter.”
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