我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 04:31:48

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-甲壳虫乐队揭露了“重新唱片”纪录片的戏剧性新预告片/The Beatles Unveil Dramatic New Trailer for ‘Get Back’ Documentary

The Beatles Unveil Dramatic New Trailer for ‘Get Back’ Documentary

审判第一件镜头是由甲壳虫乐队即将上映的“ Get Back”纪录片播出的,这是由“指环王”导演彼得·杰克逊(Peter Jackson)从该组织的天鹅歌声“ Let It Be”中创建的电影 - 这将是令人沮丧的“让它成为”电影的反叙事。那部电影描绘了该小组的分手的地方,“恢复”会呈现反叙事,在那里我们看到了同样的甲壳虫乐队,以更快乐,更开朗,更开朗,莫普托普模式熟悉“艰难的一天之夜”和小组的早期。 (请参阅早期的预告片和阅读综艺节目。)但是,新的预告片(10月13日)发行了新的预告片,让原始“ Let It Be”的一些丑闻结合了电影和专辑的最初想法 - 小组迅速写作和录制新歌,并在音乐会上进行音乐会 - 在真人秀电视上非常了解的方式:“甲壳虫乐队不到三个星期来写和录制新专辑,”四分钟的预告片中的一个Chyron 。我们然后看到该小组越来越焦虑,不耐烦和沮丧,随着最后期限的过去,最终将更加强大的融合在一起(不成文的潜台词是他们再加强了几个月,然后永远分裂了)。 “ Get Back”(从故事片到六个小时的系列)是围绕甲壳虫乐队历史上最后一章的巨大回顾性运动的一部分,它结合了这部纪录片,这是本周五散布着的六秒钟盒子套装(10月15日),以及一本巨大的咖啡桌书,捕捉了1969年1月记录的数百个小时的镜头中的所有最佳对话。这是粉丝的曼娜,比我们大多数人想要的更多。尽管最终结果在每个人的眼中都可能并不完美,但解释了保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)对1990年代“甲壳虫乐队选集”系列中对“白专辑”批评的回应:“我不是一个很好的人,因为'哦,也许也有其中的大部分。'你是什么意思?它很棒,卖了,是血腥的甲壳虫乐队 - 闭嘴!加。

To judge by the first footage to be aired from the Beatles’ forthcoming “Get Back” documentary — created by “Lord of the Rings” director Peter Jackson from the 50-year-old footage from the group’s swan-song “Let It Be” movie — it would be a counter-narrative to the depressing “Let It Be” film. Where that film depicted the group’s breakup, “Get Back” would present a counter-narrative, where we saw the same Beatles in much happier, more cheerful, MopTop mode familiar from “Hard Day’s Night” and the group’s earlier years. (See that earlier trailer and read Variety’s take on it here.)

But the new trailer released Wednesday (Oct. 13) lets in some of the rancor of the original “Let It Be,” incorporating the original idea for the film and album — the group writing and recording new songs quickly and leading up to a concert — in a way very informed by reality television: “The Beatles have less than three weeks to write and record a new album,” one chyron in the four-minute trailer reads. We then see the group growing increasingly anxious, impatient and frustrated as deadlines pass, then ultimately coming together stronger (with the unwritten subtext being that they came together stronger for a few more months and then split up forever).




“Get Back” — which has grown from a feature film to a six-hour series — is part of a giant retrospective campaign around the final chapter in the Beatles’ history, incorporating this documentary, a sprawling six-CD boxed set arriving this Friday (Oct. 15), and a gigantic coffee-table book that captures all of the best dialogue from the hundreds of hours of footage recorded during January of 1969.

It’s manna for fans, more than most of us could ever want. And while the end results may not be perfect in everyone’s eyes, to paraphrase Paul McCartney’s response to criticism of the “White Album” in the 1990s “Beatles Anthology” series: “I’m not a great one for ‘Oh maybe there was too much of that.’ What do you mean? It was great, it sold, it’s the bloody Beatles — shut up!”

The Beatles' "Get Back" will roll out in two-ish-hour-long installments over three days, November 25, 26 and 27, 2021, exclusively on Disney Plus.




wangxun 发表于 2022-10-29 23:11:45


xuliang 发表于 2023-12-27 21:58:26


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-甲壳虫乐队揭露了“重新唱片”纪录片的戏剧性新预告片/The Beatles Unveil Dramatic New Trailer for ‘Get Back’ Documentary