纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Tatiana Huezo,MadsBrügger和Nishtha Jain将新项目带到IDFA PITCH论坛/Tatiana Huezo, Mads Brügger and Nishtha Jain Bring New Projects to IDFA Pitch Forum
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0504/2824fldfjx5ewhj.jpgTatiana Huezo,MadsBrügger和Nishtha Jain将新项目带到IDFA PITCH论坛
Tatiana Huezo, Mads Brügger and Nishtha Jain Bring New Projects to IDFA Pitch Forum
电影制片人Tatiana Huezo(“被盗的祈祷”),MadsBrügger(“ Cold CaseHammarskjöld”)和Nishtha Jain(“ Gulabi Gang”)将纪念今年的IDFA Pitch论坛,该项目将作为一个亲身接待的人归来, IDFA论坛将与11月20日至26日的较大节日的活动一起举办。所有这些都处于生产和开发的各个阶段 - 在购买者,策展人和公共和私人广播,流媒体和国际电影节的各种决策者之前。其中,休佐(Huezo)的“回声”跟随一群偏远山区村庄的气候锻造的孩子。布鲁格的“谁杀死了托马斯·桑卡拉?”追踪1987年的burkinabé暗杀总统;贾恩(Jain)的“耕种革命”(如图)通过诗意的镜头捕捉了印度正在进行的农业抗议活动。反映了最近的地缘政治新闻,纳希德·佩尔森(Nahid Persson)的“毛毛之子”将聚焦于2020年12月的伊朗记者鲁霍拉·扎姆(Ruhollah Zam),而克里斯托普·金(Christopher King)和玛丽亚(Maia Zam)则将处决莱科夫(Lekow)的(“信件”)仍然没有题为肯尼亚政治项目,将提供基于角色的基础研究,以重塑肯尼亚的保守派拉穆(Lamu)地区。其他头衔包括哲学家Paul B. Preciado的文章“奥兰多:我的政治传记:我的政治传记,我的政治传记,” Bettina Perut和IvánOsnovikoff的锁定探索“ La Casa”和TeaVidovićDalipi的文化 - 武装自画像“新娘寻求幸福”,还有几个。谎言”和汉卡·诺比斯(Hanka Nobis)的“兄弟情谊”将成为IDFA论坛粗糙切割部分的一部分,这是七个冠军。n,尽管IDFA DOCLAB论坛将以XR,VR和其他新媒体格式创建的13个标题(来自所有开发阶段)。 Doclab R&D计划与MIT合作推出,将有另外四个项目。“我对我们为IDFA论坛选择的电影和新媒体项目感到非常兴奋,”行业负责人Adriek Van Nieuwenhuijzen说。 “尽管经历了持续的大流行,但电影制片人团队的创造力仍是创意纪录片的未来的一个充满希望的信号。”“在选拔中,我们找到了董事和制片人之间的有希望和鼓舞人心的合作,这些合作和跨越文化和制片边界,” van Nieuwenhuijzen继续进行,预览IDFA论坛的最新成员。“鉴于这种合作,我觉得没有更好的时间在论坛上启动生产者联系,这是一个在正确阶段进行项目的亲密繁殖场,以实施强大的国际国际强大的国际联系。合作伙伴关系并建立公平的联合关系今年的IDFA论坛上的一项新事业是生产者的联系,该连接是针对DocordaryProjects的开发或生产早期 - 寻求英国联合制作伙伴的。选定的项目将在独立生产商面前呈现,他们热衷于寻找新的项目要与之共同生产。在今年的第一个批次中,著名的全球冠军包括佛朗哥 - 俄罗斯的“新生活”,印度南方韩国的“ sectersquick”和阿富汗 - 菲律宾“葡萄花园的梦想”。
New projects from filmmakers Tatiana Huezo (“Prayers for the Stolen”), Mads Brügger (“Cold Case Hammarskjöld”), and Nishtha Jain (“Gulabi Gang”) will mark this year’s IDFA pitch forum, which will return as an in-person event, running concurrent to the larger festival from Nov. 20-26.
The doc festival’s industry focused co-financing and co-production market, IDFA Forum will host 62 titles across its five different sections, allowing filmmakers and producers to present their projects – all at various stages of production and development – before buyers, curators and various decision makers from the worlds of public and private broadcasting, streaming and international film festivals.
Heading into its 29th edition, the market’s flagship pitch session will host 23 titles. Among them, Huezo’s “The Echo” follows a group of children forged by the harsh climate of a remote mountain village; Brügger’s “Who Killed Thomas Sankara?” tracks the 1987 assassination of the Burkinabé president; and Jain’s “Farming the Revolution” (pictured) captures India’s ongoing agricultural protests through a poetic lens.
Reflecting recent geopolitical news, Nahid Persson’s “Son of the Mullah” will spotlight the December 2020 execution of Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam, while Christopher King and Maia Lekow’s (“The Letter”) still untitled Kenyan political project will offer a character-based study of the women-led grassroots movement reshaping Kenya’s conservative Lamu region.
Other titles include philosopher Paul B. Preciado’s essay film “Orlando: My Political Biography,” Bettina Perut and Iván Osnovikoff’s lockdown exploration “La Casa,” and Tea Vidović Dalipi’s culture-clash self-portrait “Bride in Search of Happiness,” among several more.
Joseph Paris’ “The Flag,” Asmae El Moudir’s “The Mother of All Lies,” and Hanka Nobis’s “Brotherhood” will be among the seven titles showcased as part of IDFA Forum’s rough-cut section, the market slot for projects nearing completion, while the IDFA DocLab Forum will feature 13 titles – from all stages of development – created for XR, VR and other new media formats. Launched in collaboration with MIT, the DocLab R&D program will feature another four projects.
“I’m incredibly excited about the film and new media projects we’ve selected for IDFA Forum," says industry head Adriek van Nieuwenhuijzen. “The ingenuity of filmmaker teams developing unique and cinematic projects, despite an ongoing pandemic, is truly a hopeful sign for the future of creative documentary.”
“Within the selection, we found promising and inspiring collaborations between directors and producers that cut across cultures and borders,” van Nieuwenhuijzen continues, previewing IDFA Forum’s newest addition.
“In light of such collaboration, I feel there is no better time to launch the Producers Connection at the Forum, an intimate breeding ground for projects in the right stage to forge strong international partnerships and enter into fair co-productions.”
A new venture in IDFA Forum this year is The Producers Connection, which is for documentary projects - in development or at an early stage of production - seeking international co-production partners. Selected projects will be presented in front of independent producers keen to find new projects to co-produce with. Of this year’s first batch, notable global titles include the Franco-Russian “New Life,” the Indian-South Korean “Sector Quicksand” and the Afghan-Filipino “Dream of Grape Gardens.”
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