我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 04:04:22

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)要求在ji.hlava纪录节演讲中对肯尼迪国际机场的更多答案/Oliver Stone Demands More Answers on JFK in Ji.hlava Documentary Festival Talk

奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)要求在ji.hlava纪录节演讲中对肯尼迪国际机场的更多答案
Oliver Stone Demands More Answers on JFK in Ji.hlava Documentary Festival Talk

奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)认为,我们永远不会真正了解约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)在1963年被暗杀的许多相互矛盾的说法 - 但他永远不会放弃这个问题,他说。Ji.hlava国际纪录片电影节刚刚看到他的Doc“ JFK重新被重新审视:通过露面的玻璃”,Stone还承认,随着自那时以来,随着慢速滴定文件的缓慢滴落而感到“无助”,因为这是“无助的”。11月22日在达拉斯举行。“我们所能做的就是偶尔提高我们的小声音,”奥斯卡奖获奖的前越南士兵回忆起他30年的追求,以达到现代历史上美国最公共犯罪的最底层。斯通说:由于切断和时间有限。现在应该继续进行。”这些文件转储导致了十几本书,其中许多作者出现在斯通的电影中 - 本身是受《命运背叛:肯尼迪,古巴和驻军案》一书的启发。他对中央情报局掩饰,涂片宣传和影子戏剧的记载是在美国政府的最高水平上吸引了Ji.hlava的Horacke Divadlo放映室,Fest导演Marek Hovorka在电影之后采访了Stone。在得分超过一小时,55分钟的文档之后,从斯通听到了,但少数几十年来对从公众中学到的事实所学到的事实表现出了浓厚的兴趣。对他的数十年的调查进行了“遗产论文”,《石头》说他感到被迫返回肯尼迪暗杀事件,因为“许多事情发生了,新信息已经积累,但至少在美国,媒体至少在美国据估计,据估计,仍有约20,000个文件尚未发布。我的意思是,请休息一下!这是卡夫卡的时间 - 你会知道是捷克人。 - 这就是重要的。他们已经完成了工作。如果您真的浏览了文件,您会发现狗屎。一些观众说,在对吉拉瓦观众的最令人不安的启示中,还有其他两个暗杀地块的记载,但从未在佛罗里达州的芝加哥和坦帕进行,这都是由数字与人物合作。与李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德(Lee Harvey Oswald)的背景非常相似,显然打算采用与他从位于总统车队拥有T的高高建筑物射击的类似方法o放慢脚步。另一个Point Stone的Doc强调 - 他1991年的故事片“肯尼迪”也是如此,肯尼迪正在杀害时在越南降落美国军队,并致力于削减中央情报局的预算,甚至可能会削减中央情报局的预算,并可能削减分手。斯通认为,林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)只是肯尼迪(Kennedy)开始的事情并没有坚持的论点,这强调了肯尼迪(JFK)如何被视为对1963年的老后卫军事鹰派的威胁。斯通承认他1991年电影的意外结果 - 斯通说,除了最初原本应该被密封的情报档案的早期发行之外,他是他作为可信的电影制片人的声誉,以公开殴打。从事书籍和其他电影项目,从“排”,“生于7月4日”和“尼克松”到电视纪录片系列“ T他对美国的历史不为人知。”

Oliver Stone believes we will never really get to the bottom of the many conflicting accounts of the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963 – but he will never let the issue go, he says.

Speaking via video link to a small but fascinated audience at the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, who had just seen his doc “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass,” Stone also confessed he feels “helpless” in getting at the full story as the slow drip of declassified documents have emerged since that fateful Nov. 22 day in Dallas.

“All we could do was occasionally raise our little voices,” the Oscar-winning former Vietnam soldier recalled of his 30-year quest to get to the bottom of America’s most public crime in modern history.

One major burst of once-secret records, the four-year investigation of some 60,000 documents by the U.S. House of Representatives Assassination Records Board in 1994, has led to scores of revelations, Stone says.

But he added, “It was cut off and time was limited. It should still be going on now.” The documents dump led to a dozen books, many of whose authors appear in Stone’s film – itself inspired by the book “Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case.”

The doc opens in the U.S. next month but the early look at his account of CIA cover-ups, smear campaigns and shadow plays at the highest levels of the U.S. government drew crowds to the Horacke Divadlo screening room in Ji.hlava, where fest director Marek Hovorka interviewed Stone following the film.

Most attendees did not remain to hear from Stone following the heavily scored one-hour, 55-minute doc, but a handful showed keen interest in what has been learned about facts withheld from the public for decades.

Calling his decades-long investigation a “legacy thesis,” Stone said he felt compelled to return to the cause of the JFK assassination because “many things have happened, new information has been accumulating and yet the media, in America at least, has not reported any detail from the investigation.”

Estimating there are still some 20,000 documents not yet released, the director said, “there’s talk of Biden again delaying it – on the basis of COVID. I mean, give me a break! It’s Kafka time – you would know as a Czech.”

Still, major breaks have come to light, Stone says, thanks to those willing to pore over all the files.

“A lot of honest researchers and citizens from all different walks of life have – that’s what matters. And they’ve done the work. If you really go through the files, you find the shit. And the shit doesn’t add up.”

Among the most disturbing revelations to the Ji.hlava audience, some viewers said, were the accounts of two other assassination plots planned but never carried out in Chicago and Tampa, Florida – both by figures with eerily similar backgrounds to Lee Harvey Oswald and apparently intended to employ similar methods to his shooting from a high building situated near where the presidential motorcade had to slow down.

Another point Stone’s doc emphasizes – as did his 1991 feature film “JFK” – is that Kennedy was in the process of drawing down U.S. forces in Vietnam at the time he was killed and had committed to slashing the CIA’s budget and possibly breaking up the agency. The argument that Lyndon B. Johnson simply carried on what Kennedy began does not hold up, Stone argues – which underscores how JFK was seen as a threat to the old-guard military hawks of 1963.

Stone admitted one unexpected result of his 1991 film – besides driving the early release of intelligence files that were originally supposed to be sealed until 2029 – was his reputation as a credible filmmaker taking a public beating.

But he has accepted becoming a controversial figure, Stone said, and plans to continue demanding answers while also working on books and other film projects, adding to his body of work ranging from “Platoon,” “Born on the Fourth of July” and “Nixon” to the TV documentary series “The Untold History of the United States.”


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-奥利弗·斯通(Oliver Stone)要求在ji.hlava纪录节演讲中对肯尼迪国际机场的更多答案/Oliver Stone Demands More Answers on JFK in Ji.hlava Documentary Festival Talk