纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-哥谭奖开放国际纪录片/Gotham Awards Open Up to International Documentaries
Gotham Awards Open Up to International Documentaries
11月29日举行的第31届哥谭独立电影奖的年度版将进行各种更新,包括不由Gends定义的表演奖,《突破性非小说类》系列的Kudo和Doc功能中包含国际纪录片类别。第三个新规则允许在哥谭(Gotham)的非小说类别类别中提名两部欧洲纪录片:乔纳斯·波斯·拉斯穆森(Jonas Poher Rasmussen)的“逃亡”和卡米拉·尼尔森(Camilla Nielsson)的“总统”。哥谭类别是三个总部位于美国的纪录片 - 杰西卡·贝希尔(Jessica Beshir)的“ faya dayi”,杰西卡·金顿(Jessica Kingdon)的“升华”和艾哈迈尔(Ahmir)的“ Questlove”汤普森(Thompson)的处女作,“ Soumm of Soul(或革命无法电视转播时)。”哥谭电影和媒体研究所执行董事杰弗里·夏普(Jeffrey Sharp)表示,将国际非小说类纳入DOC功能类别的决定是今年的成果。安德德(Anted)寻找一种拥抱国际文档的方法。”夏普说。 “此外,我们前几年的提名委员会确实在问诸如'为什么国际纪录片也不能被认可并考虑哥谭之类的问题吗?'因此,今年是迈出这一步骤的机会。” Camden Intl。电影节在过去的几年中一直是哥谭(Gotham)的纪录片提名委员会成员,并倡导包含全球非小说类。 Fowlie说:“全球讲故事的人都使用了全球讲故事的人,并强调了该形式的艺术探索与电影制片人所承担的风险之间缺乏边界。哥谭(Gothams)采取这一步骤强调,有一个全球社区Y讲故事的人应该考虑。我期待在将来的迭代中看到更多的国际提名,包括来自欧洲以外的提名。多年来更具包容性并扩大美国以外的分支机构成员资格,这导致了330多名成员的增加,其中包括168位基于美国的不住在美国,奥斯卡DOC分支机构代表52个国家电影艺术与科学学院的17个分支机构。Besides“逃跑”和“ Summer of Soul”,分别由Neon和Searchlight Pictures/Hulu分发,其余的三个哥谭提名功能纪录都是无人没有大型支持者。 MTV纪录片电影是“提升”的背后。五个提名文档的共同点是2021年初的发布。 “逃亡”,“ Faya Dayi”,“总统”和“ Souls of Soul of Soul”在一月份的圣丹斯电影节上首映,而“ Ascension”在6月的Tribeca电影节上首次亮相。根据Cinetic Media的Jason Ishikawa的说法,在全国和世界各地的节日中,这件纪录片使这片脚步累积了,他们出售了“逃离”,“ Faya Dayi”和“ Soult of Soul”。像哥谭(Gothams)这样的较早奖品,对于秋季音乐节(Fall Festival)的一部电影而被认可的电影更加困难。哥谭(Gothams)的纪录片包括福利(Fowlie)等程序员,他们的工作是全年开始田径非小说类票价。除了Fowlie外,来自圣丹斯,多伦多和翠贝卡等电影节的程序员还有Ishikawa说,ONG 2021 DOC的成员哥谭选拔委员会成员。“提名的五部电影中有四部是圣丹斯电影。” Ishikawa说。 “那里有偏见吗?可能不是因为这些是真实的人,而是您必须研究谁的投票。而且,如果有很多节日的程序员,那么在最多节日中播放的电影是[哥谭]提名的电影。每个主要的颁奖季节,包括圣丹斯,泰特里德,多伦多和纽约。除了成为戛纳2020年官方选拔外,这部电影还在包括卡姆登和汉普顿国际俱乐部在内的当地音乐节上。电影节。关于一个同性恋难民,他小时候从他在阿富汗的家中逃到丹麦的安全,霓虹灯还提交了奥斯卡最佳图片考虑,此外还有纪录片,动画和国际电影Catego雷斯(Ries。 。 “'逃亡'绝对是一部纪录片。”赫尔默(Helmer)引用了一个事实,即在最近发布的纪录片中使用了演员和娱乐活动来讲述他们的叙述。 “动画只是讲述故事的另一种方式。”对于拉斯穆森(Rasmussen),接受哥谭点头或任何形式的奖励提名就是在蛋糕上锦上添花。特殊的,但这也是一部利基电影,”拉斯穆森说。 “所以,虽然我知道这很特别,但我从没想过这种大型(接待)。”关于1969年的哈林文化节,“灵魂之夏”出现在包括True/False和Nantucket电影节在内的几个地区节日中在圣丹斯发射之后。同时,两个关于Econ的“提升”中国的奥米奇(Omic)增长和“总统”关于津巴布韦民主斗争的“总统”在包括苏黎世和韩国的DMZ INTL等几个国际节日中播出。纪录片电影节。但贝希尔(Beshir)的“ faya dayi”,讲述了埃塞俄比亚最大的经济作物卡特(Khat)的利润丰厚的业务和身体影响,可以说参加了最多的电影节,包括热门文档,墨尔本,鹿特丹,鹿特丹和维也纳。,她的工作都受到了所有的关注。“我不知道有哥谭奖,”贝希尔说。“我什至不知道整个奖项季节。贾努斯电影的某人必须坐下来坐下,然后说,‘杰西。这正在发生。’我只是不知道。因此,哥谭提名 - 一切 - 令人惊讶。我只想享受这次旅行。”
The 31st annual edition of the Gotham Independent Film Awards, taking place Nov. 29, will feature a variety of updates, including acting awards that are not defined by gender, a kudo for breakthrough nonfiction series and the inclusion of international documentaries in the doc feature category.
The third new rule allowed for two European-based documentaries to be nominated in Gotham’s feature nonfiction category: Jonas Poher Rasmussen’s “Flee” and Camilla Nielsson’s “President.” Rounding out the Gotham category are three U.S.-based docus — Jessica Beshir’s “Faya Dayi,” Jessica Kingdon’s “Ascension” and Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson’s debut, “Summer of Soul (…Or When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised).”
The decision to include international nonfiction into the doc feature category came to fruition this year for various reasons according to Jeffrey Sharp, executive director of the Gotham Film and Media Institute.
“In this continuing movement towards inclusion we wanted to find a way to embrace international docs,” Sharp says. “Also, our nominating committees in prior years were really asking questions like ‘why can’t international documentaries also be recognized and considered for a Gotham?’ So, this year was an opportunity to make that step.”
Ben Fowlie, founder of the Camden Intl. Film Festival, has been a member of Gotham’s documentary feature nominating committee for the past several years and has advocated for the inclusion of global nonfiction.
“Expanding the Gotham Awards this year to include international docs has provided an exciting opportunity to highlight the phenomenal diversity of forms and techniques being used by storytellers across the globe and underscoring the lack of borders between the artistic exploration of the form and the risks that filmmakers take, wherever they work,” Fowlie says.
“A global community is engaged in documentary filmmaking, and for the Gothams to take this step emphasizes that there is a global community of storytellers that should be considered. I look forward to seeing more international nominations, including those from outside of Europe, in future iterations.”
Also important to note is that the presence of international docus at the Gothams comes on the heels of a big push by the AMPAS doc branch in recent years to be more inclusive and expand branch membership outside the U.S. That push led to an increase of over 330 members, which included 168 based not living in the U.S. Today the Oscar doc branch represents 52 countries, making it the most geo-diverse of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ 17 branches.
Besides “Flee” and “Summer of Soul,” which are being distributed by Neon and Searchlight Pictures/Hulu respectively, the remaining three Gothams-nominated feature docus are all indie underdogs without big backers. MTV Documentary Films is behind “Ascension” while Janus Films and Greenwich Entertainment theatrically released “Faya Dayi” and “President,” respectively.
What the five nominated docs have in common is an early 2021 release. “Flee,” “Faya Dayi,” “President” and “Summer of Soul” all premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January, while “Ascension” debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in June. Participating in festivals around the country and the world for the better part of a year gave this crop of docus a leg up according to Cinetic Media’s Jason Ishikawa, who sold “Flee,” “Faya Dayi” and “Summer of Soul.”
“For the earlier prizes like the Gothams, it’s much harder for a film launching out of the fall festival run to be recognized,” says Ishikawa, who sold docs including “Procession” after its Telluride Film Festival premiere.
Ishikawa adds that this year’s nominating committee for the Gothams feature documentary includes programmers such as Fowlie, whose job it is to start track nonfiction fare throughout the year. In addition to Fowlie, programmers from film festivals including Sundance, Toronto and Tribeca were among the members of the 2021 doc feature Gotham selection committee.
“Four out of the five films nominated are Sundance films,” Ishikawa says. “Is there a bias there — probably not because these are real people with integrity, but you have to look at who’s voting. And if it’s a lot of festival programmers, it’s unsurprising that the films that play at the most festivals are the ones selected for a nomination.”
This year fest programmers worldwide took a particular liking to “Flee,” which has been invited to every major award season festival including Sundance, Telluride, Toronto and New York. In addition to being a Cannes 2020 official selection, the film has also been a presence at local fests including Camden and the Hamptons Intl. Film Festival. About a gay refugee who fled to safety in Denmark from his home in Afghanistan as a child, “Flee” is being submitted by Neon for Oscar best picture consideration in addition to the documentary, animation and international film categories.
While fest programmers have been charmed by the Denmark doc, there have been quiet rumblings among various members of the docu community that “Flee” is an animated film — not a documentary.
“I don’t get that,” says director Rasmussen. “ ‘Flee’ is definitely a documentary.” The helmer cites the fact that actors and recreations were utilized in recently released docus to tell their narratives. “Animation is just another way to tell the story.”
For Rasmussen, receiving a Gotham nod or any kind of award nomination going forward is icing on the cake.
“When I was making this film, I had a feeling I was doing something kind of special, but it’s also a niche film,” says Rasmussen. “So, while I knew it was special, I never expected this kind of big at all.”
About the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival, “Summer of Soul” appeared at several regional festivals including True/False and the Nantucket Film Festival following its Sundance launch. Meanwhile both “Ascension,” about the economic growth of China, and “President,” about the fight for democracy in Zimbabwe, played at several international fests including the Zurich and South Korea’s DMZ Intl. Documentary Film Festival.
But Beshir’s “Faya Dayi,” about the lucrative business and physical effects of khat, Ethiopia’s biggest cash crop, arguably attended the most film festivals including Hot Docs, Melbourne, Rotterdam, and Vienna.
Beshir admits that she, like Rasmussen, is taken aback by all the attention her work is receiving.
“I had no idea there was a Gotham Awards,” Beshir says. “I didn’t even know about this whole awards season. Someone at Janus Films had to sit me down at one point, and say, ‘Jess. This is happening.’ I just had no clue. So, the Gotham nomination — everything — has been an amazing surprise. I just want to enjoy the ride.”
谢谢更新,天天学习,天天向上! 感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~ 感谢分享啊。谢谢版主更新资源。 谢谢楼主分享,发现宝藏了。 感谢分享,下载收藏了。最喜欢高清纪录片了。 感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~ 感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~