纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“前54年”导演阿维·莫格拉比(Avi Mograbi)危险,讽刺和筋疲力尽/‘The First 54 Years’ Director Avi Mograbi on Danger, Irony and Exhausting Himself
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0503/0434sjvsjyk01ze.jpg“前54年”导演阿维·莫格拉比(Avi Mograbi)危险,讽刺和筋疲力尽
‘The First 54 Years’ Director Avi Mograbi on Danger, Irony and Exhausting Himself
自2004年以来,以色列纪录片制片人阿维·莫格拉比(Avi Mograbi)坐在打破沉默的董事会成员,这是一个举报人的组织,该组织收集并发布了有关被占领领土生活的证词,同时又通过Fost-Irreverreverrent-rreverreverent电影探索了类似的主题。随着莫格拉比(Mograbi)仍在进行的最新电影“前54年 - 军事占领的缩写手册”的持续节日巡回演出,该电影始于柏林,将他从纽约(Nyon)带到纽约和现在都灵(Turin),毫无疑问,莫格比(Mograbi)毫无疑问,毫无疑问在一场追捕之后,比另一条追求更热情的道路。“打破沉默可能是以色列最讨厌的组织,”莫格拉比(Mograbi)本周在都灵电影节大师班上说。 “该组织遭受了许多袭击,从总理开始。右翼团体渗透了我们的组织;人们穿着身体凸轮来捕捉我们所谓的非法和叛徒活动。以色列议会已经立法[对手法律被称为打破沉默法律,报纸称其为这样。”“值得庆幸的是,没有人受到伤害或身体攻击,”他继续说道。“尽管如此,当我的电影即将发行时,我在家里放了一台监视摄像头。而且 - 这是最屈辱的事情 - 什么都没发生。”他笑着说。Mograbi的工作。他解释说:“在讽刺的操场上,我绝对比在更认真的[登记册]中感到宾至如归。”“您不必具有讽刺意味的是,就可以看到已经存在的东西:当一个由难民建立并成为难民的国家时,这是一种讽刺意味。同时,有些人比其他人更倾向于看到这类具有讽刺意味的冲突……我会不舒服地(关于它讲授)。”“最初的54年 - 一本缩写的军事占领手册”由Torino Film Festivalinstead提供,导演向内转动,制作了漫画自我反思的语气,使戛纳电影节的突破性电影为“报仇”,但我的两只眼睛之一,但我的两只眼睛之一,我的两只眼睛之一, “威尼斯地平线标题“ Z23”和今年的“前54年 - 军事占领的缩写手册”,在柏林首映。 - ”他解释说。 “因此,这部电影不仅包括我想讲的故事,而且包括所有困境和并发症(无论是摄影还是道德),这是决定在这个角落遇到现实的决定。”电影制片人经常使用一定程度使用剧院研讨会,直接地址,舞台娱乐活动以及“ Z23”的情况下,以更好地捕捉某些现实的复杂性的技巧 - 随后一名前士兵来到莫格拉比说,用他洒的鲜血来散发出鲜血 - 导演在歌曲中爆发了。“我有很多困境。我在制作电影,收集这些证词方面的作用是什么?作为一个文化人物,作为政治活动家,我作为打破沉默的一部分是什么?我需要解决这些问题,所以我决定唱蓝调 - 唱纪录片制造商的忧郁症。他告诉Variety:“在过去的几个月中,我一直疯狂地旅行。”“我完全筋疲力尽,从一个地方到另一个地方,在家里短暂停留。这就是我现在的生活:问答,大师班,分析我自己的作品,这可能很累。有时您会发现自己完全疲惫不堪。”
Since 2004, Israeli documentary filmmaker Avi Mograbi has sat on the board of Breaking the Silence, a whistleblower organization that collects and publishes testimonies about life in the Occupied Territories, all while exploring similar subjects via oft-irreverent films. And as Mograbi’s still ongoing festival tour with his latest film, “The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation” – which began in Berlin and took him from Nyon to New York and now Turin – goes to show, Mograbi has no doubt hewed a more welcoming path following one pursuit than the other.
“Breaking the Silence is probably the most hated organization in Israel,” Mograbi said this week at a Torino Film Festival masterclass. “The organization has suffered a lot of attacks that started from the Prime Minister on down. Right-wing groups infiltrated our organization; people wore body cams to capture our supposedly illegal and traitorous activities. The Israeli parliament already legislated two laws known as the Breaking the Silence laws, with the newspapers calling them as such.”
“Thankfully no one has been hurt or physically attacked,” he continued. “Still, when my film was about to be released I placed a surveillance camera outside my home. And - this is the most humiliating thing - nothing happened,” he added with a wry smile.
Those attending the talk in Turin could hear in those words that same gallows humor - that similar mix of outrage and impishness – that has become a hallmark of Mograbi’s work. “I definitely feel more at home in the playground of irony than in a more serious ,” he explained. “You don’t have to be ironic in order to see what’s already there: When a state founded by and for refugees becomes the oppressor of another people, that’s an irony. At the same time, some people have the tendency to see these kinds of ironic clashes more than others… I would feel less comfortable just lecturing ”
Instead, the director turned inward, crafting a tone of comic self-reflection that animated breakout films like the Cannes-selected “Avenge But One of my Two Eyes," the Venice Horizons title “Z23,” and this year’s “The First 54 Years – An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation,” which premiered in Berlin.
“I have the tendency to participate in my films, and to turn them into their own making-of,” he explained. “So that the film includes not only the story I wanted to tell, but also all the dilemmas and complications – whether cinematographic or ethical – that came along with the decision to meet reality at this corner.”
The filmmaker has often used a certain degree of artifice to better capture the complexities of certain realities, using theater workshops, direct addresses, stagey recreations and, in the case of “Z23” – which followed a former soldier coming to terms with the blood he spilled – the director quite literally burst out in song.
“I had became an accomplice, I provided shelter to an assassin within my film,” Mograbi said. “I had a lot of dilemmas. What was my role in making the film, in collecting those testimonies? What was my role as part of Breaking the Silence, as a person of culture, as a political activist? I needed to address those issues, so I decided to sing the blues – to sing the documentary-maker’s blues.”
Today he finds himself hitting a different set of notes. “In the last few months I’ve been travelling like crazy, as much as COVID allows,” he told Variety. “I’m totally exhausted, travelling from one place to another with short stays at home. This is what my life is right now: Q&As, masterclasses, analyzing my own work, which can be very tiring. Sometimes you find yourself totally exhausted from your own stupidities.”
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