我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 03:03:14

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“老虎国王:Doc Antle的故事”无法夺回原始的咆哮:电视评论/‘Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story’ Can’t Recapture the Roar of the Original: TV Review

“老虎国王:Doc Antle的故事”无法夺回原始的咆哮:电视评论
‘Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story’ Can’t Recapture the Roar of the Original: TV Review

曾经在Netflix上咆哮的“老虎国王”。现在,关于异国动物收藏家的纪录片专营权几乎无法引起吱吱作响。“老虎国王:医生antle的故事”是正在进行的,令人难以置信的大猫及其可疑嫌疑人,有时甚至是犯罪的主人的最新一章。像乔·异国情调和卡罗尔·巴斯金(Carole Baskin)一样,博伽梵(Bhagavan)的“ doc”安特尔(Antle)是一位古怪的明星 - 尽管有些人会宽松地使用该术语 - 而原始的“老虎金”(Tiger King)中的私人动物园老板。新的三集迷你剧更深入地挖掘了他的过去,并指控对以前的浪漫伴侣和同事的性虐待和暴力事件。但是,这种衍生产品几乎没有像第一个“老虎国王”(也没有三周前发布的淡淡的随访)一样引起几乎值得欣赏的兴奋或令人jaw目结舌的启示。以前的“老虎国王”系列的导演,拍摄了额外的录像和与安特尔的人的静坐访谈轨道没有进入“老虎国王2”。几位前女友和前妻指控安特尔(Antle)的性虐待和不当行为,当妇女未成年时,他犯了一些事件,而他20多岁。他们声称安特尔击败了他们,威胁要杀死他们,如果他们离开并虐待动物作为情感操纵的一种形式。通过访谈和档案片段,“ Doc Antle”的故事描绘了一张据称是暴力的虐待者的图片,具有像邪教的追随者和上帝的综合体。原始的“老虎国王”(Tiger King)同样令人沮丧和创伤,但它在早期首次亮相大流行,当人们因诱人,狂暴的娱乐而饿死,并以古怪,现实生活中的主题为特色。原始节目吸引了观众的十八个月,并成为Netflix的病毒式言语,“老虎·金2”以微不足道的促销和不存在的夸张来到了。乏味的领导者对“ Doc Antle故事”的兆头并不好,并查看ERS可能会在另一个“ Tiger King”系列赛上挠头。原始节目,既是一个陌生的小说纪录片,也是某些人的垃圾,有罪的乐趣在电视上看到。谁能带着金发碧眼的mul虫,穿孔和纹身或卡罗尔·巴斯金(Carole Baskin)和她的“酷猫和小猫”和老虎打印的衣服一起看乔·异国情调,并不想,“那么,他们的交易是什么?”更不用说谋杀案的情节,失败的总统竞选和五颜六色的动物园守护者。第一个“老虎国王”。而且很可能没有其他节目能够捕捉到数百万人被困在家里的时代精神,在大流行狂暴时正在寻找东西。闪电几乎不可能罢工两次,即使是MOS,“ Doc Antle”的故事也可能会变得轻而易举T Diehard“ Tiger King”粉丝的雷达。“ Tiger King:The Doc Antle Story”现已在Netflix上播放。

"Tiger King" once roared on Netflix. Now, the docuseries franchise about exotic animal collectors can barely muster a squeak.

"Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story" is the latest chapter in the ongoing, unbelievable saga of big cats and their suspect, and sometimes criminal, owners. Much like Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin, Bhagavan "Doc" Antle was an eccentric star -- though some would use that term loosely -- and private zoo owner in the original "Tiger King." The new, three-episode miniseries digs deeper into his past and alleges several incidents of sexual abuse and violence against former romantic partners and colleagues. However, this spinoff fails to stir up nearly as much bing-worthy excitement or as many jaw-dropping revelations as the first "Tiger King" (nor its lackluster follow-up released just three weeks ago).

Eric Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin, the directors of both previous "Tiger King" series, shot extra footage and sit-down interviews with people in Antle's orbit that didn't make it into "Tiger King 2."  Several ex-girlfriends and ex-wives alleged sexual abuse and misconduct by Antle, with some incidents committed when the women were underage and he was in his 20s. They claimed that Antle beat them, threatened to kill them if they left and abused animals as a form of emotional manipulation. Through the interviews and archival footage, "The Doc Antle" story paints a picture of an allegedly violent abuser with a cult-like following and God complex.

The original "Tiger King" delved into equally upsetting and traumatizing territory, but it debuted early in the pandemic, when people were starved for eye-grabbing, binge-worthy entertainment and featured outlandish, real-life subjects. Eighteen months after the original show enthralled audiences and became a viral, word-of-mouth sensation for Netflix, "Tiger King 2" arrived with paltry promotion and nonexistent fanfare. The lackluster lead-up doesn't bode well for "The Doc Antle Story," and viewers may scratch their heads at yet another "Tiger King"-branded series coming so soon.

The original show, both a stranger-than-fiction docuseries and a trashy, guilty pleasure for some, boasted some of the most bizarre real-life characters seen on TV. Who can take one look at Joe Exotic, with his blonde mullet, piercings and tattoos, or Carole Baskin, with her "cool cats and kittens" and tiger-print clothes, and not think, "So, what's their deal?" Not to mention the murder-for-hire plot, failed presidential campaign and cast of colorful zoo keepers.

Despite its serious subject matter, "The Doc Antle Story" can't match the inherent, attention-grabbing, plot-twisty nature of the first "Tiger King." And it's likely that no other show will ever be able to capture of zeitgeist of millions of people being stuck at home, looking for something to watch while a pandemic rages on. It's nearly impossible for lightning to strike twice, and "The Doc Antle" story will likely breeze past even the most diehard "Tiger King" fans' radars.

"Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story" is now streaming on Netflix.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“老虎国王:Doc Antle的故事”无法夺回原始的咆哮:电视评论/‘Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story’ Can’t Recapture the Roar of the Original: TV Review