纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-客串乔治(Cameo George),《美国体验》的第一位黑色EP,预览即将到来的季节(独家)/Cameo George, First Black EP of ‘American Experience,’ Previews Upcoming Season (EXCLUSIVE)
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0503/0038elfxyodp3b0.jpg客串乔治(Cameo George),《美国体验》的第一位黑色EP,预览即将到来的季节(独家)
Cameo George, First Black EP of ‘American Experience,’ Previews Upcoming Season (EXCLUSIVE)
自2020年7月她被任命为“美国经验”执行制片人以来,乔治客串一直忙于扩大和多样化PBS的标志性历史纪录片系列,即将到来的第34季,第一次在她的方向下全面生产。美国体验”将于2月7日与迈克尔·比克斯(Michael Bicks)和安娜·李·斯特拉坎(Anna Lee Strachan)的《铆钉:牛仔裤的历史》(The Resistion of Jeans)开始。关于牛仔裤如何成为全球服装的主食,它是本赛季的六部专辑纪录片之一,其中五部是由乔治(George)委托的,这是第一位掌管“美国经验”的黑人妇女。乔治取代了马克·萨梅尔斯(Mark Samels),后者在该系列计划执行制片人16年后于2020年退休。建立在该系列中令人难以置信的遗产的基础上,将其清新一点,并为更广泛的电影打开大门制造商和主题对我来说是一个梦想。”乔治说。 “我期待着扩大'美国体验'电影的定义。我希望我们探索一些最近的历史,并期待着70年代和80年代的“ 60年代”中的积极采矿故事。她继续与我们的第34季揭幕战“铆接:牛仔裤的历史”,她继续说道。 “我渴望将注意力扩大到创造历史并严重影响我们生活但并不众所周知的人们的关注。”在阵容中添加当代故事的举动部分是为了吸引年轻,更多样化乔治说,观众说的。在越南的日子。除了“铆接:牛仔裤的历史”之外,“美国体验”第34季包括:Leola Calzolai-Stewart的“美国外交官”,约有三名开创性的黑人外交官,分配给国外的美国理想,同时与种族主义争夺;罗布·拉普利(Rob Rapley)的《沙漠中的洪水》是关于加利福尼亚为庞大城市提供水的努力的努力;李明·尤(Li-shin Yu)在1900年在旧金山的唐人街爆发Bubonic Plague爆发后,关于反亚洲情绪的“瘟疫”;罗伯特·斯通(Robert Stone)的“被劫为人质”,讲述了1979年的伊朗人质危机。 (该系列中的第六部电影尚未宣布。)美国外交官/美国体验比奇,斯特拉汉(Strachan)和卡尔佐莱·斯图尔特(Calzolai-Stewart)是新的“美国体验”导演。 (Yu是一位经验丰富的电影编辑,他编辑了许多“美国体验”纪录片,并在该系列中共同执导了较早的一部分。)“该计划是继续与我们的“美国体验”退伍军人合作,同时也向新移民打开大门乔治说。 “我想要一个Merican的体验是一个欢迎所有人的地方。在我的34年历史上,该系列赛在包括尼尔森的“自由骑手”和9项奥斯卡金像奖提名的电影中获得了30个艾美奖奖,这是我的34年历史,这是我的34年奖项,这是2015年的最新电影,这是我的34年历史上的艾美奖奖,这是我的34年历史上,这是我的34年历史上,这是我的34年历史上,这是我的34年历史,这是我的34年奖项,这是我的34年历史上,这是我的34年,这是我的34年奖,这是我的优先事项。对于肯尼迪(Kennedy)在越南的最后日子。 “与顶级董事合作的竞争非常激烈,因为有很多出色的纪录片媒体。我们将继续使人们知道我们希望与大名总监一起开发和制作项目。乔治说,在首映电影节和大奖提名在该系列中的提名仍然很重要,但她并不认为这是唯一的措施她说:“我们是由任务和价值观驱动的,并希望与那些讲故事的人一起工作,”她说。“美国体验”第34季将在2022年推出。
Since she was appointed executive producer of “American Experience” in July 2020, Cameo George has been busy expanding and diversifying the slate of PBS’ signature historical documentary series, with the upcoming 34th season the first produced in full under her direction.
The new "American Experience" season will kick off on Feb. 7 with Michael Bicks and Anna Lee Strachan’s “Riveted: The History of Jeans.” About how jeans became a staple of clothing worldwide, it is one of six feature documentaries in the season, five of which were commissioned by George, the first Black woman to helm “American Experience.” George replaced Mark Samels, who retired from the series in 2020 after serving as executive producer of the program for 16 years.
“I have always thought of ‘American Experience’ as the single most important history series in the doc world, and the chance to build on the incredible legacy of the series, freshen it up a bit, and open the door to a wider range of filmmakers and topics is a dream for me,” says George. “I’m looking forward to broadening the definition of what an ‘American Experience’ film is. I want us to explore some more recent history, and anticipate actively mining stories from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.
“I’m also thinking about how to add a little more popular culture to our mix of topics, like we’re doing with our Season 34 opener, ‘Riveted: The History of Jeans,’ she continues. “I’m eager to expand our focus on people who made history and have critically impacted our lives but aren’t well-known.”
The move to add contemporary stories to the lineup is in part an effort to appeal to younger, more diverse audiences, George says.
Films produced in Samels’ tenure include Barak Goodman's “Woodstock: Three Days that Defined a Generation” and “My Lai,” Stanley Nelson’s “The Murder of Emmett Till” and “Freedom Riders” and Rory Kennedy’s “The Last Days in Vietnam.”
In addition to “Riveted: The History of Jeans,” “American Experience” Season 34 includes: Leola Calzolai-Stewart’s “The American Diplomat,” about three pioneering Black diplomats assigned to advocate for American ideals abroad while contending with racism; Rob Rapley’s “Flood in the Desert,” about California’s struggle to provide water to its sprawling cities; Li-Shin Yu’s “Plague at the Golden Gate,” about anti-Asian sentiment following an outbreak of bubonic plague in 1900 in San Francisco’s Chinatown; and Robert Stone’s “Taken Hostage,” about the 1979 Iranian Hostage Crisis. (The sixth film in the series has not been announced.)
Bicks, Strachan and Calzolai-Stewart are new “American Experience” directors. (Yu, a veteran film editor who has edited numerous “American Experience” documentaries, co-directed an earlier installment in the series.)
“The plan is to continue to work with our ‘American Experience’ veterans while also opening the door to newcomers,” says George. “I want ‘American Experience’ to be a place that is welcoming to all. Creating a pipeline of a diverse and varied set of filmmakers is a priority for me.”
In its 34-year history the series has received 30 Emmy awards for films including Nelson’s “Freedom Riders” and nine Academy Award nominations – the most recent in 2015 for Kennedy’s “Last Days in Vietnam.”
“It is a privilege to work with filmmakers of Stanley Nelson's and Rory Kennedy's caliber and of course, we are chomping at the bit to work with them,” says George. “The competition to work with top-tier directors is fierce, as there are so many outlets for outstanding documentary film. We will continue to make it known that we want to be at the table developing and producing projects with big-name directors. I want us to be a viable option for big, shiny projects.”
While George says that runs at premiere film festivals and nominations for big awards remain important to the series, she does not consider it the only measures of success.
“We are mission- and values-driven and want to work with people who also see this kind of storytelling as a public service,” she says.
“American Experience” Season 34 will roll out throughout 2022.
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