纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-鲁迪·瓦尔迪兹(Rudy Valdez)如何将莎士比亚(Shakespeare/How Rudy Valdez Brought Shakespeare in the Park’s ‘Reopening Night’ to Life for HBO
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0502/5615e3ryltzb3uc.jpg鲁迪·瓦尔迪兹(Rudy Valdez)如何将莎士比亚(Shakespeare
How Rudy Valdez Brought Shakespeare in the Park’s ‘Reopening Night’ to Life for HBO
莎士比亚在公园里是由纽约公共剧院制作的免费夏季作品,直到2020年Covid-19关闭了世界。德拉科特剧院(Delacorte Theatre)在今年早些时候休假一年后返回,纽约人欢喜。重新开放不仅是城市和剧院社区的一个里程碑,而且是整个文明的一个里程碑,这在一定程度上是为什么电影制片人鲁迪·瓦尔迪兹(Rudy Valdez)(“句子”)记录了胜利的回报。结果是Valdez在Valdez的“重新开放之夜”的首映式。 HBO于12月20日。纪录片记录了公众在2021年8月在公园的“快乐妻子”中通往莎士比亚开幕之夜的12周旅程。该剧是莎士比亚喜剧“温莎的快乐妻子”的改编。由Sahee执导的全黑演员,作品马里(M Ali)不仅庆祝重返面对面的生活,而且是对黑人欢乐的大胆拥抱,因为乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的谋杀案引发了民族公平和种族正义。 - 访问创作过程,瓦尔迪兹(Valdez)捕获了亲密的演员排练,设计团队建设和Covid-19诱发了挫折,同时还诚实地看着剧院的黑人体验。在“开幕之夜”中,与综艺节目谈论了该项目的起源,在不到五个月的时间内制作了专题纪录片,并在戴口罩时获得了受试者的信任。这个项目是如何实现的?执行制片人马修·奥尼尔(Matthew O’Neill)和佩里·佩尔茨(Perri Peltz)至少与公众交谈了几年,讨论可能在公园里制作有关莎士比亚的纪录片。他们做了很多基础并建立了信任。所以,当它看起来像“快乐妻子”将会发生,这似乎是制作电影的绝佳时机。您如何看?马修(Matthew)和佩里(Perri)与我联系,因为我在公众方面有一定的经验,而且我的背景经验很多。另外,这部电影必须制作的风格是为我制作的电影制作的量身定制的,这是一个很小的船员,非常亲密。当他们伸出手说我们有这个项目时,这与公共剧院有关,我在完成判决之前说是的。您过去与公众的经历是什么?我曾经在乔的酒吧(公共剧院的表演空间)中制作一个名为“ Find The Fungh”的节目,这是六到七年的综艺节目。我基本上是一个制片人,帮助整理了演出,所以我在公共剧院度过了很多时间。开幕的“快乐妻子”之夜是8月9日。您什么时候开始拍摄的?整个项目很快发生了。我们的第一个拍摄日是2021年5月的排练的第一天。这是快速而激情,但很棒。完成长篇纪录片的时间非常短。那是什么?这样的项目有趣的是,您要去的开幕日期是您必须考虑的故事以及开幕之夜的真正含义。对我来说,这就像是的,当然,这个美丽的表演正在上升,但是当观众看到演出的镜头时,我希望他们想到演员和幕后的人物以及他们所做的所有作品将这一作品放在一起。我希望它觉得观众与他们一起度过了这一旅程,我希望他们投资于这些人。您如何在如此短的时间内获得他们的信任?通常,在纪录片的开始过程中,尤其是像这样的Verité纪录片,电影制片人的最初作品是建立信任并打破这些障碍。在这个项目期间,对我的障碍是一件事是戴口罩。我意识到自己的一件事是,我拥有的 - 我不知道如何在不发出自负的情况下将其放置。信任的面孔。当我与人建立联系时,这是我的工具之一。当您与我交谈时,您总是知道自己得到了什么。你知道我是谁,我在做什么以及为什么在房间里。因此,在这个项目开始时,我意识到,‘哇。我真的必须工作,因为他们只是看着我疯狂的眼睛。我们在那里制作这部电影的原因有几个。一个是公园里的莎士比亚和“快乐妻子”的制作。这是一个令人着迷的话题任何一年,但是我们因大流行而休假一年,这将是第一场演出。但是与考格·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)一起发生了,这种种族估算发生在我国,这场演出也是对此的回应。我不想就那是什么意思以及我将如何尝试讲述这个故事的任何先入为主的观念,因为这不是我决定的。但是我们进去了,这立即在每个人的脑海中。您认为这部电影是纪录片吗?它肯定会捕获一个包含Covid的时间表,但我认为这是常绿的,因为它是要站起来。这是关于勇气。这是关于声音的,它与代理有关。它恰好是在我们以为我们从大流行中出来的时刻进行。“重新开放的夜晚”于12月20日在HBO上首映。
Shakespeare in the Park, a free summer production produced by New York’s Public Theater, had never skipped a season in its sixty plus year history until COVID-19 shut down the world in 2020. So when the annual signpost of summer, held at Central Park’s Delacorte Theater, returned after a yearlong hiatus earlier this year, New Yorkers rejoiced. The reopening was a milestone not just for the city and the theater community, but for civilization at large, which is in part why filmmaker Rudy Valdez (“The Sentence”) documented the triumphant return.
The result is Valdez’s “Reopening Night” premiering on HBO on Dec. 20. The documentary chronicles The Public’s 12-week journey to navigate an obstacle-filled path to the opening night of Shakespeare in the Park’s “Merry Wives” in August 2021. Set in a South Harlem community of West African immigrants, the play is an adaptation of the Shakespeare comedy “The Merry Wives of Windsor.” Featuring an all-Black cast, the production, directed by Saheem Ali, served not only as a celebration of the return to in-person life, but also as a bold embrace of Black joy following the national reckoning over equity and racial justice that was sparked by the murder of George Floyd.
With behind-the-scenes access to the creative process, Valdez captured intimate cast rehearsals, design team construction and COVID-19 induced production setbacks while also taking an honest look at the Black experience in theater.
Here, Valdez, who also served as the lead D.P. on “Opening Night,” talks with Variety about the origins of the project, making a feature documentary in less than five months and gaining subjects' trust while wearing a mask.
How did this project come to fruition?
Executive producers Matthew O’Neill and Perri Peltz had been talking with The Public for at least a couple of years about possibly doing a documentary about Shakespeare in the Park. They did a lot of groundwork and built trust. So, when it looked like “Merry Wives” was going to happen, it seemed like the perfect time to make the film.
How did you come on?
Matthew and Perri reached out to me because I’ve had some experience with The Public and I have a lot of theater experience in my background. Also, the style of which the film was going to have to be made was tailor made for the way that I make films – with a very small crew and very intimately. When they reached out and said we have this project and it has to do with The Public Theater, I said yes before they finished their sentence.
What is your past experience with The Public?
I used to produce a show called “Find The Funny,” which was a variety standup show at Joe's Pub (a performing space in The Public Theater) for six or seven years. I was basically a producer who helped put together the show, so I had spent a lot of time at The Public Theater.
Opening night of “Merry Wives” was on August 9. When did you begin filming?
This whole project happened very quickly. Our first shoot day was the first day of rehearsal in May 2021. From the first shoot day to the delivery of the film all happened in under five months. It was fast and furious, but amazing.
That's an incredibly short amount of time to complete a feature-length documentary. What was that like?
What's interesting about doing a project like this, where you have this opening date that you’re leading towards, is that you have to think about the story and what that opening night really means. To me, it's like, yes, of course this beautiful show was going up, but when the audience sees that footage of the show, I wanted them to think of the cast and the people behind the scenes and all of the work they put into putting this production together. I wanted it to feel like the audience took this journey with them and I wanted them to be invested in these people.
You filmed the cast rehearsing as well as individually at their homes. How did you gain their trust in such a short amount of time?
Normally during the beginning process of a documentary, especially a verité documentary like this one, the initial work of the filmmaker is building trust and breaking down those barriers. One thing that was a hindrance for me during this project was wearing a mask. One of the things that I've realized about myself is that I have -- I don't know how to put it without sounding egotistical -- a kind face. A trusting face. It's one of my tools when I am connecting with people. You always know what you're getting when you talk to me. You know who I am and what I'm about and why I'm in the room. So, at the beginning of this project I realized, ‘Wow. I'm going to really have to work because they're just looking at my crazy eyes.’
Did you know from the outset that the subjects of race and racism would be a big part of this docu?
We were there to make this film for a couple of reasons. One was Shakespeare in the Park and the making of “Merry Wives.” It’s a topic that would be fascinating in any year, but we were heightened by the fact that The Public had taken a year off because of the pandemic and this was going to be the first show back. But along with COVID, George Floyd happened, and this racial reckoning was happening in our country and this show was also a response to that. I didn't want to go in with any preconceived notion about what that meant and how I was going to try and tell that story, because it's not for me to dictate. But we went in and it was immediately on the front of everybody's mind.
Do you consider this film a COVID documentary?
It certainly captures a timeframe that encompasses COVID, but I think at the same time, it's evergreen because it is about standing back up. It is about courage. It's about voice and it's about agency. It just happens to be taking place at a point when we thought we were coming out of a pandemic.
“Reopening Night” premieres Dec. 20 on HBO.
感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~ 感谢分享,下载收藏了。最喜欢高清纪录片了。 非常不错,感谢楼主整理。。