我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 02:56:55

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-2021年最佳纪录片系列/The Best Documentary Series of 2021

The Best Documentary Series of 2021

随着流媒体提高其产品的加速,纪录片在2021年迅速升起,观众是受益者。广泛的系列活动从调查到反刍,应对体育,犯罪和音乐。在他们最好的情况下,他们对今年的顶级电视连续剧的整体表现得很高 - 综艺电视评论家卡罗琳·弗兰克(Caroline Framke)选择了Netflix的“ High on Hog:非裔美国人的美食如何成为她的最爱”- 而Peter Jackson的“ The Beatles:Get Rether”是被誉为有史以来最好的摇滚纪录片之一。图书馆经常模糊电影和电视之间的模糊类别,因此,非小说类领域的重叠也不足为奇。综艺员工辩论是否应将“ Get Back”(最初作为长篇电影计划)视为DOC功能或Doc系列,但事实仍然是在三个晚上作为迷你剧进行的。同样,“听肯尼G”在多伦多电影节上首次亮相,并获得了荣誉认可这是一个功能,但在HBO上播出,这是Bill Simmons的新“音乐盒”系列的一部分。该系列还包括一个关于Alanis Morissette的挑衅性医生,这位歌手在同一节日首次亮相之前就拒绝了,并查看1999年的灾难性的伍德斯托克音乐节。该列表中的其他选择,按标题按字母顺序排列,检查在标题上,检查一个精打细算的年份摇滚历史,金字塔计划和被诅咒的时尚品牌。它们代表可用于小屏幕观看的纪录片的一小部分。

Docuseries mushroomed in 2021 as streamers ramped up their offerings, and viewers were the beneficiaries. The wide array of series ran the gamut from investigative to ruminative, tackling sports, crime and music. At their best, they stood tall against the year’s top TV series overall -- Variety TV critic Caroline Framke chose Netflix’s “High on the Hog: How African American Cuisine Transformed America” as her favorite -- while Peter Jackson’s “The Beatles: Get Back” was hailed as one of the best rock documentaries ever.

Documentaries frequently blur categories between film and TV so it should come as no surprise that there’s overlap within the non-fiction realm as well. Variety staffers debated whether “Get Back,” originally planned as a feature-length movie, should be considered a doc feature or doc series, but the fact remains it was streamed over three nights as a miniseries. Similarly, “Listening to Kenny G” debuted at the Toronto Film Festival, and has received kudos recognition as a feature, but aired on HBO as part of its new “Music Box” series from Bill Simmons. That series also included a provocative doc about Alanis Morissette that the singer disavowed before its debut at the same fest, plus a look at the disastrous Woodstock music festival in 1999.

Other selections on this list, arranged alphabetically by title, examine a seminal year in rock history, a pyramid scheme and a cursed fashion brand. They represent a fraction of the docuseries offerings available for small-screen viewing.


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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-2021年最佳纪录片系列/The Best Documentary Series of 2021