纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-圣丹斯文档“余震”调查美国孕产妇健康危机/Sundance Doc ‘Aftershock’ Probes U.S. Maternal Health Crisis
Sundance Doc ‘Aftershock’ Probes U.S. Maternal Health Crisis
根据疾病控制和预防中心的说法,黑人妇女以及美洲原住民和阿拉斯加的当地人在生育之前,在生孩子之前或之后死亡的可能性高三倍,并且这些死亡中有一半以上是可以预防的。Paula Eiselt和Tonya Lewis Lee在圣丹斯(Sundance)纪录片《余震》中深入了解了该统计数据。通过对丧亲的父亲和母亲,出生工人和医生的采访,Eiselt和Lewis Lee研究了全国各地的孕产妇健康危机。这标志着Eiselt和Lewis Lee在圣丹斯(Sundance)担任专题文档的导演的第一次。由于注意到这场危机正在进入国会山,我们之所以推动。几十年来,美国孕产妇的健康危机一直是一个问题。您是否发现这不是一个受欢迎的纪录片主题令人惊讶?一段时间以来,找出一个进入这个故事的方法,但这是一个很大的系统性问题。您如何进入这样的巨大问题,并尝试讲一个真正接触人的故事?因此,这是一个挑战,我认为这是挑战。我当然不想制作一部电影的电影。因此,这部电影的关键是讲述人们的生活经历,然后涉及系统性问题,因为这就是您真正想要注意的方式。这个国家多年的热门按钮问题。您为什么认为我们现在看这么多关于这个问题的电影?Eiselt:赌注现在真的很高。妇女在分娩时死亡,在过去的25年中,妇女的利率上升了,大流行只会使这些利率变得更糟。 Roev。Wade现在也确实处于风险中,因此,在每个人的面前,我们作为一个在妇女权利方面的国家不好。制作,我们将看到更多有关女性问题的电影。从历史上看,电影制作,尤其是在导演方面,由男人主导。现在,我们生活在一个越来越多的女导演和制片人的时代,他们将制作对他们重要的电影。因此,我认为在行业的位置以及它的发展方面,它恰好是时间。那景观是什么样的。我们希望他们知道他们的选择是什么。我们也想要P人们将这场危机背后的系统负责。
Black women, along with Native Americans and Alaska natives, are three times more likely to die before, during or after having a baby, and more than half of these deaths are preventable, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee take a deep dive into that statistic in their Sundance documentary “Aftershock.”
The film tells the story of two young black women who died due to childbirth complications that could have been prevented. Through interviews with bereaved fathers and mothers, birth-workers and physicians, Eiselt and Lewis Lee examine the maternal health crisis happening throughout the country. This marks Eiselt and Lewis Lee’s first time at Sundance as directors of a feature doc.
How long have you been working on this project?
Eiselt: Two years and it was a quick two years with a pandemic in the middle. We pushed through because of the swell of attention that this crisis is thankfully getting on Capitol Hill.
The U.S. maternal health crisis has been an issue for decades. Do you find it surprising that this is not a popular documentary topic?
Lewis Lee: I've been in the space of women's health for a long time and have been seeing how the (mortality) numbers were going up, so I had been trying to figure out a way into this story for a while but it’s such a big systemic issue. How do you come into a huge issue like that and try to tell a story that really touches people? So that was a challenge and I think that's been the challenge. I certainly didn't want to make a film that was a survey kind of film. So the key with this film was to tell the story of people's lived experience and then get into the systemic issues, because that's how you get people to really want to pay attention.
This year Sundance has several films that examine women's rights, which has been a hot button issue in this country for years. Why do you think we are seeing so many films about the issue now?
Eiselt: The stakes are really high right now. Women are dying in childbirth and over the last 25 years the rates have risen, and the pandemic has only made those rates worse. Roe v. Wade is also really at risk right now, so it’s in everyone's face that where we are going as a country with regards to women’s rights is not good.
Lewis Lee: As more women filmmakers are able to make the films they want to make, we will see more films about women's issues. Historically filmmaking, especially when it comes to directing, was dominated by men. Right now, we are living in a time where there are more and more female directors and producers and they will make films that matter to them. So, I think it just happens to be timing in terms of where the industry is and how it’s evolving.
What are you hoping audiences talk about after watching your film?
Eiselt: We want to make people more aware of how you can birth in America and what that landscape looks like. We want them to know what their options are. We also want people to hold the systems behind this crisis accountable.
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