纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-CPH:DOX揭幕了科学侧边栏的阵容,与AI。,大流行,主题之间的气候危机/CPH:DOX Unveils Lineup for Science Sidebar With A.I., Pandemic, Climate Crisis Among Topics
CPH:DOX Unveils Lineup for Science Sidebar With A.I., Pandemic, Climate Crisis Among Topics
哥本哈根英特尔。纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX)于3月23日至4月3日面对面,宣布了科学侧边栏,该节目由15个与科学相关的电影组成。在战争中”,这使观众与\u200b\u200bAI。机器人到世界上一些冲突区域,“更新世公园”,该区域跟随俄罗斯地球物理学家寻求通过激进的野生野生动物来重现最后一个冰河时代的生态系统,大卫·法国(David France COVID-19疫苗接种推出。还包括“循环”,它敦促我们通过尊重地球有限的资源“看不见的天空”来重新考虑整个经济体系,该资源建议抵制国家监视和“治疗者”,这些方法是“治疗者”查看医生与患者之间的关系,并检查了替代医学的最新趋势。我们的社会构成了CPH:DOX的中心重点。我们已经选择了今年的开幕电影《冰上的冰》,这是一部关于研究重要性的电影。在地球上最凶猛,最极端的景观中,他们试图了解气候变化的后果。这包括气候和生物多样性危机,电晕危机的管理,大规模监视以及人工智能的升级。哥本哈根大学和哥本哈根商学院的医学科学。 CPH的完整程序:DOX将于3月1日宣布:SC:SCience“ After Anture”(Esther Elmholt,丹麦,世界首映)四位丹麦科学家和一位艺术家以自己的方式挣扎,以减轻人造的大规模灭绝,并了解人类对财富的追求如何导致生态崩溃。在战争中”(法国佛罗伦萨·玛西/伊拉克/叙利亚/马来西亚)人工智能可以告诉我们人类最黑暗的一面?一种哲学和自相矛盾的人类冒险,与机器人作为旅行伴侣,并在黑暗中光明。“如何在美国大流行中生存”(美国戴维·法国)世界上最大的健康科学项目的故事:冠状病毒疫苗的推出。 “碳 - 未经授权的传记”(Daniella Oretega和Niobe Thompson,澳大利亚/加拿大,国际首映式)一部关于碳,地球上最误解的元素的电影。“循环”(荷兰理查德·戴尔(Richard Dale),当今的经济,社会和气候)危机迫使我们通过尊重地球有限的资源来重新考虑全球范例es。四个开创性的思想家指出,循环社会结构的解决方案已经存在。“治疗者”(瑞士玛丽·埃维·希尔德布兰德)一部关于医生与患者之间关系的发人深省的电影,也可以窥视替代医学的最新趋势。董事自己的父亲希尔德布兰德博士正在退休,而一群医学生则在做自己的经历。“无形的灭绝”(史蒂文·劳伦斯和莎拉·舒恩克,美国,世界首映),在我们身体中灭绝健康细菌。可能会升级新的全球健康危机。好消息:该领域的前两名科学家正在案件中,检查了微生物对我们的福祉的影响。“北漂流”(德国史蒂芬·克罗斯,德国,世界首映),来自德累斯顿的一瓶信息,带来了令人难以置信的海洋流。和世界上庞大的浮动生态系统中的塑料碎片。理想主义和绘画的经验泰勒电影和严肃的议程。“我们遇到的人”(芬兰的米娅·哈尔姆)有700名芬兰游客前往贝宁,在一部低调的有趣的电影中参加疫苗试验,对人类缺陷和良好之间的紧张感,意图和有害效果。“更新世公园”(美国的卢克·格里斯沃尔德 - 特吉斯)还是狂人?一部冒险电影,带我们去西伯利亚草原的旅程,俄罗斯地球物理学家希望通过激进的重塑恢复冰河时代的生态系统。与世界上一些最敏锐的天体物理学家一起,哲学上的自由式风格,让我们对自己的个人思想和梦想,对宇宙中最基本,最抽象的奥秘。艺术家特雷弗·帕格伦(Trevor Paglen)使用最先进的技术来绘制监视,数据流以及国家对我们生活的监测。现在他是AboUT发起了他职业生涯中最雄心勃勃的项目。“微生物组”(希腊的Stavros Petropoulos),“浮游生物”(Jan van Ijken,荷兰),“明天的两张面孔”(爱尔兰帕特里克·霍夫,爱尔兰/英国,国际首映)关于微生物,浮游生物和藻类的三部视觉和发人深省的短片。对人与非人类生命形式之间关系的微观和微观研究。
Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX), which runs in-person from March 23 to April 3, has unveiled its Science sidebar, a program consisting of 15 science-related films.
Among the films are “A.I. at War,” which takes the viewer on a journey with an A.I. robot to some of the world’s conflict zones, “Pleistocene Park,” which follows a Russian geophysicist’s quest to recreate the ecosystem of the last ice age through radical rewilding, and David France's “How to Survive a Pandemic,” a look behind the scenes of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout.
Also included are “Going Circular,” which urges us to rethink the entire economic system by respecting the planet’s limited resources, “Unseen Skies,” which suggests ways to resist state surveillance, and “Healers,” which looks at the relationship between doctors and their patients, and examines the latest trends in alternative medicine.
Niklas Engstrøm, artistic director at CPH:DOX, said: “Science and its role in our society constitute a central focus point for CPH:DOX. We have emphasized this with the choice of this year’s opening film – the Danish film ‘Into the Ice,’ which at its core is a film about the importance of research."
"Into the Ice" follows three of the world’s leading glaciologists into some of the most ferocious and extreme landscapes on Earth in their attempt to understand the consequences of climate change.
Engstrøm added: "We are proud to present a Science program that speaks directly to the most important agendas in the current public debate. This includes the climate and biodiversity crisis, the management of the corona crisis, mass surveillance and the escalating use of artificial intelligence.”
CPH:DOX’s Science program is supported by the Danish Society of Engineers, the National Museum of Denmark, the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, and Copenhagen Business School. The full program for CPH:DOX will be announced on March 1.
“After Nature” (Esther Elmholt, Denmark, world premiere)
Four Danish scientists and an artist struggle in their own way to mitigate the manmade mass extinction, and understand how humanity's pursuit of wealth might lead to an ecological collapse.
“A.I. at War” (Florent Marcie, France/Iraq/Syria/Malaysia)
What can artificial intelligence tell us about the darkest side of humanity? A philosophical and paradoxical human adventure with a robot as travel companion, and with light in the darkness.
“How to Survive a Pandemic” (David France, U.S.)
The story of the world's biggest health science project: the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine.
“Carbon - An Unauthorized Biography” (Daniella Oretega and Niobe Thompson, Australia/Canada, international premiere)
A film about carbon, the most misunderstood element on Earth.
“Going Circular” (Richard Dale, The Netherlands)
Today’s economic, social and climate crises force us to rethink global paradigms by respecting the planet’s limited resources. Four groundbreaking thinkers point out that the solutions to a circular social structure are already existing in nature.
“Healers” (Marie-Eve Hildbrand, Switzerland)
A thought-provoking film about the relationship between doctors and their patients that also takes a peek at the latest trends in alternative medicine. Dr. Hildbrand, the director’s own father, is approaching retirement, while a group of medical students are making their own experiences.
“The Invisible Extinction” (Steven Lawrence and Sarah Schenck, U.S., world premiere)
The extinction of healthy bacteria in our bodies could escalate a new global health crisis. The good news: the field's top two scientists are on the case, examining the impact microbiomes have on our wellbeing.
“The North Drift” (Steffen Krones, Germany, world premiere)
A message in a bottle from Dresden brings news of incredible ocean currents and plastic debris in the world's vast floating ecosystems. An idealistic and pictorial adventure film with a serious agenda.
“People We Come Across” (Mia Halme, Finland)
Seven hundred Finnish tourists travel to Benin to take part in a vaccine trial in an understatedly funny film with a warm eye for human flaws and the tension between good intentions and harmful effects.
“Pleistocene Park” (Luke Griswold-Tergis, U.S.)
Genius or madman? An adventure film that takes us on a bumpy journey to the Siberian steppes, where a Russian geophysicist wants to restore the ecosystems of the Ice Age through radical rewilding.
“The Quintessence” (Pamela Breda, U.K./France/Switzerland/U.S./Italy)
Philosophical free-style with some of the world's sharpest astrophysicists, who let us in on their personal thoughts and dreams about the most fundamental - and most abstract - mysteries of the universe.
“Unseen Skies” (Yaara Bou Melhem, U.S./Australia)
American artist Trevor Paglen uses the most advanced technology to map surveillance, data flows and the state's monitoring of our lives. Now he is about to launch the most ambitious project of his career.
“Microbiome” (Stavros Petropoulos, Greece), “Planktonium” (Jan van IJken, Holland), “The Two Faces of Tomorrow” (Patrick Hough, Ireland/U.K., international premiere)
Three visual and thought-provoking short films about microbes, plankton and algae. A microscopic and microcosmic study of the relationship between human and non-human life forms.