我爱高清 发表于 2022-7-5 01:51:50

纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-阿比盖尔·迪斯尼(Abigail Disney)的“美国梦”(American Dream)在热门文档中/Abigail Disney’s ‘American Dream’ Among Hot Docs’ Special Presentations Lineup

阿比盖尔·迪斯尼(Abigail Disney)的“美国梦”(American Dream)在热门文档中
Abigail Disney’s ‘American Dream’ Among Hot Docs’ Special Presentations Lineup

加拿大英特尔。纪录片节,更名为Hot Docs,揭示了其今年节日的第一部特别演示电影,于4月28日至5月8日在多伦多和在线流媒体播放。世界首映包括“才华横溢的Rosenberg先生”臭名昭著的多伦多骗子阿尔伯特·罗森伯格(Albert Rosenberg)的故事,又名约克维尔·史德勒(Yorkville Swindler); “百万美元的鸽子”,这是对鸽子赛车竞争世界的迷人介绍;以及“安静的流行病”,对莱姆病的调查可以追溯到1975年,揭示了为什么tick虫和它们所带来的疾病被允许在全球范围内传播。特别演讲还将包括“余震”的国际首映,该故事的故事在美国危机中寻求正义,立法和医学责任的两个丧亲的黑人父亲:孕产妇医疗保健;沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)的杰德尼(Abigail Disney)的探索是“美国梦和其他童话故事”在美国倡导更好地为迪士尼乐园的“演员”付出更好的付款时,在美国有联系; “我没看到你在那儿”- 圣丹斯美国纪录片比赛中的导演奖获得者,反映了电影制片人如何看待自己和他的世界,从轮椅的角度拍摄。和“一个普通人的交响乐”,一位修正主义者看着2002年罢免巴西外交官和禁止化学武器的组织负责人何塞·布斯塔尼(JoséBustani 《爱情》,2021年的热门文档论坛明矾项目和推销奖得主,这是两个无所畏惧的科学家和恋人探险到地球上最危险的火山的故事。包括众议员Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez和Sunrise运动的Varshini Prakash在内的四名年轻女性挑战美国在为绿色的新政而挑战“最后”的政治领导才能。这些电影以及更多电影将是两年来,在大屏幕上展示了大屏幕。将于3月30日宣布在Hot Docs放映电影的全面播放。首次宣布的特别演讲包括:Austhockdir:Paula Eiselt,Tonya Lewis Lee。产品:Paula Eiselt,Tonya Lewis Lee。美国,国际副业的黑人父亲在伴侣死亡之后因可预防的分娩并发症而成为激进主义者,在美国危机中,使他人在美国的危机中寻求正义,立法和医疗责任:美国的卫生保健:美国梦和其他童话。 E.迪士尼,凯瑟琳·休斯。产品:Aideen Kane,Abigail E. Disney,Kathleen Hughes。美国国际首屈一指的“地球上最幸福的地方”迪斯尼乐园及其低薪工人已成为美国深刻的不平等危机的象征。通过她的家人的故事,电影制片人和激进主义者阿比盖尔·迪斯尼(Abigail Disney)探索了为什么美国梦效果对于富人,但不是对天生较少的人。产品:汉娜·波拉克(Hanna Polak),西蒙妮·鲍曼(Simone Baumann)。德国波兰。北美北美人在伊拉克北部的宗教和少数族裔耶齐迪(Yezidi)的袭击中幸存下来,哈尼法(Hanifa)进入了地球上报告最少,最危险的地方之一,以找到她被奴役的姐妹并带回家。Boycottdir。产品:Suhad Babaa,Daniel J. Chalfen。长期以来,美国加拿大总理科特斯被接受为寻求社会变革的激进主义者的和平抗议的一种手段,但是现在,在美国大多数州,法律惩罚了支持以色列这种行动的日常公民。跟随那些在这场令人震惊的言论自由之战中遵循良心的人。《猫女女郎:玛丽亚·洛霍夫维德》。产品:Maria Loohufvud,Love Martinsen。瑞典。加拿大首屈一指的主权社会以无限的热情和精致的习惯,这是60岁以上的女性舞蹈团全力以赴,为佛罗里达社区做出贡献,并在姐妹情谊中建立联系,同时在面对衰老和隐身的情况下重新谈判他们的身份。产品:Shane Boris,Ina Fichman,Sara Dosa。两位勇敢的科学家致力于理解火山的奥秘并意外地坠入爱河,这是加拿大加拿大的美国总理。一个关于创造和破坏的诗意和嬉戏的故事,《短暂的与永恒与追求未知》的追求。一座由Splintersdir制成的房子:西蒙·莱伦·威尔蒙特(Simon Lereng Wilmont)。产品:莫妮卡·赫斯特斯特。丹麦,瑞典,芬兰,乌克兰。加拿大欧克兰欧克兰的前线,特殊庇护所的社会工作者为遗弃的孩子提供了庇护所。只有九个月才能团聚家庭或找到寄养位置,然后才能将其病房转移到孤儿院,爱情测试在这个屡获殊荣的获奖者中具有弹性。我没看到您Theredir:Reid Davenport。产品:基思·威尔逊(Keith Wilson)。美国国际当马戏团帐篷驶向公寓外时,纳尔(Nal Premiere)在他的公寓外面时,一位残疾电影制片人反映了怪胎表演的遗产。这个圣丹斯奖得主完全从他的轮椅和脚的角度拍摄,对眼镜和(In)可见度提供了坚定不移的评论。数百万美元的Pigeonsdir:Gavin Fitzgerald。产品:Samantha Corr。爱尔兰。来自世界各地的世界总理大师参加了地球上最高的鸟类比赛。在这个热闹而迷人的故事中,这些羽毛运动员的翅膀上,名望,财富和生计在于这些羽毛运动员的翅膀。产品:杰德·里夫(Jed Riffe),卢克·格里斯沃尔德·特吉斯(Luke Griswold-Tergis),莫琳·高斯林(Maureen Gosling)。美国北美北美特质俄罗斯地球物理学家和他的儿子急于收集大型羊毛野兽,并将其运送到偏远的西伯利亚,以恢复冰河时代的“猛mm象草原”的生态系统,并有助于将地球从全球变暖的灾难中拯救出来。钥匙,温斯洛起重机穆尔多克。产品:Daria Lombroso,Lindsay Keys,Chris Hegedus。美国世界优先诊断慢性莱姆病在有争议的医学辩论中吸引患者,并引发了1975年的爆炸性调查,这令人震惊地揭示了为什么tick虫和他们携带的疾病被允许在全球范围内传播。普通曼迪尔:何塞·乔菲利(JoséJoffily)。产品:伊莎贝尔·乔菲利(Isabel Joffily)。巴西。巴西外交官何塞·布斯塔尼(JoséBustani)在禁止化学武器的组织中国际卫队负责人成为美国与伊拉克战争的障碍。从他的位置上罢免,他现在重新审视了令人震惊的事件,标志着全球权力结构中的转折点。Rosenbergdir:Barry Avrich。产品:Courtney Shea,Caitlin Cheddie,Mark Selby,Barry Avrich。加拿大。世界高级lurid和启示性研究我们如此敏感的自我,“才华横溢的罗森伯格先生”,是对《不可思议的最小》的令人着迷的调查D,Albert Rosenberg的动机和方法,又名约克维尔·斯威德勒(Yorkville Swindler),以及一遍又一遍地堕落的人。产品:Ross Dinerstein,Danni Mynard,Shalini Kantayya。在全球锁定期间,美国加拿大premieretiktok席卷了世界,但是随着数据和美元的流动toit toits的创始人,西方政府,西方政府,用户和蒂克托克明星都在问它如何真正起作用以及言论自由在超级言论自由意味着什么 - 连接的世界。产品:Sabrina Schmidt Gordon,Rachel Lears,Robin Blotnick。美国加拿大总理在气候危机上的时钟,四名有色人种(Varshini Prakash,Alexandra Rojas,Rhiana Gunn-Wright和Rep。AlexandriaOcasio-Cortez)勇敢地挑战了美国在争取绿色新交易的战斗中的政治领导。

The Canadian Intl. Documentary Festival, better known as Hot Docs, has revealed its first slate of Special Presentation films for this year’s festival, running April 28 to May 8 in Toronto and streaming online.

World premieres include “The Talented Mr. Rosenberg,” a lurid look into the story of infamous Toronto con man Albert Rosenberg, a.k.a. the Yorkville Swindler; “Million Dollar Pigeons,” a charming introduction to the competitive world of pigeon racing; and “The Quiet Epidemic,” an investigation into Lyme disease dating back to 1975 that reveals why ticks, and the diseases they carry, have been allowed to spread globally.

The Special Presentations will also include the international premieres of “Aftershock,” the story of two bereaved Black fathers seeking justice, legislation and medical accountability in an unspoken U.S. crisis: maternal health care; “The American Dream and Other Fairy Tales,” an exploration by Abigail Disney, Walt Disney’s great-niece, of the growing inequalities in America while she advocates for better pay for Disneyland “cast members”; “I Didn't See You There” — winner of the Directing Award in Sundance's U.S. Documentary competition — a reflection on how the filmmaker sees himself and his world that was shot from the perspective of his wheelchair; and “A Symphony for a Common Man,” a revisionist look at the 2002 ousting of Brazilian diplomat and head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, José Bustani, as America marched to war with Iraq.

Making its Canadian Premiere is “Fire of Love,” a 2021 Hot Docs Forum alum project and a Pitch Prize winner, the story of two fearless scientists and lovers’ expedition to the most dangerous volcanoes on Earth. Four young women of color, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Sunrise Movement’s Varshini Prakash, challenge America’s political leadership in their tireless fight for the Green New Deal in “To the End.”

These films, and many more, will be presented on the big screen at the first in person Hot Docs Festival in over two years. The full selection of films to screen at Hot Docs will be announced on March 30.

The first announced slate of Special Presentations include:

Dir: Paula Eiselt, Tonya Lewis Lee. Prod: Paula Eiselt, Tonya Lewis Lee. U.S., International Premiere
Two bereaved Black fathers become activists after the deaths of their partners due to preventable childbirth complications, galvanizing others to seek justice, legislation and medical accountability in an unspoken U.S. crisis: maternal health care.

Dir: Abigail E. Disney, Kathleen Hughes. Prod: Aideen Kane, Abigail E. Disney, Kathleen Hughes. U.S. International Premiere
Once “The Happiest Place on Earth,” Disneyland and its low-wage workers have become emblematic of America’s profound inequality crisis. Through her family’s story, filmmaker and activist Abigail Disney explores why the American Dream has worked for the wealthy but not for people born with less.

Dir: Hanna Polak. Prod: Hanna Polak, Simone Baumann. Poland, Germany. North American Premiere
After surviving an ISIS attack on the Yezidi, a religious and ethnic minority in northern Iraq, Hanifa sets out into one of the most underreported and dangerous places on Earth to find her enslaved sisters and bring them home.

Dir: Julia Bacha. Prod: Suhad Babaa, Daniel J. Chalfen. U.S. Canadian Premiere
Boycotts have long been accepted as a means of peaceful protest for activists seeking social change, but now in most U.S. states laws penalize everyday citizens who support such actions against Israel. Follow those following their conscience in this shocking free speech battle.

Dir: Maria Loohufvud. Prod: Maria Loohufvud, Love Martinsen. Sweden. Canadian Premiere
Battling a deeply rooted patriarchal society with unbridled enthusiasm and elaborate routines, a dance troupe of women over 60 give it their all, contributing to their Florida community and bonding in sisterhood while renegotiating their identities in the face of aging and invisibility.

Dir: Sara Dosa. Prod: Shane Boris, Ina Fichman, Sara Dosa. U.S. Canadian Premiere
Disenchanted with humanity, two intrepid scientists devote themselves to understanding the mysteries of volcanoes and unexpectedly fall in love. A poetic and playful tale of creation and destruction, the ephemeral and the eternal and the pursuit of the unknown.

Dir: Simon Lereng Wilmont. Prod: Monica Hellström. Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Ukraine. Canadian Premiere
Near Ukraine’s frontline, social workers at a special shelter offer refuge to abandoned children. With only nine months to reunite families or find foster placements before having to transfer their wards to orphanages, love tests resilience in this gripping award-winner.

Dir: Reid Davenport. Prod: Keith Wilson. U.S. International Premiere
When a circus tent goes up outside of his apartment, a disabled filmmaker reflects on the legacy of freak shows. Shot entirely from the perspective of his wheelchair and feet, this Sundance award-winner offers an unflinching commentary on spectacle and (in)visibility.

Dir: Gavin Fitzgerald. Prod: Samantha Corr. Ireland. World Premiere
Pigeon masters from across the globe compete in the highest-stakes bird races on the planet. Fame, fortune and livelihoods rest on the wings of these feathered athletes in this hilarious and charming story.

Dir: Luke Griswold-Tergis. Prod: Jed Riffe, Luke Griswold-Tergis, Maureen Gosling. U.S. North American Premiere
An idiosyncratic Russian geophysicist and his son rush to gather large woolly beasts and transport them to remote Siberia to restore the Ice Age “mammoth steppe” ecosystem and help save the planet from the catastrophic effects of global warming.

Dir: Lindsay Keys, Winslow Crane-Murdoch. Prod: Daria Lombroso, Lindsay Keys, Chris Hegedus. U.S. World Premiere
A diagnosis of Chronic Lyme disease lands patients in the middle of a contentious medical debate and sparks an explosive investigation dating back to 1975 that shockingly reveals why ticks, and the diseases they carry, have been allowed to spread globally.

Dir: José Joffily. Prod: Isabel Joffily. Brazil. International Premiere
As head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Brazilian diplomat José Bustani became an obstacle in America’s march to war with Iraq. Ousted from his position, he now revisits the chilling events that marked a turning point in global power structures.

Dir: Barry Avrich. Prod: Courtney Shea, Caitlin Cheddie, Mark Selby, Barry Avrich. Canada. World Premiere
A lurid and revelatory look into our oh-so-susceptible selves, “The Talented Mr. Rosenberg” is a fascinating investigation into the unfathomable mind, motive and method of Albert Rosenberg, a.k.a. the Yorkville Swindler, and the people who fell for his cons over and over again.

Dir: Shalini Kantayya. Prod: Ross Dinerstein, Danni Mynard, Shalini Kantayya. U.S. Canadian Premiere
TikTok took the world by storm during the height of the global lockdowns, but as data and dollars flow back to its founders in China, Western governments, users and TikTok stars are asking how it really works and what free speech means in a hyper-connected world.

Dir: Rachel Lears. Prod: Sabrina Schmidt Gordon, Rachel Lears, Robin Blotnick. U.S. Canadian Premiere
As the clock ticks on the climate crisis, four young women of color (Varshini Prakash, Alexandra Rojas, Rhiana Gunn-Wright and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) courageously challenge America’s political leadership in their fight for the Green New Deal.


ahj2008 发表于 2022-7-29 16:43:25


mage2003 发表于 2022-10-10 00:54:30


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liaokobe 发表于 2022-10-23 21:44:33


sankight 发表于 2022-10-24 05:00:40


zzjjww 发表于 2022-11-5 16:36:30


angel421 发表于 2022-11-10 14:44:27

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查看完整版本: 纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-阿比盖尔·迪斯尼(Abigail Disney)的“美国梦”(American Dream)在热门文档中/Abigail Disney’s ‘American Dream’ Among Hot Docs’ Special Presentations Lineup