纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-Taskovski在CPH之前被Taskovski抓住的反战电影“ Eclipse”:Dox Premiere(独家)/Anti-War Film ‘The Eclipse’ Nabbed by Taskovski Ahead of CPH:DOX Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0501/37193lj1xxfoz1f.jpgTaskovski在CPH之前被Taskovski抓住的反战电影“ Eclipse”:Dox Premiere(独家)
Anti-War Film ‘The Eclipse’ Nabbed by Taskovski Ahead of CPH:DOX Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)
Taskovski电影已经获得了NatašaUrban的“ Eclipse”的世界销售权,该版本在哥本哈根国际纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX)。 ,当塞尔维亚的大多数人民因担心完全日食而在家里和核掩体中封锁自己时,这部电影将罕见的自然现象用作对一个国家对其政治选择后果的良心的隐喻。在此过程中,Urban的纪录片论文面临着她国家的战时和犯罪过去,以及今天仍然放松的邪恶。“我花了25年的时间才开始开放我的战争经历,”该董事在一份声明中说。 “正是我在挪威的家庭和生活的安全网使我终于开始面对过去的鬼魂。”“ Eclipse”为Urban提供了一个深厚的个人故事,他以前的电影包括The Inter国家纪录片电影节阿姆斯特丹(IDFA)选择“红色冰箱的旅程”和屡获殊荣的“大姐姐Punam”。塞尔维亚,”她说。 “我发现自己是一名电影制片人的新身份。但最终,即使那还不足以使我在塞尔维亚的生活忍受。我的家园使我经历了地狱,更糟糕的是,在邻国,甚至是种族灭绝的不可思议的暴行。有一次,我已经受够了。她说:“我们不仅要改变我们的存在,而且要成为其他人。” “这说明了我们留下的国家,以及我们试图放弃的身份状态。”在“ Eclipse”中,Urban反思了她在前南斯拉夫的战争期间的成长经历,回来了,从她形容为“家人和朋友”她的电影的动力。 “我们一起提供了90年代战时现实的图片。现代社会如何进入由民族主义管辖的社会?您如何为真理而战?当整个社会颠倒过来时,什么是正确的?你能做什么,我们做得足够了吗?我们现在做得足够吗?”“日食”是由Ingvil Giske为Medieoperatørene制作的,并以音乐家和制作人的音乐为特色,他是摇滚乐队Faith的贝斯手和制片人,而概念音乐家Jared Blum,概念音乐家Jared Blum谁专门研究抽象和流行音乐音乐的实验形式。这部电影在俄罗斯在乌克兰的灾难性战争中变得越来越紧迫,据任务托瓦夫斯基电影公司首席执行官和创始人艾琳娜·任务。动荡我们我的纳塔沙(NatašaUrban)的“日食”(The Eclipse)有力地提醒了个人和集体创伤,这是由于最近的过去镜子般的战争机械造成的,” Taskovski说。 “她以日食的循环事件用作隐喻来描绘拒绝结束的永久破坏。这部电影背后的创意团队建立了强烈的电影体验,我们为代表全世界而感到自豪。 “对我来说,‘日食'是一部反战电影,” Urban说。 “随后的日食以及南斯拉夫的分手警告我们,战后欧洲和平是一种幻想,我们的暴力历史可以用来播种新大屠杀和战争。但是我们如何停止这个恶性循环?一种方法是寻找同情,羞耻,内gui和责任。希望生活在公开和诚实的沟通中。我希望这部电影会为在。”
Taskovski Films has acquired world sales rights to Nataša Urban’s “The Eclipse,” which has its world premiere in the main DOX:AWARD competition at the Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX).
Focusing on the events of Aug. 11, 1999, when most of Serbia’s population barricaded themselves in their homes and nuclear bunkers in fear of a total solar eclipse, the film uses the rare natural phenomenon as a metaphor for a nation’s unclean conscience about the consequences of its political choices. In the process, Urban’s documentary essay confronts her country’s wartime and criminal past, and the evil that is still on the loose today.
“It took me 25 years to start opening up about my experiences of war,” said the director in a statement. “It is the safety net of my family and life in Norway that allowed me to finally start facing the ghosts from my past.”
“The Eclipse” presents a deeply personal story for Urban, whose previous films include the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) selection “Journey of a Red Fridge” and the award-winning “Big Sister Punam.”
“I became a documentary filmmaker in 2005, when I was desperately looking for ways to disassociate myself from my home country Serbia,” she said. “I found my new identity in being a filmmaker. But eventually, even that wasn’t enough to make my life in Serbia bearable. My homeland had put me through hell, and much worse, had done unconceivable atrocities, genocide even, in neighboring countries. At one point, I had enough of it.”
Urban joined tens of thousands of Serbians who fled into exile. “We left not only to change our existence, but to become some other people,” she said. “This tells a lot about the country we left, and the state of identity we tried to relinquish.”
In “The Eclipse,” Urban reflects on her upbringing during the war in the former Yugoslavia, traveling back to collect stories and anecdotes from the family and friends she describes as the “driving force” of her film.
“We dig into our memories, confronting the demons of our wartime past, exposing the evil that our country perpetrated on our behalf,” she said. “Together we provide a picture of our wartime reality in the ‘90s. How did a modern society slip into a society governed by nationalism? How can you fight for truth and what is right when the whole society is turned upside down? What can you do, and did we do enough? Are we doing enough right now?”
“The Eclipse” is produced by Ingvil Giske for Medieoperatørene and features music by Bill Gould, a musician and producer best known as the bassist of the rock band Faith No More, and Jared Blum, a conceptual musician who specializes in experimental forms of both abstract and pop soundtrack music.
It is a film that has become increasingly urgent one month into Russia’s disastrous war in Ukraine, according to Taskovski Films CEO and founder Irena Taskovski.
“In the times of warfare and the global turmoil we live in, Nataša Urban’s ‘The Eclipse’ stands as a powerful reminder of individual and collective trauma caused by a mirror-like war machinery from the recent past,” said Taskovski. “The cyclic event of the solar eclipse she uses as a metaphor to picture a permanent destruction that refuses to end. The creative team behind the film has built a strong cinematic experience, which we are proud to represent worldwide.”
That cinematic experience presents a poignant message that is more necessary than ever in a world again riven by violence. “To me, ‘The Eclipse’ is an anti-war film,” said Urban. “The reoccurring solar eclipse, and the breakup of Yugoslavia, warn us that the postwar European peace is an illusion, that our violent history can be used to sow the seeds for new carnage and war. But how do we stop this vicious cycle? One of the ways is to look to compassion, shame, guilt, and responsibility. Hope lives in an open and honest communication. I hope this film will contribute towards that.”
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