纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“泰勒·斯威夫特:美国小姐”导演拉娜·威尔逊(Lana Wilson)在她的最新纪录片中剥夺了心理的窗帘/‘Taylor Swift: Miss Americana’ Director Lana Wilson Peels Back the Curtain on Psychics in Her Latest Documentary
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0501/2558kpt3wp3lycn.jpg“泰勒·斯威夫特:美国小姐”导演拉娜·威尔逊(Lana Wilson)在她的最新纪录片中剥夺了心理的窗帘
‘Taylor Swift: Miss Americana’ Director Lana Wilson Peels Back the Curtain on Psychics in Her Latest Documentary
“泰勒·斯威夫特:美国小姐”导演拉娜·威尔逊(Lana Wilson)正在开发有关心理医师的纪录片,她将在本周举行的CPH:Forum:Forum:Forum,这是哥本哈根国际局(Copenhagen INTL)举行的国际融资和共同制作活动。纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX),将于3月23日至4月3日举行。“看着我的眼睛”是对威尔逊所说的“最古老,最受欢迎的疗法形式”的诗意探索。与心理学家及其客户。这部电影在数百年历史的练习中拉回了窗帘,在广泛的动荡和不确定性的时候,将展示焦虑,希望和人类韧性的万花筒肖像。导演认为,这是一部纪录片,这是一部纪录片片刻。威尔逊说:“我们当然对未来不确定,而不是现在。” “人们比以往任何时候都更加孤立和孤独。我认为这可能是一个非凡的时刻开始制作这部电影。 5美元的通灵读物。“像很多人一样,我度过了一个非常令人沮丧,令人恐惧的夜晚,”她说。 “那是上午8:30,感觉有点绝望。”她承认,威尔逊从未认真对待心理读物的想法 - “我认为人们会去单身派对上的心理学家,”她承认 - 但她以某种方式发现自己踏入里面,进入一个被红色天鹅绒窗帘敲响的小房间。感到非常激动 - 几乎就像我在照镜子一样。”她说。 “我有这个想法,那就是要向一个完全陌生的人寻求帮助和建议,这是如此脆弱,我想,'这是一次非常有力的经历,即使现在没有人进入这个房间。'”心灵的人确实到了,威尔索n正式分配了她的五美元。阅读后,随着两人进行交谈,她对以前曾占领过同一位椅子的客户感到惊讶:每天都在努力应对失业,金融灾难,孤独,家庭关系紧张,浪漫失败。” ]正在寻找意义的人,想知道自己的生活是否会对世界产生影响,”她说,想像,'我在世界上,我在做我只能做的事情的道路上做,在哪里有意义?从某种意义上说,我的存在有目的吗?我的眼睛。” “无论是在堕胎诊所('tiller'],还是在禅宗寺庙['the the Ofraging'],还是神经科学家的治疗恐惧症[‘一种治疗方法,我都真正吸引了两个人之间的这些激烈的情感交流。r fear’],或者在这种情况下是一种心理读物,”她说。 “这只是感觉与我的联系并与我有兴趣探索工作的一切联系在一起。”在威尔逊可以进一步将项目带入命运之前,以Netflix的形式进行了有关最大流行歌星的纪录片的形式在地球上。到她准备应对“看着我的眼睛”的时候,自一个世纪前,西班牙流感席卷了全球以来,世界已经抓住了最大的健康危机。她说。”她说:“在外面,它们似乎非常不同。” “但是我确实认为有一种敏感性,并寻求这种情感强度,一种宣泄的体验。”威尔逊和制片人凯尔·马丁(“小家具”),WHo正在通过他的木瓦中心(Chinoland)生产,已经开始为“看我的眼睛”进行融资,并正在寻找哥本哈根的额外融资和预售。在寻找志趣相投的合作伙伴时,威尔逊希望保持对她认为需要巧妙触摸的纪录片的创造性控制。她说:“我真的认为这是一部艺术电影,正在以千变万化的方式探索这种永恒的关系。” “而且我认为要正确,它必须是最具体,最敏感的平衡。”其中包括威尔逊在11月在大西洋城的那个沉闷的早晨克服自己的怀疑的能力。她说:“就我个人而言,我并不相信通灵者会说的每个字。” “但是我认为体验本身具有令人难以置信的强大和变革性。”她补充说:“ [‘看我的眼睛']是关于自开始时到处都存在的这种传统,以及为什么我们需要心理学,无论我们是否相信它们。这是什么意思?”
“Taylor Swift: Miss Americana” director Lana Wilson is developing a documentary feature about psychics that she’ll be presenting this week at CPH:FORUM, the international financing and co-production event held during the Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX), which runs March 23-April 3.
“Look Into My Eyes” is a poetic exploration of what Wilson describes as “the oldest and most popular form of therapy,” told through a series of intimate sessions with psychics and their clients. Pulling the curtain back on a centuries-old practice, the film will present a kaleidoscopic portrait of anxiety, hope and human resilience at a time of widespread turmoil and uncertainty.
It is a documentary, the director believes, that is arriving at just the right moment. “We’re certainly less certain about the future than we ever have been right now,” says Wilson. “People are more isolated and alone than they ever have been. I thought this could be an extraordinary moment to start to make this film.”
The inspiration for “Look Into My Eyes” came to Wilson on a somber November morning in Atlantic City, the day after Donald Trump had won the 2016 U.S. presidential election, when she found herself standing before a storefront offering $5 psychic readings.
“I had a very depressing, horrifying night, like a lot of people did,” she says. “It was 8:30 a.m., feeling kind of hopeless.” Wilson had never taken the idea of psychic readings seriously – “I thought people would go to a psychic at a bachelorette party,” she admits – but she somehow found herself stepping inside, into a small room ringed by red velvet curtains.
“I immediately felt incredibly emotional – almost like I was looking in a mirror,” she says. “I had this thought there is something so vulnerable about going to ask a complete stranger for help and advice, and I thought, ‘This is a really powerful experience, even if no one comes into this room right now.’”
A psychic did arrive, and Wilson duly forked over her five bucks. After the reading, as the two fell into conversation, she was surprised by the range of clients who had previously occupied that same chair: everyday folks grappling with job loss, financial disaster, loneliness, strained family relationships, romantic failure.
“ people who are on a search for meaning, wanting to know if their life has impact on the world,” she says, “wanting to feel like, ‘Am I on a path in the world where I’m doing something only I can do, where it has meaning? Is there a purpose to my existence?’”
In a sense – and in the manner of the most fruitful psychic sessions – that reading set Wilson down an unexpected path, as she began to conceive of the stories and characters that would populate “Look Into My Eyes.” “I am really drawn to these intense emotional exchanges between two people, whether it’s in the abortion clinic [‘After Tiller’], or at a Zen temple [‘The Departure’], or a neuroscientist curing phobias [‘A Cure for Fear’], or, in this case, a psychic reading,” she says. “It just felt really connected to me to everything I’m interested in exploring in my work.”
Before Wilson could take the project any further, however, fate intervened, in the form of a Netflix documentary about the biggest pop star on the planet. By the time she was ready to tackle “Look Into My Eyes,” the world was gripped by the greatest health crisis since the Spanish Flu swept the globe a century ago.
That interim has brought a new dimension to the film – “I think there are all these questions that we have even more of during the pandemic,” she says – and has also given Wilson some perspective on the unlikely parallels between “Miss Americana” and “Look Into My Eyes.” “On the outside, they seem very different,” she says. “But I do think there’s a kind of sensitivity and seeking that kind of emotional intensity, a cathartic experience.”
Wilson and producer Kyle Martin (“Tiny Furniture”), who is producing through his shingle Electric Chinoland, have begun financing “Look Into My Eyes” and are looking for additional financing and pre-sales in Copenhagen. In the search for like-minded partners, Wilson wants to maintain creative control over a documentary that she believes requires a deft touch. “I really see this as an art film that is exploring this timeless relationship in a kaleidoscopic way,” she says. “And I think to get it right, it has to be the most specific, sensitive balance.”
That includes Wilson’s ability to overcome her own skepticism on that dreary November morning in Atlantic City. “Personally, I don't literally believe every word a psychic might say," she says. “But I think the experience itself is incredibly powerful and transformative." She adds: "['Look Into My Eyes'] is about this tradition that's existed everywhere since the beginning of time, and why it is that we need psychics, whether we believe in them or not. What does this mean?"
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