纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-“ Navalny”导演Daniel Roher在“谋杀”克里姆林宫政权上猛烈抨击,坚持“普京不是俄罗斯”/‘Navalny’ Director Daniel Roher Lashes Out at ‘Murderous’ Kremlin Regime, Insists ‘Putin Is Not Russia’
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0501/2210okprc0r2mwb.jpg“ Navalny”导演Daniel Roher在“谋杀”克里姆林宫政权上猛烈抨击,坚持“普京不是俄罗斯”
‘Navalny’ Director Daniel Roher Lashes Out at ‘Murderous’ Kremlin Regime, Insists ‘Putin Is Not Russia’
俄罗斯在乌克兰发生灾难性战争的四个星期以上,在法庭判处俄罗斯反对派领导人亚历克西·纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)在高度安全监狱中九年后仅一周,“纳瓦尔尼”导演丹尼尔·罗赫(Daniel Roher在哥本哈根,抨击弗拉基米尔·普京总统的“谋杀”政权,并认为电影制片人必须在一个日益破碎和两极分化的世界中“选择一面”。政治有一个右边。是的,电影制片人选择了一面。因为您要么站在道德,正义,法治和民主的一边,要么您每天都在谋杀的独裁政权的一边,该独裁政权每天都会发动对主权国家和谋杀儿童的入侵。 intl。纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX)。导演与丹麦电影制片人Christoffer Guldbrandsen进行了交谈,后者是即将上映的纪录片“风暴预言”的导演,在特朗普政府的最后几个月中,政治旋转医生罗杰·斯通(Roger Stone)低估了。动画,范围内的90分钟的讨论提出了有关纪录片制片人对自己的主题的责任和提供有争议观点平台的伦理的问题。“ Navalny”,被公布为最后一刻的“惊喜”条目一月份在圣丹斯举行的美国纪录片竞赛是同名政治家的诱人肖像,他是一位令人兴奋的民粹主义者,他作为总统候选人对普京构成了如此威胁,以至于他被克里姆林宫命令的爆发性暗杀情节中毒。综艺的欧文·格里伯曼(Owen Gleiberman)在圣丹斯(Sundance)的评论中将其描述为“一部必须观看的纪录片,讲述了[纳瓦尼(Navalny)的启发性,恐怖和极为重要的故事。反对派领导人在2020年在德国被困在德国时,试图揭开针对他的谋杀情节,iStorical的时刻使他对这部电影的做法充满了动画。“这是我必须采访[纳瓦尼]的一张镜头,”罗尔说。 “这是他的最后一次采访的可能性和可能性,我们不知道会发生什么。我们不知道他是否会被杀。我们不知道他是否一生都将被判处监禁。但是这个问题是非常真实的。”“ Navalny”作为一个脉搏刺激的政治惊悚片展开,借鉴了广泛的电信和超凡反对派人物的新闻镜头,以及一个社交媒体赛义德的数字足迹,其YouTube和Tiktok Videos的视频共同占据了数千万的观看次数。与呼吸的叙述相同,发现了Navalny,他的内心圈子和保加利亚记者Hacker Christo Grozev(开源研究小组贝林卡特(Bellingcat)的成员 - 赛车,以揭露与军事级神经毒害海军的人的身份特工诺维科克(Novichok)去西伯利亚旅行。罗尔面临的挑战之一是如何诚实,准确地描绘他称为“社交媒体天才”的精明主角。他说:“我的意识是,我正在制作一部电影,讲述一位不仅是任何政治家,而且是一位为21世纪制造的政治家。” “他所做的一切都是一个政治计算,包括让电影制片人跟着他跟着相机跟随他。”古尔德布兰森在跟随斯通时面临着类似的困境,他将其描述为“停止偷窃”运动的“助产士”,导致了导致该运动的“停止偷窃”运动1月6日袭击国会大厦。 “他很容易到达。但这并不是友谊的轻松。这是相互剥削。我在那里是有目的的。丹恩(Dane)说,他在那里是有目的的。可以说他在美国民主中的角色S非常破坏。但是我认为尝试不谴责它是一种巨大的特权,”他说。 “我认为有一种趋势,尤其是在纪录片中,要……太黑白了。”古尔德布兰森补充说,详细介绍了这种平均的哲学如何影响他拍摄“风暴预言”的方法,并补充说:“我在那里记录正在发生的事情。罗伊(Roher)向后推,问古尔德布兰森(Guldbrandsen)是否通过作为公正的观察者来“为其中一些想法提供平台和基座”。“我不喜欢平台理论,”丹恩(Dane)补充说:“如果您想这样做,我认为阳光是最好的消毒剂。而且我认为整个平台的方法和取消文化,我认为这是无知的。州媒体已经在电波上游行了电影制片人。罗尔(Roher)指责他们是国家的中央情报局特工,色情作品和敌人 - 董事称其为“所有这些可怕的,但也很荒谬,也是如此。”尽管如此,他仍然致力于“尽一切努力在CNN电影和HBO Max的国际推出“ Navalny”时,请在俄罗斯放映这部电影。他说:“我认为,在这一刻,当我们观看这些令人震惊的,令人恐惧的图像,这些图像从乌克兰散发出来,世界需要提醒的是,并非所有俄罗斯人都赞成这场可怕的战争。”“如果我们将精力转移到对俄罗斯人的仇恨或不信任的情况下,那将是令人难以置信的破坏。我希望在这个令人难以置信的黑暗中,纳瓦尔尼和他的角色的故事可以是光明。”
More than four weeks into Russia’s disastrous war in Ukraine, and just one week after a court sentenced Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny to nine years in a high-security prison, “Navalny” director Daniel Roher made a passionate plea on behalf of the jailed politician in Copenhagen, lashing out at the “murderous” regime of President Vladimir Putin and arguing that filmmakers must “pick a side” in an increasingly fractured and polarized world.
“There’s a right side of politics. And yes, filmmakers pick a side. Because you’re either on the side of morality and justice and rule of law and democracy, or you’re on the side of a murderous dictatorship that launches invasions of sovereign nations and murders children every day,” Roher said on Tuesday at the Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX).
The director appeared in conversation with Danish filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, the director of the upcoming documentary “A Storm Foretold,” which follows the political spin doctor Roger Stone in the final months of the Trump administration. The animated, wide-ranging, 90-minute discussion raised questions about the responsibility documentary filmmakers have toward their subjects and the ethics of giving a platform to controversial views.
“Navalny,” which was unveiled as a last-minute “surprise” entry in the U.S. Documentary Competition at Sundance in January, is a riveting portrait of the eponymous politician, a rousing populist who as a presidential candidate posed such a threat to Putin that he was poisoned in a botched assassination plot ordered by the Kremlin. Variety’s Owen Gleiberman described it in his Sundance review as “a must-watch documentary that tells inspiring, scary, and profoundly important story.”
For the director, who was granted unprecedented, fly-on-the-wall access to the opposition leader while he was holed up in Germany in 2020, trying to unravel the murder plot against him, the importance of the historical moment animated his approach to the film.
“This was one shot I had to interview ,” Roher said. “The possibility and likelihood that this was his last interview was on my mind, and we didn’t know what would happen. We didn’t know if he would be killed. We didn’t know if he’d be sentenced to prison for the rest of his life. But that question was very real.”
“Navalny” unfolds as a pulse-pounding political thriller, drawing on abundant news footage of the telegenic and charismatic opposition figure, as well as the digital footprint of a social-media savant whose YouTube and TikTok videos have collectively racked up tens of millions of views. Set alongside that is a breathless narrative that finds Navalny, his inner circle, and Bulgarian journalist hacker Christo Grozev – a member of the open-source research group Bellingcat – racing to uncover the identities of the men who poisoned Navalny with the military-grade nerve agent Novichok on a trip to Siberia.
One of the challenges Roher faced was how to honestly and accurately portray a shrewd protagonist he called a “social media genius.” “There an awareness that I am making a film about a politician who’s not just any politician, but a politician made for the 21st century,” he said. “Everything he’s doing is a political calculation, including having a filmmaker follow him around with the camera.”
Guldbrandsen faced a similar predicament when following Stone, who he described as the “midwife” of the “Stop the Steal” movement that led to the Jan. 6 attacks on the Capitol. “He’s very easy to be around. But it’s not an ease that comes from friendship. It’s mutual exploitation. I’m there for a purpose. He’s there for a purpose,” said the director.
The Dane admitted there was almost a universal consensus that Stone is “a bad guy,” but he cautioned against any attempt to portray the vilified political operative as a “cardboard cutout.”
“You can argue that his role in American democracy has been very destructive. But I think it’s an enormous privilege to try and look at it without condemning it,” he said. “I think there’s a tendency, especially in documentaries, to be…too black and white.” Detailing how that even-handed philosophy impacted his approach to filming “A Storm Foretold,” Guldbrandsen added: “I’m there to document what’s going on. I’m not there to preach.”
Roher pushed back, asking whether Guldbrandsen was “providing a platform and a pedestal for some of these ideas” by acting as an impartial observer.
“I don’t buy into the platforming theory,” said the Dane, adding: “I think sunlight is the best disinfectant if you want to go that way. And I think that whole de-platforming approach and cancel culture, I think it’s ignorant.”
In the weeks since the buzzy Sundance premiere of “Navalny,” the Russian propaganda machine has done its best to cancel both the opposition leader and the director. State media have already paraded the filmmakers over the airwaves, said Roher, accusing them of being CIA operatives, pornographers, and enemies of the state – what the director described as “all of these scary, but also hilarious and absurd, claims.”
He nevertheless remains committed to “mak every effort to show this film in Russia” and anticipates a “blitzkrieg” of attention as CNN Films and HBO Max ramp up the international rollout of “Navalny.”
The timing, he added, could not be more urgent. “I think that in this moment, as we’re watching these egregious, horrifying images which are proliferating from Ukraine, what the world needs to be reminded of is that not all Russian people are in favor of this horrible war,” he said. “And if we pivot our energy toward a hatred or distrust of Russians, that is incredibly damaging. I hope that in this incredible darkness, the story of Navalny and his character can be a light.”
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