纪录片自媒体解说素材-新闻动态参考-奥斯卡提名人塔拉尔·德基(Talal Derki)谈论最佳秘密文档项目和叙利亚三部曲的最后一部电影(独家)/Oscar Nominee Talal Derki Talks Top-Secret Doc Project and Final Film of Syrian Trilogy (EXCLUSIVE)
https://cdn.6867.top:6867/A1A/hddoc/news/2022/07/0501/18192dubf25413t.jpg奥斯卡提名人塔拉尔·德基(Talal Derki)谈论最佳秘密文档项目和叙利亚三部曲的最后一部电影(独家)
Oscar Nominee Talal Derki Talks Top-Secret Doc Project and Final Film of Syrian Trilogy (EXCLUSIVE)
奥斯卡提名的叙利亚电影制片人Talal Derki(“父亲和儿子的“父亲”)本周在哥本哈根举行,宣传一部秘密纪录片“好莱坞大门”,其细节在CPH期间被保存在CPH:Forum:Forum,International Fanciping and Co- Co-合作,共同融资中。在哥本哈根国际局期间举行的生产活动。纪录片电影节(CPH:DOX)。导演确认并未在他的祖国叙利亚拍摄的新功能目前正在制作中,而德基(Derki)希望在今年年底之前获得大部分录像。德基说:“我们不想将[导演]生命置于危险之中。”德基说,他专门谈到了综艺节目“好莱坞大门”和其他即将到来的项目。将高风险的功能描述为“非常有前途的电影”,董事说,这是在一个未公开国家的关键职位中“非常罕见的危险人”的“非常罕见的访问”的产物。 “好莱坞大门”将由以化名易卜拉欣·穆罕默德(Ibrahim Mohammad)为保护他的安全的首次导演。德基说,穆罕默德已经获得了信任。电影制片人说:“他是一个非常有前途的人才。” “他知道将相机放在哪里,拍摄什么,如何狩猎正确的时刻。”奥斯卡提名的导演也在编辑室中,带着“夏季和冬天的歌”,这是他著名的叙利亚战争中的最后一部电影三部曲包括“重返霍姆斯”,这是对叙利亚内战的地面看待,该战争在2014年的圣丹斯电影节上赢得了世界电影大陪审团奖,以及“父亲和儿子”(如图)紧密联系的激进伊斯兰家庭在2018年在圣丹斯获得了同样的奖项,并获得了奥斯卡金像奖提名。“夏季和冬季的一首歌”探讨了叙利亚的暴力侵害妇女的暴力行为,这一情况自从以来,这种情况自从以来一直恶化2011年的内战。“这是关于被遗忘的战争,”德基说。 “这是一场战争,在每个角落,每条街上,每所房屋中都会发生。每个人都感到ham愧,但没有力量要谈论这一点。许多叙利亚男子已经开始前往欧洲的危险个人旅行,他们希望在派遣妻子和家庭之前建立立足点。这使该国重建的妇女数量不成比例,如今约有70%的叙利亚人口由妇女组成。 。德基说:“他们无法大声谈论正在发生的事情。” “我们鼓励[妇女]大声疾呼。我们试图改变理解……[并告诉他们],“您有权说有犯罪对我发生。”这部电影还将涉及叙利亚电影业的性剥削情节,导演说这是Rife.derki还制作了“ Azel”,这是Heba Khaled的特色导演首次亮相。心理恐怖或者由总部位于迪拜的流媒体平台OSN充分资助的,它于1930年代的大马士革设置在一个保守的家庭中,并以荣誉杀戮为中心。预计主要摄影将在今年夏天开始。“ Azel”是德基(Derki)制作的第一部小说功能,他说阿拉伯世界的独特历史和文化为流派电影制片人提供了新的调色板。他说:“我们可以制作新的恐怖电影和神秘电影,这些电影与其他任何事情都完全不同。”“这将是新浪潮。”
Oscar-nominated Syrian filmmaker Talal Derki (“Of Fathers and Sons”) is in Copenhagen this week pitching a top-secret documentary, “Hollywood Gate,” whose details are being kept under wraps during CPH:FORUM, the international financing and co-production event held during the Copenhagen Intl. Documentary Film Festival (CPH:DOX).
The new feature, which the director confirmed is not being filmed in his native Syria, is currently in production, with Derki expecting to secure most of his footage by the end of the year. “We don’t want to put life in danger,” said Derki, who spoke exclusively to Variety about “Hollywood Gate” and other upcoming projects.
Describing the high-risk feature as a "very promising film," the director said it's the product of "very rare access" to "dangerous people" in key positions in an undisclosed country. “Hollywood Gate” will be directed by a first-time director working under the pseudonym Ibrahim Mohammad to protect his safety.
Derki said Mohammad has already gained his trust. “He’s a very promising talent,” said the filmmaker. “He knows where to put the camera, what to film, how to hunt the right moment.”
The Oscar-nominated director is also in the editing room with “A Song for Summer and Winter,” the last film in his acclaimed Syrian war trilogy that includes “Return to Homs,” a ground-level look at the Syrian civil war which won the World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival in 2014, and “Of Fathers and Sons” (pictured), a portrait of a close-knit radical Islamist family which won the same prize at Sundance in 2018 and was nominated for an Academy Award.
“A Song for Summer and Winter” explores violence against women in Syria, a situation that the director said has worsened since the beginning of the civil war in 2011. “It’s about the forgotten war,” said Derki. “It’s a war that happens on every corner, on every street, in every house. Everybody feels ashamed but don’t have the power to talk about it.”
The decade-long civil war has claimed tens of thousands of lives and forced millions into exile. Many Syrian men have set off on dangerous solo journeys to Europe, where they hope to establish a foothold before sending for their wives and families. That has left a disproportionate number of women behind to rebuild the country, with roughly 70% of Syria’s population today comprised of women, said the director.
Yet many victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence are afraid to go public with the crimes committed against them. “They are unable to speak loudly about what’s happening,” said Derki. “We encourage to speak out. We try to change the understanding…, ‘You have the right to say there are crimes happening against me.’” The film will also touch on episodes of sexual exploitation in the Syrian film industry, which the director said are rife.
Derki is also producing “Azel,” the feature directorial debut of Heba Khaled. The psychological horror, which is fully financed by the Dubai-based streaming platform OSN, is set in a conservative household in 1930s Damascus and centers on an honor killing. Principal photography is expected to begin this summer.
“Azel” is the first fiction feature produced by Derki, who said that the unique history and culture of the Arab world offer a fresh palette for genre filmmakers. “We can create new sorts of horror films and mystery films really different than anything else,” he said. “It’s going to be a new wave.”
感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~ 感谢分享,下载收藏了。最喜欢高清纪录片了。 太好了,终于找到宝藏论坛了! 感谢大佬分享。我又来学习了~ 感谢分享啊。谢谢版主更新资源。 谢谢楼主分享,发现宝藏了。 感谢论坛提供了这么多好资源啊 太好了,终于找到宝藏论坛了!